Panasonic Kx-T123211d Installation Manual
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Phone Number Directory b TELEPHONE NUMBER 4 ) “p 1 TELNO. TEL NO. 1) C40 1 2 5 3 6 b EXTENSION NUMBER 4 JACK NO. EXTENSION NUMBER NAME 1 8 9 14 15 I co I TEL NO. 11 CO 1 TELN0.c .I JACK NO. EXTENSION NUMBER NAhilE I I 17 I 18 19 31 32 b SPEED DIALING 4

PROGRAMMING TABLE - : TO SET ;;;;,“,” STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM late and Time jetting System Speed Iialing Entry El Gia~m~m~m~m~m~m~&~ m..‘year :..,month i...,,ay : :......,,,,ur ‘.- day of the week i . . .._ minute I . . . . . . AM / PM I ~FMoRy’ IENd 2 : automatic line access number q through q H : access number of Trunk Group :......-Speed access code (00 through 99) l There is the phone number directory on page 7-1. !xtension slumber 4ssignment I IEl IEEl & yd-yiw :.....dial the extension number (100 through 199) :.........,until the desired jack number(O1 through32)appears ’ Iperator issignment EJ I bEI+ laal TORY’ IENQl -....dial the jack number set operator (01 through 32) :....-until the desired operator number (1 or 2) appears Jack number set operator Operator 1 Jack number set operator Operator 2 ‘aired -elephone issignment for ES Console la GaGaymGaymm -..-dial the jack number paired with console 2 (01 through 32) :..... dial the jack number paired with console 1 (01 through 32) i Jack number paired with Console 1 Default 01 To make program change Default To make program change Automatic CO Hold Using DSS la liiialsELECTl[MEMORYm . I Button i..... With Transfer / Without Transfer Default To make program change With Transfer X Without Transfer 7-3

TO SET ;;;;g STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Day/ Night 3ewjce Mode la kE?l~NlENol “““Manual / Automatic Switching of Service Mode Manual X Automatic Starting Time , El :-----until the desired day of the week appears ,NEm&m~~m~m~~m~,- A I :--minute L--AM I PM L----starting time for day service (hour) ;----starting time for night service (hour) ;---minute r-----AM I PM -&~&let>~IYE?.lORYI~ J Default To make program change all days of the week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Day service 9:00 AM night Service 5:00 PM :all Hunting + 1 Setting lQa lia &d k&zl hdFMoRyl GGI :.......... Disable / Enable :......- until the desired extension group number (1 through 8)appears all 8 extension Extension group group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group5 group 6 group-7 group 8 Disable X Enable Hunting Type I bl =&$=-w . . . . . ..Terminate / Circular ‘.......’ until the desired extension group number (1 through 8)appears _. all 8 extension Extension group group 1 group 2 group3 group 4 group5 group 6 group 7 group 8 Terminate X Circular 7-4

TO SET ;;g;s STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM 011 Restriction Ii3 Ga-mm - Area Type ....... Type Al Type B I Type C Selection We A X _ We B CO Operator Call-Boundary liil Ga@lnnEMoRvla Class ‘.........dial the boundary class number (1 through 8) Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Default X To make program change roil Restriction )f System speed Dialing El Gay-m ....... Restriction / No restriction - Default To make program change Restriction X No restriction Allowable Exchange Code Selection lzl Ga&mIUEMbRVIm code with3digits :.......... until the desired memory code number (01 through 20) appears Memory code number 01 1 02 1 03 1 04 1 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 exchange code entry I I I I I I I Memory code number 09 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 I I I I I I I I I I I Area Code Entry I for Class 3 m =&=qL”ORYl~ -....- area code with 3 digits :.......... until the desired memory code number (01 through 20) appears Memory code number 01 1 02 1 63 1 04 1 05 1 06 1; 07 1 08 Area code entry I I I I I . Memory code number 09 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 I I I I I I I I I I I 7-5

TO SET ;;;zs STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM roll Restriction :cont.) 1 Exchange Code kl ki+t~k.o~~~6iii Entry for Class 5 -.*..- exchange code with 3 digits :.......... until the desired memory code number (01 through 20) appears Memory code number ’ 01 t 02 1 03 t 04 t 05 1 06 t 07 1 08 exchange code entry I I I I I I I Memory code number 09 1 10 t 11 t 12 1 13 t 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 I I I I I I I I I I I Exchange Code Entry for Class 7 I Ea i.Ed &pflFMORYl lmul . . . . code with Bdigits :.......... until the desired memory number (01 through 20) appears iold Time qeminder Memory code number 01 1 02 1 03 1 04 1 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 Exchange code entry I I I I I I I Memory code number 09 1 10 1 11 t 12 t 13 1 14 1 15 1 I 16 1 17 1 18 20 I I 1 19 1 I I I I I I I I w liaymm ..........dial the time (1 minute through 9 minutes) iold Recall rime Set Default X To make program change Eil IiiEil-wm “““30 set! 1 min / 1.5 min I 2 min I Disable ‘ransfer Recall Fime 30 seconds. 1 minute 1 minute 30 seconds 2 minutes disable Default X To make program change Et lizEl~-m ........30 secl2 min 30 set 2 min Default X To make program change 7-6

TO SET I;;;= STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Zall Forwarding - Starting Time lzil liiamlNlEMORYla :..........l ring delay/ 2 rings delay/ 3 rings delay/ 4 rings delay Default To make program change 1 ring delay 2 rings delay 3 rings delay X 4 rings delay - L ‘ickup Dial Ielay Time (211 lNEXrlTrnI ...,.,.....l set I 2 set 1 3 set I 4 set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set To make program change :o-to-co Duration Time Eil EiEEllalUEMoRVm .imit I...........- dial the time (1 minute through 32 minutes) w Default I To make program change minute I 10 1 ;MDR (Carriage return for a new line) RS232C Communication m Parameters lNEXTllzyliiiiGJ . . . . ..CR +LF/ CR CR+LF CR To make program change (Baud rate) INEXTllSELECTllhnEMORY ‘.....llOB/ 15081 30081 600B/ 120081 240081 4800Bl 96008 Default To make program change (Word length) INEX;T1lSELECTlm i..... 7 bits! 8 bits 7 bits 8 bits To make program change . 7-7

TO SET ,“,“,;&f STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM SMDR (cont.) (Parity) ml~Lizz%ma ‘...“None / Mark / Space I Even/ Odd None Mark Space Even Odd Default X To make program change / - 5 (Stop bit length) tiiaqzllaaEaapar]m “‘.“l bit / 2 bits 1 bit 2 bits SMDR Parameters (Page length) la EEmpal *.e......... 4 through 99 lines (Skip perforation) /iiEl(ABI(MEMORY1~~ ..........’ 0 through 95 lines Incoming/ Outgoing Call Selection for IEl m~GiiiEmm~~m printing ““.‘Outgoing : On/Off ..,....-.,lncoming : On/Off Outgoing Incoming ON OFF ON OFF Default X X To make program change Secret Speed Dial / One Touch Dial ia Ga~LiiGElta Printing ‘....*..‘No Printing / Printing Default To make program change . No Printing X Printing . 7-S

TO SET ;;zzz STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM SMDER (cont.) System Data Dump l All Parameters 0 System Parameter l Speed Dial 0 stop output - 12 t I m- ~ORYI~ :.....A11 Para / System Para I CO Para / EXT Para / DSS Para / Speed Dia! / Stop Output - . . 0 CO Parameter + I iid- kiiiidh.BhIF~ORY~ kCd *.......dial the CO number (01 through 12) :.........‘until the CO Para appears l Extension Parameter + 1 ,.....dial jack number (01 through 32) :.........‘until the EXT Para appears l DSS Parameter + I ...... dial DSS number (1 or 2) ..........‘until the DSS Para appears Duration Time Count Start Mode El lEaqzImm ........... Instantly/ 5s after dial / 10s after dial I 15s after dial To make program change Instantly 5s after dial X 1 OS after dial 15s after dial %ernal Paging kcess Tone ..........until the desired external paging equipment number (1 or 2) appears 7-9

TO SET PROGRAM ADDRESS STEPS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PROGRAM Direct Inward System Access (DISA) El (Control code “ *“) INEXTI~~ ‘....- Enable / Disable I Default To make program change Enable X Disable I / -z (Prolong time) +EFTlISELECTITI#EMORYI ‘--..- 2 min / 3 min I4 min I 5 min 2 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes 5 minutes Default X To make program change (Answer delay time) [NEXTIJSELECT(TllvlEMORYl ‘....- 0 set I5 set I 10 set I15 set 0 second 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds Default X To make program change (Tone detect) [-ISELECTIpm -‘.‘.- Enable / Disable Default Enable X Disable To make program change (Security type) pEjElmFm[ ‘....- None Security I Trunk Security I All Security None Security Default To make program change Trunk Security X All Security (Remote security code) mlzEmEymNo. ‘....- 4 digits (0000 through 9999) Default I To make program change _ 70000 (User security code) 00~~00 NEXT SELECT SELECT CODE No MEMORY END ‘....- 4 digits (0000 through 9999) I..... User Code 1 / User Code 2 / User Code 3 / User Code 4 Default To make program change User code 1 60000 User code 2 60000 User code 3 60000 User code 4 60000 . 7- 10