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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-3 System Specifications 
    System Specifications
    Tab le 1-1 d efines the b asic  sp ec ific ations of the DEFINITY AUDIX System. 
    Table 1-1. Capacities, Requirements, Limitations
    Physic al Dimensions
    nWeig ht: 3.85 p ound s
    nLength: 13.77 inc hes
    nHeight: 7.6 inc hes
    nWid th: 1.44 inc hes
    Power Req uirements The DEFINITY AUDIX takes its p ower from two b uses on 
    the switch backplane.
    n-48 volt b us—Maximum: 20 watts
    n5 volt b us—Maximum: 11 watts
    Switc h Integ rations
    nControl Link Op eration — System c ommunic ates with 
    switc h’s DCIU link.
    nDisp lay Set Op eration — System c ommunic ates with 
    switch by emulating digital phone set.
    nNon-Native Sup p ort — Switc h sees system as a 
    TN746B, TN754, or TN2181.
    nNative Sup p ort — Switc h sees system as a TN568 
    (D EFI N I TY A U D I X b o a rd )
    Dig ital Networking  Capac ity
    n1 p ort
    Internet Cap ac ity
    n500 Transmission Control Protoc ol/Internet Protoc ol 
    (TCP/IP) sessions
    n32 log in sessions
    Disk Storag e Cap ac ities 
    and  Numb er of Sub sc rib ers
    nMinimum 10 hours of storag e c ap ac ity that c an be 
    inc reased by inc rements of 5 hours to a maximum of 
    100 hours of storag e c ap ac ity.
    n1 to 2,000 sub sc rib ers.
    Temp erature 
    Req uirements
    1 For altitud es above 5,000 feet, sub trac t 1° F from the maximum temp erature for every 1,000 feet
    over 5,000.
    n65° F to 85° F 
    n18° C to 29° C 
    Relative Humid ity
    n20 to 80 p erc ent (nonc ond ensing )
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-4 System Specifications 
    Tab le 1-3 lists the voic e p ort capacity.
    Table 1-2. Switches and Switch Software Releases Compatible with the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX System
    Switch Switch ReleasesSupports the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    System in Native Mode
    System 75
    1 These switch versions d o not supp ort multifunction analog  telep hones (MFATs).R1V3 ,  R1 V3n N o
    G1 G1.1, G1.1n No
    2 The Transfer Out of AUDIX feature is not sup p orted  on G3 switc hes prior to G3V2g .–V4 ,  R5–R6 No
    2V1–V3 No
    2V1–V3 No
    G3si V4, R5–R6
    R7 or greaterNo
    2V1–V4 ,  R5–R6
    R7 or greaterNo
    ProLog ix R6
    R7 or greaterNo
    Table 1-3. Voice Port Limits
    Switch TypeMaximum Number of 
    Voice Ports with Digital 
    NetworkingMaximum Number of 
    Voice Ports without 
    Digital Networking
    All c omp atib le 
    switc hes8 ports 12 p orts
    (switc hes p rior to G3V2 
    only support 8 ports 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-5 Physical Description 
    Physical Description
    Fi g u re  1 - 1 shows the main hard ware c omp onents of the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    System. A d esc rip tion of eac h c omponent follows.
    TN568 hardware circuit pack
    The TN568 is the sing le DEFINITY AUDIX 4.0 c irc uit p ac k. It is a 386 EX-b ased  
    p roc essor c irc uit p ac k with on-b oard  RAM, a SCSI d isk interfac e, TDM b us, 
    ethernet c onnec tivity, three dig ital signal p roc essors and three RS-232 p orts. 
    One of these p orts is used  for c onsole c onnec tion and  another is used  for the 
    maintenanc e mod em c onnec tion.
    Disk drive
    The system inc lud es a 3½”  1 GB hard d isk used  to store c ustomer d ata, b oot the 
    system, and  log  system error information. The hard  disk will store from 10 to 100 
    hours of c ustomer d ata d ep end ing  up on the c ap ac ity p urc hased .
    Magneto-optical (MO) disk drive
    The MO d rive is used  to store nig htly and weekly b ac kup s of c ustomer d ata, 
    install new software releases, restore the system and transfer maintenanc e 
    information to the RSC. The system is shipp ed  with two 640MB rewritab le MO 
    disk for backups.
    The system fac ep late c ontains the following  items: 
    nLight Emitting  Diod es (LEDs) — Three LEDs indic ate the health of the 
    system and  c an b e used  to id entify alarms and  c ollec t p reliminary 
    d iag nostic  information. See ‘‘ Sys t e m  St a t e s’’ later in this c hap ter for more 
    nRec essed  Maintenanc e Buttons — The rec essed  maintenanc e b uttons on 
    the DEFINITY AUDIX system’s fac ep late p erform two func tions that turn 
    the DEFINITY AUDIX system off and  then turn it b ac k on:
    nShutd own
    nEmerg ency reset
    Pressing  the Shutd own b utton p romp ts the system to p erform normal 
    shutd own p roc ed ures. The system saves all its ac tive d ata and  c loses all 
    its p rog rams systematic ally b efore shutting  d own. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-6 Physical Description 
    The effec ts of p ressing  the Emer. Reset b utton, on the other hand , may b e 
    similar to p ulling  the DEFINITY AUDIX system out of the switc h while the 
    system is running . The system cuts its p ower and  reb oots without saving  
    its ac tive memory or c losing  its p rog rams first.
    The emergenc y reset b utton should  only b e d ep ressed  b y a Luc ent 
    Tec hnolog ies tec hnic ian or at the ad vic e of the Remote Servic es 
    Center (RSC). Pressing this button could result in a substantial loss 
    of the system’s memory.
    The fac ep late also inc lud es a slot to insert and  remove the MO d isk, a sec uring  
    latc h for the c irc uit p ac k, and  a b utton for removing  the MO d isk.
    Cab les inc lud e: 
    nSmall Comp uter Systems Interfac e (SCSI) b us c ab les — One 
    fifty-c ond uc tor rib b on c ab le c onnec ts the MO d rive to the TN568.One 
    sixty-eig ht-c ond uc tor rib b on c ab le c onnec ts the hard  d isk drive to the 
    nPower c ab les — Two c ab les p rovid e 12 VDC and  5 VDC p ower to the hard  
    d isk drive and  MO d rive from the p ower mod ule on the TN568. 
    nAd apter c ab le — One system adap ter c able is c onnec ted  to the TN568 
    throug h the b ac k of the switc h. This c ab le p rovides switc h integ ration, 
    ad ministration/maintenanc e terminal c onnec tions, an Ethernet c onnec tion 
    to a Loc al Area Network, an Amp henol c onnec tion to a remote 
    maintenanc e c enter via the switc h, and  three RS232 c onnec tions, one to 
    an external mod em. When the DEFINITY AUDIX System op erates in the 
    Control Link Emulation mod e, one lead  p rovides the c ontrol link to the 
    switc h.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-7 System Operation 
    System Operation
    The DEFINITY AUDIX System automatic ally p erforms in-line and  b ac kg round 
    maintenanc e p roc ed ures (MPs) on itself. These tests d o not d isrup t servic e to the 
    user, nor do they make an idle resourc e unavailab le for servic e for more than 10 
    sec ond s. These tests may inc lud e sc hed uled , p eriod ic , d iagnostic , initialization, 
    and  shutd own tests. 
    Aud its also run automatic ally on a p eriod ic  b asis to keep  the system d atab ase 
    sane, c onsistent, and  c lean. See Chapter 9 for a d esc rip tion of system aud its. An 
    aud it may rep lac e lost d ata with d efault values. Whenever error c ond itions are 
    found  and fixed  in the d atab ase b eing  aud ited, the c ond ition is logg ed  in the 
    event log . 
    Prob lems not c orrec ted  b y the automatic  maintenanc e tests and p eriod ic  aud its 
    may first ap p ear as errors; these errors, if generated  enoug h times, will set an 
    From the maintenanc e terminal, the tec hnic ian will have ac c ess to d emand tests 
    and  d emand  aud its whic h may or may not retire an alarm. Unresolved prob lems 
    may req uire a tec hnic ian at the site to replac e system hard ware or software. The 
    system ad ministrator may have to d eal with switc h or environmental p roblems.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-8 System States 
    System States
    The DEFINITY AUDIX System initializes, operates, shuts d own, and  is d iag nosed  
    and  maintained  in different states. These states are ind ic ated  b y the LEDs as 
    shown in Fi g u re  1 -2. 
    Figure 1-2. LED Display
    Tab le 1-4 describes LED indications. 
    Some LED d iag nostic  information is only availab le when you are in the firmware 
    state. You c an tell that you are in firmware state when b oth the g reen and  yellow 
    LEDs are off. When in the firmware state, press the Shutd own
     b utton on the 
    fac ep late to d isp lay the add itional LED diag nostic  information.
    Do not p ress the Shutdown b utton to display d iag nostic s information unless 
    the g reen and yellow LEDs are b oth off, ind ic ating  that you are in the 
    firmware state. Pressing the Shutd own b utton while either the g reen or 
    yellow LED is on will interrup t servic e to sub sc rib ers until the system shuts 
    d own and  reb oots. 
    Emer Reset
    fpdx568 EWS 100798 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-9 System States 
    Table 1-4. System States
    Red LEDGreen 
    LEDYe l l o w  
    LED Activity
    Normal Expected Sequence
    On On On“ Dead  Board ”  state, main CPU is not running .
    On On Flashing Firmware running diagnostic  preboot.
    Any Value On Off Booting  software.
    Any Value Off Flashing UNIX is up  and running .
    Any Value Off On AUDIX is up  and  running .
    Any Value Flashing On Op eration, Ad ministration & Maintenanc e 
    (OA&M) Ac tivity.
    Any Value Flashing Flashing Software shutting  d own.
    Any Value Off Off Shutd own c omp leted  in firmware state.
    Alarms Software State
    On Any Value Any Value Major Alarm.
    Flashing Any Value Any Value Minor Alarm.
    Alarms Firmware State
    On Off Off Hard ware failure.
    Flashing Off Off Software failure.
    State Information
    Any Value Off Off Safe to p ull board , all d rivers are down.
    Diagnostic Information
    (To display this information, press the Shutdown 
    button. First see the Caution above this table.)
    Off On Flashing Firmware is running  d iag nostic  mod e.
    On Flashing Flashing + 12 volts p ower failure.
    Flashing Flashing Flashing Bad  d isk drive.
    Flashing On Flashing Bad  b ook b loc k.
    Flashing Off Flashing Bad  or c orrup ted  software.
    On Flashing On TN568 hard ware failure.
    Flashing On Off Bad  removab le med ia d rive.
    Off Flashing Off Diag nostic tests p assed . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-10 Maintenance Connections 
    Maintenance Connections
    Common typ es of c onsole terminals are used  for b oth switc h and  loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX maintenanc e, allowing  the same b aud  rates and  p arity to b e used . 
    Althoug h a loc al maintenanc e terminal is req uired , it d oes not have to b e 
    d ed ic ated  to the DEFINITY AUDIX System. 
    Terminals that c an b e c onnec ted  loc ally or remotely to the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    System inc lud e: 715 (ship ped  with new DEFINITY AUDIX Systems); 513; 4410; 
    5410; 4425; 5425; 4415; 610 and  615 (using  513, 4410, or 4425 emulation 
    c artrid g e only); PC (using  513 or 4410 emulation p ac kag e); the Cross-Talk 
    software tool or the Terranova software tool (via 513 emulation). Terminals and  
    emulators not listed here are not sup p orted  on a maintenanc e c ontrac t.
    When the system is op erating  in Control Link mod e, Port A on the system ad ap tor 
    c ab le p rovid es the c onnec tion to the maintenanc e (and ad ministration) terminal. 
    Port B is attac hed  to the switc h.
    When the system is op erating  in Disp lay Set mod e, Port A on the system ad ap tor 
    c ab le is c onnec ted  to the maintenanc e (and  ad ministration) terminal. Port B is 
    free to be attac hed  to an optional terminal.
    An external mod em is req uired  for the remote maintenanc e terminal and alarm 
    orig ination.
    Fi g u re  1 - 3 shows the terminal c onfigurations availab le with a DEFINITY AUDIX 
    Sys t e m  in  C L  m o d e . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-11 Maintenance Connections 
    Figure 1-3. Control Link and Terminal Configurations ¾ CL Mode
    Most switches  except
    G3r and Prologix
    All switches except
    G3r and Prologix
    Digital Line
    cydxcnt7 AWF 021999
    adapter cable
    Po r t  B Po r t  C
    Po r t  AAlarm via cross
    connect field
    G3r Only
    *Administered connection††Other excluded switches are: duplicated G3i,
    switches on DC power, System 75 R1V3
    without a PI/EIA port, and switches using
    the EIA connector on the PI board for
    another adjunct (such as CMS).
    Digital Line
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-12 Maintenance Connections 
    Fi g u re  1 - 4, shows the terminal c onfig urations available with a DEFINITY AUDIX 
    System in DS mod e.
    Figure 1-4. Terminal Configurations ¾ DSMode
    The 470, 570, and  580 series of p rinters c an be used  op tionally with the 
    maintenanc e and  ad ministration terminal when hard -c op y read outs are need ed.
    Tab le 1-5 lists the g eneral req uirements of the loc al and  remote maintenanc e 
    terminals. Always refer to the terminal and  p rinter manuals that ac c omp any eac h 
    mac hine to make c ab le c onnec tions, set up  op tion setting s, and  p rogram 
    func tion keys.
    adapter cable
    Po r t  B Po r t  C
    Po r t  A
    Optional system access
    terminal connections
    7400A data modules
    cydxsl06 AWF 021799
    Alarm via cross connect field
    System access terminal 
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