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Canon I Sensys Mf8580cdw User Guide

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    of 750
    Setting the Department ID Management
    You  can control  access to  the  machine by using multiple IDs  for  multiple users  or groups. If  a user  tries to  operate the  machine when
    Department  ID Management is  enabled,  a logon screen is  displayed,  and  the  user  must enter their  own Department  ID and  PIN  to  use
    the  machine. When  Department  ID Management is  enabled,  usage of functions,  such as color copying and  black and  white  scanning,  is
    recorded for  each Department  ID.  To configure Department  ID Management,  register  department  IDs  as necessary  and  then  enable
    Department  ID Management function. Additional settings are  required if  you want to  enable  Department  ID Management for  operations
    from a computer, such as printing and  PC faxing.
    Registering/Editing Department  ID and  PIN
    Enabling  the Department  ID Management
    Setting the Department  ID Management  for Printing or Faxing from the Computer
    Blocking Jobs When Department  ID Is Unknown
    Register a Department  ID and  set a PIN  for  it. You  can also  disable functions,  such as black and  white  copying and  color printing,  for
    each Department  ID.  Up to  300 Department  IDs  can be registered.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Department ID  Management]  and  register (or  edit) Department IDs.
    Registering a Department ID
    1Click [Register  New Department].
    Specify  the required  settings and  click [OK].
    Registering/Editing  Department  ID  and PIN
    [Department  ID]
    Enter a number of up  to  seven  digits  for  the  Department  ID.
    [Set PIN]
    To set a PIN, select the  check  box and  enter a number of up  to  seven  digits  both  in the  [PIN] and  [Confirm]  text boxes.
    [Restrict Functions]
    Select the  check  box for  the  function that  you want to  disable for  the  Department  ID.
    If  the  [Scan] check  box is  selected,  scanning documents to  USB  memory  devices,  e-mails,  and  shared  folders  is  disabled.
    You  can also  disable scanning documents to  computers via   and  . However, you can only
    disable scanning documents to  computers for  all users  (
    Blocking Jobs When Department  ID Is Unknown).
    Editing  the settings  of the registered Department ID
    1Click the corresponding  text  link under [Department  ID] to edit.
    2Change  the settings as necessary  and  click [OK].
    Deleting  a Department  ID
    Click [Delete] on  the  right of the  Department  ID you want to  delete
    click [OK].
    [Department ID  Page Total]
    You  can check  the  total numbers  of pages copied, printed,  scanned, or faxed for  each Department  ID.
    If  you want to  return the  counts  to  zero, click the  corresponding text link  under [Department ID] and  click [Clear Count] 
    [OK]. If  you want to  return the  counts  of all Department  IDs  to  zero, click [Clear All  Counts]  [OK].
    After you register  as many Department  IDs  as necessary, enable  Department  ID Management.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Enabling the Department  ID  Management
    							Click [Department ID  Management]   [Edit...].
    Select the [Department ID  Management]  check  box and  click [OK].
    [Department  ID Management]
    Select the  check  box to  enable  Department  ID Management.  If  you do not  want to  use Department  ID Management,  clear the
    check  box.
    For information  on  the  [Allow Print  Jobs with Unknown IDs]/[Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs]/[Allow Black & White Copy Jobs]
    check  boxes, see  
    Blocking Jobs When Department  ID Is Unknown.
    Using  the operation panel
    If  you only want to  enable  or disable the  settings,  you can use on  the  operation panel.  Department  ID Management
    Logging on to the machine
    When  you try to  operate the  machine when Department  ID Management is  enabled,  the  following  logon
    screen is  displayed:
    							If  you want to  enable  Department  ID Management for  printing and  faxing from a computer, you need to  specify  settings by using the
    drivers you already  installed on  the  computer. Specify the  Department  ID and  PIN  as necessary.
    To perform  the  following  procedure, log on  to  your computer  with an  administrator account.
    Open the printer  folder. Displaying the Printer Folder
    Right-click your printer  or fax icon and  click [Printer  properties] (or  [Properties]).
    Click the [Device Settings] tab and  specify the required settings.
    1Select the [Use Department  ID Management]  check box and  click [Settings]  on  the right  of it.
    For the  fax  driver, also  select the  [Allow PIN  Setting] check  box to  enable  the  PIN  setting.
    2Specify  the settings as necessary  and  click [OK].
    [Allow PIN Setting]
    Select the  check  box to  enable  the  PIN  setting.
    [Department  ID]
    Enter a number of up  to  seven  digits  for  the  Department  ID.
    Setting the Department  ID  Management for  Printing or Faxing from the Computer
    Enter a number of up  to  seven  digits  for  the  PIN  if  it is  set for  the  Department  ID.
    Click to  verify that  the  correct ID and  PIN  are  entered. This function is  not  available if  the  machine and  the  computer  are
    connected via  a USB  or WSD (Web Services on  Devices)  port.
    [Confirm Department  ID/PIN When Printing]/[Confirm  Department  ID/PIN when Sending  Fax]
    Select the  check  box to  display the  [Confirm Department  ID/PIN]  pop -up  screen each time  you print or fax  from a
    [Authenticate Department  ID/PIN at Device]
    Select the  check  box if  the  machine and  the  computer  are  connected via  a USB  or WSD port.
    3Click [OK].
    Logging on to the machine
    When  you try to  print or fax  from a computer  when Department  ID Management is  enabled,
    the  following  pop -up  screen is  displayed (unless  the  [Confirm Department  ID/PIN When
    Printing]/[Confirm Department  ID/PIN when Sending Fax] check  box is  cleared):
    If  you do not  change the  default  settings,  any user  can print from a computer, scan (via  and  ), or make
    black and  white  copies without entering  an  ID and  PIN  even when Department  ID Management is  enabled  for  the  machine. You  can
    change the  default  settings so that  the  machine cannot  be used for  these functions without a correct ID and  PIN.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Department ID  Management]   [Edit...].
    Blocking Jobs When Department  ID  Is  Unknown
    							Clear the check  boxes as necessary and  click [OK].
    [Allow Print Jobs with Unknown IDs]
    In order to  print from a computer  when Department  ID Management is  enabled,  you need to  enter the  correct ID and  PIN  on  the
    printer driver  (
    Setting the Department  ID Management  for Printing or Faxing from the Computer). However  if  the  check
    box is  selected for  this setting, you can print from a computer  without entering  the  ID and  PIN. Clear the  check  box to  require
    entering  an  ID and  PIN.
    [Allow Scan Jobs with Unknown IDs]
    If  the  check  box is  selected,  you can select  or  on  the  main  screen and  scan documents into a
    computer  anytime using 
    /. Clear the  check  box to  disable the  selection of , , and  / when Department  ID Management is  enabled.
    [Allow Black &  White Copy Jobs]
    If  the  check  box is  selected when Department  ID Management is  enabled,  you can copy in black and  white  without entering  the
    correct ID and  PIN. Clear the  check  box to  require entering  an  ID and  PIN.
    Setting Access Privileges
    Setting the System Manager  ID
    Restricting Communication by Using Firewalls
    Without  proper security,  unauthorized third parties can access computers and  other communication devices that  are  connected to  a
    network. To prevent  this unauthorized access, specify  the  settings for  packet  filter, a feature that  restricts communication to  devices with
    specified IP  addresses or MAC addresses.
    Specifying IP Addresses for Firewall Rules
    You  can either limit communication to  only devices with specified IP  addresses,  or block  devices with specified IP  addresses but permit
    other communications. You  can specify  a single IP  address or a range of IP  addresses.
    Up to  16 IP  addresses (or ranges  of IP  addresses)  can be specified for  both  IPv4  and  IPv6.
    The packet  filters described in this section  control  communications  over TCP, UDP,  and  ICMP.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Security  Settings]  [IP Address Filter].
    Click [Edit...] for the filter  type that  you want to use.
    [IPv4 Address:  Outbound Filter]
    Select to  restrict  sending data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  IPv4  addresses.
    							[IPv4 Address:  Inbound Filter]
    Select to  restrict  receiving data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  IPv4  addresses.
    [IPv6 Address:  Outbound Filter]
    Select to  restrict  sending data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  IPv6  addresses.
    [IPv6 Address:  Inbound Filter]
    Select to  restrict  receiving data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  IPv6  addresses.
    Specify  the settings  for packet filtering.
    Select the  default  policy to  allow or reject the  communication of other devices with the  machine, and  then  specify  IP  addresses
    for  exceptions.
    1Select the [Use Filter] check box and  click the [Reject] or [Allow] radio button for the [Default  Policy].
    [Use Filter ]
    Select the  check  box to  restrict  communication.  Clear the  check  box to  disable the  restriction.
    [ Default  Policy ]
    Select the  precondition to  allow or reject the  communication of other devices with the  machine.
    [Reject] Select to  pass communication packets  only when they are  sent to  or received from devices whose
    IP  addresses are  entered  in [Exception  Addresses].  Communications with other devices are
    [Allow] Select to  block  communication packets  when they are  sent to  or received from devices whose  IP
    addresses are  entered  in [Exception  Addresses].  Communications with other devices are
    2Specify  address exceptions.
    Enter the  IP  address (or the  range of IP  addresses)  in the  [Address to  Register] text box and  click [Add].
    Check for entry errors
    If  IP  addresses are  incorrectly entered, you may  be unable to  access the  machine from the  Remote  UI, in which case  you
    need to  set  or  to  . 
    IPv4  Address Filter IPv6  Address Filter
    Entry form for IP addresses
    Description Example
    Entering a
    single address IPv4:
    Delimit  numbers  with periods.
    Delimit  alphanumeric  characters  with colons. fe80::10
    Specifying  a
    range of
    addresses Insert a hyphen  between  the  addresses.
    Specifying  a
    range of
    addresses with
    a prefix Enter the  address, followed by a slash  and  a number indicating  the
    prefix  length.
    							When [Reject] is  selected for an outbound filter
    Outgoing multicast and  broadcast packets  cannot  be filtered.
    Deleting  an IP address from exceptions
    Select an  IP  address and  click [Delete].
    3Click [OK].
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    You  can enable  or disable the  IP  Address Filter  settings from .IPv4  Address Filter IPv6  Address Filter
    Specifying MAC Addresses  for Firewall  Rules
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