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Canon I Sensys Mf8580cdw User Guide

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    of 750
    							The image  cannot be recognized.
    The image you selected could not  be previewed  when you were selecting files to print  in a USB memory device.Images with the  "? " icon cannot  be previewed. JPEG  or TIFF images can be previewed, but some  of the  images may
    not  be able  to  be displayed.
    Printing from USB Memory (USB Print)
    The magenta toner cartridge has  reached the end of its  lifetime
    The toner  cartridge has reached the end of its  lifetime.Replacement of the  toner cartridge  is  recommended.
    How to Replace  Toner  Cartridges
    The memory is full.
    A  fax could not  be sent or received, or a document could not  be scanned  due to insufficient  memory space.If  a sending or printing job is  queued, wait  until the  job is  completed.
    If  a received document is  stored  to  memory, print or delete  it.
    Storing  Received Faxes  into Memory (Memory Reception)
    If  sending a document with many pages,  divide it into multiple sections.
    If  sending a fax, reduce  the  resolution to  scan the  document.
    Adjusting  Resolution
    If  scanning, change the  file format to  reduce  its file size.
    Selecting  a File Format
    A  scanned  document could not  be stored to a USB memory device due to insufficient  memory space. Delete unnecessary data to  free space  in the  USB  memory  device, or connect a different  USB  memory  device.
    Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
    The memory is full. Enter the original type settings again.
    A  document could not  be scanned  because memory became full during copying.Set   to  , and  copy.
    Selecting  Document  Type
    The memory is full. Process secure print jobs.
    Memory became full of secured documents  that were not  printed.Print  the  secured documents that  are  stored  in memory.
    Printing via Secure Print
    							The memory is full. Scanning will be canceled. Do  you want  to  print?
    A  document could not  be scanned  due to insufficient  memory space.Select whether  to  print up  to  the  scanned pages or to  cancel the  scanning. If  you cancel, divide the  document into
    multiple sections and  scan them, or change the  scanning settings.
    The memory media  is restricted.
    The function  that prints files in a USB memory device is  disabled.Set  to  .
    Restricting the USB Print Function
    The number  of entered characters is incorrect or invalid characters are used.
    The network key (the WPA/WPA2- PSK or WEP  key) of a wireless router is  not  entered correctly.Check the  network key  (the WPA/WPA2-PSK or WEP key)  of the  wireless router, and  set it to  the  machine again.  For
    more information  about  how to  check  the  network key, see  the  instruction  manuals  for  your networking devices or
    contact your manufacturer.
    Checking the SSID and  Network Key
    Setting Up Connection by Selecting  a Wireless Router
    Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings
    The USB memory is restricted.
    The function  that stores a scanned  document to a USB memory device is  disabled.Set   to  .
    Restricting the Scan to USB Function
    The WEP key is not  set  correctly. Check the WEP settings.
    The network key (the WEP  key) of a wireless router to be connected  is  not  set  to the machine correctly.Check the  network key  (the WEP key)  of the  wireless router, and  set it to  the  machine again.
    Checking the SSID and  Network Key
    Setting Up Connection by Selecting  a Wireless Router
    Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings
    The authentication  method of the machine is  set  to ,  but  that of the wireless router is  set  to
    Open System. Connect  again by selecting a wireless router  or by manually changing  the  WEP authentication method to  .
    Setting Up Connection by Selecting  a Wireless Router
    Setting Up Connection by Specifying Detailed Settings
    Change  the  WEP authentication method to  "Shared  Key" at the  wireless router, and  connect again.  For more
    information  about  how to  change, see  the  instruction  manuals  for  your networking devices or contact your
    							The yellow toner cartridge has  reached the end of its  lifetime
    The toner  cartridge has reached the end of its  lifetime.Replacement of the  toner cartridge  is  recommended.
    How to Replace  Toner  Cartridges
    Toner  Cartridge Error Re-insert or replace the toner cartridge.
    The toner  cartridge is  not  set  in the cartridge tray correctly,  or the toner  cartridge may be faulty.Set the  toner cartridge  of the  color displayed again.  If  the  message still appears, the  toner cartridge  may  be faulty.
    Contact  your local authorized  Canon  dealer or the  Canon  help line.
    How to Replace  Toner  Cartridges
    Use Remote UI to  set  the information necessary  for  authentication.
    The IEEE 802.1X settings are incorrect.Check whether  [Login Name] is  set correctly.
    Check whether  the  [Use TLS], [Use TTLS], or [Use PEAP] check  box is  selected.
    If  using TLS, check  whether  a key  pair  is  registered.
    If  using TTLS  or PEAP, check  whether  a user  name and  password are  set correctly.
    Configuring  IEEE 802.1X Authentication
    When an Error Code Appears
    If  printing is  not  successful  or you cannot  send or receive a fax  or scanned document, or another error  occurs, that  error  appears on  a
    report or a message on  the   screen as a three-digit number (error  code).  Check the  following  to  find out  causes  and
    solutions  for  each error  code.  For how to  print an  error  report and  information  in the  report, see  
    Printing Reports and  Lists.
    A  document jams in the feeder.
    Remove the  jammed document.
    Document  Jams in the Feeder (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn)
    Document  Jams in the Feeder (MF8280Cw / MF8230Cn)
    A  fax could not  be sent or received due to its  large  data size.When  sending a fax: Reduce the  resolution,  and  scan the  document.
    Adjusting  Resolution
    When  receiving a fax: Ask the  sender  to  divide the  document into multiple sections or reduce  the  resolution before
    A  fax could not  be sent because the recipients machine did not  respond  within  35 seconds.
    When  the  recipient's machine is  turned OFF  or the  line  is  busy, a fax  may  not  be sent. Ask the  recipient to  check  the
    machine status. When  sending the  fax  overseas, insert pauses in the  fax  number.
    Sending  Faxes
    A  fax could not  be sent because the recipients machine ran out  of paper.Ask the  recipient to  reload the  paper.
    A  fax could not  be sent since the recipients machine did not  respond  because the line was  busy or for other
    reasons.When  the  recipient's machine is  turned OFF  or the  line  is  busy, a fax  may  not  be sent. Ask the  recipient to  check  the
    machine status. When  sending the  fax  overseas, insert pauses in the  fax  number.
    Sending  Faxes
    Sending  of a fax from a computer is  disabled.To send a fax  from a computer, you need to  set  to  . For more information, contact your
    Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    A  fax could not  be forwarded because the specified  destination  was  deleted from the Address Book. Register the  forwarding destination  again.  If  the  documents that  failed to  be forwarded remain in memory, you can
    forward  it again.
    Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Printing/Resending/Deleting Documents that Failed to be Forwarded
    Memory is  full.If  a sending or printing job is  queued, wait  until the  job is  completed.
    If  a received document is  stored  to  memory, print or delete  it.
    Storing  Received Faxes  into Memory (Memory Reception)
    If  sending a document with many pages,  divide it into multiple sections.
    If  sending a fax, reduce  the  resolution to  scan the  document.
    Adjusting  Resolution
    Printing,  sending,  or receiving  was  canceled.
    When  you cancel an  operation, this error  code is  displayed,  but this is  not  abnormal.  Print,  send, or receive documents
    again as necessary.
    A  scanned  document could not  be stored to a USB memory device due to insufficient  memory space.Delete unnecessary data to  free space  in the  USB  memory  device or connect a different  USB  memory  device.
    Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
    A  scanned  document could not  be stored to a USB memory device due to an error.Remove the  USB  memory  device, and  insert it again.
    Scanning Documents Directly to USB Memory
    Reduce the  number of documents to  scan.
    Authentication failed because an incorrect Department  ID or PIN was  entered when the Department  ID
    Management  was  activated.
    Enter the  correct Department  ID and  PIN.
    Continuing  operating without entering a Department  ID was  attempted even though unknown- ID jobs
    (functions that permit  operations  without a Department  ID and  PIN) were disabled  in the Department  ID
    Management. Enable unknown -ID jobs  in System Manager  Mode in Remote  UI.
    Blocking Jobs When Department  ID Is Unknown
    Data  could not  be written because the memory space that was  allocated for images  was  full when sending an e-
    mail  or storing to a shared folder.If  another sending document is  queued, wait  for  a while until it is  completed, and  send again.
    Divide the  document into multiple sections before sending.
    Delete the  documents that  are  stored  in memory.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    An e- mail  could not  be sent because an incorrect SMTP server name  was  set.Check the  SMTP server  name,  and  correct the  setting.
    Configuring  Basic E- mail  Settings
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    An e- mail  could not  be sent because an incorrect domain  name  was  set. Check the  domain  name,  and  correct the  setting.
    Configuring  DNS
    An e- mail  could not  be sent because the machine was  not  connected  to a network correctly. Check whether  the  machine is  properly  installed and  correctly connected to  the  network.
    Installation/Settings Problems
    							Scanned data could not  be e- mailed  or stored to the shared folder  because the LAN cable is  disconnected.Check whether  the  LAN cable is  connected correctly.
    Connecting to a Wired  LAN
    Scanned data could not  be e- mailed  or stored to the shared folder  because TCP/IP was  not  working correctly.Check , and  set correctly.
    Network Settings
    An IP address is  not  set. Set the  IP  address correctly.
    Setting IP Addresses
    The machine cannot communicate with devices on  a network immediately  after  the machine starts up because
    the waiting time for the start of the communication is  set. The machine cannot  start communicating immediately  after it is  turned ON. Wait until the  set time  for   passes after turning  ON the  machine, and  send again.
    Setting a Wait Time for Connecting to a Network
    When communicating  with an SMTP server to send an e- mail,  a timeout error occurred  from the server.Check whether  SMTP is  running  on  the  network correctly.
    Check whether  the  machine is  properly  installed and  correctly connected to  the  network.
    Installation/Settings Problems
    When communicating  with the SMTP server,  an error returned from the server. Check whether  the  SMTP server  is  set correctly.
    A  destination  is  not  set  correctly. Check whether  the  destination  is  set correctly.
    When storing a scanned  document into the shared folder, an error occurred  from the folder. Check whether  the  shared  folder and  the  computer  that  has the  shared  folder are  running  correctly.
    The SMTP server name  is  not  set  correctly.Set the  SMTP server  name correctly.
    Configuring  Basic E- mail  Settings
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    No access  privileges to access  the shared folder  are granted.
    							Check whether  the  user  name and  password that  are  registered to  the  destination  are  consistent  with the  user  account
    (user  name and  password) that  is  registered to  the  shared  folder.  For more information  about  shared  folders, see  Send
    Setting Guide (included  with the  User Software  CD -ROM). For more information  about  how to  register  destinations, see
    Setting a Shared Folder  as a Save  Location or Registering Address Book from Remote  UI (MF8580Cdw  /
    MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only) .
    When storing data to a shared folder, an incorrect user  name  or password was  specified.
    Register the  user  account (the same user  name and  password) that  is  registered to  a computer  to  the  destination  of
    the  Address Book.
    Setting a Shared Folder  as a Save  Location
    Registering Address Book from Remote  UI (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    When sending an e- mail,  an incorrect destination  was  specified. Enter the  correct e-mail address, and  send the  message again.  If  the  destination  that  was  registered in the  Address
    Book was  used, check  whether  the  e-mail address is  correct.
    Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    When communicating  with the POP  server to send an e- mail,  an error returned from the server.Check whether  the  POP server  is  set correctly.
    Check whether  your mail server  and  network are  running  correctly. For more information, contact your Network
    The password that is  used for POP  authentication  is  not  set  correctly.Enter the  password that  is  used for  POP authentication correctly. If  you are  unsure of the  POP password, check  the
    documents about  the  settings that  are  provided by your Internet  service provider, or contact your Network
    The logon name  that is  used for POP  authentication  is  not  set  correctly.Enter the  logon name that  is  used for  POP authentication correctly.
    An image file  in a USB memory device could not  be printed because the format  of the image file  is  not
    supported.Store  the  image in a supported file format,  so that  you may  be able  to  print it.
    							Printing from USB Memory (USB Print)
    A  user  name  and  password that are used for SMTP authentication  are not  set  correctly.Set the  user  name and  password correctly.
    Configuring  Basic E- mail  Settings
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    When sending an e- mail,  an encryption  algorithm that is  common  to the mail  server is  not  present.Clear the  [Use SSL] check  box for  both  SMTP and  POP servers.
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    Add  the  common  encryption algorithm to  the  mail server  settings.
    SSL encrypted  communication to a POP  server failed when sending an e- mail  with POP  before  SMTP.
    Check the  SSL  encrypted  communication settings in the  POP server.
    Clear the  [Use SSL] check  box for  the  POP server. If  the  problem persists,  clear the  [Use POP before SMTP] check  box,
    and  set the  communication setting to  a setting other than POP before SMTP.
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    When verifying an SSL server certificate to communicate to the POP  server,  a verification error occurred. Check that  the  CA certificate that  signed the  SSL  server  certificate on  the  POP server  side  is  registered to  the  machine
    by using the  Remote  UI.
    Verifying  Key  Pairs and  Digital Certificates
    Check that  the  SSL  server  certificate on  the  POP server  side  is  valid.
    Check that  the  SSL  server  certificate is  not  a self-signed certificate.
    An e- mail  could not  be sent due to a POP  authentication  failure.
    Check the  setting, and  try again.
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    The machine turns OFF for some  reason.Check whether  the  power plug is  inserted into an  outlet firmly.
    A  document could not  be printed because its  data size exceeded  the machines upper processing capability.The machine may  not  be able  to  print documents with many pages.  Reduce the  number of pages per printing,  or print
    when no  print job is  queued  or no  document is  being printed.  If  you are  still unable to  print,  check  the  document data
    for  any defects.
    Printing was  canceled  from the computer. If  you cancel an  operation when the  print data is  being sent to  the  machine from a computer, this error  code is
    displayed,  but this is  not  abnormal.  Print  again as necessary.
    A  secured document that was  left unprinted was  deleted. If  the  secured document is  not  printed within  a specific period of time  (30 minutes  by default), it is  deleted  from
    memory. Send the  secured document again,  and  print it within  the  period.
    Printing via Secure Print
    Printing using Secure Print was  attempted when Secure Print was  restricted. When    is  set to  , you cannot  use Secure Print.  Set the  setting to   and  print again.
    Printing via Secure Print
    Print  without using Secure Print.
    Printing a Document
    A  document could not  be printed because a printer  driver that was  not  intended  for this  machine was  used.
    Print  again by using the  printer driver  for  this machine.
    Printing a Document
    A  document could not  be printed due to a defect in its  data. Check the  document data for  any defects.
    An error occurred  when printing from a computer.Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON. After the  restart is  complete,  try printing
    A  document waiting to be sent was  canceled.Send the  document again as necessary.
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