GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Issue 1 Manual
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SVR 5210TL-130500-1001 CP85E3.4.5 The Central Processor Unit card contains an INTEL 8085 FB-17288-Amicroprocessor and associated clock, control, interrupt, and I/O (InpuVOutput) interface circuits. The 8085 microprocessor provides both normal switching and MDR functions. The card controls all operations within the system including: l Path connect/disconnect within the network * Data transfer to/from system maintenance terminals l Data transfer to/from system disk drive l Communications to/from system peripherals The 8085 makes decisions based on the various inputs including an 8-level system interrupt structure. It controls the operations such as peripheral interface scanning, data sampling routine, and message transfers. This card contains a 512 word by d-bit ROM (read-only memory), which contains the system bootstrap loader and CPU self-test software. The card also contains the system watchdog timer circuitry as well as circuitry for addressing data and control signals. Communication with other subsystems is through a 16-bit address bus, an 8-bit data bus, and control signal lines. MPB853.4.6 Each file in the system requires a Multi-Processor FB-17215-A Buffer card. This MPB85 card enables the equipment contained in the Get Started File or the Expansion File. Once enabled, the equipment receives control and sensing signals from the CPU and the PCBs within the PCM universal slots: l Circuitry on MPB85 in the Get Started File performs control/sensing functions for groups A and B. l Circuitry on MPB85 in the Expansion File performs control/sensing functions for groups C and D.MPB85 provides interfacing circuitry to the Tl span circuitry, which can be equipped in group C of the Expansion File. NSDC3.4.7 The Narrow Serial Device Controller card is optional. FB-20992-AThe NSDC provides t~vo independent serial interface ports that are cable-connected to modems and/or terminals external to the equipment cabinets. The NSDC is addressed via the CPU address bus, and data is transferred between the CPU and NSDC via the CPU data bus. Data transfers can be programmed as I/O or interrupt-driven. Each port can be configured for current loop or EIA (W-232-C) operation. Full-duplex, synchronous, and asynchronous communication is allowed. Typically, the NSDC card is connected via a cable to the system maintenance terminal. 8i87s-43

TL-130500-1001FMSD3.4.8 The File Management System Data card provides an FB-17220-BOAintelligent serial data interface between the floppy disk drive, the hard disk drive, the PD-200’s ADMP, and the CPU. Data and control signals are cable-connected between the floppy disk drive and FMSD. The FMSD is addressed via the CPU address bus. Data is transferred between the CPU and the FMSD via the CPU data bus. This card provides DMA (Direct Memory Access) and interrupt control to the CPU. The FMSD contains the following major circuitry: 0 Floppy disk control interface logic Q SASI bus interface logic 0 DMA interface logic o 8085 microprocessor, on-board memories, and associated clock, TPl23.4.9 The Test Panel Interface card permits communication FB-17188-Abetween the system CPU and the optional Type 200 Test Set. Serial, address, data, and control signals are cable-connected between the TP12 and the test set. The TP12 is addressed via the C?U address bus. Data is transferred between the CPU and the T ‘12 via the CPU cata, address, and control buses. A manual switch on the test set generates an interrupt signal that is sent to the CPU via the TPl2 when the test set is activated. TL-I 30200-l 004 describes the test set operation. EPCMM3.440 The Expandable Pulse Code Modulation Network card FB-17217-Ais a time-switch network that provides connections for the communications paths. The EPCMN contains five separate 256 x &bit RAM memories: Control A Memory, Control B Memory, Information Memory, Pad Memory, and Interconnect Memory. @ Informat;.sn memory temporarily stores voice, data, and tone PCM samples until a time switch is made. @ Control memory temporarily store time slot interchange data, used to address the information memory to initiate the time slot interchange. * Pad memory controls the dB level of attenuation applied to the PCM output from the time-switch network, determines whether information memory is to be enabled during this time slot, and also controls speaker B memory used in a three-way conversation. s-44 8237SVR 5210

TL-130500-1001iNCl&3.4.11 The Synchronizable Intermediate Network Clock FB-20922-A card (Figure 3.5) provides the basic timing pulses to the system network and PCM associated circuitry. The INCKS card permits the system to communicate over Tl trunks. In this case, the system is slaved to the far end of the span. The INCKS card also contains the network time slot counter. The INCKS card receives control inputs from, and outputs clock pulses to, the EPCMN card. USE CABLE CONNECTOR0 ONLY FOR ySITHIS CONTROL HAS NOFUNCTION IN THIS SVRCRYSTAL ADJUSTMENT ACCESS POINTFB-20922-A ADV SYNC Figure 3.5INCKS Card Handle View FB-20922-A NETWORK CLOCK CARD HANDLEYELLOW INDICATORLAMPS SVR 5210 8/‘87

TL-130500-1001 INCK FB-20771 -lA3.4.12 The Intermediate Network Clock card provides all the functions of the INCKS card, except that Tl’ synchronization is not possible. This card is used if no Tl functions are used in the system. NOTE: Use FB-20922 network clock when network timing is derived from a Tl span (slave operation). PCMFSFB-17189-A PCMIFB-17187-A S-463.4.13 Each 48 channels in the system requires one Pulse Code Modulation Frame Synchronization card. The PCMFS provides frame synchronization for the PCM line and trunk cards. Each PCMFS card receives hardware IDS from its respective CHM85 card and decodes each hardware ID into a discrete circuit selection, enabling the transfer of PCM to/from that circuit. l PCMFS in X/O5 provides crcuit selection for groups 4 and 5. l PCMFS in X/O6 provides circuit selection for groups 6 and 7. l PCMFS in Y/l 6 provides circuit selection for groups 0 and 1.NOTE: Card location in slot X/O6 is required when using group D.One PCMFS card is located in file Y. This card accommodates the 48 channels available in the file. In file X, groups C and D each supply 48 channels: therefore if both groups are in use, two cards are required. 3.4.14 The Pulse Code Modulation Interface card performs serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial conversion of system PCM signals. An 8-bit parallel PCM signal from the time-switch is converted to a serial PCM signal (24 channels in a 125-microsecondframe) for transmission to digital line cards. The card also ; recesses signals in the reverse direction. The PCMI contains two complete converter circuits which can handle a group of 24 channels each. l PCMI in X/O7 performs the conversion processes for groups 4 and 5. 0 PCMI in X/O8 performs the conversion processes for groups 6 and 7. l PCMI in Y/17 performs the conversion processes for groups 0 and 1. NOTE: The card located in slot 07 is required only when using Group D. 8/87SVR 5210

PCMTS FB-20974-A FD-1070-AY(full height)Hard Disk Assembly FD-1070-BD (half height)FD-1070-BA Floppy Disk Assembly SVR 5210TL-130500-1001 3.4.15 The Pulse Code Modulation Tone Source card stores samples of the various system tones within a ROM (Read-Only Memory). Tones read from ROM are transferred to the information memories for use throughout the system. This provides the dial tone, ringback tone, and other alerting tones used in the system. The PCMTS receives control inputs from the Network Clock INCKS or INCK card. The PCM tone sources are stored in ROM on the PCMTS and, when selected, are applied as data inputs to information memory on the EPCMN card. 3.4.16 Location: File D, Slots 16-25. The hard disk assembly consists of a S-1:4 inch, 10 megabyte rigid disk that utilizes Winchester technology, a disk drive controller card, and the disk mount and associated cable assemblies. The hard disk assembly contains loader, generic, and data base software. The software and data base on this disk are loaded into the CPU via the FMSD card during system initialization and reload procedures. PD-200 software and data base are loaded into the PD-200 devices via the FMSD card and the ADMP card during PD-200 initialization/reload procedures. 3.4.17 Provides the same function as the FD-1070-AY hard disk assembly. 3.4.18 Location: File D, Slots 26-31. This 5-l/4 inch, l-megabyte floppy disk assembly is used to SYSGEN the hard disk during startup. It also provides back-up for the system. 81’87s-47

TL-130500-1001Digital Trunking3.5 This paragraph provides information about PCBs that are Printed Circuitinstalled within the Tl span digital trunk preferred location. BoardsIn this system, only one Tl span, which has a maximum of 24 channels, can be installed. Only file X can be used for this type of configuration and only certain slots within that file can be used by these cards. Not all Tl span cards require two card slots. Card slots C6, C5, and C4 may be used even if a Tl span is implemented. However, 4 channels are lost for every Tl span placed.Each card used for a Tl span requires two slots and is referred to as a double height card. Figure 3.6 shows the cards used by the Tl span. Table 3.2 lists the dedicated card slots used for the Tl span. .__.- I-PCMUS GROUP C FILE A I - GROUP 4 -1 GROUPh--F-COMMON - CONTROL __fFILE B I-PCMUS GROUP C-I EXP;mgIOI (X) Figure 3.6Universal PC5 Card Slots Used By A Tl Span S-488187SVR 5210

TL-4 30500-l 901Table 3.2 Tl Span Cards Card Number Mnemonic and NameCard SlotFB-15278-A, FDC, Frame Detector Card iX/l0iFB-15280-A, LCM, Line Compensator Card1 x/12 / FB-17277-A or FB-15277-1, SIL, Span Interface Card Ixi14II FB-20718-l A, Tl S, 11 -Type Supervisory Card IX/16( FB-17192-A, Tl B2, Tl Buffer CardXl18SVR 5210 FDC3.51 The Frame Detector card is required for the Tl span and FB-15278-Aprovides the following functions: * Monitors for errors in framing synchronization patterns e Generates a framing alarm signal to the Tl-Type Supervisory card when three or more bit-pattern errors are found out of five incoming synchronization bits examined l Signals the span interface when a new frame of voice samples is to arrive l Signals the arrival of bit 2 (the second most important bit) to the Span Interface card o Generates the supervisory frame signal that decodes channel A and B signaling LCM3.5.2 The Line Compensator card is required for the Tl span. FB-15280-AThe LCM provides buffering to compensate for propagation delays due to temperature ch :nges over the span. The card can store two PCM frames that support the compensation process. The LCM card receives a serial unipolar bit stream from the SIL (Span Interface cardj. This stream is converted to an 8-bit voice sample that is forwarded to the Tl-Type Buffer card in parallel format. SiL3.5.3 The Span Interface card (Figure 3.7) is required for the 11.FB-17277-Aspan. The SIL receives the incoming bipolar signai and converts FB-15277-Git to a unipolal bit stream which is then sent to the LCM. The SIL also works in reverse to prepare a bipolar signal for transmission over the Tl span. A strapping field is provided on the card for application configuration at installation (see TL-130200-1001). The SIL provides the looping ability to test the framing synchronization of the digital cards. 8187s-49

TL-130500-1001 NOTE: To synchronize the PABX digital network timing to theTl -span timing, use FB-15277-l. s-50USE CABLE CONNECTOR 0 -ONLY FOR S I SINX 0 SINX 1 F&l 5277-IASPAN INTERFACE CARD HANDLE Figure 3.7SIL Card Handle View TlS3.5.4 The Tl-Type Supervisory card is required for the Tl FB-20718-1Aspan. It provides a supervisory signal interface between the system and the Tl span. The buffers on the TlS card retain the status of sense and control points. The TlS card has a program board which can be strapped to decode FX trunk signals or E&M trunk signals. Strapping is also provided to change from D2 to D3 signaling formats, as well as to provide a variable framing alarm delay time. Strapping option procedures are described in TL-130300-1001. The TlS card handle, shown in Figure 3.8, contains the following lamps and switches: l Local alarm (LOC) lamp tha. lights when the framing of the incoming bipolar signal is lost (indicating a misframe: loss of framing synchronization). 8187SVR 5270

SW 5210TL-130500-1001 l Remote alarm (REM) lamp that lights when the second bit of an incoming bipolar stream is inhibited for 1.32 to 1.44 seconds. l System alarm (SYS) lamp that lights when any alarm condition exists, including when the system is fully frame-synchronized but in a loop mode. l Remote power failure alarm (RPF) lamp that lights when a power failure occurs in the office-terminating shelf. l Alarm cutoff (ACC) lamp that lights when the alarm cutoff switch and the loop test switch are activated. * Two-position alarm cutoff (ACO) s,witch; UP is the activated position. 9 Loop switch (LP) lamp that indicates when the loop test and alarm cutoff switches are activated. l Two-position loop (LPT) switch that must be activated along with the alarm cutoff switch to start the loop test, UP is the activated position. 8/87s-51

TL-130500-1001 RED INDICATORLAMPSFB-2071 B-A LOC IOREM0 SYS0 RPF ,O AC00 AC0 9 LP ON LPTRED /INDICATORLAMP FB-20718-1ATl-TYPE SUPERVISORY CARD HANDLE L Figure 3.8 TlS Card Handle View TlB23.55 The Tl Buffer card is required for the Tl span. It provides FB-17192-Aa buffer between the incoming PCM data from the Line Compensator card and the digital time-switch network in the system. It also buffers the outgoing PCM data from the digital time-switch network to the Span Interface card. It will synchronize and align the 24 PCM channels between the digital network and the Tl digital trunk interface. S-528187SVR 5210