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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-17 Adjust the System Limits 5 Adjust the System Limits For either the AMIS Analog Networking or Message Delivery features, you may have to ad just system limits to ac c ommod ate ad d itional ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers and /or messag e d elivery rec ipients. Only remote users on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing or messag e d elivery rec ip ients may b e ad ministered on the loc al system. To adjust system limits to ac c ommod ate ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers: Use the following p roc ed ure to adjust system limits to ac c ommod ate ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers. 1. Log on to the Intuity system und er the SA log in and ac c ess the Intuity Ad ministration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 -1. 2. Selec t AUDIX Ad ministration from the Intuity Ad ministration menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see a b lank AUDIX Voic e Messag ing sc reen as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 7. 3. Enter list measurements feature day at the c ommand p romp t to ac c ess the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen as shown in Figure 5-11. Figure 5-11. Feature Daily Traffic Screen

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-18 Adjust the System Limits 5 4. Rec ord the numb er displayed in the SUBSCRIBERS, Loc al field . Consid er ad d ing the numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers that you exp ec t to ad minister over the next twelve months to the numb er shown on the sc reen. 5. Rec ord the numb er of sub sc rib ers d isp layed in the Remote and Non Ad ministered Remote field s. Some remote sub sc rib ers may alread y be ad ministered on the loc al system. 6. Press (F1) to exit the sc reen and return to a b lank AUDIX Voic e Messag e screen. 7. Enter change system-parameters limits at the c ommand p romp t. After you enter the c ommand , you see the System-Parameters Limits sc reen as shown in Fig ure 5-12. Figure 5-12. System-Parameter Limits screen 8. Chec k the number in the Messag e Leng ths, Maximum field . If you set the AMIS Protoc ol - Use 8 Minutes For Inc oming Message Leng th 0 field to n on the System Parameters Analog Network sc reen, the numb er in this field shows the maximum leng th an inc oming AMIS messag e c an b e for the loc al system to ac c ep t the numb er. 9. Enter the exp ec ted numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers in the Sub sc rib ers, Loc al field . The default value is 1000. CANCEL

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-19 Administer Retransmission Intervals 5 10. In the Ad ministered Remote field , enter the numb er of remote sub sc rib ers you exp ec t to ad minister on the loc al system. This inc lud es sub sc rib ers on remote systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing and message d elivery rec ip ients. The d efault value is 1000. 11. Press (F3) to save your c hang es and exit the sc reen. Administer Retransmission Intervals The loc al system makes three attemp ts to deliver AMIS analog networking messag es and six attemp ts to d eliver messag e d elivery messag es. If all attemp ts to d eliver a messag e fail, the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e that the messag e c ould not b e d elivered. You must ad minister the intervals at whic h you want the system to attemp t to send messag es. Use the following p roc ed ure to ad minister the intervals at whic h the loc al system makes d elivery attemp ts. 1. Log on to the Intuity system und er the SA log in and ac c ess the Intuity Ad ministration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 -1. 2. Selec t AUDIX Ad ministration from the Intuity Ad ministration menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see a b lank AUDIX Voic e Messag ing sc reen as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 7. 3. Enter change system-parameters features on the p ath line and p ress . 4. Press (F7) onc e or twic e to d isp lay the ap p rop riate p ag e. ENTER RETU RN N EXTPA G E

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-20 Administer Retransmission Intervals 5 Figure 5-13. System-Parameters Features Screen (Intuity AUDIX 3.2) — Page 3 5. Press or use the arrow keys to move the c ursor to the RESC H ED U L I N G I N C REM EN TS FO R U N SU C C ESSFU L M ESSAG E DELIVERY field . Use the following g uid elines to set the retransmission intervals: nThe Inc r 1 throug h Inc r 5 field s d efine how long the loc al system waits b efore attemp ting to retransmit messag es that c ould not be d elivered on the orig inal attemp t. nFor AMIS analog networking , the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified delivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in the Inc r 1 and Inc r 2 field s for its sec ond and (if need ed ) third attemp ts. When the system has mad e three unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e. nFor message d elivery, the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in the Inc r 1, Inc r 2, Inc r 3, Inc r 4, and Inc r 5 field s for a total of six attemp ts (if need ed ). When the system has mad e six unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e. 6. Press (F3) to save your c hang es and exit the sc reen. TA B ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-21 Activate the Changes 5 Activate the Changes You must stop and restart the AUDIX voic e system to ac tivate AMIS Analog Networking c hang es. Use the following p roc ed ure for any c hanges mad e on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. Restart the AUDIX Voice System 1. Log on to the Intuity system und er the SA or c raft log in and ac c ess the INTUITY Administration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 - 1. 2. From the INTUITY Ad ministration menu selec t Start Voic e System, then Stop Voic e System as shown in Fig ure 5-14. Figure 5-14. Start/Stop AUDIX Voice System Screen !CAUTION: Insure that AMIS Analog Networking is turned on and that you are fax enab led if you p urc hased AMIS analog networking or FAX Messag ing with your system. If not, c ontac t your AUCC (AUDIX Up g rade Control Center) rep resentative at 1-800-56 AUDIX (1-800-562-8349), send ing them a c op y of your servic e ord er.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-22 Activate the Changes 5 To see if AMIS Analog Networking and fax is turned on g o to the Customer/Servic es Ad ministration menu, and selec t the Features Op tions sc reen. The p roc ed ures listed b elow are also rec ommend ed for FAX Messag ing . If you purchased FAX Messaging, you may need to: nCreate and ad minister at least one fax c all delivery mac hine (for p rinting to fax mac hines). You d o this using three existing Intuity sc reens: the Mac hine Profile, AMIS Analog Ad ministration, and System Parameters Analog Network sc reens nAd minister the outc alling feature to ac c ommod ate fax p rinting (nec essary sinc e Intuity FAX Messag ing shares outg oing p orts and outc alling intervals with the outc alling feature) nEnab le sub scrib ers for fax messag ing, includ ing : — Inc reasing mailbox size to at least 4,800 sec onds (or d oub le the time allotted for voic e messag es, whic hever is greater) — Inc reasing maximum messag e leng th to at least 1,200 sec ond s for c all answer and voic e mail nSet up secondary fax extensions for selec ted sub scrib ers (op tional) nSet up a guaranteed fax mailbox for appropriate fax machines nDistrib ute Intuity Messag e Manager 2.1 software and d oc umentation to selec ted sub sc rib ers (op tional) nIdentify appropriate remote digital network machines as fax-enabled nCall ad ministrators of remote dig ital networked mac hines and tell them to id entify you as fax-enab led nEnsure that fax-enab led sub sc rib ers know the ap p rop riate fax p rint p refix and the Transfer into AUDIX feature c od e nPerform ac c ep tanc e testing b y fax-enab ling two sub sc rib ers, send ing a fax, then retrieving it using . *1*6

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-23 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 AMIS Remote Machine Administration Re m o t e mac hines c an b e remote voic e mail systems, for the AMIS Analog Networking feature, or they c an b e remote telep hone numb ers, for the Messag e Delivery feature. You c an ad minister a sing le remote AMIS analog voic e mail system, a rang e of remote AMIS analog voic e mail systems, a sing le messag e d elivery telep hone numb er, or a rang e of messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers as need ed . Use the AMIS Analog Mac hine Ad ministration sc reen on the Intuity p latform ad ministration to ad d , c hang e, d elete, rename, and d efine messag e transmission sc hed ules for remote AMIS analog mac hines or remote messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers. You c an use the ap p rop riate version of this sc reen to c hang e (mod ify) an existing remote mac hine p rofile, or remove (d elete) a remote mac hine from the network. Onc e d eleted , a mac hine must be re-ad ministered to b e add ed b ac k to the network. Use the Mac hine Profile sc reen on the Intuity AUDIX Voic e Messag ing feature pac kag e to d efine ad d ress rang es for the remote AMIS mac hines. !CAUTION: The c ustomer is resp onsib le for ad ministering their loc al voic e mail system to p revent sub sc rib ers or other users from send ing unauthorized long -distanc e AMIS analog messag es or messag e d elivery messag es. You can administer your remote systems so subscribers can send messages to voic e mail systems anywhere in the world , only to spec ific c ountries, only to d omestic systems, only to sp ec ific d omestic area c od es, only loc ally, or only to sp ec ific d estinations. Refer to Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, for ad d itional sec urity information.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-24 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Administer AMIS Remote Machines on the Intuity Platform Use the following instruc tions to ad minister the remote mac hines. 1. Starting at the Intuity Ad ministration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 - 1, selec t the following menu op tions: 2. After you selec t Remote Mac hine Ad ministration, you see the Remote Mac hine Ad ministration menu as shown in Fig ure 5-15. Figure 5-15. Remote Machine Administration Menu 3. Selec t AMIS Analog Mac hine Ad ministration from the menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see the AMIS Analog Mac hine Ad ministration sc reen as shown in Fig ure 5-16. > Remote Mac hine Ad ministration > Networking Ad ministration

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-25 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Figure 5-16. AMIS Analog Machine Administration Screen In Chap ter 2, Planning and Design, you c omp leted one or more c opies of AMIS Analog Networking worksheets to p lan the administration of the AMIS remote mac hines. Refer to eac h c op y of the worksheets as you c ontinue with the AMIS remote mac hine ad ministration p roc ess. 4. Enter a remote AMIS mac hine name in the Mac hine Name field . You must enter a uniq ue one- to ten-c harac ter mac hine name. Use (F2) to view the existing mac hine names to make sure you enter a uniq ue name. 5. Enter the telephone numb er of the remote mac hine in the Dial String field . The loc al mac hine uses the d ial string to c ontac t and send messag es to the remote mac hine. Valid entries vary for d ifferent network c onnec tion types as d esc rib ed in the following list: namisac (op tional): For amisac mac hines (AMIS c asual or two-step ad d ressing), the d ial string is op tional. If used , it may b e from 0 to 24 c harac ters and c onsists of any numb ers the system should ad d to the number subsc ribers dial to reach a specific address. The dial string p lus the extension must b e less than or eq ual to 29 characters. CHOICES

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-26 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 For a rang e of loc al numb ers, the d ial string might b e “ 9” (or whatever trunk-ac c ess c od e or dial-ac c ess c od e is assigned to reac h the p ublic network). For examp le, if the extension leng th is “ 7” and a sub sc rib er sp ec ifies a valid 7-d igit add ress (suc h as 555-6000), the loc al system would d ial 95556000 to reac h the remote mac hine. For a rang e of long -d istanc e numb ers, the d ial string would normally b e 91 in the United States (the trunk- or d ial-ac c ess c od e followed b y 1). For examp le, if the extension leng th is 10 and a sub sc rib er spec ifies a valid 10-d ig it ad d ress (suc h as 201-555-6000), the loc al system would d ial 912015556000 to reac h the remote mac hine. namisap (req uired): For amisap mac hines (AMIS p re-ad ministered or one-step ad d ressing ), the d ial string is req uired . It c an b e up to 65 c harac ters long , and typ ic ally c onsists of the trunk-ac c ess c od e or d ial-ac c ess c od e need ed to reac h the p ub lic or p rivate network, followed b y a p ause interval, followed b y the c omp lete telep hone numb er of the remote mac hine. For examp le, in Fig ure 4-13, AMIS Pre-Administered Ad d ressing to a Sp ec ific Mac hine — Pag e 2, the loc al system would d ial 912015556000 to reac h the remote system. ncalld (optional): For calld (messag e d elivery), the op tional d ial string is d efined in the same manner as for AMIS two-step ad d ressing (refer to the amisac description). NOTE: You c an instruc t the loc al system to p ause for a sp ec ified leng th of time b y entering “P” (including quotes) in the dial string . A sing le “ P” c auses the system to p ause ap p roximately 1.5 sec ond s; a “ P” followed b y a dig it from 1 to 9 c auses the system to wait the specified amount of time. For example, if the dial string is 9” P2” 5556000, the loc al system d ials 9, waits ab out 3 sec ond s, then d ials 5556000. The messag e transmission sc hed ule sec tion of the AMIS Analog Mac hine Ad ministration sc reen allows you to set time intervals for network c ommunic ations. Intuity only send s rec ord ed messag es to the remote mac hine d uring the time intervals or send times you specify. Sp ecify the time using a 24-hour or military time c loc k starting at 00:00 and end ing at 23:59. For examp le, if you want the start time to b e 11:00 p .m., enter 23:00 in the start time field . Ad minister the ad d ress rang es for the remote mac hines or ind ivid ual remote telep hone numb ers ac c ord ing to the p lan c reated in Chap ter 2, Planning and Design. The total ad d ress rang e, p refix and extension, c an b e a maximum of 24 c harac ters and c annot overlap .