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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-3 Standalone Utilities 10 The following situations may arise that call for use of the Standalone Utilities. Unbootable System The system is stab le in the FW state b ut will not b oot the op erating system (OS). This may inc lud e c ases where information on the disk is lost for any reason. In this scenario, no customer data is available. 1. While the system is in the FW state running flashware tests, insert the generic MO disk and invoke command mode by pressing twic e. 2. Select option 7 (Manual Boot). 3. The system d isp lays three p romp ts. 1. Enter 1 for Disk, 2 for MO (Default= Disk). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 2. Enter MO Devic e (0-6) (Default = 0). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 3. Enter Partition Numb er (0-3) (Default = 0). Enter 0 in resp onse to this p romp t. 4. As the system b oots you are p romp ted to answer two q uestions. 1. Do you wish to come up in sing le-user mod e (Default = no). Selec t the d efault, no. 2. Enter the name of a kernel to b oot (Default = /unix). Selec t the d efault, /unix. After b ooting , the system d isp lays the Stand alone Utilities menu. 5. Selec t the menu ac tion 3 (Cop y Generic Partitions). 6. After the generic partitions are c opied, the system automatic ally reboots. The system should reac h the OS state, invoking the Installation sc rip t. CONTROLC [MAIN MENU] 0: Exit 1: Initialize Disk 2: Modify Partition Map 3: Copy Generic Partitions 4: Additional Commands Enter Options:

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-4 Standalone Utilities 10 The system d isp lays the Installation and Rec overy menu. 7. Selec t the rec over op tion. This will use d ata on the d isk only. 8. The c rash aud it is automatic ally invoked . This will attemp t to assess the extent of the d amag e. Dec id e from this information whether or not to d o a restore from a b ac kup MO d isk. If a restore is req uested as AUDIX reb oots, c omp lete the following step s. You must b e in OA&M state to restore b ackup s. 9. Remove the g eneric MO d isk, insert the b ac kup MO d isk, and run ADD MO-DISK to eq uip the MO d isk. 10. Invoke the RESTO RE BA C KU PS sc reen. Selec t the most rec ent b ac kup for restoration. Restore b ac kup s in the following ord er: 1. Announc ements, if c ustomized announc ements have b een b ac ked up . Customized announc ements are normally stored on a sep arate MO d isk. Ad d this MO d isk to restore announc ements. 2. Voic e, if available. Bec ause of the size of voic e d ata, it also may b e stored on a sep arate MO d isk. 3. Weekly 4. Nightly The bac kup d ata is read and all files are restored . Should this b ac kup turn out not to b e c omp lete (for instanc e, if names in the names file are missing ), you may have to try restoring an earlier b ac kup . 11. Run an audit of sub sc rib er d ata and aud it mailb ox. Lost Generic Files The system is stab le in the OA&M state. Either inline errors or the c rash aud it indic ate that g eneric files or d ata has b een lost. All c ustomer d ata is intac t. NOTE: Ensure that the c ustomer knows you will b e shutting d own the system. 1. Run REMOVE MO-DISK. 2. Shut down the system by pressing the SHUTDOWN button, or by invoking the RESET SYSTEM SH U TD O WN sc reen. Do you wish to 1) shutdown 2) install 3) upgrade 4) recover

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-5 Standalone Utilities 10 3. Remove the b ac kup MO d isk. Insert the g eneric MO d isk and invoke c ommand mode b y pressing twic e. 4. Select option 7 (Manual Boot). 5. The system d isp lays three p romp ts. 1. Enter 1 for Disk, 2 for MO (Default= Disk). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 2. Enter MO Devic e (0-6) (Default = 0). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 3. Enter Partition Numb er (0-3) (Default = 0). Enter 0 in resp onse to this p romp t. 6. As the system b oots you are p romp ted to answer two q uestions. 1. Do you wish to come up in sing le-user mod e (Default = no). Selec t the d efault, no. 2. Enter the name of a kernel to b oot (Default = /unix). Selec t the d efault, /unix. After b ooting , the system b oots d isp lays the Standalone Utilities menu. 7. Selec t the menu ac tion 3 (Cop y Generic Partitions). 8. After the generic partitions are c opied, the system automatic ally reboots. The system should reac h the OS state, invoking the Installation sc rip t. The system d isp lays the Installation and Rec overy menu. 9. Selec t the rec over op tion. CONTROLC [MAIN MENU] 0: Exit 1: Initialize Disk 2: Modify Partition Map 3: Copy Generic Partitions 4: Additional Commands Enter Options: Do you wish to 1) shutdown 2) install 3) upgrade 4) recover

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-6 Standalone Utilities 10 10. The c rash aud it is automatic ally invoked . This will attemp t to assess the extent of the d amag e. 11. After all files have b een rec overed , the initialization p roc ess takes the system to the AUDIX state. 12. Remove the g eneric MO d isk, insert the b ac kup MO d isk, and run ADD MO-DISK to eq uip the MO d isk. Replacing the Hard Disk Drive 1. See ‘‘Disk/MO Drive Replac ement Procedures’’ in Chap ter 4 for hard ware rep lac ement instruc tions for rep lac ing the hard disk d rive. Onc e the hard d isk drive is rep lac ed return the TN568 to the c arrier slot and fasten it in p lac e. 2. Insert the g eneric MO disk and invoke c ommand mod e b y p ressing twic e. 3. Select option 7 (Manual Boot). 4. The system d isp lays three p romp ts. 3. Enter 1 for Disk, 2 for MO (Default= Disk). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 4. Enter MO Devic e (0-6) (Default = 0). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 5. Enter Partition Numb er (0-3) (Default = 0). Enter 0 in resp onse to this p romp t. 5. As the system b oots you are p romp ted to answer two q uestions. 1. Do you wish to come up in sing le-user mod e (Default = no). Selec t the d efault, no. 2. Enter the name of a kernel to b oot (Default = /unix). Selec t the d efault, /unix. After b ooting , the system d isp lays the Stand alone Utilities menu. 6. Selec t the menu ac tion 1 (Initialize Disk). CONTROLC [MAIN MENU] 0: Exit 1: Initialize Disk 2: Modify Partition Map 3: Copy Generic Partitions 4: Additional Commands Enter Options:

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-7 Standalone Utilities 10 7. The system d isp lays the p romp t: Enter SCSI ID of Disk (d efault= 0): Enter 0 in resp onse to this p romp t to initialize the new hard d isk drive. You will rec eive a warning ind ic ating that all d ata will be lost. When p romp ted “ Do You Wish To Continue?,” enter yes. When the initialization is c omp lete, you will rec eive the messag e that the “ Devic e initialized suc c essfully.” After you rec eive the p revious messag e, the Stand alone Utilities menu returns. 8. Selec t the menu ac tion 3 (Cop y Generic Partitions). 9. After the generic partitions are c opied, the system automatic ally reboots. The system should reac h the OS state, invoking the Installation sc rip t. The system d isp lays the Installation and Rec overy menu. 10. Selec t the install option. If a restore is req uested as AUDIX reb oots, c omp lete the following step s. You must b e in OA&M state to restore b ackup s. 11. Remove the g eneric MO d isk, insert the b ac kup MO d isk, and run ADD MO-DISK to eq uip the MO d isk. 12. Invoke the RESTO RE BA C KU PS sc reen. Selec t the most rec ent b ac kup for restoration. Restore b ac kup s in the following ord er: 1. Announc ements, if c ustomized announc ements have b een b ac ked up . Customized announc ements are normally stored on a sep arate MO d isk. Ad d this MO d isk to restore announc ements. 2. Voic e, if available. Bec ause of the size of voic e d ata, it also may b e stored on a sep arate MO d isk. 3. Weekly 4. Nightly The bac kup d ata is read and all files are restored . Should this b ac kup turn out not to b e c omp lete (for instanc e, if names in the names file are missing ), you may have to try restoring an earlier b ac kup . 13. Run an audit of sub sc rib er d ata and aud it mailb ox. Do you wish to 1) shutdown 2) install 3) upgrade 4) recover

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-8 Standalone Utilities 10 System Change to Native Mode When up g rad ing the system to a switc h with native mod e, p erform steps 1 to 12, then 14 to 19. When simp ly moving the DEFINITY AUDIX System from one native-mod e switch to another, p erform step s 1 to 10, then 13 to 19. 1. Log in and verify the c urrent switc h release on the switc h. 2. Make a c all from one station to another. Verify that the switc h answers. 3. Ensure that the switc h and the DEFINITY AUDIX System are stab le and sane. 4. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX System. 5. Busy out the DEFINITY AUDIX System voic e group . 6. Grac efully shut d own the AUDIX System to the shutd own state with the SHUTDOWN button or the RESET SYSTEM SH U TD O WN sc reen. 7. Remove the system from the c arrier. 8. Release the system voice ports on the switc h administration terminal. 9. Chang e stations for eac h memb er of the voic e group . Change the loc ation to X. 10. On the circuit pack sc reen, remove the c irc uit p ac k at the loc ation of the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Verify the p ac k c an b e removed without a problem. 11. Perform a switc h up g rad e. 12. Reinsert the b oard into the p rop er loc ation. 13. Verify that the DEFINITY AUDIX System reb oots and all p orts are in the OOS state. 14. Verify that the reserved slot and the TN568 slot are d isplayed p rop erly. 15. Using the CHANGE VOICE GROUP sc reen, change the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e-group p ort loc ations to matc h the new switc h p ort loc ation. 16. On the switc h ad ministration terminal, use the switc h sc reen CHANGE STATI O N S to c hang e all voic e-ports stations. Chang e the voic e-g roup stations b ac k to the new loc ations. At the same time, c hang e the station type to AUDIX. Verify that the system allows this to b e d one on eac h station sc reen. 17. Chec k for any system or port alarms. 18. Do a RESET SYSTEM REB OO T from the DEFINITY AUDIX System terminal. 19. Call the DEFINITY AUDIX System main numb er. Verify that the system answers with the Welc ome to AUDIX greeting.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-9 Standalone Utilities 10 Updating to a Later Dot Release of Release 4.0 1. Remove the backup disk by running REMOVE MO-DISK. 2. Shut down the system by pressing the SHUTDOWN button, or by invoking the RESET SYSTEM SH U TD O WN sc reen. 3. Insert the g eneric MO disk and invoke c ommand mod e b y p ressing twic e. 4. Select option 7 (Manual Boot). 5. The system d isp lays three p romp ts. 1. Enter 1 for Disk, 2 for MO (Default= Disk). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 2. Enter MO Devic e (0-6) (Default = 0). Enter 2 in resp onse to this p romp t. 3. Enter Partition Numb er (0-3) (Default = 0). Enter 0 in resp onse to this p romp t. 6. As the system b oots you are p romp ted to answer two q uestions. 1. Do you wish to come up in sing le-user mod e (Default = no). Selec t the d efault, no. 2. Enter the name of a kernel to b oot (Default = /unix). Selec t the d efault, /unix. After b ooting , the system d isp lays the Stand alone Utilities menu. 7. Selec t the menu ac tion 3 (Cop y Generic Partitions). You are p romp ted to enter the SCSI ID of the d isk, d efault is 0. Selec t 0. 8. After the generic partitions are c opied, the system automatic ally reboots. The system should reac h the OS state, invoking the Installation sc rip t. CONTROLC [MAIN MENU] 0: Exit 1: Initialize Disk 2: Modify Partition Map 3: Copy Generic Partitions 4: Additional Commands Enter Options:

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Utilities, On-Site Diagnosis 10-10 Standalone Utilities 10 The system d isp lays the Installation and Rec overy menu. 9. Selec t the upgrade op tion. 10. The system p romp ts you to insert the b ac kup d isk. Remove the g eneric MO disk and insert the b ac kup MO d isk. Press return when you are d one. This will reb oot the system and restore d ata. 11. Run an audit of sub sc rib er d ata and aud it mailb ox. Do you wish to 1) shutdown 2) install 3) upgrade 4) recover

Administration Log 11-1 11 DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 11 Administration Log Th e ADMINISTRATION LOG sc reen lists c od es and messag es that c an b e used as a searc h string to sp ot troub le that may b e oc c urring with the DEFINITY AUDIX System, its features, or the switc h. The system ad ministrator should monitor this log whenever the A ap p ears on the status line, and take p rop er ac tion. Ta b l e 1 1 - 1 lists these log entries and g ives any rep air ac tions that may c orrec t the p rob lem. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries Search String Message Action aabe Invalid attendant, sub= ext=Readminister attend ant: c hang e b utton assignment to a valid extension on the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen. aanb No buttons for attendant, sub= ext=Assig n b uttons or delete the unneed ed attend ant b y exec uting the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER or the REMOVE SUBSCRIBER sc reen. aand Auto-attendant schedules and routing information missing, using defaultsReadminister auto-attend ant d ata adm Guest password is less than the minimum required length. Please change itChang e guest p assword by invoking the SYSTEM- PA RA METERS FEA TU RES sc reen. apib Break-in Attempt into mailbox owned by , from APIChec k into this — Could be an ind ic ation of toll fraud! atpg Attendant does not have a personal greeting recordedRec ord the attend ant menu. Continued on next page

DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance 585-300-121 Issue 1 May 1999 Administration Log 11-2 11 attm Auto Attendant calls itself, Invoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen and c hang e the Auto Attend ant timeout extension to something other than the attend ant’s extension. attm Attendant %s has no buttons defined. Should this be a bulletin board?Define the extension as a b ulletin board. attm Menu choice (ext. ) for attendant is an invalid subscriberInvoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen and remove this menu c hoic e, or make a mailb ox for extension 1 using the ADD SUBSCRIBER sc reen. attm Default menu choice (ext. ) for attendant. is an invalid subscriberInvoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen and remove this menu c hoic e, or make a mailb ox for extension 1 using the ADD SUBSCRIBER sc reen. attm Menu choice (ext. ) for attendant. does not have proper permissionInvoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER < ext2> sc reen and g ive Call Answer or Guest Greeting p ermission to sub sc rib er assigned to extension 1. attm Default menu choice (ext. ) for attendant. does not have proper permissionInvoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER < ext2> sc reen and g ive Call Answer or Guest Greeting p ermission to sub sc rib er assigned to extension 1. attm Attendant choice has invalid treatment Invoke the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen to repair the Auto Attend ant problem. attx Transfer not allowed and attendant allows transferTurn on transfer using the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS FEA TU RES sc reen. attx Transfer not active and attendant uses transferTurn on transfer using the CHANGE SYSTEM- PA RA METERS FEA TU RES sc reen. bsxt Call answer, non-subscriber Someone without an AUDIX mailbox either has c overag e to AUDIX or is invoking Call Forwarding to AUDIX. Give them a mailb ox, remove c overage, or tell them not to use Call Forward ing to AUDIX. Each time a call comes to an AUDIX port for this sub sc rib er, the p ort c annot take another c all until the c all hang s up. bver Invalid AMIS version from remote systemAMIS messag es c ould not b e transmitted to or from a remote mac hine b ec ause a d ifferent p rotoc ol was used . cbnm Local number missing from callback numberCorrec t the AMIS translations using the CHANGE MACHINE sc reen. Table 11-1. Administration Log Entries — Continued Search String Message Action Continued on next page