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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-27 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 6. Enter a start time in the start field . Use the format HH:MM where HH stand s for hours and MM stand s for minutes. Spec ify the time using a 24-hour or military time c loc k. For examp le, if you want the start time to b e 11:00 p .m., enter 23:00 in the field . 7. Enter an end time in the end field . Use the format HH:MM where HH stand s for hours and MM stand s for minutes. Spec ify the time using a 24-hour or military time c loc k. For examp le, if you want the end time to b e 12:00 a.m., enter 00:00 in the field . 8. If you need to estab lish multip le send times, rep eat step s 6 and 7 for the sec ond and third sc hed ules. If you need to estab lish only one sc hedule, p roc eed to step 9. Up to three c yc les c an b e d efined for eac h remote system. Cyc les may b e assig ned to avoid toll fac ilities or p eriod s of heavy traffic if d esired . The total time of the c yc les c an neither exc eed 24 hours nor overlap. A c yc le can span ac ross mid nig ht. NOTE: The times sp ec ified must b e eq ual to or a sub set of the outc alling transmission times ad ministered on the System Parameters Outc alling sc reen, or the AMIS and/or message delivery messages will never b e sent. For examp le, if you sc hed ule AMIS and messag e d elivery messages to b e sent anytime d uring a 24-hour p eriod (00:00 to 23:59), b ut outc alling p eriod s are only sc hed uled from 07:00 to 18:00, AMIS and messag e d elivery messag es are sent b etween the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM. If all the outc alling p orts are b usy, the system retries in one minute. If an outc alling p ort is availab le, b ut for some reason the system c annot d eliver the messag e, the system uses the value entered in the Rescheduling Increments For Unsuccessful Message Delivery field on the System Parameters Features sc reen. AMIS messag e delivery is d one in p ac kets of 9 to satisfy the AMIS stand ard . Any messag es left in the q ueue are resc hed uled for immed iate d elivery after the first 9 are transmitted . The loc al system c alls the remote system ag ain within 2 minutes and transmits any ad d itional AMIS messag es in the q ueue. 9. When you finish entering information for a remote mac hine, press (F8) then p ress (F3) to enter the information into the system. After you p ress the key, the system add s the information and returns you to the Machine Name field . You see the following messag e on your sc reen: Machine Added, Enter Machine Name, use for list CHG-KEYSADD

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-28 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 10. For eac h AMIS remote mac hine you p lan to send voic e messag es to, rep eat step s 4 throug h 9. NOTE: To enter information for another remote mac hine, enter the next remote mac hine name over the p revious name. When you p ress or to move the c ursor to the next field , the information for the p revious mac hine c lears from the sc reen. 11. When you finish entering remote mac hines, p ress (F6) until you return to the Intuity Ad ministration menu. Administer AMIS Remote Machines on the AUDIX Voice Messaging Feature Package This sec tion d esc rib es how you administer AMIS remote mac hine information on the AUDIX Voic e Messag ing feature p ac kag e. Use the Mac hine Profile sc reen to enter the AMIS information req uired for eac h remote mac hine. The AUDIX Voic e Messag ing feature pac kag e need s to know sp ec ific information ab out the remote mac hines, suc h as the p refix and the ad dress rang es, to be ab le to d eliver messag es to remote sub sc ribers. You c an only enter this information after you ad d the remote AMIS mac hine. If you have not ad d ed the remote AMIS mac hine, refer to the p revious sec tion for instruc tions. Use the following p roc ed ure to administer the remote AMIS mac hine. 1. Log on to the Intuity system und er the SA log in and ac c ess the Intuity Ad ministration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 -1. 2. Selec t AUDIX Ad ministration from the Intuity Ad ministration menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see a b lank AUDIX Voic e Messag ing sc reen as shown in Fig ure 5-17. ENTERTA B CANCEL

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-29 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Figure 5-17. Blank AUDIX Voice Messaging Screen 3. Enter change machine at the enter command p rompt. After you enter the c ommand , you see the Mac hine Profile sc reen as shown in Fig ure 5-18. If you d o not know the names of the remote mac hines, use the list machines c ommand . When you enter the c ommand you see a list of all mac hines ad ministered on the system.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-30 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Figure 5-18. Machine Profile Screen for a Remote AMIS Machine NOTE: Th e machine name , location , and voice ID field s are d isp lay only. You c annot c hang e the information in the field s. 4. Enter one of the following c onnec tion typ es in the Type field . Refer to Chapter 2, Planning and Desig n, to find the c orrec t c onnec tion typ e for the remote mac hine. nEn t e r amisac for AMIS c asual (two-step ) ad d ressing . nEn t e r amisap for AMIS p re-ad ministered (one-step ) ad d ressing . nEn t e r calld for the Messag e Delivery feature. 5. Press to move p ast the Voiced Name field and to the Extension Length field . The Voic e Name field c ontains an n for the mac hine sinc e a name has not b een rec ord ed for the mac hine. This field automatic ally c hang es to y when you rec ord a name for the mac hine. Onc e a name has b een rec ord ed , you c an enter n in the field to d elete the rec ord ed name. If you d elete the name, you must rerec ord the name to set the field b ac k to y . TA B

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-31 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 6. Enter an extension leng th for the remote mac hine. The extension length depends on the feature you are administering. Enter a numb er b etween 3 and 10. Use the following g uidelines to enter an extension length: nFo r amisac mac hines (AMIS c asual or two-step add ressing ), the extension length field id entifies the numb er of dig its a loc al mac hine must d ial from an AMIS ad d ress entered b y a sub sc rib er. For examp le, if the extension leng th is 7 , the Intuity system d ials the d ial string (if any) followed b y the last seven d igits of the numb er entered b y a subsc rib er. The AMIS p refix is not d ialed . nFo r amisap mac hines (AMIS pre-ad ministered or one-step ad d ressing), the extension leng th field sp ec ifies the numb er of d ig its a sub sc rib er must enter to id entify a remote mailb ox ID. The extension length typ ic ally matc hes the extension leng th of the remote switc h. nFo r calld mac hines (messag e delivery), the extension leng th field id entifies the numb er of d ig its a loc al mac hine must d ial from a message delivery address entered by a subscriber. For example, if the extension leng th is 10 , the Intuity system d ials the d ial string (if any) followed b y the last ten d ig its of the numb er entered by a sub sc rib er. 7. Enter the numb er of the d efault c ommunity of sub sc rib ers on this remote AMIS mac hine. A c ommunity rep resents a group of sub sc rib ers assig ned c ertain messag ing p rivileg es and restric tions. Use the feature to g roup sub sc rib er types. You can then restrict a group from rec eiving voic e messages or from send ing to other g roup s. The Community ID field id entifies the c ommunity to whic h a remote sub sc rib er b elong s. For more information on c reating c ommunities, searc h your Intuity d oc umentation for c ommunity send ing restric tions.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-32 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Enter the Address Ranges for the Remote Machine The Ad d ress Rang e sec tion of the Mac hine Profile sc reen allows you to set p refix and ad d ress rang es for the remote AMIS mac hines. Intuity AUDIX Voic e Messag ing uses the p refix and ad d ress rang es to d etermine the remote mac hine on whic h a remote subsc riber resid es when messag es are ad d ressed to that sub sc rib er. Refer to Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, and use the address rang e p lan d esig ned on the remote mac hine worksheets. Refer to the following g uid elines as you ad minister the ad dress rang es: nIn ad dition to the ad d ress rang es that sp ec ify the d ig its sub sc rib ers must enter, the local system also requires an address range that uniquely id entifies the hunt g roup numb er, or c allback number, of the remote voic e mail system. nIf the remote mac hine has a d ifferent c ountry c od e, the ad d ress rang e must c ontain the c ountry c od e, area/trunk c ode, and hunt g roup . nIf the remote mac hine has a d ifferent area or trunk c ode, only the area/trunk c od e and hunt g roup are need ed . The c ountry c od e should b e omitted. nIf the remote system is loc al, only the hunt group numb er should ap p ear for that mac hine. nIf the remote mac hine c an b e ac c essed throug h a p rivate network, the network-ac c ess c od e and hunt g roup for the remote mac hine should ap p ear in the add ress p refix list instead . Enter the numb ers that d efine the mailb ox extensions that c an b e used on the remote system or the sp ec ific remote telephone numb ers you want loc al sub sc rib ers to ac c ess in the Start Ext. and End Ext. field s. Valid entries c an b e from 3 to 10 d igits. The leng th of the start and end extensions must ag ree with the numb er shown in the Extension Leng th field . Lead ing zeros may b e need ed to c onform to this req uirement. The end extension must be eq ual to or g reater than the start extension. If you sp ec ify the same numb er as the starting and end ing extension, a uniq ue mac hine or telephone numb er is sp ec ified , usually to id entify the hunt g roup numb er of a remote mac hine. Up to ten d ifferent rang es c an be sp ec ified . AMIS ad d ress ranges and messag e d elivery ad d ress rang es must b e uniq ue; they c annot overlap with other AMIS analog networking and /or messag e delivery ad d ress rang es. See Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, for d etails. NOTE: The Warning s field ind ic ates when a d up lic ate or overlap p ing rang e is being assigned. If you get a warning message, display the List Ad dress-rang es sc reen to c hec k whic h extension numb ers are in use, then refer to Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, to select appropriate ranges.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-33 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Use the following p roc ed ure to enter add ress rang es information on the remote mac hine. 1. Enter a remote AMIS mac hine p refix in the Prefix field as listed on the remote mac hine worksheets in Chap ter 2. As you enter the p refix, refer to the following g uid elines: nAd d ress p refixes are op tional. For the ad d ress p refixes you want sub sc rib ers to d ial, the first d ig it of the Prefix field must matc h the AMIS Prefix entered on the System Parameters Analog Network sc reen, if an AMIS p refix was entered . Ad d itionally, the p refix may c ontain a c ountry c od e and /or area c od e or the mnemonic for a remote loc ation. You c an enter a maximum of 21 alp hanumeric c harac ters starting with zero (0). For example, if the AMIS p refix is 7, the ad dress p refix c ould b e 7201. nPrefixes are not rec ommend ed in a DCS network. Otherwise, ad d ress p refixes are rec ommend ed to help subsc ribers d isting uish among remote voic e mail systems. Sub sc rib ers must typ e the ad d ress p refix whenever they ad d ress an AMIS analog networking and /or messag e d elivery messag e. 2. Enter the first extension numb er of the ad d ress rang e in the Start Ext . field . For examp le, if your system uses extensions b etween 2000 and 3000, enter 2000 in the Start Ext. field . 3. Enter the last extension numb er of the ad dress rang e in the End Ext . field . For examp le, if your system uses extensions b etween 2000 and 3000, enter 3000 in the End Ext. field . 4. Rep eat steps 1 throug h 3 for eac h ad d ress rang e you need to enter. You c an enter a maximum of ten. 5. Press (F7) to move to the next p ag e of the sc reen as shown in the following example. NEXTPA GE

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-34 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 Figure 5-19. Page Two of the Machine Profile Screen 6. Enter y for yes or n for no in the Send to Non-Administered Recipients field . When a sub sc rib er ad d resses a messag e to a remote extension that d oes not map to an ad d ress known b y the loc al system, the loc al system ad d s this potential sub sc rib er to the d ata base, then sends the messag e to every remote system in the network for whic h the ad d ress is valid . If a valid remote rec ip ient c annot b e found, the sub sc rib er rec ord is deleted eventually b y one of the system aud its and the loc al system c hang es the status of the messag e from und elivered to und eliverab le in the send er’s outgoing voic e mailb ox. nFor AMIS one-step systems and messag e d elivery: If this field is set to n , subsc rib ers c an only send messag es to ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers. If a subsc rib er enters a valid extension or telep hone numb er, b ut one whic h has not b een ad ministered , the sub sc rib er is notified that the entry is invalid . nFor AMIS two-step systems: This field must b e set to y because all remote subsc ribers on these systems are nonad ministered. Setting the field to n p revents all AMIS c asual messag es from b eing d elivered on Intuity systems.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-35 AMIS Remote Machine Administration 5 NOTE: Permitting sub sc rib ers to send messag es to nonad ministered rec ip ients may have a sig nific ant imp ac t on the network, c ausing extra or unnec essary c alls to other systems and load ing the loc al sub sc rib er d atab ase with unneed ed rec ords. If the network is kep t up -to-d ate, c hang e the field to n to red uc e the system load . Often, messag es to nonad ministered rec ip ients simp ly ind ic ate a misd ialed numb er. 7. When you finish entering remote mac hine information, p ress (F3) to save the information in the system d atab ase. You rec eive the following c onfirmation messag e and the c ursor returns to the c ommand p romp t: Command Successfully Completed 8. Enter Exit at the c ommand p romp t to leave the Mac hine Profile sc reen and return to the Intuity Ad ministration menu. You have c ompleted the procedure for administering the remote AMIS machines on the AUDIX Voic e Messag ing feature p ac kag e. ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-36 Record Remote Machine Names (Optional) 5 Record Remote Machine Names (Optional) The name of eac h remote voic e mail system, telephone numb er, or rang e of mac hines and/or numb ers may b e rec ord ed using your telep hone. The loc al system voic es these names when loc al sub sc rib ers ad d ress messag es to this mac hine, or when they rec eive messag es from remote sub sc rib ers whose names are not rec ord ed or who are not ad ministered . To rec ord remote voic e mail system or telep hone mac hine names: 1. Verify you have announc ement-c ontrol p ermission b y entering change subscriber on the path line, where is your extension numb er. After you enter the c ommand , you see the Subsc rib er sc reen as shown in Figure 5-20. Figure 5-20. Subscriber Screen, Page 1