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Canon I Sensys Mf8580cdw User Guide

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    of 750
    							[Registration][Favorites Number]
    With the  Send Function Setting Tool,  you can register  an  e-mail address into  in the  Address Book.  Select a
    number from the  drop-down list.
    [Name  for Favorites Number]
    Enter the  name for  identifying the  destination  to  be registered. Set a name that  will  be easy  for  you to  find later in the
    Address Book.
    [Send  Destination Settings][Destination  E- mail  Address]
    Enter the  e-mail address that  you want to  send your scanned documents to.
    [SMTP  Server Settings][SMTP  Server]
    Enter the  SMTP server  name.
    [SMTP  Authentication]
    Click the  [Not Set] or [Set] radio button to  match the  authentication settings of the  SMTP server. When  [Set] is  selected,
    enter the  user  name in the  [User Name] text box and  password in the  [Password]  text box.
    Authentication methods  for sending e- mails To prevent  e-mail transmissions by unauthorized users, the  machine supports SMTP authentication (SMTP AUTH)  and  POP
    before SMTP. For more information  about  the  required authentication method, contact your Internet  service provider  or Network
    POP before SMTP authentication can only be configured by using the  Remote  UI. 
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    Click [Next].
    Confirm  the settings  and  click [Register].
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    Additional settings may  be required depending on  the  network you are  using. For more information, contact your Internet  service
    provider  or Network Administrator.
    To enable  SSL  for  e-mailing,  see  
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings .
    To change port numbers, see  
    Changing Port Numbers .
    Configuring  the Machine  for Scanning to E- mail
    Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Configuring Advanced E-mail Settings
    Use  the  Remote  UI to  configure detailed e-mail settings,  such as POP before SMTP authentication and  SSL  encryption. For more
    information  about  the  required settings,  contact your Internet  service provider  or Network Administrator.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Network Settings]   [E -Mail  Settings].
    Click [Edit...].
    Specify  the required settings.
    							[SMTP  Server Address]
    Enter up  to  48 characters  for  the  SMTP server  name/address.
    [E- Mail Address]
    Enter up  to  120 characters  for  the  e-mail address that  you want to  use for  the  machine.
    Setting up POP before SMTP  and  encrypted communication with the POP server
    POP before SMTP authentication prevents unauthorized users  from using e-mail by performing user  authentication on  the  POP
    server. Communication with the  POP server  can be encrypted  if  it supports SSL.
    [Use POP  Authentication Before  Sending]
    To enable  authentication on  the  POP3  server, select the  check  box and  enter up  to  64 characters  in the  [User Name] text box.
    [Set/Change  Password]
    To specify  or change the  password, enter up  to  32 characters  in the  [Password]  text box.
    [POP  Server]
    Enter up  to  48 characters  for  the  POP3  server  name/address.
    [Use SSL]
    Select the  check  box to  use SSL  for  encrypting  communication with the  POP3  server. Select the  check  box for  [Confirm
    Certificate] or [Add CN to  Verification  Items] depending on  your needs.
    [Use APOP  Authentication]
    Select the  check  box to  use APOP to  encrypt  the  password during the  authentication process.
    [Clear Mail Box]
    When  a transmission error  occurs, an  error  notification  may  be sent to  the  address specified in [E -Mail Address]. Depending on  the
    e-mail service you are  using, these error  notifications  may  eventually fill  your mail box in the  server  to  its capacity if  you do not
    delete  them. Select the  check  box to  clear the  mail box.
    Selecting  the [Clear Mail Box] check box
    All  the  e-mails in the  inbox on  the  server  are  deleted  as soon as [OK]  is  clicked  in step 6. If  an  e-mail address for  everyday  use
    is  specified in [E -Mail Address], be careful  not  to  delete  unread e-mails.  To lessen the  risk of deleting  unread e-mails,  use a n e-
    mail account exclusively  for  the  machine.
    Setting up SMTP  authentication or encrypted communication with the SMTP  server
    SMTP authentication (SMTP AUTH)  uses a user  name and  password to  authorize users  to  send e-mails.  Communication with the
    SMTP server  can be encrypted  if  it supports SSL.
    [Use SMTP Authentication (SMTP  AUTH)]
    To enable  authentication on  the  SMTP server, select the  check  box and  enter up  to  64 characters  in the  [User Name] text box.
    [Set/Change  Password]
    To specify  or change the  password, enter up  to  32 characters  in the  [Password]  text box.
    [Use SSL]
    Select the  check  box to  use SSL  for  encrypting  communication with the  SMTP server. Select the  check  box for  [Confirm Certificat e
    for  SMTP Sending] or [Add CN to  Verification  Items] depending on  your needs.
    Click [OK].6
    							Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    Depending on  the  network you are  using, you may  need to  change the  SMTP or POP3  port setting (Changing Port Numbers).
    For more information, contact your Internet  service provider  or Network Administrator.
    Configuring  the Machine  for Scanning to E- mail
    Configuring  Basic E- mail  Settings
    Sending  Documents as E- mails  Directly from the Machine  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Configuring the Machine for Scanning to Shared Folders
    Before configuring the  machine for  scanning to  shared  folders, check  the  setup flow shown below.
    Make sure  that the machine and  the computer are correctly connected.
    Connecting via Wireless LAN (MF8580Cdw  / MF8280Cw Only)
    Connecting via Wired  LAN
    Make sure  that you have  the following information:The IP  address of the  machine 
    Viewing Network Settings
    The name of the  computer  where the  shared  folder is  located  
    Viewing the Computer Name
    Path to  and  the  name of the  shared  folder (If access restrictions are  set to  the  folder,  the  user  name and
    password information  is  also  needed)
    For instructions on  how to  create a new shared  folder,  see  Send Setting Guide (included  with the  User
    Software  CD -ROM).
    Make sure  that the computer meets the following system  requirements  for the Send  Function
    Setting Tool: Operating system
    Windows  XP/Vista/7/8/Server  2003/Server  2008/Server  2012
    Web browser
    Microsoft  Internet  Explorer  7.0  or later
    SVGA monitor (with at least  800 x 600 pixel screen resolution) that  supports at least  256 colors
    Also  make sure  that    and   are  set to  . 
    Disabling HTTP
    CommunicationDisabling Remote  UI
    Set the machine configuration. Setting a Shared Folder  as a Save  Location
    Setting a Shared Folder as a Save Location
    The feature of scanning to  shared  folders  is  also  called "Scan to  SMB" because  the  feature uses Server  Message Block (SMB),  a
    Windows -specific technology. SMB is  a protocol for  sharing  resources, such as files  and  printers, with more than one device in a network
    Configuring  SMB). To configure the  machine for  saving  your scanned documents into a shared  folder in the  network via  SMB, specify
    the  location of the  shared  folder from a computer  by using the  Send Function Setting Tool.
    You  can also  use the  Remote  UI to  specify  the  location of the  shared  folder by registering  the  folder to  the  Address Book.  The
    Send Function Setting Tool is  helpful  for  users  who want to  complete the  setup easily.
    Start  the Send  Function  Setting Tool.
    Using  a Web browser
    Enter "http://(the  IP  address of the  machine)/sendsupport_login.html"  in the  address field of a Web browser, and  press the
    [ENTER]  key.
    Using  the User Software  CD-ROM
    1Insert  the User Software  CD - ROM into the drive  on  the computer.
    Select a language and  click [OK]  if  you are  prompted  to  do so.
    2Click [Start  Software  Programs].
    If  the  above  screen is  not  displayed 
    Displaying the [CD - ROM Setup]  or [Select language]  Screen
    3Click [Start] for [Send  Function  Setting Tool].
    4Click [Next].If  you want to  view Send Setting Guide, click [How  to  Set].
    If the screen  below appears
    Click [Yes].
    5Select the machine from [Device List] and  click [Next].
    If the machine is  not  displayed in [Device List]
    Click [Search Again].  If  the  problem persists,  click [Search by IP  Address], enter the  IP  address of the  machine, and  then
    click [OK].
    6Confirm the settings and  click [OK].
    Click [Start].
    If  the  logon screen is  displayed,  enter the  appropriate ID and  PIN  in the  corresponding text boxes, and  then  click [Logon].
    Click [Store to Shared Folder Settings].
    							If  the  screen prompting  you to  enter the  Address Book PIN  is  displayed,  enter the  PIN  for  the  Address Book,  and  click [OK].Setting a PIN for Address Book
    Specify  the required settings.
    [Registration][Favorites Number]
    With the  Send Function Setting Tool,  you can register  a shared  folder for  saving  scanned documents into  in the
    Address Book.  Select a number from the  drop-down list.
    [Name  for Favorites Number]
    Enter the  name for  identifying the  destination  to  be registered. Set a name that  will  be easy  for  you to  find later in the
    Address Book.
    [Store  Destination Settings][Protocol]
    The protocol that  is  used for  sending scanned documents to  a shared  folder is  displayed.
    [Computer Name  of Store  Destination]
    Enter the  name or the  IP  address of the  computer  where the  shared  folder is  located.
    [Shared Folder  Name  on  Store  Destination Computer]
    Enter the  name of (or path  to) the  shared  folder.  For example,  if  the  shared  folder is  a subfolder named "share"  and  is
    contained in the  [Public] folder in drive C  (path:  C:\users\public\share), enter "users\public\share."
    [Status of Settings  for Shared Folder]
    							[Access Restriction to Shared Folder]
    Click the  [Not Set] or [Set] radio button to  match the  access restrictions set to  the  shared  folder.  When  [Set] is  selected,
    enter the  user  name in the  [Registered User Name] text box and  password in the  [Password  to  Access] text box.
    Click [Next].
    Confirm  the settings  and  click [Register].
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    Configuring  the Machine  for Scanning to Shared Folders
    Saving  Documents Directly to a Shared Folder  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn Only)
    Registering Address Book from Remote  UI (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Configuring the Machine for Your Network Environment
    The configuration of a network varies  depending on  the  purpose of the  network. The machine has been designed to  be compatible  with as
    many network configurations  as possible,  and  it is  equipped with a variety  of technologies. Consult your Network Administrator and  set a
    configuration to  suit your network environment.
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