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Canon I Sensys Mf8580cdw User Guide

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    Configuring Scan Settings in Simple Mode
    Simple Mode is  a collection  of basic  scan settings in ScanGear MF designed for  easy  operation. In other words, Simple Mode is  a digest
    version of ScanGear MF.  Configure settings in the  order indicated  from to  on  the  screen, and  click [Scan].  By doing so, you can
    configure basic  settings and  scan.
    Preview area
    You  can preview  the  document that  is  placed  on  the  platen glass. If  you click [Preview],  a preview  image is  displayed in this area
    and  the  cropping  frame  is  displayed with a dotted  line.
    ToolbarControl  the  image in the  preview  area.
    (Auto  Crop)
    The cropping  frame  that  fits  the  scanned image is  automatically set. Each  time  you click the  icon,  the  cropping  frame  is
    reduced. You  can move the  frame,  or change its size with your mouse.
    Manually setting multiple scanning  areas
    You  can manually add  cropping  frames. You  can also  specify  cropping  areas in the  document so that  each of them can be
    scanned as separate images. Drag the  cropping  frames  to  specify  the  areas you want to  scan.  You  can specify  up  to  ten  areas.
    Click [Scan] to  scan the  areas in the  cropping  frames  as separate images.
    (Clear Crop Frame)
    Clears the  selected cropping  frame.
    (Left Rotate)/(Right Rotate)
    Rotates the  preview  image 90 degrees to  the  left  or right.
    Displays  the  current  settings of the  scanned image, such as the  color mode and  size of the  scan area.
    [Select Source]
    Select the  image type to  scan documents.  Available items vary depending on  where you placed  the  document.
    If  you placed  the  document on  the  platen glass
    [Photo (Color)] The photo  document is  scanned as a color image.
    (Color)] Print  material, such as a magazine, is  scanned as a color image. The color unevenness and  moire that
    occurs when scanning print images is  reduced.
    (B&W)] The text document or line  drawing is  scanned as a black and  white  image (in black and  white  only,
    with no  intermediate shades of gray).
    (Grayscale)] The text or photograph  document is  scanned as a grayscale image (in black and  white  with
    intermediate shades of gray, similar to  a black and  white  photograph).
    If  you placed  the  document in the  feeder [Document (Color) ADF] The document is  scanned as a color image.
    							[Document (Grayscale)
    ADF]The document is  scanned as a grayscale image.
    [Select Purpose]
    Select a setting based on  your intended use of the  scanned image.
    [Print  (300dpi)] Select when printing the  scanned image.
    [Image Display (150dpi)] Select when displaying the  scanned image on  a computer.
    [OCR  (300dpi)] Select when using the  scanned image with OCR  (optical character recognition) software.
    [Output Size] Select the  size of the  scanned image when it is  printed or displayed on  a computer. For example,  if  you want to  output an
    image that  is  appropriate for  printing on  A4  paper,  select [A4], and  [Print  (300dpi)]  for  [Select Purpose]  (
    to  switch  between  the  portrait and  landscape orientation. This button is  not  available when [Flexible]  is  selected.
    If  you select [Add/Delete], you can add  new output size settings and  delete  the  added sizes.
    Select [Flexible]  to  change the  ratio of width to  height. Drag the  area you want to  scan on  the  preview  image.
    [Image  Correction] Select the  [Fading  Correction]  check  box to  correct faded  colors on  an  old photograph  or other images into vivid colors.  This
    setting is  available when a preview  image is  displayed and  you select [Photo (Color)] or [Magazine (Color)] for  [Select Source]  (
    Configuring  Scan Settings  in Advanced Mode
    Scanning Using  MF Toolbox
    Scanning Using  an Application
    Configuring Scan Settings in Advanced Mode
    If  you click the  [Advanced  Mode] tab  on  the  ScanGear MF screen, you can make more advanced  adjustments  in the  image quality  than
    you can in Simple Mode. You  can also  register  adjusted settings as Favorite Settings.  For more detailed information, click the  icon next
    to  the  topic.
    Operating Preview Images
    Specifying Settings  for Documents and  Color  Mode
    Specifying Resolution and  Image  Size
    Adjusting  Image  Quality
    Adjusting  Brightness and  Color
    Specifying Other  Settings
    Registering Frequently Used Settings
    If  you place the  document on  the  platen glass  and  click [Preview],  a preview  image is  displayed.  You  can specify  the  area you want to
    scan,  and  check  the  effects  of image adjustments  on  the  preview  image.
    Operating Preview Images
    Clears the  preview  image.
    Specifies the  cropping  area with the  cropping  frame.  Click and  drag the  area you want to  crop.  The cropping  area is
    indicated  with a dotted  line. You  can move the  cropping  frame  or change its size with your mouse.
    Setting multiple scanning  areas
    You  can specify  cropping  areas in the  document so that  each of them can be scanned as separate images. Drag the
    cropping  frame  to  specify  the  areas you want to  scan.  You  can specify  up  to  ten  areas. Click [Scan] to  scan the  areas
    in the  cropping  frames  as separate images.
    (Move the Image)
    							Specify the  document input  method (the platen glass  or feeder),  document size, color mode,  and  other settings.
    Drags  the  image to  move the  visible  part of the  image when a preview  image is  enlarged.
    Enlarges the  entire preview  image. Left-click the  image to  zoom  in. Right -click the  enlarged image to  zoom  out. To
    enlarge a part of the  image to  check  the  details, use [Zoom]  (
    (Left Rotate)/(Right Rotate)
    Rotates the  preview  image 90 degrees to  the  left  or right.
    Displays  the  current  settings of the  scanned image, such as the  color mode and  size of the  scan area.
    (Auto  Crop)
    Automatically sets the  cropping  frame  that  fits  the  scanned document. Each  time  you click the  icon,  the  cropping
    frame  is  reduced.
    (Clear Crop Frame)
    Clears the  selected cropping  frame.
    [Select All Crops] Selects all of the  cropping  frames  on  the  image.
    [Zoom]Enlarges the  image in the  cropping  frame.  The smaller the  cropping  frame,  the  larger  the  image is  displayed.  You  can
    check  the  details that  are  difficult  to  see  with 
    (). To return the  image to  its original  size, click this button again.
    Specifying Settings for  Documents and Color Mode
    [Original Input Method]Select a setting based on  whether  you place your documents on  the  platen glass  or in the  feeder.
    [Platen  Glass] Select when placing  documents on  the  platen glass.
    [ADF  (1 -sided)] Select when placing  1 -sided  documents in the  feeder.
    [ADF  (2 -sided)]
    (MF8580Cdw  /
    MF8550Cdn /
    only) Select when placing  2 -sided  documents in the  feeder.
    [Input Size]
    Specify the  size of the  scanning area. For normal cases, select the  same size as the  document. To specify  the  size
    with values, select a unit, and  enter the  values for  width and  height. To lock the  width to  height ratio of the
    image, click 
    NOTE: If  you select [ADF  (2 -sided)]  for  [Original Input  Method] (
    ), you cannot  specify  the  size by entering  the
    The image size that  can be scanned is  limited  on  some  applications.
    If  documents are  placed  in the  feeder,  set the  orientation of the  documents in [Orientation]. You  can also  set
    [Binding Location] if  2 -sided  documents are  placed  in the  feeder.
    							Specify the  output resolution and  output size.
    [Color  Mode]Select the  image type to  scan documents.
    [Black and
    White] The document is  scanned as a black and  white  image (in black and  white  only,  with no
    intermediate shades of gray). You  can change the  threshold  that  separates text in the
    document or the  image into black and  white  with [Threshold] (
    Adjusting  Brightness and
    Color ).
    [Grayscale] The document is  scanned as a grayscale image (in black and  white  with intermediate shades
    of gray, similar to  a black and  white  photograph).
    [Color] The document is  scanned as a color image.
    [Text Enhanced] The document is  scanned as a black and  white  image optimized for  processing by OCR  (optical
    character recognition) software.
    Specifying Resolution and Image Size
    [Output Resolution]
    Select the  resolution of the  scanned image that  suits your intended use. If  documents are  placed  in the  feeder,  the
    maximum  resolution is  300 dpi.
    About  the output resolution A resolution of 75 dpi is  a rough guide for  displaying the  scanned image on  a computer, and  300 dpi for  printing or
    creating a searchable  PDF.
    If  you double the  output resolution,  the  image file size increases by a factor of 4. If  the  file size is  too large, a
    memory  shortage  or other error  may  occur. Set the  resolution to  the  minimum required for  your intended use.
    [Output Size]
    Select the  size of the  scanned image when it is  printed or displayed on  a computer.
    to  switch  between  the  portrait and  landscape orientation. This button is  not  available when [Flexible]  is
    If  you select [Add/Delete], you can add  new output size settings and  delete  the  added sizes.
    							Configure settings for  improving  the  image quality, such as correction  of scratches or faded  colors on  a photograph. These settings are
    available if  you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for  [Color Mode] (Specifying Settings  for Documents and  Color  Mode).
    Configure color settings such as brightness, contrast, and  color tone. The displayed items vary depending on  the  settings selected for
    [Color Mode] (Specifying Settings  for Documents and  Color  Mode). When  [Text Enhanced]  is  selected,  you cannot  configure these
    Select [Flexible]  to  change the  output size and  the  ratio of width to  height. Drag the  area you want to  scan on  the
    preview  image or enter values for  width and  height. If  you specify  the  magnification percentage in the  [%] entry
    field on  the  right side  of the  width and  height entry fields,  the  document is  enlarged or reduced  for  scanning.
    [Data  Size]
    Displays  the  data size of the  image when it is  scanned with the  set [Output Resolution] and  [Output Size].
    Adjusting Image Quality
    [Auto  Tone]Automatically adjusts  the  color tone of the  image.
    [Reduce Dust and  Scratches]Makes dust  or scratches on  the  document less noticeable.  [High] makes large scratches and  dust  less noticeable,  but
    may  ruin details on  the  image.
    [Fading  Correction]The setting is  available if  you select [Color] for  [Color Mode].  Corrects faded  colors on  the  document or enhances the
    color saturation  of dull-colored documents.  [High] dramatically  corrects  the  faded  colors,  but may  change the  color
    tone of the  entire image.
    [Grain Correction]Reduces graininess  to  create a smooth color tone when scanning photographs taken with high -speed film.  [High]
    dramatically  reduces graininess,  but may  also  reduce  image sharpness or degrade  image quality.
    [Use Unsharp  Mask]Emphasizes the  edges and  lines in the  image, creating a sharper appearance.
    [Use Descreen]Reduces the  color unevenness and  moire that  occur  when scanning printed images.
    [Correct Black Text]Emphasizes the  outlines  of black text.
    Adjusting Brightness and Color
    Adjusts the  brightness  and  contrast  (the difference between  the  light and  dark  parts)  of the  image. To adjust while
    checking  on  a graph, click 
    on  the  upper-right of the  screen.
    [Channel] If  you select [Color] for  [Color Mode],  you can adjust the  [Red], [Green]  and  [Blue]  color channels separately.
    To adjust all three colors at the  same time, select [Master]. You  can combine the  adjustments  made  in [Master]
    and  those made  in the  individual color channels.
    If  you select [Grayscale] for  [Color Mode],  only [Grayscale] is  displayed.
    or enter a value.
    or enter a value. When  contrast  is  reduced, the  difference between  the  light and  dark  parts of the  image
    is  reduced  to  create a softer appearance. When  contrast  is  increased,  the  difference between  the  light and  dark
    parts is  increased  to  create a bolder appearance.
    A histogram is  a graph that  shows  the  distribution of brightness  in an  image. You  can adjust
    the  image while checking  the  preview  image and  histogram. Specify the  part of the  image you
    want to  make brightest  (or darkest) in the  preview  image, so that  the  brightness  balance  of
    the  original  image is  automatically adjusted with the  specified part being the  average.
    Likewise, you can also  adjust the  balance  with the  brightness  of the  medium tone being the
    [Channel] If  you select [Color] for  [Color Mode],  you can adjust the  [Red], [Green]  and  [Blue]  color channels separately.
    To adjust all three colors at the  same time, select [Master]. You  can combine the  adjustments  made  in [Master]
    and  those made  in the  individual color channels.
    If  you select [Grayscale] for  [Color Mode],  only [Grayscale] is  displayed.
    (Black- point Eyedropper)/(Mid- point Eyedropper)/(White- point Eyedropper)
    Click the  parts on  the  preview  image (or cropping  frame) you want to  specify  as the  darkest, the  medium, and
    the  brightest.  Slide 
    ,, or . Alternatively,  you can enter a value.
    (Gray  Balance  Eyedropper Tool)
    Click a part on  the  preview  image (or cropping  frame)  you want to  render as an  achromatic  color, which is  black,
    grey, or white,  each of which does not  have color depth.  Color tone on  the  rest  of the  image is  adjusted with the
    clicked  part being the  average.  For example,  if  snow on  a photograph  image is  bluish,  click this part because  you
    essentially want to  render this part as white.  When  you click this part,  the  snow is  no  longer  bluish,  and  the
    							entire image is  adjusted so that  it comes closer  to  natural  colors.  Click different  parts little by little while checking
    the  preview  image to  produce the  optimum  color tone.
    (Tone Curve  Settings)
    The tone curve is  a curved  line  that  indicates the  brightness  and  contrast  levels  of the  image
    before and  after adjustment. Select a registered tone curve to  adjust the  brightness  and
    contrast  levels  of the  image.
    [Channel] If  you select [Color] for  [Color Mode],  you can adjust the  [Red], [Green]  and  [Blue]  color channels separately.
    To adjust all three colors at the  same time, select [Master]. You  can combine the  adjustments  made  in [Master]
    and  those made  in the  individual color channels.
    If  you select [Grayscale] for  [Color Mode],  only [Grayscale] is  displayed.
    [Select Tone Curve]
    Select from the  items listed below.
    [No Correction] Performs no  correction.
    [Over  Exposure] Lightens the  entire image.
    Exposure] Darkens the  entire image.
    [High Contrast] Emphasizes the  difference between  the  light and  dark  parts of the  image.
    [Invert the
    Image] Inverts the  light and  dark  parts of the  image.
    (Final  Review)
    The results of all adjustments  made  to  the  brightness, contrast  (), histogram (), and  tone
    curve settings () are  displayed in a tone curve and  as numerical  values. Perform a final
    check  of the  color settings.
    Adjust the  threshold  value  for  black and  white  images. You  can enhance the  appearance of
    text or reduce  the  visibility  of text or images printed on  the  reverse side  of a semi-transparent
    document, such as a newspaper. The setting is  available if  you select [Black and  White] for
    [Color Mode].
     The  threshold value is the boundary  that  separates whether  a color is rendered as  black or  white. Colors below  a certain density level are rendered as  white, and  colors above  a certain density level are rendered as
    [Threshold Level]
    Slide or enter a value. To render more parts as black, slide to  the  right or enter a larger  value.
    Registering or Calling Settings
    Call  registered brightness  or color settings for  
    to  and  .Registering Frequently Used Settings
    							Click [Preferences]  to  configure various settings,  including the  operation when scanning.
    Specifying Other Settings
    [Preview]  Tab
    Configure the  preview  and  auto  crop  operations.
    [Preview at the Start  of ScanGear]Select the  preview  operation when you start ScanGear MF.
    [Automatically Execute Preview]
    Scanning of the  preview  image starts  automatically when you start ScanGear MF.
    [Display Saved  Preview Image]
    Preview does not  start automatically,  and  the  most recently saved  preview  image is  displayed.
    Preview does not  start automatically,  and  no  preview  image is  displayed.
    [Cropping Frame on  Previewed Images]Select how the  cropping  frame  (
    Operating Preview Images ) is  displayed on  the  preview  image.
    [Execute Auto  Cropping on  Previewed Images]
    Auto  Crop is  performed based on  the  scanned document.
    [Display the Last Frame on  Previewed Images]
    Auto  Crop is  not  performed, and  the  most recently set cropping  frame  is  displayed.
    Auto  Crop is  not  performed, and  no  cropping  frame  is  displayed.
    [Scan] Tab
    Configure the  settings that  are  applied when you scan a document by using an
    application,  and  the  settings for  ScanGear MF operations.
    [Scan without Using  ScanGears  Window] When  you scan the  document by using an  OCR  software  or other application,  the  ScanGear MF screen may  not  be
    displayed.  In such a case, the  document is  scanned with the  setting of the  application applied. However, if  the
    application does not  have the  following  settings,  enable  them here  so that  these settings are  applied for  scanning.
    							[Color  Mode (Text  and  Table)]
    If  the  application settings are  specified to  scan documents in color, those settings are  replaced and
    documents are  scanned with the  ScanGear MF color mode set to  [Color Mode (Text and  Table)].
    [Text  Enhanced]
    If  the  application settings are  specified to  scan documents in black and  white,  those settings are  replaced
    and  documents are  scanned with the  ScanGear MF color mode set to  [Text Enhanced].
    [Automatically Quit ScanGear  after  Scanning]The [ScanGear MF]  screen automatically closes after scanning is  complete.  The screen may  automatically close
    with some  applications  regardless of this setting.
    [Color  Settings]  Tab
    Configure advanced  color and  brightness  settings,  such as color matching and
    gamma  correction.
    [Color  Correction]Select the  color correction  method.
    Color tone is  vividly reproduced on  a computer  display.  This setting is  recommended  for  most color
    [Color  Matching]
    Color is  adjusted so that  the  color tone on  the  display comes closer  to  that  on  the  printed result. This
    setting is  available if  you select [Color] for  [Color Mode] (
    Specifying Settings  for Documents and  Color
    Mode ).
    If  [Color Matching] is  enabled,  the  [Fading  Correction]  (
    Adjusting  Image  Quality ) setting and  the  buttons for
    brightness  and  color settings (Adjusting  Brightness and  Color ) are  disabled.
    [Always  Execute the Auto  Tone]
    Color tone is  automatically adjusted.  The setting is  available if  you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for  [Color Mode].
    [Monitor  Gamma]You  can display the  document at the  proper brightness  level  by specifying  the  gamma  value  of the  computer
    display that  displays the  scanned image. The setting is  applied if  you select [Color] or [Grayscale] for  [Color
    [Scanner]  Tab
    Configure the  temporary  save  destination  of files, the  playing  of audio files, and
    other settings.
    [Select Folder  Where Temporary  Files are Saved]Click [Browse]  to  change the  folder to  which an  image is  temporarily  saved.
    [Sound Settings]You  can specify  the  music or sounds that  are  played  while the  machine is  scanning or when scanning is  complete.
    Click [Browse]  to  specify  a file to  be played. The following  file formats (extensions) are  supported: MIDI files  (.mid/.rmi/.midi)
    Audio files  (.wav/.aif/.aiff)
    MP3  files  (.mp3)
    [Play  Music During  Scanning]
    The specified sound  file is  played  while scanning is  being performed.
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