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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-31 Implementation 4 To rec ord ad ministered remote sub sc rib er names: 1. Type list remote-extension on the p ath line, where is the name of the remote mac hine to whic h the d isp layed extensions b elong . Press . 2.Either p rint this sc reen, write down the sub sc rib ers’ extensions, or d isp lay this sc reen as you rec ord names. Press (F7) to view the next page (if any). 3. From a touc h-tone telep hone, log into the DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine using the extension that has announc ement-c ontrol p ermissions. 4. From the ac tivity menu, p ress to perform system ad ministration. 5. Press to rec ord sub sc rib ers’ names. 6. Using the touc h-tone keyp ad, enter the ad d ress of the first subsc riber’s name you wish to rec ord as it ap p ears in the Extension field on the sc reen. 7. Sp eak the sub sc rib er’s name c learly when p romp ted . 8. Press to app rove the name, or p ress to d elete and re-rec ord it. If desired, you may press to listen to your recording, followed by to ap prove it or to d elete it. 9. Rep eat Step s 6 throug h 8 for eac h remote sub sc rib er name you wish to rec ord . 10. When you are finished , p ress to return to the ac tivity menu, or just hang up to exit the system. Task 13: Test the Connection This sec tion d esc rib es tests that c hec k the op eration of the AMIS Analog Networking and/or Messag e Delivery features. Use these tests as the final step in ad ministering the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features, or to troub leshoot a p rob lem with the network. NOTE: The system should only need to b e reb ooted onc e to ac tivate AMIS and /or messag e d elivery servic e. However, if you have run the audits and still c annot g et AMIS analog networking and /or messag e d elivery to work (for examp le, if you c annot send or rec eive messag es), try reb ooting the system as d esc ribed in Task 8A and see if this c orrec ts the p rob lem. RETU RN N EXTPA G E 9 4 #*D 23# *D *R

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-32 Implementation 4 Task 13A: Testing an AMIS Analog Connection You c an test the AMIS analog c onnec tion either b y send ing a test message to the d estination mac hine (see the sec tion for an examp le), or you c an use the AMIS loop b ac k test mailb oxes (if ad ministered ). To use the remote system’s AMIS loop b ac k test mailb ox: 1. Contac t the system ad ministrator at the remote AMIS mac hine to: — Get the numb er of the remote AMIS loop b ac k test mailb ox (if one is ad ministered ), or an extension to send a test AMIS messag e to (if one is not). — Give the remote system ad ministrator the numb er of your AMIS loopback test mailbox (see Task 3), and request that he or she send you a test messag e. 2. From your own extension, log into the loc al system and c reate an AMIS message with the remote machine’s loopback test mailbox address (or the alternative test extension). Sc hed ule the messag e for immed iate d elivery. (If the remote system’s loop b ac k test mailb ox rec eives your test message, it will send a copy of your message back to your incoming mailbox as a new voic e mail messag e.) 3. Wait a few minutes, then c hec k your mailb ox: — If the messag e c ould not b e delivered , you will have a new voic e mail messag e notifying you that the messag e was und eliverab le. Ac c ess your outg oing mailb ox (p ress ) and p lay the undeliverable messag e head er to find out the reason the d elivery attemp t failed . Dep end ing on the error messag e, c orrec t the most likely p rob lem. Verify the intend ed rec ip ient’s ad d ress and ad ministration, then return to this sec tion to try another test. — If the loc al system c ould suc c essfully d eliver the messag e, the message status in your outgoing mailbox is updated to delivered. If the messag e has not yet b een d elivered (it is still und elivered), c hec k your mailb ox ag ain later to see if the status has b een updated to delivered. 4. If the remote system ad ministrator send s an AMIS messag e to the loc al loop b ac k test mailb ox on your system, the loc al system send s a c op y of the messag e to the inc oming mailb ox of the remote user to ind ic ate the message was rec eived. The loopback extension keeps a copy of the messag e head er in its outg oing mailb ox. 4

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-33 Ongoing Administration 4 Task 13B: Testing a Message Delivery Connection To test a c onnec tion for the Messag e Delivery feature, simp ly send a test messag e to the intended rec ip ient. If your telep hone numb er is in the same ad d ress rang e as the intend ed rec ip ient, you may alternatively send a test messag e to yourself. To test the Messag e Delivery feature: 1. From your own extension, log into the local DEFINITY AUDIX system and p ress to rec ord a messag e for the intend ed rec ip ient. When finished, p ress to app rove it. 2. When the system p rompts you for the extension, enter the messag e d elivery p refix (if need ed), followed b y the c omp lete telep hone numb er need ed to reac h the rec ip ient, followed b y . 3. To ap prove the ad d ress and send the messag e immed iately (at the first ad ministered interval), p ress . 4. Wait a few minutes, then c hec k your mailb ox: — If the messag e c ould not b e delivered , you will have a new voic e mail messag e notifying you that the messag e was und eliverab le. Ac c ess your outg oing mailb ox (p ress ) and p lay the undeliverable messag e head er to find out the reason the d elivery attemp t failed . Dep end ing on the error messag e, c orrec t the most likely p rob lem. Verify the intend ed rec ip ient’s ad d ress and ad ministration, then return to this sec tion to try another test. — If the loc al system c ould suc c essfully d ial the rec ip ient’s numb er, the messag e status in your outg oing mailb ox mig ht be delivered or ac c essed, d ep ending on whether the intend ed rec ipient has answered the c all. If the messag e has not yet been delivered (it is still und elivered), c hec k your mailb ox ag ain later to see if the status has been updated to ac c essed, indicating a succ essful message delivery. Ongoing Administration Ong oing AMIS analog networking and messag e delivery ad ministration and maintenanc e is summarized in this sec tion. Educate Subscribers A p rimary d uty of the system ad ministrator is to inform the sub sc rib er p op ulation of AMIS analog networking and messag e d elivery p refixes, valid mac hine numb ers to d ial, and so on. Up d ate and distrib ute the temp late letter for the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features that ap p ears in Appendix C, Sub sc rib er Op eration. 1 # # ## 4

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-34 Ongoing Administration 4 Maintain the Network The system ad ministrator may need to d o p eriod ic ad ministration of the AMIS analog networking /messag e d elivery network as follows: nFor AMIS analog networking, ad d and d elete loc al and remote sub sc rib ers and mac hines as nec essary (see Tasks 9 throug h 13). These tasks d o not req uire a system reboot. nFor message d elivery, ad d and delete remote telep hone numbers and sub sc rib ers as nec essary (see Tasks 9 throug h 13). These tasks do not req uire a system reb oot. nRead minister network p arameters if need ed (for examp le, if numerous remote ad ministered sub sc rib ers are ad d ed or if the Outc alling feature is ac tivated ). Any c hang es mad e in Task 4 need to b e ac tivated as described in Task 8. nTroub leshoot any AMIS-related entries that ap p ear in the ad ministration log (an “ A” entry on the status line). Refer to App end ix A, Ad ministration Log Entries, for a summary of AMIS analog networking and messag e d elivery log entries, and the p rob lem-resolution step s for eac h. Monitor Logs and Traffic Reports The system administrator should display the administration log and traffic reports freq uently to verify g ood servic e, id entify p ossib le p rob lems, and ensure system sec urity. Refer to the ap p rop riate forms or sc reens referenc e manual for a d esc rip tion of traffic reports and ind ivid ual fields on the traffic sc reens (see the Related Resourc es sec tion in the p refac e). nExamine the ad ministration log daily or whenever an “ A” alarm ap p ears on the status line. nMonitor traffic information p ertaining to AMIS analog networking and messag e d elivery ac tivities. Refer to Ap p end ix B, Ad ministration Forms Su m m a r y , for a list of sc reens that d isp lay p ertinent information. nMonitor the outc alling p ort use (whic h inc lud es AMIS analog networking and /or messag e d elivery) using the Measurements Sp ec ial-Features sc reens. If nec essary, inc rease the maximum numb er of simultaneous ports as described in Task 5.

Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-1 5 AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 5 Intuity System AMIS Administration This c hapter d esc rib es how to imp lement the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features on an Intuity system and inc lud es the following p roc ed ures: nVerifying AMIS Servic e nDisp laying the Loc al Mac hine nAd ministering AMIS Analog Loop bac k Test Mailb ox (Op tional) nAd ministering AMIS Analog Networking /Messag e Delivery Parameters nAd ministering Outc alling Period s nAd justing System Limits for Sub sc rib ers nAd ministering Retransmission Intervals nAc tivating the Chang es (Reb oot or Run Aud its) nAd ministering Remote Mac hines and/or Telep hone Numb ers nRec ord ing Remote Mac hine Names (Op tional) nAd ministering Remote Sub sc rib ers (Op tional) nRecording Remote Subscriber Names (Optional) nTesting the Remote Connec tion NOTE: If you need instruc tions for ad ministering AMIS on an AUDIX R1 system, refer to Chap ter 3, AUDIX Ad ministration. If you need instruc tions for ad ministering AMIS on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, refer to Chapter 4, D EFI N I TY A U D I X A d m i n i st r a t io n .

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-2 5 Planning is the first step req uired to imp lement the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features. Review Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, b efore starting the steps in this sec tion. Do not start the AMIS network ad ministration until the loc al Intuity Voic e Messag ing system is op erating smoothly and the ad ministrator has had some exp erienc e ad ministering it. !WARNING: To minimize unauthorized long d istanc e c alls, restric t the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features to send messag es to telep hone numb ers loc ated in sp ec ific c alling areas or to sp ec ific d estinations need ed to c ond uc t b usiness. Ad d itionally, use the Messag e Send ing Restric tions feature to ad minister whic h sub sc rib ers c an send AMIS analog networking and messag e d elivery messages, and to whic h loc ations they c an send messag es. This sec tion d esc rib es the tasks nec essary to implement the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on an Intuity system. These mac hine-spec ific tasks must b e d one for eac h remote AMIS analog mac hine or messag e d elivery telep hone numb er. Bec ause the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features have similar ad ministration requirements, you may want to ad minister them simultaneously if you p lan to use b oth features. This c hap ter only c ontains information req uired to ad ministrator the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features. Some of the sc reens d esc rib ed in this c hap ter are used for ad d itional feature ad ministration. If you need ad d itional information on the sc reens d esc rib ed in this c hap ter searc h your Intuity d oc umentation for d ig ital networking or the name of the feature or p roc ess you are trying to imp lement.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-3 Checking and Activating the AMIS Analog Networking Feature 5 Checking and Activating the AMIS Analog Networking Feature You c annot ad minister the AMIS Analog Networking or Messag e Delivery features until AMIS analog networking has b een ac tivated b y Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel. Use the following p roc ed ure to d etermine if the AMIS Analog Networking feature has b een ac tivated . 1. Ac c ess the Intuity Administration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 - 1. If you need instruc tions for log g ing on to the system and ac c essing the menu, searc h your Intuity d oc umentation for log in information. Figure 5-1. Intuity Administration Menu 2. Selec t Customer/Servic es Administration from the Intuity Administration menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see the Customer/Servic es Ad ministration menu as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 2.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-4 Checking and Activating the AMIS Analog Networking Feature 5 Figure 5-2. Customer/Services Administration Menu 3. At the Customer/Servic es Ad ministration menu, selec t Feature Op tions. After you selec t the op tion, you see the Feature Op tions sc reen as shown in Fi g u re 5 -3. Figure 5-3. Feature Options Screen

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-5 Local Machine Administration 5 You c annot c hang e the information on the sc reen. The sc reen is a d isp lay-only sc reen. The Current c olumn on the sc reen shows you the features c urrently ac tive on the Intuity system. If you see N/A in the Current field , the feature is not ac tivated . 4. Check the AMIS Analog Networking field and selec t one of the following op tions: nIf the Current c olumn for the field c ontains N/A , the AMIS Analog Networking feature has not b een ac tivated . Contac t your sales rep resentative for information on p urc hasing the feature or to have the feature ac tivated . nIf the Current c olumn for the field c ontains ON , c ontinue with the AMIS Analog Networking administration as d esc rib ed in this chapter. Local Machine Administration Mac hine is a term used to desc rib e the p latforms on whic h the Intuity system and the AMIS Analog Networking feature op erate. For a list of sup p orted Intuity p latforms, searc h your Intuity d oc umentation for AMIS analog networking . For AMIS Analog Networking on the Intuity system, there are two typ es of mac hines, loc al and remote. nA loc al mac hine is the mac hine on whic h you are ad ministered as a loc al sub sc rib er. nA remote mac hine is any mac hine to whic h the loc al mac hine send s voic e messag es, whether that mac hine is at the same or at a d ifferent g eog rap hical location. Ad ministration for the loc al mac hine is p erformed on b oth the Intuity p latform and the Intuity AUDIX Voic e Messag ing feature p ac kag e. The loc al mac hine ad ministration should have b een c omp leted d uring one or more of the following ad ministration ac tivities: nIntuity AUDIX Voic e Messag ing ad ministration nIntuity p latform administration nIntuity AUDIX Dig ital Networking ad ministration (if app lic ab le) Check the Local Machine Administration on the Intuity Platform Use the following p roc ed ure to verify that the loc al mac hine has b een ad ministered c orrec tly on the Intuity p latform. 1. Log on to the Intuity system und er the SA log in and ac c ess the Intuity Ad ministration menu, shown in Fi g u re 5 -1.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-6 Local Machine Administration 5 Figure 5-4. Intuity Administration menu 2. Selec t Networking Ad ministration from the Intuity Ad ministration menu. After you selec t the op tion, you see the Networking Ad ministration menu as shown in Fi g u re 5 -5. Figure 5-5. Networking Administration Menu 3. Selec t Loc al Mac hine Ad ministration from the menu. You see the Loc al Mac hine Ad ministration sc reen as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 6