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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-19 Implementation 3 2. Chec k the resc hed uling inc rements near the bottom of the form. The inc r1 throug h inc r5 fields d efine how long the loc al system waits b efore attemp ting to retransmit messag es that c ould not b e d elivered on the orig inal attemp t. For AMIS Analog Networking , the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in inc r1 and inc r2 for its sec ond and (if need ed ) third attemp ts. When the system has made three unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e. For Message Delivery, the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in inc r1, inc r2, inc r3, inc r4, and inc r5 for a total of six attemp ts (if need ed ). When the system has mad e six unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e. 3. If you c hang ed any resc hed uling inc rements, p ress or (F1). 4. Press to exit the form. Task 7: Restart the AUDIX System To ac tivate feature c hang es you mad e d uring the imp lementation p hase, you should restart the system. NOTE: If this is a new AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery system, you may want to p erform Task 8 before Task 7. A system restart at the end of initial AMIS analog networking /messag e d elivery imp lementation ensures the network is b roug ht up c leanly. Selec t an ap p rop riate time to b ring the system out of servic e, then d o the following : 1. Type st on the p ath line to ac c ess the startup form. Press . 2. To restart the system, press or (F1). 3. After the system reinitializes, you have to log b ac k in to d o further ad ministration. CHANGERU N Ctrl-z RETU RN CHANGERU N

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-20 Implementation 3 If the network is alread y running and you mad e minor ad justments to the p revious feature forms (for examp le, if you c hang e some minor p arameters b ut d id not ac tivate or d eac tivate the AMIS Analog Networking , Messag e Delivery, or Outc alling feature), you c an run the following aud its to ac tivate the c hanges without need ing to restart the system: 1. Type m au f on the p ath line to ac c ess the maintenance:audits:fp form. Press . 2. Tab to the Servic e Disp atc her field and typ e an x . Tab to the start field and type an x , then press or (F1) to run the aud it. 3.When the aud it c omp letes, b lank out the “ x” in the Servic e Dispatc her field . 4. Tab to the Network Data field and typ e an x . Tab to the start field and typ e an x , then p ress or (F1) to run the aud it. 5. Press to exit the form. Task 8: Administer Remote Machines/Telephone Numbers Re m o t e mac hines c an b e remote voic e mail systems (for the AMIS Analog Networking feature) or they c an be remote telep hone numb ers (for the Messag e Delivery feature). You c an ad minister a sing le remote AMIS analog voic e mail system, a rang e of remote AMIS analog voic e mail systems, a sing le messag e d elivery telep hone numb er, or a rang e of messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers as need ed . Use the system:translation:machine:audix/amis/call delivery form to d efine remote AMIS analog voic e mail systems or messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers. You also use this form to make c hang es to a remote mac hine p rofile, or to d elete (remove) a remote mac hine from the network. The following fig ures show examp les of d ifferent remote mac hine setup s. Refer to your notes from Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n to d etermine whic h systems should b e administered for a sp ec ific typ e of ad d ressing . The forms shown are from the R1V8 software release; on earlier software load s, the forms look slightly d ifferent. nFi g u re 3 -7, Dig ital Networking to a Sp ec ific Mac hine, shows the p rofile of a remote mac hine named “ d ig it” ad ministered for d ig ital networking . If a loc al system uses b oth d ig ital and analog networking , the add ress rang es must not overlap , even thoug h they use different transmission fac ilities. This fig ure is provid ed for c omp arison purp oses. RETU RN CHANGERU N CHANGERU N Ctrl-z

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-21 Implementation 3 nFi g u re 3 - 8, AMIS Casual Ad d ressing to Loc al Numb ers, shows how to ad minister all loc al 7-d igit numb ers for AMIS c asual (two-step ) addressing. — Bec ause an AMIS prefix “ 7” was ad ministered on the system:translation:analog network form, sub sc ribers must d ial this prefix b efore the other 7 d igits need ed for loc al message addressing. — The AMIS messag e transmission sc hed ule is limited to the normal b usiness d ay. The time shown is a sub set of the transmission cycles specified on the system:outcalling form. nFi g u re 3 - 9, AMIS Pre-Ad ministered Ad d ressing to a Sp ec ific Mac hine, shows the p rofile of a remote system ad ministered for AMIS p re-ad ministered (one-step ) ad d ressing. — The first add ress rang e is req uired to id entify the remote system to the loc al system. Bec ause the remote mac hine uses the same c ountry c od e as the loc al system, the c ountry c od e was omitted . However, b ec ause the remote mac hine has a d ifferent area c od e, this c od e must ap p ear in the ad dress rang e to uniq uely id entify the hunt g roup of the remote mac hine. If the remote mac hine was in a p rivate network, the network-ac c ess c od e and hunt g roup for the remote mac hine would ap p ear in the ad d ress p refix list instead . — The next ad d ress rang es spec ify the d ig its the loc al sub sc rib ers d ial to ad d ress messag es to this remote mac hine. Eac h ad d ress p refix b eg ins with the AMIS p refix “ 7” that was ad ministered on the system:translation:analog network form. In this example, sub sc rib ers may dial the AMIS p refix and full telep hone numb er as if they were using the p ub lic network, or they c an d ial just the AMIS p refix followed b y the 5 d ig its need ed to sp ec ify a remote mailb ox. They c ould also d ial the non-numeric ad d ressing prefix “ 7c h” (for chicago). — The system ad ministrator has b loc ked loc al sub sc rib ers from send ing messag es to nonad ministered remote rec ip ients in ord er to c ontrol long -d istanc e c alls. The system ad ministrator must therefore loc ally ad minister all remote rec ip ients on this mac hine who need to rec eive AMIS messag es.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-22 Implementation 3 nFigure 3-10, Messag e Delivery Ad d ressing to Loc al Numb ers, shows how to ad minister all loc al numb ers for the Messag e Delivery feature. The ad d ress p refix “ 6” has b een selec ted to help sub sc rib ers distinguish b etween the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features, and to make b oth loc al ad d ress rang es uniq ue. Figure 3-7. Digital Networking to a Specific Machine Localrl STATUS: alarms: none, logins: 1, thresholds: none PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery Error and confirmation information appears on this line. machine name: digit_____ local/remote: r password: remote1_ ext length: 4 voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 2 AMIS callback no.: _ (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) default community: 1 connection type: rs232a data rate: 1200 channel: 5 dial string: 912015556000 address ranges (prefix start / end extension) warnings 1: 201555_______________ 6000______ / 6000______ 2: _____________________ 6001______ / 6999______ 3: _____________________ __________ / __________ 4: _____________________ __________ / __________ 5: _____________________ __________ / __________ 6: _____________________ __________ / __________ 7: _____________________ __________ / __________ 8: _____________________ __________ / __________ 9: _____________________ __________ / __________ 10: ____________________ __________ / __________ message transmission schedule (hh:mm) 1. start: 18:00 end: 23:59 interval: 01:00 updates (y/n)? in y out y 2. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ network turnaround (y/n)? y 3. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ log connect events (y/n)? y new machine name: ______________ send to non-administered recipients (y/n)? n CHANGE or RUNADD DELETE CLEAR FORMEXIT ENTERHELP FIELD HELP

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-23 Implementation 3 Figure 3-8. AMIS Casual Addressing to Local Numbers Localrl STATUS: alarms: none, logins: 1, thresholds: none PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery Error and confirmation information appears on this line. machine name: localnums_ local/remote: r password: ________ ext length: 7 voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 3 AMIS callback no.: 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) default community: 1 connection type: amisac data rate: _____ channel: _ dial string: 9 address ranges (prefix start / end extension) warnings 1: 7____________________ 0000000___ / 9999999___ 2: _____________________ __________ / __________ 3: _____________________ __________ / __________ 4: _____________________ __________ / __________ 5: _____________________ __________ / __________ 6: _____________________ __________ / __________ 7: _____________________ __________ / __________ 8: _____________________ __________ / __________ 9: _____________________ __________ / __________ 10: ____________________ __________ / __________ message transmission schedule (hh:mm) 1. start: 08:00 end: 17:59 interval: __:__ updates (y/n)? in n out n 2. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ network turnaround (y/n)? n 3. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ log connect events (y/n)? n new machine name: ______________ send to non-administered recipients (y/n)? y CHANGE or RUNADD DELETE CLEAR FORMEXIT ENTERHELP FIELD HELP

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-24 Implementation 3 Figure 3-9. AMIS Pre-Administered Addressing to a Specific Machine Localrl STATUS: alarms: none, logins: 1, thresholds: none PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery Error and confirmation information appears on this line. machine name: chicago___ local/remote: r password: ________ ext length: 4 voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 4 AMIS callback no.: 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) default community: 1 connection type: amisap data rate: _____ channel: _ dial string: 917082225000 address ranges (prefix start / end extension) warnings 1: 708222_______________ 5000______ / 5000______ 2: 7____________________ 5001______ / 5999______ 3: 7708222______________ 5001______ / 5999______ 4: 7ch__________________ 5001______ / 5999______ 5: _____________________ __________ / __________ 6: _____________________ __________ / __________ 7: _____________________ __________ / __________ 8: _____________________ __________ / __________ 9: _____________________ __________ / __________ 10: ____________________ __________ / __________ message transmission schedule (hh:mm) 1. start: 08:00 end: 17:59 interval: __:__ updates (y/n)? in n out n 2. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ network turnaround (y/n)? n 3. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ log connect events (y/n)? n new machine name: ______________ send to non-administered recipients (y/n)? n CHANGE or RUNADD DELETE CLEAR FORMEXIT ENTERHELP FIELD HELP

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-25 Implementation 3 Figure 3-10. Message Delivery Addressing to Local Numbers To add , d elete, or c hang e a remote mac hine p rofile, d o the following : 1. Type sy tr m au on the p ath line to ac c ess the system:translation: machine:audix/amis/call delivery form. Press . 2. In the mac hine name field , type the name of the remote voic e mail system you p lan to ad minister and press . If this is a new (unassig ned ) mac hine name, the system d isp lays a messag e informing you the mac hine d oes not exist. — To ad d a new mac hine to the network, c omp lete the following step s. A system restart is not nec essary if you ad d one or more remote mac hines to an alread y ac tive network. — To c hange an existing mac hine’s p rofile, c omp lete the following step s. A system restart is not nec essary if you modify the p rofile of a machine that is already part of the network. — To d elete a remote mac hine, verify that this is the c orrec t p rofile you intend to remove from the network, then p ress (F3). Onc e deleted, a machine must be re-administered to be added back to the network. Localrl STATUS: alarms: none, logins: 1, thresholds: none PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery Error and confirmation messages appear here. machine name: localmd___ local/remote: r password: ________ ext length: 7 voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 5 AMIS callback no.: 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) default community: 1 connection type: calld data rate: _____ channel: _ dial string: 9 address ranges (prefix start / end extension) warnings 1: 6____________________ 0000000___ / 9999999___ 2: _____________________ __________ / __________ 3: _____________________ __________ / __________ 4: _____________________ __________ / __________ 5: _____________________ __________ / __________ 6: _____________________ __________ / __________ 7: _____________________ __________ / __________ 8: _____________________ __________ / __________ 9: _____________________ __________ / __________ 10: ____________________ __________ / __________ message transmission schedule (hh:mm) 1. start: 08:30 end: 17:00 interval: __:__ updates (y/n)? in n out n 2. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ network turnaround (y/n)? n 3. start: __:__ end: __:__ interval: __:__ log connect events (y/n)? n new machine name: ______________ send to non-administered recipients (y/n)? y CHANGE or RUNADD DELETE CLEAR FORMEXIT ENTERHELP FIELD HELP RETU RN ENTER DELETE

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-26 Implementation 3 3. Go throug h the following form field s b y p ressing the key, and c hang e any field s need ed to imp lement the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features: a. Loc al/remote This d isp lay-only field shows r after the remote mac hine is ad ministered . b. Password This field d oes not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery (it is used for d ig ital networking only). c . Ext leng th (or extension leng th p rior to R1V8) The extension leng th dep end s on the feature you are ad ministering. Valid entries are the d ig its 3 throug h 10. — For an amisac c onnec tion typ e (AMIS c asual or two-step ad d ressing), this field sp ec ifies how many d ig its entered b y sub sc rib ers for an AMIS ad d ress are ac tually d ialed b y the local system. For example, if the extension length is “ 7” , the loc al system d ials the d ial string (if any) followed b y the last seven d igits of the numb er a sub sc rib er enters as the AMIS ad d ress to the remote voic e mail system ( not the remote mailb ox ID). The AMIS p refix is not d ialed . — For an amisap c onnec tion typ e (AMIS pre-ad ministered or one-step ad d ressing ), this field sp ec ifies the numb er of d ig its req uired to id entify a remote mailbox ID (the extension leng th typ ic ally matc hes the extension leng th of the remote switc h). — For a c alld c onnec tion typ e (messag e d elivery), this field sp ec ifies how many d ig its entered b y sub sc rib ers for a messag e d elivery ad d ress are ac tually d ialed b y the loc al system. For examp le, if the extension leng th is “ 10” , the loc al system d ials the d ial string (if any) followed b y the last ten d ig its of the numb er a subsc rib er enters as a messag e delivery address. d . Voic ed name This field ind ic ates “ n” for a new mac hine (a name for this mac hine has not yet b een rec ord ed ). This field is automatic ally set to “ y” when you rec ord a name for this mac hine. To d elete a name that was p reviously rec orded , set this field to “ n” . (If you d elete a name using this form, you must re-rec ord it to c hang e the field b ac k to “y”.) TA B

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-27 Implementation 3 e. Voice id This d isp lay-only field is b lank until you have suc c essfully ad d ed this remote mac hine. The system then automatic ally assig ns a numb er that it assoc iates with the name frag ment for this remote mac hine. This id entifier is used when rec ord ing the name of the remote system. f. AMIS c allbac k no. This field app ears on R1V8 systems only. Enter the numb er from 1 to 5 c orresp ond ing to the c allb ac k numb er for this remote AMIS mac hine; c allb ac k numb ers are d efined on the system: translation:analog network form. These examples show the d efault c allb ac k numb er “ 1” . When the loc al system d elivers an AMIS messag e to this remote mac hine, it will use this c allb ac k numb er in the p rotoc ol. g. Default community The d efault c ommunity for users of this remote mac hine. A c ommunity c onsists of those sub sc rib ers who are ab le to exc hange voic e mail messag es as p ermitted on the system:sending restric tions form. This value c an b e overrid d en for ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers on the subscriber:local or the subscriber:remote form. h. Connec tion typ e (or network c onnec tion typ e p rior to R1V8) This field informs the loc al system how to c ontac t this remote system or numb er. — Enter amisac for AMIS c asual (two-step ) ad d ressing . — Enter amisap for AMIS pre-administered (two-step) addressing. — Enter calld for a messag e d elivery d estination or a range of message delivery destinations. i. Data rate This field d oes not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery and must b e left b lank (it is used for d igital networking only). j. Channel This field d oes not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery and must b e left b lank (it is used for d igital networking only).

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 AUDIX Administration 3-28 Implementation 3 k. Dial string Typ e the string the loc al system should d ial in ord er to send messag es to this remote mac hine. Valid entries vary for d ifferent network c onnec tion typ es as follows: — amisac (op tional): For an amisac c onnec tion typ e (AMIS c asual or two-step ad d ressing ), the d ial string is op tional. If used , it may be from 0 to 24 c harac ters and c onsists of any numb ers the system should prep end to the numb er sub sc rib ers dial to reac h a sp ec ific ad dress. The d ial string p lus the extension must be less than or eq ual to 29 characters. For a rang e of loc al numb ers, the d ial string might b e “ 9” (or whatever trunk-ac c ess c od e or d ial-ac c ess c od e is assig ned to reac h the p ub lic network). For examp le, if the extension length is “ 7” and a sub sc rib er spec ifies a valid 7-d ig it ad d ress (suc h as 555-6000), the loc al system would d ial “ 95556000” to reac h the remote mac hine. For a rang e of long -d istanc e numb ers, the d ial string would normally b e “ 91” in the United States (the trunk- or d ial-ac c ess c od e followed b y “ 1” ). For examp le, if the extension length is “ 10” and a sub sc rib er sp ec ifies a valid 10-d igit add ress (suc h as 201-555-6000), the loc al system would d ial “ 912012225000” to reac h the remote system. — amisap (req uired): For an amisap c onnec tion typ e (AMIS p re-ad ministered or one-step ad d ressing ), the d ial string is req uired. It c an b e up to 65 c harac ters long , and typ ic ally c onsists of the trunk-ac c ess c od e or d ial-ac c ess c od e need ed to reac h the p ub lic or p rivate network, followed b y the c omp lete telep hone number of the remote mac hine. For examp le, in Fig ure 3-9, AMIS Pre-Ad ministered Ad d ressing to a Sp ec ific Mac hine, the loc al system would d ial “ 912012225000” to reac h the remote system. — c alld (op tional): For a c alld c onnec tion typ e (message d elivery), the op tional d ial string is d efined in the same manner as for AMIS two-step ad dressing (refer to the amisac description). NOTE: You c an instruc t the loc al system to p ause for a sp ec ified leng th of time by entering “P” (inc luding q uotes) in the dial string . A single “ P” c auses the system to p ause ap proximately 1.5 sec ond s; a “ P” followed b y a dig it from 1 to 9 c auses the system to wait the sp ec ified amount of time. For examp le, if d ial string is 9” P2” 5556000, the loc al system dials 9, waits ab out 3 sec ond s, then d ials 5556000.