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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Call Management System Release 3 Version 8 Software Installation And Setup Manual

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    							  Maintaining the CMS Software CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Adding the Informix SQL Package4-11
    Adding the Informix SQL Package4
    This procedure installs a new Informix SQL package on a system where 
    the Informix SE (Standard Engine) and ILS (International Language 
    Supplement) packages are already installed.
    Before you begin, obtain the 
    “INFORMIX-SQL” CD, and the serial 
    number and serial number key for the Informix SQL and Informix SE 
    software packages. The serial number information is printed on the 
    Informix software CDs.
    Procedure41. Enter:
    rm  /opt/informix/etc/.snfile
    2.Install the Informix SQL package, as described in “Installing 
    INFORMIX SQL” on page 2-83.
    3. When the Informix SQL installation is complete and the system 
    returns to the prompt, enter:
    cd /opt/informix
    4. Enter:
    The program responds:
    Press RETURN to continue or the interrupt key 
    (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort.
    5. Press Enter.
    6. When prompted, enter:
    lthe product serial number
    lthe product serial number key
    The program responds:
    Press RETURN to continue or the interrupt key 
    (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort.
    7. Press Enter.
    When the installation is finished, the system returns to the prompt. 
    							  Maintaining the CMS Software CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Adding the Informix SQL Package4-12
    8. Enter:
    The program responds:
    Your existing INFORMIX shared libraries, if any, 
    will be replaced and upgraded.
    Are you sure? [yes/no]  
    9. Enter: y
    The program responds:
    Is I-Connect being installed along with Informix 
    Dynamic Server with Universal Data Option (Release 
    9, requires to be run as user “informix”)?
    (yes or no)
    10. Enter: n
    The program responds:
    WARNING!  This software and its authorized use... 
    Press RETURN to continue or the interrupt key 
    (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort.
    11. Press Enter.
    12. When prompted, enter:
    lthe product serial number
    lthe product serial number key
    After the serial number information is provided, the program 
    Press RETURN to continue or the interrupt key 
    (usually CTRL-C or DEL) to abort.
    13. Press Enter.
    When the installation is finished, the system returns to the prompt.
    14. Enter: eject cdrom  
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Solving Installation-Related Problems5  
    This chapter provides information to assist in solving related which may 
    occur during CMS installation. The following installation-related problems are 
    lTroubleshoot a Solstice DiskSuite* Software Installation
    lFix a Solaris† Patch Installation
    lListing Pkgchk Errors
    lSolving X.25 License Installation Problems
    lCheck Installed Solaris Patches
    lRecognize New Hardware Devices.
    When executing commands remotely that may take a long time to 
    complete (such as cpio and /olds commands), use the nohup 
    command to ensure that the command will complete without interruption in 
    case the data line disconnects. An example using the nohup command is 
    shown below:
    nohup cpio -icmudf -C 10240 -I /dev/rmt/0c “/cms” | tee
    *Solstice DiskSuite is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-2
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5
    The Solstice DiskSuite software package allows multiple disk partitions to 
    be logically combined to create a single large partition. Using the 
     package allows CMS databases to span multiple disks as it 
    increases in size.
    To troubleshoot problems with the 
    Solstice DiskSuite software or the 
    /cms file system, you must understand two basic concepts of 
     operation: state databases and metadevices.
    A state database contains the 
    Solstice DiskSuite configuration 
    information for the system, and is stored on a raw disk partition created 
    for that purpose. At boot time, the operating system accesses the state 
    database to configure the system. Typically, a system contains multiple 
    copies of the state database.
    A metadevice is a logical device that consists of a set of physical disk 
    partitions. A system controlled by 
    Solstice DiskSuite software can contain 
    any number of metadevices; the state database contains a record of 
    which disk partitions belong to which metadevices. Once a metadevice 
    has been set up, the underlying disk partitions can be accessed only 
    through the metadevice.
    For a complete description of 
    Solstice DiskSuite software and its basic 
    technical concepts, see the 
    Solstice DiskSuite Administration Guide, 
    published by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    CMS uses the 
    Solstice DiskSuite software to set up three state 
    databases, and to create a single metadevice containing all the disk 
    partitions used to store CMS data. The following illustration depicts this 
    Use the procedures and hints in this section to help identify and resolve 
    problems with the CMS scripts that administer 
    Solstice DiskSuite 
    software, with the physical disks, with the state databases, with the 
    metadevice, or with the /cms file system.
    DiskFirst Additional
    DiskNth Additional
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-3
    Problems with CMS 
    Use the pkginfo -l SUNWmd command to verify that the Solstice 
     software is installed.
    If it has not been installed, you may have to reinstall the operating system 
    and repartition your disks. Once the software has been installed, you 
    must use the olds script to set up the environment so CMS can access 
    the disks. For a step-by-step description of installing 
    Solstice DiskSuite 
    software and using the olds script, see the “Installing Software and 
    Setting Up CMS” chapter. If you receive an error message from the olds 
    script, see “Common Error Messages” on Page 5-7
    Disk I/O Problems5Check the system console and the /var/adm/messages log for 
    messages that indicate problems with a specific hard disk. If a disk is 
    generating errors, it may need to be replaced. For procedures related to 
    recovering from disk crashes and replacing hard disk drives, see 
    CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting 
    (585-210-919) or CentreVu® CMS Sun® Enterprise*3500 Computer 
    Maintenance and Troubleshooting
    State Database 
    Check the system console and the /var/adm/messages log for 
    messages that indicate problems with a state database. Be aware that on 
    a multiple-disk system, there should always be two copies of the state 
    database on the first internal disk drive, and a third copy on the second 
    internal disk drive. On a single-disk system, there should be three copies 
    of the state database on the single disk.
    Use the /usr/opt/SUNWmd/sbin/metadb -i command to check 
    the status of the state database.
    If the response indicates a state database problem, you must remove 
    and re-create the state database that is causing the problem. Follow 
    these steps:
    1. Check whether the error is caused by an underlying disk problem. If 
    it is, recover or replace the disk. See 
    CentreVu® CMS R3V8 
    Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting 
    (585-210-919) or 
    CentreVu® CMS Sun® Enterprise†3500 Computer Maintenance 
    and Troubleshooting
     (585-215-875) for additional details.
    *Enterprise is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Enterprise is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-4
    2. If you find no disk problem, or if the state database problem persists 
    after the disk has been repaired, use the metadb command to 
    remove and re-create the state database causing the problem. For 
    example, use the following commands:
    /usr/opt/SUNWmd/sbin/metadb -d mddb01
    /usr/opt/SUNWmd/sbin/metadb -a mddb01
    Use the /usr/opt/SUNWmd/sbin/metastat command to verify that 
    the metadevice is set up correctly. The program responds as follows:
    To verify the metadevice setup, you must examine the response to the 
    command. You are looking for two things:
    a. All your disk drives must be accounted for.
    You can verify that simply by checking the Size figure (it should 
    roughly equal the total capacity of all your disks) and counting the 
    number of devices listed (there should be a “Stripe” section for every 
    drive). If some of your drives seem to be missing, verify that all your 
    drives are plugged in and turned on, and that each external drive 
    has a unique target number. 
    b. The device names must reflect the appropriate slice numbers. 
    The slice numbers are represented by the final two characters of the 
    device name. A properly set up /cms file system begins with 
    slice 3 of the first internal disk, and slice 1 of each of the remaining 
    disk drives. Consequently, the device name of the first internal disk 
    drive must end with s3
     (for example, c0t0d0s3); all other device 
    names must end in s1
     (for example, c2t1d0s1).
    If there is any discrepancy between the output of the metastat 
    command and the configuration required to run CMS, you will have to set 
    up your disk drives again.
    d19: Concat/Stripe
        Size: 1819440 blocks
        Stripe 0:
    Device              Start Block  Dbase
    c0t3d0s3                   0     No    
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-5
    Problems with the 
    /cms File System
    Use the following steps to check the /cms file system for errors:
    1. Log in as 
    2. Enter the following:
    vi /etc/vfstab
    The file will appear similar to the following:
    3. Add a pound sign (#) at the beginning of the /dev/md/dsk/d19 
    line. This “comments out” that line.
    4. Write and quit the file.
    5. Reboot the system by entering init 6.
    6. When the system is back up, log in as 
    7. Check the /cms file system by entering the following:
    fsck -y /dev/md/rdsk/d19
    The file will look similar to the following:
    #device device mount FS fsck mount mount
    #to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options
    #/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr ufs 1 yes -
    fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
    /proc - /proc proc - no -
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 - - swap - no -
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 / ufs 1 no -
    /dev/md/dsk/d19 /dev/md/rdsk/d19 /cms ufs 2 yes -
    ** /dev/md/rdsk/d19
    ** Last Mounted on /cms
    ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
    ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
    ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
    ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
    ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
    1952 files, 156146 used, 698956 free (516 frags, 87305 blocks,  0.0% 
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-6
    8. Enter the following:
    vi /etc/vfstab
    The file will appear similar to the following:
    9. Delete the pound sign (#) at the beginning of the 
    /dev/md/dsk/d19 line. This “uncomments” that line.
    10. Write and quit the file.
    11. Mount the CMS file system by entering:
    mount /cms
    If you have trouble mounting /cms:
    lVerify that the /cms directory exists by entering:
    ls -ld /cms
    lIf /cms does not exist, use the following to create it:
    mkdir /cms
    lUse the metastat command to determine the metadevice being 
    used. Then verify that the entry for /cms in the /etc/vfstab file 
    is correct. If you find any errors, correct them.
    #device device mount FS fsck mount mount
    #to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options
    #/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr ufs 1 yes -
    fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
    /proc - /proc proc - no -
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4 - - swap - no -
    /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 / ufs 1 no -
    #/dev/md/dsk/d19 /dev/md/rdsk/d19 /cms ufs 2 yes - 
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-7
    Common Error 
    This section presents, in alphabetical order, the messages commonly 
    associated with installing and setting up the 
    Solstice DiskSuite software 
    to work with a CMS system. Each message is accompanied by its 
    probable cause and the likely solution.
    Message Cause Solution
    /cms: Deadlock 
    detected/avoidedBoth CMS and the operating 
    system are trying to access 
    the swap file, leading to a 
    deadlock.Turn off CMS, deactivate all the swap files 
    residing on /cms (swap -d 
    /cms/swap), and reenter the command. 
    Remember to reactivate the swap files 
    when the growfs command completes 
    (swap - a /cms/swap).
    device: c0t6d0 will not 
    be usedWarning that c0t6d0 will not 
    be set up for 
    .Since c0t6d0 is the CD-ROM drive, that is 
    not a problem.
    cannot be setup, or 
    does not exist...The disk you are trying to 
    attach is turned off, does not 
    exist, or was removed from 
    the system.Power-up the disk drive, or verify the 
    correct name for the disk, or attach the disk 
    to the system and reboot with a boot -r 
    command from the open boot prompt.
    already attached, 
    exiting...You are trying to attach a 
    disk that is already 
    attached.Verify the name of the disk. Look at the 
    target number on the back of the disk drive 
    if possible, or consult the device 
    partition 1 is not 
    partitioned correctlyYou need to repartition disk devicename.
    Use the format command. See 
    CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Hardware 
    Maintenance and Troubleshooting
    (585-210-919) or 
    CentreVu® CMS Sun® 
    Enterprise™ 3500 Computer Maintenance 
    and Troubleshooting
    DiskSuite must be 
    installedYou must install the 
    package.See “Installing the Solstice DiskSuite Software” on Page 2-84. 
    In order to attach disk, 
    /cms must already be 
    mounted, exiting...The /cms file system was 
    not mounted.Execute a mount /cms command and 
    rerun the command that failed. 
    							  Solving Installation-Related Problems CentreVu®  CMS R3V8 Software Installation and Setup
    Troubleshooting a Solstice DiskSuite Software Installation5-8
    metadb: systemname: 
    devicename: has a 
    metadevice database 
    replicaThere are already state 
    database replicas existing 
    on the indicated system and 
    device.No further action is required.
    .tab line 12: d19: unit 
    already set upAn initial setup of the file 
    system has already been 
    performed.If you are trying to attach a new disk, 
    execute an olds -setup command for 
    that device. To attach device c0t2d0, for 
    example, you would enter /olds/olds -
    setup c0t2d0. If you need to do an initial 
    setup, use these commands:
    /olds/olds -cleanup
    /olds/olds -check_disks
    /olds/olds -mk_files
    /olds/olds -metadbs
    /olds/olds -setup
    Then restore all your swap files and their 
    /etc/vfstab entries.
    metainit: syntax error This is the olds general 
    failure message. The most 
    likely cause is that the 
    file disagrees with your 
    configuration. (The file, for 
    example, says you have 
    seven disks in a given 
    metadevice, but your 
    configuration only has six.)Verify that /etc/opt/SUNWmd.tab is 
    accurate. As a last resort, use an old 
    md.tab file or do an initial olds setup.
    newfs of cms 
    metadevice failedThere is an internal problem 
    with one of your disks.Enter a 
    d19 command, and then rerun the 
    olds -setup script. If the same error 
    recurs after doing this, repartition your 
    disks or call Lucent Technologies National 
    Customer Care Center at 1-800-242-2121. Message Cause Solution 
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