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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Maintenance Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-23 Forms You Will Use 
    test board [long]
     (onsite tec hnic ian)A d emand  test that c hec ks the following :
    nOp eration of the TN568’s major c irc uitry 
    c omp onents (hard ware c loc k, switc h 
    b ac kp lane interfac e, etc .)
    nSystem time vs. switc h time
    nStatus of usart d evic es
    nOp eration of switc h c ontrol link
    nLong  test only
    np ort test for eac h ad ministered voic e p ort
    noperation of the Digital Signal Processor 
    nLong  or short test (as ad ministered) 
    neac h ad ministered  voic e p ort
    nthe ad ministered  networking  p ort.
    test machine (name)
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (customer)Plac es a test c all to remote AUDIX mac hine 
    (name) and  send s a test messag e. Disp lays call 
    progress and gives a pass-fail indication.
    test mo-disk
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (customer)The d emand  test runs a non-d estruc tive test of the 
    MO drive. 
    nPerforms a UNIX filesystem c hec k. If there are 
    filesystem c orrec tions that result in d ata loss or 
    if there is a g eneral failure in the filesystem 
    c hec k, an error is log g ed  and  an alarm is 
    raised .
    nAlso p erforms a read /write test to the MO d isk.
    nIf suc c essful, the test resolves all med ia 
    alarms ag ainst the MO d isk. However, if the 
    filesystem c hec k c orrec ts the MO d isk file 
    system and  there is d ata lost, the MO d isk 
    filesystem alarm will remain ac tive until the 
    d isk is removed .
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-24 Forms You Will Use 
    test port
     (onsite tec hnic ian)A d emand  test that c hec ks the following :
    nSwitc h-line resp onse (DS mod e only) — 
    Verifies that a DEFINITY AUDIX p ort c an g o 
    off-hook, c an read the d isplay, and  g o bac k 
    nMessage waiting indicator updates (DS mode 
    only) — Verifies that a DEFINITY AUDIX p ort 
    can update a message waiting light.
    nDial tone seizure (CL mod e only) — Verifies 
    that d ial tone is rec eived  from the switc h when 
    a DEFINITY AUDIX p ort g oes off-hook.
    This test will not exec ute until all p orts are 
    manually busied  out.
    (onsite tec hnic ian)Ind ic ates the status of the remote ac c ess p ort, 
    then attemp ts to p lac e a test c all to the 
    ad ministered  rep orting  station. The test c an b e 
    exec uted  remotely, g iving  the user a c hanc e to 
    p ut the test in the b ac kg round and  hang  up.
    test switch-link 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)
    (Control Link only)The long  d emand test c hec ks the c omp lete p ath 
    to the switc h. The loop around  test c hec ks to an 
    external loop bac k p lug.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-25 Forms You Will Use 
    test lan
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)The short non-d estruc tive d emand test verifies 
    that the AUDIX System is c onnec ted  to the loc al 
    area network (LAN).  It invokes or p rovid es:
    nA readout of the ethernet hardware’s 
    c hec ksum/version/hard ware id
    nTests the AUDIX Interac tion Server (AIS) 
    software process
    nAn external loop around  (a test messag e to see 
    if the normal c ommunic ation route ac ross LAN 
    is op en)
    The long d estruc tive d emand  test resets and  then 
    verifies the LAN c onnec tion.  It will c ause 
    c onnec tion failure errors for any ac tive Messag e 
    Manag er users b ut does not affec t voic e interfac e 
    users. Besid es p erforming  the short tests, it:
    nKills and  restarts the AIS p roc ess and  its p ost 
    nDoes hardware and firmware looparounds
    nResets the ethernet c hip
    Th e  d e s t
     {nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn} non-d estruc tive test 
    exec utes a UNIX p ing  of the given ad dress and 
    rep orts its suc c ess or failure on the sc reen.
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)
    (Control Link only)The b usyout func tion p lac es the switc h link out of 
    service.  The AUDIX switch link stops sending  or 
    rec eiving  messag es from the switc h within five 
    sec ond s. Retires all alarms ag ainst the switc h link 
    exc ep t for the WARNING alarm ind ic ating  it is 
    b usied  out. The release func tion releases the 
    switc h link from c raft b usyout.
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)The b usyout func tion p lac es a d esig nated  voic e 
    p ort out of servic e prior to testing (see test p ort). 
    Retires all alarms against the voice port exc ept for 
    the WARNING alarm ind ic ating  it is b usied out.
    The release func tion releases a sing le voic e p ort 
    after BUSYOUT PORT has b een invoked .  Release 
    of a voic e p ort d oes not reset the MFB or alarm 
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-26 Forms You Will Use 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)The b usyout func tion p lac es all voic e p orts on the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System out of servic e. Testing  
    c an now take p lac e. Does not retire the alarms 
    ag ainst the voic e group .
    The release func tion releases all p orts from 
    testing .  Voic e p ort loc ations are d isp layed  on the 
    sc reen.
    status voice-group
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)Th e
     status voic e g roup  func tion p rovid es status 
    and  translation d ata for eac h voic e p ort in the 
    reset system oa&m
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Takes the system to the OA&M state from the 
    AUDIX state. Entered  when c ore p roc esses of the 
    Multifunc tion Board  must b e ac c essed , or when 
    c ustomer d ata must b e restored . Call ac tivity and  
    subscriber administration become impossible in 
    this state. Using  the c amp -on op tion stop s any 
    new c alls from c oming  in and waits until all c alls in 
    p rog ress have c omp leted . The forc ed  op tion id les 
    p orts immediately. Customers should  first b e 
    informed  throug h a broad c ast message that the 
    system is b eing  shut d own.
    reset system 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Takes the system to the shutd own state from the 
    AUDIX or OA&M state. The shutd own state must 
    be entered prior to powering down the switch 
    c arrier. Can b e d one in a c amp -on or forc ed  
    manner from the AUDIX state. Using  the c amp -on 
    op tion is the g rac eful way to shut d own the 
    system. Customers should  first b e informed 
    throug h a b road c ast messag e that the system is 
    b eing  shut d own. A c ritic al error c ond ition c an 
    also b ring  the system to this state.
    reset system 
    (onsite tec hnic ian)Restarts the system software immed iately if in the 
    OA&M state, or in a c amp -on or forc ed manner if 
    in the AUDIX state.
    reset system reboot
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Reb oots the op erating  system and restarts 
    software in a c amp -on or forc ed  manner if in the 
    AUDIX state, or immed iately if in the OA&M state.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-27 Forms You Will Use 
    voice group
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
    (c ustomer)The c hang e/d isp lay func tion ad ministers the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System voic e-p ort extensions 
    and  loc ations.
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Used  to d isp lay or c hang e system p arameters 
    suc h as system loc ation, alarm rep orting  p hone 
    numb er, alarm orig ination ac tivation and  ac c ess, 
    system notes, alarm ac tion matric es, and  the 
    maximum numb er of event log entries.
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that examines and  up d ates 
    internal d ata used  by the Servic e Disp atc her.  If 
    the aud it find s that no voic e p ort translations exist, 
    an error will b e log g ed  that results in the ac tivation 
    of an alarm. Also c hec ks the switc h translations 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that p erforms internal c hec ks on 
    maintenanc e logs.  For instanc e, c orrec ts 
    resourc e typ es in the ac tive and  resolved  alarm 
    log s after a system up g rad e.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-28 Forms You Will Use 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that:
    nValid ates the c ontents of the d elivery lists 
    assoc iated  with c urrent outg oing  messag es, 
    and  timestamp s the p rofiles of remote 
    sub sc rib ers that ap p ear in these lists.
    nValid ates field s in c lass-of-servic e temp lates, 
    sub sc rib er p rofiles, and  automated  attend ant 
    nCounts sub sc rib ers.
    nChec ks for c onflic ts b etween the system g uest 
    password and individual subscriber 
    p assword s, making  an entry in the Ad min log  if 
    a matc h exists.
    nRemoves sub scrib er IDs of d eleted  
    sub sc rib ers from messag e head ers, 
    mailb oxes, mailing  lists, and  personal 
    nDeletes remote sub sc rib ers.
    nCross c hec ks extensions, names, touc h-tone, 
    user d irec tory, and  remote nod e list translation 
    files for c onsistenc y with the sub sc rib er 
    audit network-data
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that c hec ks network and  mac hine 
    translations, and  d isp lays the results.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-29 Forms You Will Use 
    audit mailboxes
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that:
    nDeletes old messages.
    nClears broad c ast d eleted  messag es.
    nValid ates mailbox struc ture and c hec ks for 
    valid message IDs.
    nLog s an error for eac h loc al sub sc rib er 
    missing a mailbox, and creates an empty 
    mailbox for that subsc riber.
    nMakes sp ac e-ac c ounting  c orrec tions on a 
    p er-sub scriber and  system b asis.
    audit mailing-lists
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)A d emand  aud it that:
    nCounts entries on the sub sc rib er mailing  lists, 
    and  the lists themselves.
    nExamines and up d ates the system’s 
    resc hed uling  inc rement ad ministration.
    nAud its the d elivery manag er queues, and  
    makes deleted subscriber entries 
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)This d emand  aud it c leans sub sc rib ers’ p ersonal 
    lists for internal c onsistenc y.
    audit names
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)This demand audit:
    nEnsures that every voic ed  name c orresp ond s 
    to a valid  sub sc rib er.
    nLog s messag es in the Ad min log  for the first 
    20 loc al subsc ribers who d o not have a voic ed  
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-30 Forms You Will Use 
    audit voice-files
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)This demand audit:
    nDeletes any voic e file without a messag e 
    head er.
    nRemoves referenc es to nonexistent voic e files 
    from eac h messag e head er.
    audit switch-names
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)
    (Disp lay Set only)When the system is in the Display Set mod e, 
    b uild s a map  to allow the DEFINITY AUDIX System 
    to d erive extensions of c alling  p arties and  
    sub scrib ers.
    save nightly
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Used  to perform an immed iate b ac kup  of the d ata 
    bac ked up automatically each night.  The backup 
    consists of subscriber data including subscriber 
    p rofiles, messag e head ers, mailing  lists, user 
    d irec tory file, and  message waiting  lamp  status. 
    This sc reen c an b e ac tivated while in the OA&M or 
    AUDIX state.
    nTh e  save nightly
     c ommand  ad d s the b ac kup  
    to the existing  b ac kup s on the MO d isk.
    nTh e  save nightly initialize
     c ommand  removes 
    all d ata c urrently on the MO d isk before 
    backing up the data.
    save weekly
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Used  to perform an immed iate b ac kup  of the d ata 
    b ac ked  up  automatic ally on a weekly b asis. This 
    b ac kup  c onsists of all voic ed-in sub sc rib er names 
    inc lud ing  those of remote sub sc rib ers. This 
    sc reen c an b e ac tivated  while in the OA&M or 
    AUDIX state.
    nTh e  save weekly
     c ommand  ad d s the bac kup  
    to the existing  b ac kup s on the MO d isk.
    nTh e  save weekly initialize
     c ommand  removes 
    all d ata c urrently on the MO d isk before 
    backing up the data.
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-31 Forms You Will Use 
    save announcements
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)Used  to p erform a manual b ac kup  of the 
    announc ements filesystem. This sc reen c an b e 
    ac tivated  while in the OA&M or AUDIX state.
    nTh e  save announcements
     c ommand  ad d s 
    the b ac kup  to the existing  b ac kup s on the MO 
    nTh e  save announcements initialize
    all d ata on the MO d isk b efore b ac king  up the 
    save voice
     (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer) Used  to p erform a manual b ac kup  of the voic e 
    filesystem. This sc reen c an b e ac tivated  while in 
    the OA&M or AUDIX state.
    nTh e  save voice
     c ommand  ad d s the b ac kup  to 
    the existing  b ac kup s on the MO d isk.
    nTh e  save voice initialize
     c ommand  removes 
    all d ata on the MO d isk b efore b ac king  up the 
    status switch-link
    (onsite tec hnic ian)
     (c ustomer)
    (Control Link only)
    nDisp lays typ e, sp eed , and loc ation of switc h 
    nDisp lays state of op eration: ISB (In service, 
    Ta b l e  1 - 9 .Maintenance Screens and Their Use  — Continued
    Form/Available Logins Purpose
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenance  585-300-121  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Repair Orientation 
    1-32 Placing Test Calls 
    Placing Test Calls
    To p lac e a test c all, first busyout the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p ort that you want to 
    test. Then p lac e a p riority c all to the port extension. Chec k the switc h 
    ad ministration for the feature ac c ess c od e for initiating  a p riority c all.
    If you c annot plac e a test c all, it may b e b ec ause the DEFINITY AUDIX software 
    is d own, p orts are not c orrec tly ad ministered on the switc h, or the p ort you are 
    trying to c all into is faulty or out of servic e. Go to the alarm log . 
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