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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide

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    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-21 Implementation 
    Figure 4-13. Message Delivery Addressing to Local Numbers — Page 1
    Figure 4-14. Message Delivery Addressing to Local Numbers — Page 2 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-22 Implementation 
    To administer remote mac hines or telep hone numb ers for the AMIS Analog  
    Networking  and /or Messag e Delivery features: 
    1. For a new mac hine profile, enter add machine
     on the 
    c ommand  line and  p ress  . The mac hine name must b e 1- to 
    10-alp hanumeric  c harac ters sp ec ifying  a unique name in the network. 
    Ty p e  change machine
     to mod ify an existing  remote 
    mac hine p rofile, or type remove machine
     to d elete a 
    remote mac hine from the network. Onc e d eleted , a mac hine must be 
    re-administered to be added back to the network. 
    2. Go throug h the following  sc reen fields b y p ressing  the   or arrow keys, 
    and  c hang e any fields need ed to imp lement the AMIS Analog  Networking  
    and /or Messag e Delivery features: 
    a. Mac hine Typ e 
    Enter the typ e of c onnec tion you are ad ministering  for this remote 
    system or numb er. 
    — Enter amisac
     to selec t AMIS c asual (two-step ) ad d ressing . 
    — Enter amisap
     to selec t AMIS p re-ad ministered  (one-step ) 
    — Enter calld
     to selec t the Message Delivery feature. 
    b . Loc ation 
    This d isp lay-only field  should  d isp lay “ remote” . 
    c. Voiced Name? 
    This field  ind ic ates “ n”  for a new mac hine (a name for this mac hine 
    has not yet b een rec ord ed ). This field  is automatic ally set to “ y”  
    when you rec ord  a name for this mac hine. To d elete a name that 
    was p reviously rec orded , set this field  to “ n” . (If you d elete a name 
    using this sc reen, you must re-rec ord it to c hang e the field  b ac k to 
    TA B 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-23 Implementation 
    d . Extension Leng th 
    The extension leng th dep end s on the feature you are ad ministering. 
    Valid  entries are the d ig its 3 throug h 10. 
    amisac mac hines (AMIS c asual or two-step  ad d ressing), 
    this field  sp ec ifies how many d igits entered by sub sc rib ers 
    for an AMIS ad d ress are ac tually d ialed  b y the loc al system. 
    For examp le, if the extension leng th is “ 7” , the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system d ials the d ial string  (if any) followed  b y the 
    last seven d ig its of the numb er a sub sc rib er enters as the 
    AMIS ad d ress to the remote voic e mail system (
    not the 
    remote mailb ox ID). The AMIS p refix is not d ialed . 
    amisap mac hines (AMIS pre-ad ministered  or one-step  
    ad d ressing), this field sp ec ifies the numb er of d ig its req uired  
    to id entify a remote mailb ox ID (the extension leng th typ ic ally 
    matc hes the extension leng th of the remote switc h). 
    calld machines (messag e delivery), this field  specifies 
    how many dig its entered  b y subsc rib ers for a messag e 
    d elivery add ress are ac tually d ialed  b y the loc al system. For 
    examp le, if the extension leng th is “ 10” , the loc al system 
    d ials the d ial string  (if any) followed  b y the last ten d ig its of 
    the numb er a sub sc rib er enters as a messag e d elivery 
    e. Voice ID 
    This d isp lay-only field  is b lank until you have suc c essfully ad d ed  
    this mac hine. Then, the system automatic ally assig ns a numb er that 
    it assoc iates with the name frag ment for this remote mac hine. This 
    id entifier is used  when rec ording  the name of the remote system. 
    f. Default Community 
    This field identifies the default community of the subsc ribers on this 
    remote AMIS mac hine (those sub sc rib ers who are ab le to 
    exc hang e voic e mail messag es as p ermitted  on the 
    System-Parameters Send ing -Restric tions sc reen). You c an overrid e 
    a c ommunity restric tion for ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers using  the 
    Remote-Subsc riber screen.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-24 Implementation 
    g . AD D RESS RAN G ES 
    Ad minister the ad d ress rang es for the remote mac hines or 
    individ ual remote telep hone numb ers ac c ord ing to the p lan you 
    worked  out in Chap ter 2, Planning  and  Desig n. The total ad dress 
    rang e (p refix p lus extension) c an b e up  to 24 c harac ters long. 
    — Address prefix (optional): For the address prefixes you want 
    sub sc rib ers to d ial, the first d ig it of the Prefix field  
    matc h the AMIS Prefix field  (if you entered  a p refix on the 
    System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen). Ad d itionally, 
    the p refix may c ontain a c ountry c od e and /or area c od e or 
    the mnemonic  for a remote loc ation (0 to 21 alphanumeric  
    c harac ters may be entered). For examp le, if the AMIS prefix 
    is “ 7” , the ad d ress prefix c ould  b e “ 7201” . 
    Generally, p refixes are 
    not rec ommend ed  in a DCS network. 
    Otherwise, ad d ress p refixes are rec ommend ed  to help  
    sub sc rib ers d isting uish among  remote voic e mail systems 
    (the ad d ress prefix is typed  b y sub sc rib ers whenever they 
    ad d ress an AMIS analog networking  and /or messag e 
    d elivery messag e). 
    In ad d ition to the ad d ress rang es that sp ec ify the d ig its that 
    sub sc rib ers must enter, the loc al system also req uires an 
    ad d ress rang e that uniq uely id entifies the hunt g roup  
    numb er (c allb ac k number) of the remote voic e mail system. 
    If the remote mac hine has a different c ountry c od e, the 
    ad d ress rang e must c ontain the c ountry c ode, area/trunk 
    c od e, and hunt g roup. If the remote mac hine has a d ifferent 
    area or trunk c od e, only the area/trunk c od e and  hunt g roup  
    are need ed  (the c ountry c od e should  b e omitted ). If the 
    remote system is loc al, only the hunt g roup  numb er should  
    ap p ear for that mac hine. If the remote mac hine c an b e 
    ac c essed  throug h a p rivate network, the network-ac c ess 
    code and hunt group for the remote machine should appear 
    in the address prefix list instead. 
    — Ad d ress extensions (req uired ): Enter the numb ers that 
    d efine the mailb ox extensions that c an b e used  on the 
    remote system or the sp ec ific  remote telephone numb ers 
    you want loc al sub sc rib ers to ac c ess in the Start Ext. and  
    End  Ext. field s. Valid  entries c an b e from 3 to 10 d ig its. 
    Up  to ten d ifferent rang es c an b e sp ec ified . The leng th of the 
    start and  end  extensions must ag ree with the number shown 
    in the Extension Leng th field  (lead ing  zeros may b e need ed  
    to c onform to this requirement). The end  extension must b e 
    eq ual to or g reater than the start extension. If you sp ec ify the 
    same numb er as the starting  and end ing  extension, a uniq ue 
    mac hine or telep hone numb er is sp ec ified  (this is usually 
    used  to id entify the hunt g roup  numb er of a remote 
    mac hine).  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-25 Implementation 
    AMIS ad d ress rang es and  messag e d elivery ad d ress rang es must 
    b e uniq ue; they c annot overlap  with other AMIS analog  networking  
    and /or messag e d elivery ad d ress rang es. See Chap ter 2, Planning  
    and  Desig n, for d etails. 
    The Warnings field  ind ic ates when a d up lic ate or overlapp ing  
    range is being assigned. If you get a warning message, 
    d isp lay the List Ad d ress-Rang es sc reen to c hec k whic h 
    extension numb ers are in use, then refer to Chapter 2, 
    Planning and Design, to selec t ap prop riate rang es. 
    h. Press   (F7) to d isp lay Pag e 2. 
    i. Dial String  
    Typ e the string  the loc al system should  d ial in ord er to send  
    messag es to this remote mac hine. Valid  entries vary for d ifferent 
    network c onnec tion typ es as follows: 
    —amisac (optional): For 
    amisac mac hines (AMIS c asual or 
    two-step  add ressing ), the d ial string is op tional. If used , it 
    may b e from 0 to 24 c harac ters and  c onsists of any numb ers 
    the system should  ad d  to the number sub sc rib ers d ial to 
    reac h a spec ific  ad d ress. The d ial string  p lus the extension 
    must b e less than or eq ual to 29 c harac ters. 
    For a rang e of loc al numb ers, the d ial string  might b e “ 9”  (or 
    whatever trunk-ac c ess c od e or d ial-ac c ess c od e is 
    assig ned  to reac h the p ub lic  network). For examp le, if the 
    extension length is “ 7”  and  a sub sc rib er spec ifies a valid  
    7-d ig it ad d ress (suc h as 555-6000), the loc al system would  
    d ial 95556000 to reac h the remote mac hine. 
    For a rang e of long -d istanc e numb ers, the d ial string  would  
    normally be 91 in the United  States (the trunk- or d ial-ac c ess 
    c od e followed  b y 1). For examp le, if the extension leng th is 
    10 and  a sub sc rib er sp ec ifies a valid 10-d ig it ad d ress (suc h 
    as 201-555-6000), the loc al system would  d ial 
    912015556000 to reac h the remote mac hine. 
    — amisap  (req uired): For 
    amisap machines (AMIS 
    p re-ad ministered or one-step ad d ressing ), the d ial string  is 
    req uired. It c an b e up  to 65 c harac ters long , and  typ ic ally 
    c onsists of the trunk-ac c ess c od e or d ial-ac c ess c od e 
    need ed  to reac h the p ub lic  or p rivate network, followed  b y a 
    p ause interval, followed  b y the c omp lete telep hone numb er 
    of the remote machine. For example, in Fig ure 4-12, AMIS 
    Pre-Administered  Add ressing  to a Sp ec ific  Mac hine — Pag e 
    2, the loc al system would d ial 912015556000 to reac h the 
    remote system.
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-26 Implementation 
    — c alld  (op tional): For calld (messag e d elivery), the op tional 
    d ial string  is d efined  in the same manner as for AMIS 
    two-step  add ressing  (refer to the 
    amisac description). 
    You c an instruc t the loc al system to p ause for a 
    sp ec ified  leng th of time by entering  “P”
     (inc luding  
    q uotes) in the dial string . A single “ P”  c auses the 
    system to p ause ap proximately 1.5 sec ond s; a “ P”  
    followed  b y a dig it from 1 to 9 c auses the system to 
    wait the sp ec ified  amount of time. For examp le, if d ial 
    string  is 9” P2” 5556000, the loc al system dials 9, waits 
    ab out 3 sec ond s, then d ials 5556000. 
    j. Callbac k Number 
    On R3.0 and  later systems, sp ec ify whic h c allb ac k numb er (from 1 
    to 5) this remote mac hine should  use to c all the loc al mac hine. The 
    selec ted  c allb ac k numb er must first b e ad ministered  on the 
    System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. The d efault value is 
    The Choic es field s are d isp lay-only field s; these field s show whic h 
    c allb ac k numb er is assig ned  to whic h identifier (1 throug h 5). On 
    R1.0 and  R2.0 systems, these field s d o not ap p ear (only one 
    c allb ac k numb er c an b e assig ned  p rior to R3.0). When the loc al 
    system d elivers an AMIS message to this remote mac hine, it will 
    use the sp ec ified  c allb ac k numb er in the p rotoc ol. 
    k. Messag e Transmission Sc hed ule, start 
    Enter the hours and  minutes in the start and  end  field s to sp ec ify 
    one or more c yc les (time period s) when the loc al system should  
    attemp t to send  messages to this remote AMIS system. Valid 
    entries are times from 00:00 to 23:59. 
    Up  to three c yc les c an b e d efined  for eac h remote system. Cyc les 
    may b e assig ned  to avoid  toll fac ilities or period s of heavy traffic  if 
    d esired . The total time of the c yc les c annot exc eed  24 hours. 
    Cyc les c annot overlap . A c yc le c an sp an ac ross mid nig ht. 
    The times sp ec ified  must b e eq ual to or a sub set of the 
    outc alling  transmission times ad ministered on the 
    System-Parameters Outc alling  sc reen or the AMIS and /or 
    messag e d elivery messag es will never b e sent. For instanc e, 
    if you sched ule AMIS and  messag e delivery messag es to b e 
    sent anytime d uring  a 24-hour p eriod  (00:00 to 23:59), b ut 
    outc alling  period s are only sc hed uled  from 07:00 to 18:00, the 
    AMIS and  messag e delivery messag es will only b e sent 
    b etween the hours of 7:00 AM and  6:00 PM.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-27 Implementation 
    If all the outc alling  p orts are b usy, the system retries in one minute. 
    If an outc alling  p ort is availab le, b ut for some reason the system 
    c annot d eliver the messag e, the system uses the RESCHEDULING 
    sp ec ified  on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. 
    AMIS messag e delivery is d one in p ac kets of 9 to satisfy the AMIS 
    stand ard . Prior to R2.0, however, the system d id  not immed iately 
    resc hed ule any messag es still left in the q ueue for immediate 
    d elivery, b ut waited  until the next transmission interval sc heduled 
    on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. On R2.0 and  later 
    systems, any messag es left in the q ueue are resc hed uled  for 
    immed iate d elivery after the first 9 are transmitted; the loc al system 
    c alls the remote system ag ain within 2 minutes and  transmits any 
    ad d itional AMIS messag es it may have q ueued . 
    l. Send  to Non-Ad ministered  Rec ip ients? 
    If this field  is set to “ y”  (the d efault), when a sub sc rib er ad dresses a 
    messag e to a remote extension that d oes not map  to an ad d ress 
    known b y the loc al system, the loc al system ad ds this p otential 
    sub sc rib er to its d ata b ase, then send s the messag e to every 
    remote system in the network for whic h the add ress is valid. If a 
    valid  remote rec ip ient c annot b e found, the sub sc rib er rec ord  is 
    d eleted  eventually by one of the system aud its and  the loc al system 
    changes the status of the message from 
    und elivered to 
    undeliverable in the sender’s outgoing voic e mailbox. 
    For AMIS one-step  systems and  messag e d elivery: If this field  is set 
    to “ n” , sub sc rib ers c an only send  messag es to ad ministered  
    remote subsc rib ers. If a sub sc riber enters a valid  extension or 
    telep hone numb er (b ut one whic h has not b een ad ministered ), the 
    sub sc rib er is notified  that the entry is invalid . 
    For AMIS two-step  systems: This field  
    must be set to “y” because all 
    remote subsc ribers on these systems are nonad ministered. Setting  
    the field  to “ n”  p revents all AMIS c asual messag es from b eing  
    d elivered  on DEFINITY AUDIX systems. 
    Permitting sub sc rib ers to send messag es to nonad ministered  
    rec ip ients may have a sig nific ant imp ac t on the network, 
    c ausing extra or unnec essary c alls to other systems and  
    load ing  the loc al sub sc rib er d ata b ase with unneed ed  
    rec ords. If the network is kep t up -to-d ate, c hang e this field  to 
    “ n” to reduce the system load. Often, messag es to 
    nonad ministered rec ip ients simp ly ind ic ate a misd ialed 
    numb er. 
    3. Press   (F3) to save your d ata and  exit the sc reen. Any c hang es or 
    ad d itions to this sc reen are p ut into use immed iately. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-28 Implementation 
    Task 10: Record Remote Machine Names
    The name of eac h remote voic e mail system, telephone numb er, or rang e of 
    mac hines and/or numb ers may b e rec ord ed  using  your telep hone. The loc al 
    system voic es these names when loc al sub sc rib ers ad d ress messag es to this 
    mac hine, or when they rec eive messag es from remote sub sc rib ers whose names 
    are not rec ord ed  or who are not ad ministered . 
    To rec ord  remote voic e mail system or telep hone mac hine names: 
    1. Verify you have announc ement-c ontrol p ermission b y entering change 
     on the path line, where  is your extension 
    numb er. Press  . 
    2. Press   (F7) and  verify the Announc ement Control? field is set to 
    If it is not, enter y
     now. Press   (F3) to save your d ata and /or exit the 
    sc reen. 
    3. Enter list machines
     on the p ath line and  p ress  . 
    4. Either p rint this sc reen, write d own the voic e IDs assoc iated  with eac h 
    remote mac hine, or leave this sc reen up  as you rec ord  names. 
    Some remote mac hine profiles are used for a rang e of mac hines. 
    Either voic e a name that is meaning ful for all mac hines in the rang e, 
    or d o not voic e a name for these p rofiles. 
    5. From a touc h-tone telep hone, log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine using  
    the extension that has announc ement-c ontrol p ermissions. 
    6. From the ac tivity menu, p ress   to perform system ad ministration. 
    7. Press   to rec ord  mac hine names. 
    8. Using  the touc h-tone keyp ad, enter the voic e ID for the first remote 
    mac hine, and  p ress  . 
    9. At the tone, sp eak the remote mac hine’s name. 
    10. Press     to d elete and re-rec ord  the name, or p ress   to ap p rove it. 
    11. Rep eat Step s 8 throug h 10 for eac h remote system or telep hone numb er 
    12. When you are finished , p ress     to return to the ac tivity menu, or just 
    hang  up  to exit the system. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-29 Implementation 
    Task 11: Administer Remote Subscribers
    Remote sub sc rib ers on systems ad ministered  for AMIS one-step  ad d ressing  may 
    b e ad ministered  on the loc al system. Messag e Delivery rec ip ients may also b e 
    ad ministered  on the loc al system. Bec ause eac h remote sub sc rib er must b e 
    manually ad ministered  on the loc al mac hine, you may wish to ad minister only 
    those remote sub sc ribers who are reg ular AMIS analog networking  and /or 
    messag e d elivery rec ip ients. This task is op tional. 
    Remote users on systems ad ministered  for AMIS two-step  ad d ressing  
    c annot b e ad ministered  on the loc al system. 
    To administer remote sub sc rib ers on the loc al mac hine: 
    1. Enter add remote-subscriber
     on the p ath line and  p ress  . 
    Fi g u re  4 - 1 5, the Remote-Sub sc rib er sc reen, shows an example of this 
    sc reen. 
    2.Fill out the sc reen with the ap p rop riate information for the subsc rib er’s 
    name, extension, c ommunity ID, and  mac hine name(s). Press   (F3) 
    to ad d this remote sub sc rib er to the loc al system’s d ata b ase. 
    3. Rep eat these step s for as many remote sub sc rib ers as you intend  to 
    ad minister. When you are finished , p ress   (F1) to exit the sc reen. 
    The Remote-Sub sc rib er sc reen c an b e used  to ad d  or d elete remote 
    sub sc rib ers, d isp lay remote sub sc rib er p rofiles, and  c onvert nonad ministered 
    remote subscrib ers to ad ministered remote sub scrib ers or vice versa (you may 
    want to c onvert a remote administered  sub sc rib er to a nonad ministered  remote 
    sub sc rib er if the ad ministered  remote sub sc rib er threshold is b eing  app roac hed  
    or has b een reac hed ). 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    4-30 Implementation 
    Figure 4-15. The Remote-Subscriber Screen
    Task 12: Record Remote Subscriber Names
    If you wish, you c an rec ord  ad ministered  remote sub sc rib ers’ names. Loc al 
    sub sc rib ers who add ress messag es to these remote sub sc rib ers, or who inc lud e 
    their ad d resses in mailing  lists or p ersonal d irec tories, c an then hear name 
    voic eb ac k to c onfirm that the ad d ress they entered  is c orrec t.  
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