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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide

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    							Planning and Design 
    2-1 Requirements 
    AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design
    This c hapter c overs p roc ed ures need ed  to p lan and  d esign a network using  the 
    AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features. Information inc ludes 
    hard ware and  software req uirements, sec urity c onsid erations, and req uired  
    network information. 
    This sec tion d esc rib es the hardware and  software req uired  to imp lement the 
    AMIS Analog  Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features on your loc al Luc ent 
    Technologies voice mail system. There are no switch or installation requirements 
    other than those listed  in this sec tion. 
    Software Requirements
    The following software is req uired  to imp lement AMIS analog  networking  and/or 
    message delivery: 
    nAMIS analog  networking  must b e enab led  b y authorized  Luc ent 
    Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel to use either the AMIS Analog  Networking  or 
    Messag e Delivery feature. 
    nThe loc al voic e mail system must be running  an app rop riate version of 
    AU D I X Sys t e m : Req uires R1V6 or later software. 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System: Req uires R1.0 or later software. 
    Intuity System: Req uires R1.0 or later software. 
    nFor AMIS Analog  Networking: Any remote voic e mail systems in the 
    network must also have their AMIS analog  networking  c ap ab ilities 
    ac tivated .  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-2 Requirements 
    Hardware Requirements
    The following  hard ware is req uired  to imp lement AMIS analog  networking  and /or 
    message delivery: 
    nFo r  B o t h  Fe a t u re s : Suffic ient voic e p orts must b e installed  on the loc al 
    system to hand le the ad d itional traffic . See the following  Vo i c e  Po r t  
    Needs sec tion to d etermine if ad d itional voic e p orts may b e need ed . 
    nFor Message Delivery: The rec ip ient must have a touc h-tone telep hone. 
    Voice Port Needs
    In ord er to d etermine if ad d itional voic e p orts may b e need ed  on your system to 
    sup p ort the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features, first 
    c onsid er the amount of traffic  (numb er and  leng th of messag es) you expec t to 
    oc c ur d uring  the 
    b usy hour of the d ay. 
    nIf you d o not p lan to use the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e 
    Delivery features d uring the b usy hour (for examp le, if you p lan to allow 
    messag es to b e transmitted  only at nig ht), you p rob ably have enoug h 
    voic e p orts to sup p ort this feature. However, after the feature has b een 
    ac tivated , you may wish to verify that system p erformanc e is not affec ted  
    b y following  the step s in the Monitor Voice Port Use sec tion. 
    nIf you p lan to use the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery 
    features d uring  the b usy hour, c onsid er the imp ac t of these features on 
    voic e-port use as follows: 
    — If the exp ec ted  AMIS analog  networking  and /or messag e d elivery 
    traffic  is lig ht, you p robab ly d o not need  to ad d  any voic e p orts to 
    sup p ort this feature. However, after the feature has b een ac tivated , 
    you may wish to verify that system p erformanc e is not affec ted by 
    following  the steps in the Monitor Voic e Port Use section. 
    — If the exp ec ted  AMIS analog  networking  and /or messag e d elivery 
    traffic  is heavy, d o the c alc ulations in the following  sec tion to 
    d etermine the effec t these features may have on system 
    Calculate Expected Voice Port Use
    If you p lan to use the AMIS Analog  Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features 
    d uring the b usy hour and you want to estimate the imp ac t these features might 
    have on your system p erformanc e, you c an d o the following  c alc ulations. (If you 
    are p urc hasing  a new voic e mail system, the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies ac c ount team 
    runs these calculations for you.) 
    1. Estimate the numb er of AMIS analog  networking  and /or messag e d elivery 
    messag es you exp ec t to oc c ur d uring  the b usiest hour of the d ay.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-3 Requirements 
    2. Estimate the antic ip ated  leng th of eac h messag e. Eac h AMIS and /or 
    messag e d elivery messag e req uires an ad d itional 45 sec ond s of 
    overhead  to transmit. 
    3. Multiply the values from Steps 1 and 2 as follows: 
    (# messag es) (averag e messag e leng th +  45 sec ond s) =  
    X sec ond s of p ort use 
    4. Divide the total sec ond s of projec ted p ort usag e b y 3600. This numb er 
    represents the 
    ad d itional p ort usag e req uired  to sup p ort this feature 
    d uring the b usy hour. 
    X sec ond s of p ort use / 3600 =  # ad d itional p ort usag e 
    5. Add this number to the maximum average number of ports in use. Refer to 
    the following  Monitor Voic e Port Use sec tion for the form and  field  
    need ed  on your system to g et these values. 
    6. Use the tab le in the ap p rop riate ad ministration manual (see next sec tion) 
    to d etermine if the resulting  g rade of servic e (GOS) will b e ac c ep tab le 
    (refer to the following  Monitor Voic e Port Use). If not, p lan to install the 
    rec ommend ed number of add itional voic e p orts 
    before imp lementing the 
    AMIS Analog  Networking  or Messag e Delivery features. 
    Monitor Voice Port Use
    Use the following  p roc ed ure to d etermine if ad d itional voic e p orts may be 
    need ed  on your system. You may use this p roc ed ure after ac tivating the AMIS 
    Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features to d etermine their imp ac t 
    (if any) on system p erformanc e. 
    nFo r  a n  A U D I X Sy st e m : 
    1. Disp lay the traffic:feature:day
     form and record the number 
    in the max averag e numb er of ports in use field . 
    2. Using the
     AUDIX Ad ministration, 585-305-501, manual, c alc ulate 
    the g rad e of servic e (GOS). 
    3. Using the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration, 585-300-507, 
    manual, c alc ulate the g rad e of servic e (GOS). 
    nFor an Intuity System: 
    1. Disp lay the Feature Daily Traffic  form using  the list measurements 
    feature day
     c ommand  and  rec ord  the numb er you see in the 
    Maximum Average Ports in Use
     field . 
    2. Calc ulate the g rad e of servic e (GOS). For p roc ed ures, searc h your 
    Intuity d oc umentation for g rad e of servic e (GOS).
    nFor any of the systems, a GOS of .05 is rec ommend ed  (a lower GOS is 
    d esirab le). If the GOS is greater than .05, ad d itional voic e p orts should  b e 
    installed . Contac t your sales rep resentative.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-4 Security 
    Bec ause the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features use the 
    switc h’s analog  lines to transmit messages, verify that the c lass of restric tion 
    (COR) assig ned  to the loc al system’s voic e p orts sup p orts outc alling , or these 
    features will not work. For examp le, to p rotec t ag ainst p ossib le toll fraud , the loc al 
    system’s voic e p orts might be restric ted  from ac c essing  2-way or outg oing  trunk 
    g roups. The COR for the voic e mail system mig ht need  to be altered  to allow the 
    AMIS Analog  Networking , Messag e Delivery, and Outc alling  features to work. 
    However, if left c omp letely unrestric ted , the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or 
    Messag e Delivery features c ould  allow loc al voic e mail users to send messag es 
    to any valid  telep hone numb er world wid e. Conseq uently, the system 
    ad ministrator must use jud gment when ad ministering the AMIS Analog  
    Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features. For examp le: 
    nIn ord er to minimize exp osure to unauthorized  long -d istanc e c alls, the 
    AMIS Analog  Networking  and  Messag e Delivery features should b e 
    restric ted  to send ing  messag es to remote mac hines or telep hone 
    numb ers loc ated  in sp ec ific  c alling areas or at the sp ec ific  d estinations 
    needed to conduct business. 
    nAdditionally, the system administrator c an use the Messag e Send ing  
    Restric tions
     feature to limit the use of the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or 
    Messag e Delivery features to only those sub sc rib ers who have a need  to 
    use it. The Message Send ing  Restric tions feature c an also b e used  to limit 
    AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery c alls to sp ec ified  
    remote mac hines (numb ers) or user c ommunities. It may b e overrid d en for 
    sp ec ific  sub sc ribers if need ed . Refer to the feature d esc riptions manual 
    for your voic e mail system for more information on the Messag e Send ing  
    Restric tions feature. 
    For more information about voic e mail system sec urity, refer to the 
    Prod uc ts Sec urity Hand b ook
    , 555-025-600. 
    The c ustomer is resp onsib le for ad ministering  their Luc ent Tec hnologies 
    voic e mail systems to p revent sub sc rib ers from send ing  unauthorized  
    long -distanc e AMIS Analog  Networking  or Messag e Delivery messag es. 
    Remote systems c an b e ad ministered so sub sc rib ers c an send  messag es 
    to voic e mail systems anywhere in the world , only to sp ec ific  c ountries, only 
    to d omestic systems, only to sp ecific d omestic  area cod es, only locally, or 
    only to sp ec ific  d estinations. See the following
    Network Desig n sec tion for 
    The customer is also responsib le for ad ministering  the voic e mail system 
    and  assoc iated  p assword s to p revent unauthorized  users from ac c essing  
    sub sc rib er mailboxes and  send ing  unauthorized  AMIS Analog Networking  
    or Messag e Delivery messag es.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-5 Network Design 
    Network Design
    Planning  is the essential first step  in imp lementing  an AMIS analog  networking  
    and /or messag e d elivery network. Ac tual network ad ministration should  not 
    b eg in until the loc al voic e mail system is running  smoothly and the system 
    ad ministrator is familiar with all asp ec ts of ad ministering  it. 
    A network c oord inator should  b e named to manage the ad ministration and 
    up d ates for every remote system (for AMIS analog  networking ) or telephone 
    numb er (for messag e delivery). This is p artic ularly imp ortant on AMIS analog  
    networking  and /or messag e d elivery networks where remote subsc rib er rec ord s 
    must b e input manually on the loc al mac hine (mac hine-to-mac hine up d ates are 
    not sup ported  over an AMIS analog /messag e d elivery network). 
    Designing an AMIS Analog/Message Delivery
    Fi g u re  2 - 1 shows you a samp le network that c ontains the following  systems: 
    nAU D I X Sys t e m :  This samp le R1V8 system uses AMIS analog  networking to 
    c onnec t with a DEFINITY AUDIX system and  a set (rang e) of non-Luc ent 
    Tec hnolog ies voic e mail systems. The system uses the Messag e Delivery 
    feature to c onnec t to several other loc ations inc lud ing  all loc al numb ers 
    and  one long -d istanc e d estination.
    In this examp le, the AUDIX system is also d ig itally networked  to other 
    AUDIX or Intuity systems. These d igital c onnec tions d o not d irec tly affec t 
    the AMIS analog/messag e d elivery network 
    except that the ad d ress 
    rang es 
    c annot b e d up lic ated  or overlap . Add ress rang es are d isc ussed  in 
    the Defining  Ad dress Rang es sec tion of this c hap ter. 
    nDEFINITY AUDIX System: This system has a smaller number of 
    sub sc rib ers. The system also connects to several Messag e Delivery 
    loc ations inc lud ing  all loc al numb ers and  one long -d istanc e site, a rang e 
    of non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail systems, and  the AUDIX R1V8 and  
    Intuity systems. 
    nIntuity System: The samp le Intuity system uses AMIS analog  networking  to 
    c onnec t with a DEFINITY AUDIX system and  a set (rang e) of non-Luc ent 
    Tec hnolog ies voic e mail systems. The system uses the Messag e Delivery 
    feature to c onnec t to several other loc ations inc lud ing  all loc al numb ers 
    and  one long -d istanc e d estination. 
    In this examp le, the Intuity system is also d ig itally networked  to other 
    Intuity or AUDIX systems. These d igital c onnec tions d o not d irec tly affec t 
    the AMIS analog/messag e d elivery network 
    except that the ad d ress 
    rang es 
    c annot b e d up lic ated  or overlap . Add ress rang es are d isc ussed  in 
    theDefining  Add ress Rang es sec tion of this c hapter.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-6 Network Design 
    nNon-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Voic e Mail Systems: These other-vendor 
    systems must have AMIS analog networking  c ap ab ility. The examp le 
    assumes a rang e of other-vend or voic e mail systems. 
    nMessag e Delivery Destinations: Each Messag e Delivery d estination must 
    b e a touc h-tone telep hone. 
    Figure 2-1. Sample AMIS Analog/Message Delivery Network
    Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribers
    Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribers Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribersLong-distance
    message delivery
    1 person or number
    message delivery
    1 person or numberLong-distance
    message delivery
    1 person or numberDigitally
    machinesAUDIX R1V8
    2000 local subscribers
    Linked to the
    Intuity system through
    digital networking
    AMIS analog
    Intuity system
    5000 local
    Linked to the
    AUDIX system
    digital networking
    AMIS analog
    500 local
    cldxami2 LJK 032699 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-7 Network Design 
    Fi g u re  2 - 2 shows how the network p lanner d ec id ed  to d esig n the c onnec tions 
    b etween the mac hines (nod es or d estinations) of the samp le AMIS 
    analog /messag e d elivery network shown in Fi g u re  2 - 1. 
    nAUDIX System AMIS Connec tions: Bec ause traffic  b etween the AUDIX 
    and  DEFINITY AUDIX system was exp ec ted  to b e heavy, the AUDIX 
    system is d esig ned  to use one-step  (
    p re-ad ministered) addressing to the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. Dig ital Networking  was used  for the c onnec tion 
    to the Intuity system.
    Bec ause there is more than one non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail 
    system, the AUDIX system is d esig ned  to use two-step  (
    ad d ressing for this rang e of systems. Bec ause two-step  ad d ressing  is 
    used , these remote rec ip ients 
    c annot b e ad ministered  on the loc al 
    mac hine. 
    Eac h remote system ad ministered  for AMIS one-step  ad d ressing 
    must have an ind ividual mac hine p rofile ad ministered  on the loc al 
    system. The one-step  c onnec tion p rovid es an easier user interfac e 
    (see the Subscriber Features sec tion in Chap ter 1, Overview). 
    nDEFINITY AUDIX System AMIS Connec tions: Bec ause the system 
    ad ministrator is exp ec ting to add  a larg e numb er of sub sc ribers, the 
    network planner d ec id ed  to use a two-step  (
    casual) c onnec tion to the 
    AUDIX and  Intuity systems. Alternatively, the administrator c ould  have set 
    up  a one-step  (
    pre-administered) c onnec tion and left most of the 
    sub sc rib ers non-administered . 
    Bec ause there is more than one non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail 
    system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system is desig ned  to use two-step  (
    c asual) 
    ad d ressing to this system. 
    Users on remote systems ad ministered  for two-step  ad dressing  
    c annot b e ad ministered  on the loc al system, nor c an loc al 
    sub scrib ers includ e them in sub scrib er-d efined mailing  lists or 
    p ersonal d irec tories.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-8 Network Design 
    nIntuity System AMIS Connec tions: Bec ause traffic  b etween the Intuity 
    system and  the DEFINITY AUDIX system was exp ec ted to b e heavy, the 
    Intuity system is d esig ned  to use one-step  (
    p re-ad ministered) ad dressing  
    to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Dig ital Networking  was used  for the 
    c onnec tion to the AUDIX system.
    Bec ause there is more than one non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail 
    system, the AUDIX system is d esig ned  to use two-step  (
    ad d ressing for this rang e of systems. Bec ause two-step  ad d ressing  is 
    used , these remote rec ip ients 
    c annot b e ad ministered  on the loc al 
    mac hine. 
    Eac h remote system ad ministered  for AMIS one-step  ad d ressing 
    must have an ind ividual mac hine p rofile ad ministered  on the loc al 
    system. The one-step  c onnec tion p rovid es an easier user interfac e 
    (see the Subscriber Features
     sec tion in Chap ter 1, Overview). 
    nMessag e Delivery Connec tions: Both the AUDIX and  DEFINITY AUDIX 
    systems are d esig ned  to allow loc al sub sc rib ers to add ress Message 
    Delivery messag es to any loc al number. However, only a single remote 
    d estination is planned  for the long -d istanc e Messag e Delivery numb er to 
    b etter p revent unauthorized  long -d istanc e p hone c alls.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-9 Network Design 
    Figure 2-2. Sample AMIS Analog Network/Message Delivery 
    Specific telephone
    Specific telephone
    numbers Specific telephone
    numbers Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribers
    Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribers Non-Lucent Technologies
    voice mail systems 2000
    local subscribersLong-distance
    message delivery
    1 person or number
    message delivery
    1 person or numberLong-distance
    message delivery
    1 person or numberDigitally
    machinesAUDIX R1V8
    2000 local subscribers
    Linked to the
    Intuity system through
    digital networking
    Intuity system
    5000 local
    Linked to the
    AUDIX system
    digital networkingDEFINITY
    500 local
    of local
    of local
    of local
    cldxami1 LJK 032699 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Planning and Design 
    2-10 Network Design 
    Defining Address Ranges
    All loc al and  remote mac hines (inc lud ing  Messag e Delivery telep hone numb ers) 
    in the AMIS analog /messag e d elivery network work must have uniq ue 
    The p arts that make up  a remote mac hine’s ad d ress are the AMIS p refix 
    (op tional), the ad d ress p refix (sometimes req uired ), and the extension ranges 
    (req uired ). 
    For non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies systems or remote d estinations, you may need to 
    c all the p erson resp onsib le for ad ministering  that mac hine to c ollec t add ress 
    information. The ad d ress rang es for Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail systems c an 
    be displayed using the following forms: 
    nOn AUDIX systems, use the system:translation:address
    nOn DEFINITY AUDIX systems, use the List Add ress-Rang es form. 
    nOn Intuity systems, use the List Ad d ress-Rang es sc reen. 
    AMIS Prefix
    An AMIS p refix may b e d efined  on the same form used  to imp lement the AMIS 
    analog  networking  feature. If an AMIS p refix is ad ministered , loc al sub sc rib ers 
    must always d ial it as the first p art of the rec ip ient’s ad d ress whenever they 
    ad d ress an AMIS messag e (the p refix sig nals to the system that the following  
    d ig its c onstitute an AMIS analog  networking  ad d ress). Even thoug h the AMIS 
    p refix introd uc es another d ig it for subsc rib ers to d ial, you may wish to ad minister 
    one to help  subsc rib ers d isting uish between AMIS messag es and  other features, 
    and  to ensure that the ad dress rang es for the AMIS analog  network d estinations 
    are uniq ue. 
    Address Prefixes
    Address prefixes are digits subscribers dial after the AMIS p refix (if one is 
    ad ministered ) and  
    prior to the rec ip ient’s extension or p hone number when 
    addressing messages. Address prefixes may be provided to allow subscribers to 
    ad d ress remote messag es in various ways and  still allow the messag e to b e 
    delivered (for example, if the remote system c an be acc essed over a public 
    or a 
    p rivate network). 
    Address prefixes may be 
    req uired in some c ases to p revent extension rang es 
    from overlap p ing ; dup lic ate or overlap p ing  rang es are not allowed  on AMIS 
    analog  networking  or messag e d elivery networks (see the following  Overlapping 
    or Dup lic ate Rang es sec tion for d etails). Generally, p refixes are 
    rec ommended in a DCS network.  
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