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Lucent Technologies Centrevu Supervisor Version 8 Guide
Lucent Technologies Centrevu Supervisor Version 8 Guide
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CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Installation and Getting Started Index IN-17 Series Name, d ata p oint label,7-38Service Pac k 3 Installation,1-11Setting Profile Op tions,8-17 Setting Report Threshold Highlights,7-56Shared Network Installation,1-5Client Setup,3-9to3-19 Previous Version Found,3-10 Rep lac e CentreVu Supervisor 5.0,3-11 Selec ting the Components,3-16 Selec ting the Destination Direc tory,3-14 Selec ting the Location,3-13to3-14 Selec ting the Shortc uts Folder,3-17 Selec ting the Typ e of Installation,3-15 Network Setup,3-2to3-8 Doing Ad ministrative Tasks,3-2 Selec ting the Destination Fold er,3-6 Selec ting the Network Loc ation,3-5to3-7 Selecting Type of Location,3-5 Using Start/Run,3-3 Sh ow Gr i d li n es,7-25Skill, Chang e Ag ent,7-19 Small Font,8-22So rt Tab,7-26Sp lit, Chang e Agent,7-19 Sp lit/Skill ic on,7-40Sp lit/Skill Thresholds,7-67Stac ked check box,7-34 Start b utton,6-8Starting Interval,7-10St at u s B a r,7-20 ACD Status Ind icators,5-26Connec ted to CMS Server,5-26Current Date and Time,5-26 Exc ep tion Count,5-26Log in Status Ind ic ator,5-26 Not Connected to CMS Server,5-19Stop Bits Setting,8-20 Su p e r vi so r Icon,5-36Menus, using,5-37 Per f o r ma nc e,1-14Reliab ility/Availab ility,1-14Sec ur i t y,1-14 Selec tor Wind ows,5-38to5-39Up grad ing,1-11Sync hronize PC and CMS Time at Log in,7-74

CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Installation and Getting Started Index IN-18 System Menu Box,5-18Sys te m Se tu p,5-25Sys te m Se tu p B ut t o n,5-33 System Tray Icon Controlling the sort order,5-36Turning on and off,5-36 Using,5-36 T Tab Fo l d e r s Op erations ,5-38Rep o r ts,5-38Tab l e Exporting Data ,7-16Formatting,7-17So r t i n g,7-17 Tab l e For m at Op t io n s General Tab,7-25So r t Ta b,7-26 Tec hnical Sup port,5-22Ter m in al Creating profiles,8-14to8-15 Definition,8-2Ex i t i n g,8-8, 8-11Installing,8-4 Log ging into CMS,8-6, 8-7Messag es,8-23to8-24Error,8-23 Information,8-24 Op ening,8-5Profile menu,8-6Using,8-3, 8-9 Wi n d o w,8-9to8-10Ap p lic ation,8-10 Func tion keys,8-10 Menu b ar,8-10 Ti tl e b a r,8-10 Terminal Menu Bar Connec tion Menu,8-12, 8-13 Ed i t M e n u,8-12Help Menu,8-13Profile Menu,8-10to8-11 Terminal type prompt,8-7Text Boxes, Comp leting,5-42

CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Installation and Getting Started Index IN-19 Threshold Colors Tab,7-76Threshold Highlights Ag ent Thresholds,7-62 Caution Icon,5-36Minimized,7-41Setting,7-56 Setting s, acc essing,7-42Split/Skill Threshold s,7-67Sup ervisor ic on,5-36 VDN Threshold s,7-70Wa r n i n g i c o n,5-36Threshold Setting s,7-18 Highlig hting,7-20Threshold , Color,7-60Tit l e B a r Connec ted to CMS Server ,5-23Not Connected to CMS Server,5-18Title Bar, Terminal,8-10 Tit l e Ta b,7-35Loc ation,7-35Vis ib l e,7-35 Too l b a r Buttons,5-24to5-25Connec ted to CMS Server,5-24to5-25 Not Connected to CMS Server,5-19Toolbar Action b uttons,5-40Tools Menu,5-21, 5-32, 7-18 Ad d Button,5-33Ad vanc ed,5-21, 5-33Chang e Ag ent Sp lits/Skills,7-19 Drill-Down Reports,7-18Maintenance,5-33Op tions,5-21, 5-32 Remove Button,5-33System Setup,5-33Threshold Setting s,7-18 User Permissions,5-34Top i c s , Hel p,1-8Troub leshooting,9-1to ?? Installing CentreVu Supervisor,9-11Networking Software Op eration,9-13OCX and DLL Inc omp atib ilities,9-11 Preserving CentreVu Sup ervisor User Profiles,9-12Resolving TCP/IP Host Name,9-12Sec ond ary System Password,9-14 Serial/Mod em Connec tions Prob lems,9-13Windows Swap Files,9-11Trunk ic on,7-40

CentreVu Supervisor Version 8 Installation and Getting Started Index IN-20 Typ e of Install,2-12, 3-15Typ e of Location,2-7, 3-5Typ e Ta b,7-33 % Axis,7-342D vs. 3D,7-33Chart Type,7-33 St a c k e d,7-34 U Uninstalling CentreVu Sup ervisor,4-1to4-4 Wh a t i s Re m o v e d,4-1Upgrading Supervisor,1-11Use Sound,7-74 Use Tooltip s,7-74User Permissions,5-25User Permissions Button,5-34 V Value, d ata point lab el,7-38VDN ic on,7-40 VDN Threshold s,7-70Vec t or i c o n,7-40Vie w i ng D i st an c e,7-31 Visib le c hec k b ox,7-35, 7-36 W War n in g Ic o n,5-36 Warning Threshold ic ons,7-41Wid th to Heig ht,7-31Win d ows Closing ,5-47Deleting items,6-15 Input definitions,5-40maximizing,7-51minimizing,7-51 Resize,7-51Resizing,7-51Wind ows Swap Files,9-11

How Are We Doing? Document Title:CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Installation and Getting Started Document No.: 585-215-830 Date: December 1999 Lucent Technologies welcomes your feedback on this document. Your comments can be of great value in helping us to improve our documentation. 1. Please rate the effectiveness of this document in the following areas: 2. Please check the ways you feel we could improve this document: r Improve the overview/introductionr Make it more concise/brief r Improve the table of contentsr Add more step-by-step procedures/tutorials r Improve the organizationr Add more troubleshooting information r Include more figuresr Make it less technical r Add more examplesr Add more/better quick reference aids r Add more detailr Improve the index Please provide details for the suggested improvement. ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3.What did you like most about this document? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4.Feel free to write any comments below or on an attached sheet. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ If we may contact you concerning your comments, please complete the following: Name: ___________________________________ Telephone Number: (_____)______________ Company/Organization: _________________________________ Date: ____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ When you have completed this form, please fold, tape, and return to address on back, or you can fax the form to 303-538-2195.Excellent Good Fair Poor Not Applicable Ease of Use /////////////////////// Clarity /////////////////////// Completeness /////////////////////// Accuracy /////////////////////// Organization /////////////////////// Appearance /////////////////////// Examples /////////////////////// Illustration /////////////////////// Overall Satisfaction ///////////////////////