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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide

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    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Prob lems d etec ted  b y the system d uring op eration and record ed  in the maintenanc e log . Errors 
    can produc e an alarm if they exc eed  a threshold .
    escape from reply
    The ab ility to q uic kly return to g etting messag es for a sub sc riber who g ets stuc k trying  to resp ond  
    to a messag e. To esc ap e, the sub scrib er simp ly p resses #.
    escape to attendant
    An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows a sub sc riber with the call answer feature to have a p ersonal 
    attend ant or op erator ad ministered  to p otentially p ick up  an unanswered  c all. A system-wid e 
    extension c ould also b e used  to send  callers to a live agent.
    Informational messag es about the system’s ac tivities. For example, an event is logg ed  when the 
    system is reb ooted . Events may or may not b e related to errors and  alarms.
    facility out-of-service
    The current c hannel is not receiving  a d ial tone and is not func tioning .
    fax endpoint
    Any devic e c apab le of rec eiving  fax c alls. Fax endp oints includ e fax mac hines, ind ivid ual PC fax 
    mod ems, fax p orts on LAN fax servers, and  ports on fax-enab led  messag ing  systems.
    An area on a screen, menu, or rep ort where information c an b e typed  or d isp layed . 
    A collection of d ata treated  as a b asic unit of storag e.
    Alp hanumeric  charac ters used  to id entify a p artic ular file.
    The first c all (or data) to be rec eived  is the first c all (or data) to be p rocessed.
    To set up  a d isk, flop p y d iskette, or tape with a p red etermined arrang ement of c haracters so that 
    the system can interp ret meaning ful information.
    Ind ividual step s or proced ures within a mailb ox ac tivity.
    function key (F key)
    A key on a comp uter keyb oard that performs a d efined  func tion when p ressed . The user interfac e 
    for the Luc ent Technologies Intuity system defines keys F1 throug h F8. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    grade of service (GOS)
    A parameter that describes the delays in accessing a port on the system. For example, if the GOS 
    is P05, 95% of the c allers would hear the system answer and  5% would  hear ringing until a p ort 
    b ec ame availab le to answer the c all.
    guaranteed fax
    A feature of Luc ent Technolog ies Intuity FAX Messaging that temp orarily stores faxes sent to a fax 
    machine. In c ases where the fax machine is busy or d oes not answer a c all, the c all is sent to an 
    Intuity AUDIX mailb ox. 
    guest password
    A feature that allows users who are not Intuity AUDIX sub sc rib ers to leave messages on the sys-
    tem b y d ialing  a subscrib er’s extension and  entering  a system-wid e guest password .
    hard disk drive
    A hig h-c ap acity d ata storag e/retrieval d evic e that is loc ated inside a c omp uter platform. A hard  
    d isk drive stores d ata on non-removab le hig h-d ensity mag netic med ia b ased  on a p red etermined  
    format for retrieval b y the system at a later d ate.
    The physic al c omp onents of a c omputer system. The c entral processing  unit, d isks, tap e and 
    flop py drives are all hardware.
    Information that the system c reates to id entify a messag e. A messag e head er inc lud es the orig ina-
    tor or recip ient, typ e of messag e, c reation time, and  delivery time.
    A command  run b y p ressing    or     on an Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity display termi-
    nal to show the op tions availab le at your c urrent sc reen p osition. In the Intuity AUDIX system, 
    p ress     on the telephone keyp ad to get a list of op tions. See also 
    on-line help.
    host switch
    The switc h direc tly connected  to the Luc ent Technolog ies Intuity system over the d ata link. Also, 
    the physical link connecting  an Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system to a distrib uted c ommunic a-
    tions system (DCS) network. 
    hunt group
    A group  of analog  ports on a switc h usually ad ministered to searc h for available ports in a circ ular 
    p attern.
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    The process of b ring ing  a system to a predetermined  op erational state. The start-up p roc ed ure 
    tests hardware; load s the b oot filesystem p rog rams; loc ates, mounts, and  op ens other req uired  
    filesystems; and  starts normal servic e.
    initialization and administration system (INADS)
    A comp uter-aid ed maintenanc e system used  b y remote tec hnic ians to track alarms.
    To start up  the system for the first time.
    A signal fed into a c irc uit or c hannel.
    integrated services digital network (ISDN)
    A network that p rovid es end -to-end  d ig ital c onnec tivity to sup port a wid e range of voic e and  d ata 
    servic es.
    The devic e or software that forms the b ound ary b etween two d evices or parts of a system, allow-
    ing  them to work together. 
    Intuity Message Manager
    A Wind ows-b ased  software p rod uc t that allows sub scribers to receive, store, and send  their 
    voic e/FAX messag es from a PC.    
    Intuity messaging application programming interface (IMAPI)
    A software func tion-c all interfac e that allows Intuity AUDIX to interac t with Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    Intuity Messag e Manager.
    Pairs or sets of small p rong s on c irc uit cards and  mother b oard s that allow the user to instruc t the 
    comp uter to select one of its available operation op tions. When two p ins are c overed , an electrical 
    circuit is c omp leted .
    kilob its per second ; one thousand  b its p er second.
    kilob yte per sec ond ; 1024 thousand  bytes per sec ond . 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    The last c all (or data) to be rec eived  is the first c all (or data) to be processed.
    leave word calling (LWC)
    A switc h feature that allows the c alling  p arty to leave a stand ard  (nonvoic e) messag e for the called 
    p arty using  a feature button or d ial ac c ess c od e.
    light emitting diode (LED)
    A lig ht ind icator on the hard ware p latform that shows the status of operations.
    liquid crystal display (LCD)
    The 10-charac ter alp hanumeric  d isplay that shows status of the system, including alarms.
    To read  software from external storag e (suc h as d isk) and p lac e a cop y in system memory.
    local area network (LAN)
    A network of PCs that communicate with each other and  that normally share the resourc es of one 
    or more servers. Operation of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity Messag e Manag er req uires that the Intu-
    ity AUDIX system and  the sub sc rib ers’ PCs are on a LAN.
    local AUDIX machine
    The Lucent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system where a sub sc ribers Intuity AUDIX mailb ox is loc ated . All 
    sub sc rib ers on this home machine are c alled  
    local subscribers.
    local installation
    A switch, ad junct, or p erip heral eq uip ment installed  p hysically near the host switch or system. See 
    c olloc ated. 
    local network
    An Intuity AUDIX Dig ital Network in which all Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity systems are c onnec ted to 
    the same switc h.
    A uniq ue c ode used to g ain app roved  acc ess to the system. See also 
    login announcement
    A feature enab ling  the system ad ministrator and  other d esig nated  users to c reate a mail messag e 
    that is automatically p layed to all sub sc ribers every time they login to the system.
    A p ortion of d isk memory g iven to eac h sub sc rib er for c reating  and storing  outgoing  and  incoming 
    messag es.
    mailing list
    A g roup  of sub sc rib er ad dresses assigned a list ID# and  pub lic  or p rivate status. A mailing  list may 
    b e used to simp lify send ing  messag es to several sub scrib ers. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    The p rocess of id entifying  system errors and  c orrecting  them, or taking  step s to p revent p rob lems 
    from occ urring .
    manually out-of-service
    A unit has been intentionally taken out of service.
    A unit of memory equal to 1,048,576 b ytes (1024 x 1024). It is often round ed  to one million.
    A d evice whic h c an store logic  states suc h that d ata c an b e ac cessed and  retrieved . Memory may 
    b e temp orary (suc h as system RAM) or p ermanent (suc h as d isk).
    menu tree
    The way in whic h nested  automated  attend ants are set up .
    message categories
    Group s of messag es in a sub sc ribers mailb oxes. Categ ories inc lud e new, unop ened, and  old  for 
    the inc oming  mailb ox and  d elivered , ac c essed , undelivered, und eliverable (not d eliverable), and 
    file c abinet for the outg oing  mailbox.
    message delivery
    An op tional Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity feature that p ermits sub scrib ers to send messag es to any 
    touc h-tone telephone, as long as the telep hone numb er is in the rang e of allowab le numb ers. This 
    feature is an extension of the AMIS analog  networking feature and  is automatic ally available when 
    the AMIS feature is activated .
    Message Manager
    Intuity Messag e Manag er.
    message-waiting indicator (MWI)
    An ind icator that alerts sub scrib ers that they have rec eived  new mail messages. An MWI c an b e 
    LED, neon, or aud io (stutter dial tone).
    message waiting lamp (MWL)
    An lamp  that alerts sub sc rib ers that they have rec eived  new mail messag es. An MWL c an b e LED, 
    neon, or audio (stutter d ial tone). Also known as a messag e-waiting  indic ator.
    An feature that allows d ata from c rucial filesystems to b e continuously c op ied  to b ackup  (mirror) 
    filesystems while the system is running . If the system has some problem where an original filesys-
    tem c annot b e used , the bac kup  filesystem is p lac ed  in servic e automatic ally.
    A devic e that c onverts d ata from a form that is c omp atib le with data p roc essing  eq uip ment (d igi-
    tal) to a form c omp atib le with transmission fac ilities (analog ), and  vice-vera. 
    multi-application platform (MAP)
    The comp uter hardware p latform used  b y the Lucent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system. Currently, a 
    MAP/5, MAP/40, and  MAP/100 are available.
    multilingual feature
    A feature that allows simultaneously-active language announcement sets on the system. With this 
    feature, mailb oxes c an b e ad ministered  so that sub scrib ers c an hear p romp ts in the lang uag e of 
    their c hoice. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    networking prefix
    A set of dig its that id entifies an Luc ent Technolog ies Intuity mac hine.
    not deliverable message
    Al messag e that could  not b e d elivered  after a sp ecified  numb er of attemp ts. This usually means 
    that the subscrib er’s mailb ox is full.
    on-line help
    A feature that p rovid es information ab out Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity user interfac e sc reens b y 
    p ressing  a p red etermined  key. See also 
    open systems interconnection (OSI)
    Internationally acc ep ted  framework of stand ard s for c ommunic ation b etween two systems mad e 
    by different vendors.
    A choic e selected from a menu, or an arg ument used in a c ommand  line to modify p rog ram outp ut 
    b y mod ifying  the exec ution of a command . When you d o not sp ec ify any op tions, the c ommand 
    will exec ute ac c ord ing  to its default op tions.
    An feature that allows the system to dial sub sc ribers’ numbers to inform them they have new mes-
    sag es.
    outgoing mailbox
    A storag e area for sub sc rib ers to keep  cop ies of messag es for future reference or action.
    A cod e assig ned  to every terminal user and sub scrib er for sec urity reasons. After d ialing  the sys-
    tem, sub scrib ers must dial their p ersonal password  c orrec tly to log  on. Password s are also 
    assig ned  to loc al and  remote networked  machines to id entify the machines or the network. See 
    log in.
    password aging
    An feature that allows ad ministrators to set a leng th of time after which a sub scrib er’s p assword 
    exp ires. The sub scrib er is then forced  to chang e the p assword .
    peripheral device
    Equipment external to the Lucent Tec hnolog ies Intuity c ab inet, such as printers or terminals, nec-
    essary for full op eration and  maintenanc e of the Lucent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system. 
    personal directory
    An Intuity AUDIX feature allowing  each sub sc rib er to create a p rivate list of c ustomized  names. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    personal fax extension
    secondary extension.
    A connection or link between two d evic es, allowing information to travel to a d esired loc ation. For 
    examp le, a switc h p ort c onnects to an Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity voice p ort to allow a sub sc rib er 
    to leave a messag e.
    priority call answer
    A feature that allows c allers to d esignate a call answer messag e as a p riority messag e. To make a 
    messag e priority, the c aller p resses 2 after rec ord ing  the messag e.
    priority messaging
    A feature that allows some sub sc rib ers to send  messag es that are spec ially marked and  p referen-
    tially p resented to recip ients. See also 
    priority outc alling.
    priority outcalling
    Works with the priority messag ing  feature by allowing  the messag e rec ip ient to elec t to b e notified  
    b y outc alling only when a p riority messag e has b een received. See also 
    priority messaging.
    private mailing list
    A list of ad dresses that only the owning  subscrib er c an acc ess.
    private messaging
    A feature of Intuity AUDIX that allows a sub sc riber to send  a messag e that cannot b e forward ed  b y 
    the rec ip ient.
    processor interface (PI)
    A System 75, Generic  1, Generic 3i, Generic  3s, and  Generic  3vs switc h d ata link. Also c alled  
    cessor interface b oard (PIB)
    A set of conventions or rules g overning  the format and timing  of messag e exc hanges (sig nals) to 
    control d ata movement and the d etec tion and  p ossib le c orrec tion of errors.
    public mailing list
    A list of ad dresses that any sub sc rib er c an use if that sub sc rib er knows the owners list ID# and  
    extension numb er. Only the owner c an mod ify a p ub lic  mailing  list.
    pulse-to-touchtone converter
    A devic e c onnec ted  to the switc h that c onverts signals from a rotary phone to touc h tones. This 
    d evic e allows c allers to use rotary p hones to ac c ess options in a sub sc riber’s mailb ox or to ac c ess 
    op tions in an automated attend ant.
    remote access
    Send ing  and receiving  d ata to and  from a c omp uter or c ontrolling a comp uter with terminals or 
    PCs c onnec ted  throug h c ommunic ations links.
    remote installation
    A system, site, or piece of p erip heral eq uip ment that is installed  in a d ifferent location from the host 
    switch or system.
    remote network
    A network in whic h the systems are integ rated  with more than one switc h. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    remote service center
    An Luc ent Tec hnolog ies or Lucent Tec hnolog ies-certified  org anization that p rovid es remote sup -
    p ort to Lucent Tec hnolog ies c ustomers. Dep end ing  upon the terms of the maintenance c ontrac t, 
    your remote servic e c enter may b e notified of all major and  minor alarms and  have the ability to 
    remotely log into your system and remed y problems.
    remote subscribers
    Sub sc ribers whose mailb oxes resid e on a remote Dig ital Networking  machine.
    remote terminal
    A terminal c onnec ted  to a comp uter over a p hone line.
    reply loop escape
    An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows a sub scrib er the op tion of continuing  to resp ond  to a messag e 
    after trying  to rep ly to a nonsub sc rib er messag e.
    reply to sender
    An feature that allows sub scrib ers to immed iately place a c all to the orig inator of an inc oming  mes-
    sag e if that p erson is in the switc hs d ial plan.
    A feature that allows sub sc rib ers who have reac hed  the system throug h the c all answer feature to 
    ac c ess their own mailb oxes b y typ ing  the *R (Restart) c ommand . This feature is esp ec ially useful 
    for long -distance calls or for users who wish to acc ess the system when all the p orts are b usy. 
    Also, the reinitialization of c ertain software. For examp le, restarting  the messag ing  system.
    The p roc ess of rec overing  lost or d amag ed  files b y retrieving  them from availab le b ac kup  tap es, 
    flop py diskette, or another disk d evic e.
    retention time
    The amount of time messag es are saved  on disk before being  automatic ally d eleted  from a sub -
    sc rib ers mailb ox.
    A set of stand ard s d evelop ed  b y the Elec tric al Ind ustries Association (EIA) that spec ifies various 
    electrical and mec hanical c haracteristic s for interfac es between comp uters, terminals, and  
    mod ems.
    To automatically play mail messages, head ers, or b oth.
    scheduled delivery time
    A time and/or d ate that a subsc rib er op tionally assig ns to a messag e that tells the system when to 
    d eliver it. If a d elivery time is omitted , the system send s the messag e immediately.
    small c omp uter system interfac e.
    secondary extension
    A sec ond , fax-d edic ated  extension that d irec ts inc oming  faxes d irectly into a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox 
    without ring ing  the telep hone. The sec ond ary extension shares the same mailb ox as the voic e 
    extension, b ut acts like a fax machine. Also c alled  
    p ersonal fax extension. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    A comp uter that processes and  stores d ata that is used  by other smaller c omp uters.   For Luc ent 
    Technologies Intuity Messag e Manager, Intuity AUDIX is the server.
    small computer systems interface (SCSI)
    An interface stand ard  d efining the p hysic al, log ic al, and  electrical c onnections to comp uter sys-
    tem p erip herals suc h as tape and  disk drives.
    A user who has b een assig ned the ability to ac c ess the Voice Messaging system. 
    subscriber interface
    The devic es that sub scrib ers use to ac cess their mailb oxes, manag e mailing  lists, ad minister per-
    sonal g reeting , and  use other messag ing  c ap ab ilities. Sub sc rib er interfac es inc lud e a touc h-tone 
    telep hone keyp ad and  a PC using Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity Messag e Manag er.
    switch hook
    The devic e at the top  of most telephones whic h is d ep ressed  when the handset is resting  in the 
    crad le (on hook). This d evice is raised  when the hand set is pic ked up  (the p hone is off hook).
    switch hook flash
    A sig naling  techniq ue in which the sig nal is originated  b y momentarily d ep ressing  the switc h hook.
    switch integration
    Sharing  of information between a messaging system and a switch in ord er to p rovide a seamless 
    interfac e to callers and  sub sc rib ers.
    synchronous communication
    A method of data transmission in which b its or charac ters are sent at reg ular time intervals, rather 
    than b eing  sp ac ed b y start and  stop  bits.
    synchronous transmission
    A typ e of d ata transmission where the d ata c haracters and  b its are exchang ed  at a fixed rate with 
    the transmitter and rec eiver synchronized. This allows g reater effic ienc y and  sup ports more pow-
    erful protoc ols.
    tape drive
    The physic al unit that hold s, read s, and  writes mag netic tape.
    terminal type
    A numb er indic ating  the typ e of terminal b eing  used  to log  on to the system. Terminal typ e is the 
    last req uired entry b efore g aining  ac cess to the d isplay sc reens. 
    tone generator
    A devic e acoustically c oup led  to a rotary p hone, used to produc e touc h-tone sound s when sub -
    sc rib ers c annot use a reg ular touch-tone generating  voic e terminal.
    The flow of attemp ts, calls, and messag es ac ross a telec ommunic ations network. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Software assig nments that tell a system what to exp ect on a c ertain voic e p ort or the d ata link, or 
    how to hand le inc oming  d ata. They customize the system and  switc h features for users.
    The process of loc ating  and  c orrec ting  errors in comp uter p rog rams.
    A feature that allows sub sc rib ers to restore the last messag e deleted. The sub sc rib er presses * U 
    to restore a d eleted  messag e.
    undelivered message
    A message that has not yet b een sent to a sub sc rib ers inc oming  mailb ox. The messag e resid es in 
    the send ers outg oing  message and  may b e mod ified  or red irected b y the send er.
    An installation that moves an Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system to a newer release.
    untouched message
    An feature that allows a sub sc rib er to keep a messag e in its c urrent c ateg ory b y using  the **H 
    (Hold ) command . If the messag e is in the new categ ory, messag e-waiting indic ation remains 
    ac tive (for examp le, the messag e-waiting  lamp  will remain lit).
    voice port
    The port that provides the interface b etween the Luc ent Technologies Intuity system and  the ana-
    log  ports on the switc h.
    voice terminal
    A telep hone used  for sp oken c ommunic ations with the system. A touch-tone telep hone with a mes-
    sage-waiting indicator is recommended for all subscribers. 
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