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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-11 Implementation 4 b . St a r t Ti m e / En d Ti m e Sp ec ify at least one start time and one end time to imp lement AMIS analog networking and /or messag e delivery. Up to three c yc les (period s of time) may b e sp ec ified . The sum of the c yc les must b e less than 24 hours; a c yc le may sp an mid nig ht, b ut may not overlap another c yc le. NOTE: The AMIS analog networking and message d elivery transmission times sp ec ified on the Mac hine sc reen must b e eq ual to or a sub set of the outc alling p eriod s sp ec ified here. Make a note of the outc alling c yc le(s). c . Interval This field does not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery; the intervals in this field ap p ly only to the Outc alling feature (if ac tivated ). You will use the System-Parameters Features sc reen to ad minister the intervals for AMIS analog networking and /or messag e d elivery (d one in Task 7). d . Maximum Simultaneous Ports Sp ec ify the maximum numb er of p orts that may b e used simultaneously for outc alling , AMIS analog networking , and /or messag e d elivery during the sp ec ified c yc le. You may need to inc rease this numb er if you were p reviously using the Outc alling feature and are now ad ding the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features. See the Vo i c e Po r t N e e d s sec tion in Chapter 2, Planning and Desig n , for more information. e. Initial Delay This field does not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery; it ap p lies only to the Outc alling feature (if ac tivated ). f. Maximum Numb er Dig its This field does not ap p ly to AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery; it ap p lies only to the Outc alling feature (if ac tivated ). 3. Press (F3) to save your d ata and exit the sc reen. 4. You need to reb oot the system or run an aud it to ac tivate these c hang es (done in Task 8). ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-12 Implementation 4 Task 6: Adjust System Limits For either the AMIS Analog Networking or Message Delivery features, you may have to ad just system limits to ac c ommod ate ad d itional ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers and /or messag e d elivery rec ipients. Only remote users on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing or messag e d elivery rec ip ients may b e ad ministered on the loc al system. To adjust system limits to ac c ommod ate ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers: 1. Enter list measurements feature day on the p ath line to ac c ess the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. Press . a. Rec ord the numb er displayed in the SUBSCRIBERS, Loc al field . You mig ht c onsid er ad ding the numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers that you exp ec t to administer over the next twelve months to the numb er shown on the sc reen. b . Rec ord the numb er of sub sc rib ers d isp layed in the Remote and Non Ad ministered Remote field s (some remote sub sc rib ers may alread y b e ad ministered on the loc al system). c . Press (F1) to exit the sc reen. 2. Enter change system-parameters limits on the p ath line and p ress . See Fig ure 4-6, the System-Parameter Limits sc reen, for a samp le of this sc reen. Figure 4-6. The System-Parameter Limits Screen RETU RN CANCEL RETU RN

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-13 Implementation 4 3. Chec k the number in the Messag e Leng ths, Maximum field . If you set the AMIS Protoc ol—Use 8 Minutes For Inc oming Messag e Leng th 0? field to “ n” on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen, the numb er in this field shows the maximum length an inc oming AMIS messag e c an b e for the loc al system to ac c ept it. 4. Enter the exp ec ted numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers in the Sub sc rib ers, Loc al field . The default value is 1000. 5. In the Administered Remote field, enter the number of remote subscribers you exp ec t to ad minister on the loc al system. This inc lud es sub sc rib ers on remote systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing and message d elivery rec ip ients. The d efault value is 1000. 6. If you have adjusted the number of local and remote subsc ribers, press (F3) to save your d ata and exit the sc reen. ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-14 Implementation 4 Task 7: Administer Retransmission Intervals The loc al system makes three attemp ts to deliver AMIS analog networking messag es and six attemp ts to d eliver messag e d elivery messag es. If all attemp ts to d eliver a messag e fail, the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e that the messag e c ould not b e d elivered. You must ad minister the intervals at whic h the system should attemp t to send messag es on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. This sc reen is different on various releases of DEFINITY AUDIX software. Fi g u re 4 - 7, the System-Parameters Features sc reen — Pag e 3, shows an examp le of this sc reen. To ad minister the intervals at whic h the loc al system makes delivery attemp ts, d o the following : 1. Enter change system-parameters features on the p ath line and p ress . 2. Press (F7) onc e or twic e to d isp lay the ap p rop riate p ag e. Figure 4-7. The System-Parameters Features Screen — Page 3 RETU RN N EXTPA G E

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-15 Implementation 4 3 . RESC H ED U L I N G I N C REM EN TS FO R U N SU C C ESSFU L M ESSAG E D EL I VERY The Inc r 1 throug h Inc r 5 field s d efine how long the loc al system waits b efore attemp ting to retransmit messag es that c ould not b e d elivered on the orig inal attemp t. For AMIS analog networking, the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in the Inc r 1 and Inc r 2 field s for its sec ond and (if need ed ) third attemp ts. When the system has mad e three unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified through a new voic e mail messag e. For message d elivery, the system attemp ts to send the messag e onc e at the sp ec ified d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not suc c essful, it uses the intervals sp ec ified in the Inc r 1, Inc r 2, Inc r 3, Inc r 4, and Inc r 5 field s for a total of six attemp ts (if needed ). When the system has mad e six unsuc c essful attemp ts, the messag e is marked as und eliverab le and the send er is notified throug h a new voic e mail messag e. 4. If you c hang ed any of these inc rements, p ress (F3). 5. You need to reb oot the system or run an aud it to ac tivate these c hang es (done in Task 8). Task 8: Activate the Changes You c an either reb oot or run aud its on the loc al system to ac tivate the AMIS Analog Networking feature p arameters, d ep end ing on the version of software installed on your system. Task 8A: Reboot the System (R1.0) All DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 systems must b e reb ooted when the AMIS Analog Networking feature is first ac tivated . The system need s to b e reb ooted only onc e to ac tivate AMIS servic e. You c an make further c hang es to the network (suc h as ad d ing or removing remote mac hines) without need ing to reb oot the loc al mac hine. To reb oot the DEFINITY AUDIX system, p ic k an ap p rop riate time, then: 1. Enter reset system reboot on the c ommand line and p ress . See Fig ure 4-8, the Reset System Reb oot Sc reen — Pag e 1, for a samp le of this sc reen. 2. Press at least onc e to reb oot the system (follow the instruc tions on the sc reen). NOTE: Reb ooting the DEFINITY AUDIX system during p rime-time hours is not rec ommend ed . You may wish to sc hed ule this task for after reg ular hours. ENTER RETU RN ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-16 Implementation 4 Task 8B: Run Audits (R2.0 and Later) DEFINITY AUDIX R2.0 and later systems may b e reb ooted to ac tivate the AMIS Analog Networking feature as d esc rib ed for R1.0 systems, or aud its c an be run to enab le AMIS or messag e d elivery ad ministration c hang es as follows. To ac tivate any c hang es you mad e to the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen: 1. Enter audit network-data on the c ommand line and p ress . 2. Press (F3) to run the audit. To ac tivate any c hang es you mad e to the System-Parameters Features sc reen: 1. Enter audit subscriber-data on the c ommand line and p ress . 2. Press (F3) to run the audit. To ac tivate any c hang es you mad e to the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen: 1. Enter audit switch-translations on the c ommand line and p ress . 2. Press (F3) to run the audit. Figure 4-8. The Reset System Reboot Screen — Page 1 RETU RN ENTER RETU RN ENTER RETU RN ENTER

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-17 Implementation 4 Task 9: Administer Remote Machines/Telephone Numbers Re m o t e mac hines c an b e remote voic e mail systems (for the AMIS Analog Networking feature) or they c an be remote telep hone numb ers (for the Messag e Delivery feature). You c an ad minister a sing le remote AMIS analog voic e mail system, a rang e of remote AMIS analog voic e mail systems, a sing le messag e d elivery telep hone numb er, or a rang e of messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers as need ed . Use the Mac hine sc reen to d efine remote AMIS analog systems or remote messag e d elivery telep hone numb ers. You c an use the ap p rop riate version of this sc reen to c hang e (mod ify) an existing remote mac hine p rofile, or remove (delete) a remote mac hine from the network. Onc e d eleted , a mac hine must b e re-administered to be added back to the network. !CAUTION: The c ustomer org anization is resp onsible for ad ministering their loc al voic e mail system to p revent sub sc rib ers or other users from send ing unauthorized long -d istanc e AMIS analog messages or messag e d elivery messag es. You c an ad minister your remote systems so sub sc rib ers can send messag es to voic e mail systems anywhere in the world , only to sp ec ific c ountries, only to d omestic systems, only to sp ec ific d omestic area c od es, only loc ally, or only to sp ec ific d estinations. Refer to Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n , for ad ditional sec urity information. The following fig ures show examp les of d ifferent remote mac hine setup s. Refer to your notes from Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n, to determine whic h systems should b e administered for a sp ec ific typ e of ad d ressing . NOTE: Pag e 2 in eac h of the following fig ures shows the c allb ac k numb er assig ned to that remote mac hine (1 throug h 5) and the list of c allb ac k numb ers from whic h you c an c hoose. The Choic es field s on the Mac hine sc reen are d isp lay-only field s; the c allb ac k numbers must orig inally b e assig ned on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. On R1.0 and R2.0 systems, these field s d o not ap pear (only one c allbac k numb er c an b e assig ned p rior to R3.0).

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-18 Implementation 4 nFi g u re 4 - 9 and Figure 4-10, AMIS Casual Ad d ressing to Loc al Numb ers, show how to ad minister all loc al 7-d ig it numb ers for AMIS c asual (two-step) addressing. — Bec ause an AMIS prefix “ 7” was ad ministered on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen, sub sc rib ers must dial this prefix b efore the other 7 d igits need ed for loc al messag e addressing. — The AMIS messag e transmission sc hed ule is limited to the normal b usiness d ay. The time shown is a sub set of the c yc les sp ec ified on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. nFi g u re 4 - 1 1 and Fig ure 4-12, AMIS Pre-Administered Ad d ressing to a Sp ec ific Mac hine, show the p rofile of a remote system ad ministered for AMIS p re-ad ministered (one-step ) ad d ressing . — The first add ress rang e is req uired to id entify the remote system to the loc al system. Bec ause the remote mac hine uses the same c ountry c od e as the loc al system, the c ountry c od e was omitted . However, b ec ause the remote mac hine has a d ifferent area c od e, this c od e must ap p ear in the ad dress rang e to uniq uely id entify the hunt g roup of the remote mac hine. If the remote mac hine was in a p rivate network, the network-ac c ess c od e and hunt g roup for the remote mac hine would ap p ear in the ad d ress p refix list instead . — The next ad d ress rang es spec ify the d ig its the loc al sub sc rib ers d ial to ad d ress messag es to this remote mac hine. Eac h ad d ress p refix b eg ins with the AMIS p refix “ 7” that was ad ministered on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. In this examp le, sub sc rib ers may dial the AMIS p refix and full telep hone numb er as if they were using the p ub lic network, or they c an d ial just the AMIS p refix followed b y the 4 d ig its need ed to sp ec ify a remote mailb ox. They c ould also d ial the non-numeric ad d ressing prefix “ 7c h” (for Chic ag o). — The system ad ministrator has b loc ked loc al sub sc rib ers from send ing messag es to nonad ministered remote rec ip ients in ord er to c ontrol long -d istanc e c alls. The system ad ministrator must therefore loc ally ad minister all remote rec ip ients on this mac hine who need to rec eive AMIS messag es. Network transmissions are limited to out-of-hours. nFi g u re 4 - 1 3 and Fig ure 4-14, Messag e Delivery Ad d ressing to Loc al Numbers, show how to ad minister all loc al numb ers for the Messag e Delivery feature. The ad dress p refix “ 6” has b een selec ted to help sub sc rib ers distinguish b etween the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features, and to make b oth loc al ad d ress rang es uniq ue.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-19 Implementation 4 Figure 4-9. AMIS Casual Addressing to Local Numbers — Page 1 Figure 4-10. AMIS Casual Addressing to Local Numbers — Page 2

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-20 Implementation 4 Figure 4-11. AMIS Pre-Administered Addressing to a Specific Machine — Page 1 Figure 4-12. AMIS Pre-Administered Addressing to a Specific Machine — Page 2