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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-5 IVC6 integ rated voice CELP card (6 channels) IVR integ rated voice resp onse K Kbps kilob its p er sec ond Kbyte kilob yte (1024 b ytes) kHz kilohertz L LAN loc al area network LCD liq uid c rystal d isp lay LED lig ht-emitting d iod e LIFO last-in first-out LW C leave word c alling M MANOOS manually out of service Mbyte meg ab yte (one million b ytes) MHz meg ahertz modem mod ulator/d emod ulator

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-6 MPDM modular processor data module ms millisecond MT maintenanc e (Intuity software comp onent) MTBF mean time b etween failures MWI messag e-waiting ind ic ator MWL messag e-waiting lamp N NW Intuity AUDIX Digital Networking O OA&M op erations, ad ministration, and maintenance OS op erating system OSI op en systems interc onnec tion P PBX p rivate b ranc h exchang e PC p ower converter or personal comp uter PDM processor data module PEC p ric e element c ode

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-7 PIB p rocessor interface b oard PMS p rop erty manag ement system POST p ower-on self test R RAM rand om-ac c ess memory REN ring er eq uivalence number ROM read-only memory RT S req uest to send RT U rig ht to use S SCA switch communications ad ap ter SCSI small c omp uter systems interfac e SID switch integration d evic e SIMM sing le in-line memory module SMSI simp lified messag e servic e interfac e SW switch integration (Intuity software comp onent)

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-8 T TCP/IP Transmission Control Protoc ol/Internet Prog ram TDD telec ommunic ations d evic e for the deaf TDM time d ivision multip lex T/R tip /ring TRIP tip/ring input process TSC Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Tec hnic al Servic es Center U UCD uniform call d istrib ution UPS uninterruptible power supply V VM Intuity AUDIX Voice Messaging VP voic e platform (Intuity software comp onent) VROP voic e resp onse outp ut p roc ess

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 GL-1 Glossary GL Glossary A accessed message A messag e that was rec eived and sc anned (either the entire messag e or just the head er). activity menu The list of op tions sp oken to subscrib ers when they first ac c ess a messag ing system. Selecting an ac tivity is the starting p oint for all user op erations. address Sub sc riber identific ation, c ontaining the sub sc riber’s extension and machine, that ind ic ates where the system needs to d eliver a message. An add ress may include several sub sc ribers or mailing lists. Name or numb er ad dressing c an b e selected with the *A c ommand. adjunct A sep arate system c losely integ rated with a switc h, suc h as an Lucent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system or a call manag ement system (CMS). administration The process of setting up a system (suc h as a switch or a messag ing system) to func tion as d esired . Op tions and d efaults are normally set up (translated ) by the system ad ministrator or ser- vice p ersonnel. administration and data acquisition package (ADAP) A software p ac kag e that allows the system administrator to transfer system sub sc rib er, mainte- nance, or traffic d ata from an Intuity AUDIX or DEFINITY AUDIX system to a p ersonal c omp uter (PC). alarm log A list of alarms that rep resent all of the ac tive or resolved p rob lems on a system. The alarm log is stored in a software file on d isk and c an b e acc essed either loc ally or remotely on a terminal c on- nec ted to the system. alarms Hard ware, software, or environmental p rob lems that may affec t system operation. Alarms are clas- sified as major, minor, or warning. alphanumeric Alp hab etic , numeric , or p unc tuation symb ols. AMIS See Aud io Messaging Interchang e Sp ecific ation. AMIS Prefix A number ad ded to the d estination numb er to indic ate that the d estination number is an AMIS ana- log networking numb er. ampere (amp) The unit of measurement of elec tric c urrent. One volt of p otential across one ohm causes a current flow of one amp .

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Glossary GL-2 analog networking A method of transferring a messag e from one messag ing system to another whereb y the messag e is played b ack (voic ed) d uring the transmission from one system to another. analog signal A communications p ath that, in telep roc essing usage, usually refers to a voic e-g rade telephone line. announcement fragment A numb ered p iec e of sp oken information that makes up a system messag e or p romp t. antistatic A material that is treated to p revent the build -up of static elec tric ity. asynchronous communication A method of d ata transmission in which bits or c harac ters are sent at irreg ular intervals and b its or c harac ters are sp ac ed b y start and stop b its and not b y time. See also sync hronous c ommunic a- tion . asynchronous data unit (ADU) An elec tronic communications d evic e that c an extend data transmission over async hronous lines more than 50 feet in leng th. Recommend ed ADUs include Z3A1 or Z3A4. asynchronous transmission A form of serial communications where eac h transmitted c haracter is b rac keted with a start b it and one or two stop bits. The Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system provides asynchronous RS-232 c apa- b ilities for Intuity AUDIX Dig ital Networking , if req uired . Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) An analog networking p rotocol that allows sub sc rib ers to exc hang e messag es with any messag- ing system that also has AMIS Analog Networking c apab ilities. Messag es can b e exchang ed with sub sc rib ers on Luc ent Technologies Intuity systems as well as with users on remote messag ing systems mad e b y vend ors other than Luc ent Technologies. Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX) A comp lete messag ing system ac c essed and op erated b y touc h-tone telephones and integ rated with a switc h. audit A software p rog ram that resolves filesystem incomp atib ilities and up dates restored filesystems to a workable level of servic e. Audits are done automatic ally on a p eriod ic b asis, or c an b e p erformed on d emand . AUDIX See Aud io Information Exc hange. autodelete A feature that allows subsc rib ers to ind icate that faxes are automatic ally deleted from their mailb ox after being printed. automated attendant A feature that allows a user to set up a main extension number with a menu of op tions that routes callers to an ap p rop riate d epartment at the touch of a button. automatic message scan A feature that allows sub sc rib ers to scan all message head ers and messag es at the touc h of two b uttons. With Intuity FAX Messag ing , this feature allows all new faxes to b e bundled and transmit- ted over a sing le fax c all d elivery call. Also c alled autosc an.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Glossary GL-3 autoprint An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows subsc rib ers to ind icate that faxes are automatically sent to a sp ecified print d estination. B background testing Testing that runs c ontinuously when the system is not b usy d oing other tasks. backup A dup lic ate cop y of files and d irectories saved on a removab le med ia such as flop py diskette or tap e. The b ac kup filesystem may b e c op ied b ac k (restored) if the ac tive version is d amaged (c or- rup ted) or lost. baud A unit of measurement that d esc ribes the speed of transferred information. baud rate Transmission sig naling sp eed . basic call transfer A switch hook-flash method used to send the transfer c ommand over analog voic e p orts. basic rate interface (BRI) International standard p rotocol for connec ting a station terminal to an integ rated systems dig ital network (ISDN) switc h. ISDN BRI sup p orts two 64 Kb p s information bearer c hannels (B1 and B2), and one 16 Kb p s c all status and c ontrol (D) c hannel (a 2B + D format). Also c alled b asic rate access . body The part of sub sc riber voice mail that contains the ac tual spoken messag e. For a leave word call- ing (LWC) messag e, it is a stand ard system announcement. boot The op eration to start a c omp uter system by loading p rog rams from d isk to main memory (part of system initialization). Booting is typic ally ac c omplished b y p hysic ally turning on or restarting the system. Also c alled reb oot. boot filesystem The filesystem from whic h the system load s its initial p rog rams. bps (bits per second) The numb er of binary units of information (1s or 0s) that can b e transmitted p er sec ond . Mb p s refers to a million b its p er sec ond ; Kb p s refers to a thousand b its p er second. broadcast messaging A feature that enables the system ad ministrator and other d esig nated users to send a messag e to all subscrib ers automatically. buffer Memory used to c ompensate for time differences in transmission by temporarily storing data. bulletin board A feature that allows a messag e to b e played to callers who d ial the extension. Callers cannot leave a message since it is a listen-only servic e.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Glossary GL-4 bundling Comb ining several c alls and handling them as a sing le c all. See also automatic message sc an. bus An elec tric al c onnec tion/c able allowing two or more wires, lines, or p erip herals to be connec ted tog ether. busy-out/release To remove a d evice from servic e (make it ap p ear busy or in use), and later restore it to service (release it). The switc h data link, voice p orts, or networking p orts may be b usied out if they ap p ear faulty or if maintenanc e tests are run. C call-answer An Intuity AUDIX or Lucent Technologies Intuity Lodg ing feature that allows the system to answer a call and rec ord a message when the sub sc rib er is unavailab le. Callers may b e redirec ted to the system throug h the c all coverage or c all forward ing switc h features. Intuity AUDIX sub sc ribers may rec ord a p ersonal g reeting for these c allers. call-answer language choice The cap ab ility of sub scrib er mailb oxes to ac cep t messag es in different lang uag es. For the Intuity AUDIX ap plication, this cap ab ility exists when the multiling ual feature is turned on. callback number In AMIS analog networking , the telep hone numb er transmitted to the recip ient machine to be used in returning messag es that c annot b e d elivered . called tone (CED tone) The distinc tive tone g enerated b y a fax end point when it answers a c all (c onstant 2100 Hz tone). called subscriber information (CSI) The id entifier for the answering fax end point. This identifier is sent in the T.30 p rotoc ol and is g en- erally the telep hone numb er of the fax end p oint. calling tone (CNG tone) The d istinctive tone g enerated b y a fax endp oint when p lac ing a c all (constant 1100 Hz tone on for one-half sec ond , off for three sec ond s). central office (CO) An office or location in which larg e telec ommunic ation mac hines such as telep hone switc hes and network ac c ess facilities are maintained . In a CO, p rivate customer lines are terminated and c on- nec ted to the p ub lic network throug h c ommon carriers. class of service (COS) The stand ard set of features g iven to sub sc ribers when they are first ad ministered (set up with a voic e mailb ox). client A c omp uter that send s, rec eives and uses d ata, b ut that also shares a larg er resourc e whose func - tion is to d o most d ata storag e and p roc essing . For Intuity Message Manager, the subscrib er’s PC running Messag e Manager is the client. See also server. code excited linear prediction An analog -to-d ig ital voic e c od ing sc heme.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Glossary GL-5 collocated An Intuity system installed in the same p hysic al loc ation as the host switc h. See also local installa- tion . collocated adjunct Two or more ad juncts that are serving the same switc h (i.e., eac h has voice p ort c onnections to the switch) or that are serving d ifferent switches b ut c an b e networked throug h a direc t RS-232 con- nec tion d ue to their p roximity. command An instruc tion or req uest g iven b y the user to the software to perform a p artic ular func tion. An entire command c onsists of the c ommand name and op tions. Also, one- or two-key touch tones that control a mailbox ac tivity or function. compound message A message that c omb ines b oth a messag e and a fax messag e into one unit, whic h is then hand led b y Intuity AUDIX as a sing le messag e. COS See c lass of servic e. coverage path The sequenc e of alternate d estinations to which a c all is automatically sent when the call is not answered b y a subscrib er. This seq uenc e is set up on the switc h, normally with the Luc ent Tech- nolog ies Intuity system as the last or only d estination. D database A struc tured set of files, rec ord s, or tab les. Also, a c ollec tion of filesystems and files in disk mem- ory that store the voic e and nonvoic e (p rog ram data) nec essary for Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system op eration. default A value that is automatic ally sup p lied b y the system if no other value is sp ecified . default print number The subscrib er-ad ministered extension to which autoprinted faxes are red irec ted up on their rec eip t into the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. This default p rint d estination is also p rovid ed as a print op tion when the subscrib er is manually retrieving and p rinting faxes from the mailb ox. delivered message A messag e that has been suc c essfully transmitted to a rec ipients inc oming mailb ox. demand testing Testing p erformed on req uest (usually b y servic e personnel). diagnostic testing A program run for testing and d etermining faults in the system. dial-ahead/dial-through The ac t of interrup ting or p reced ing Intuity AUDIX system announcements b y typ ing (buffering ) touc h-tone command s in the ord er the system would normally p rompt for them.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Glossary GL-6 dialed number identification service (*DNIS_SVC) An availab le channel servic e assig nment on the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system. Assig ning this servic e to a c hannel p ermits the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity system to interp ret information from the switc h and operate the ap p rop riate ap p lication for the inc oming telep hone call. digital Disc rete d ata or sig nals suc h as 0 and 1, as op p osed to analog c ontinuous signals. digital communications protocol (DCP) A 64 Kb p s d ig ital d ata transmission c od e with a 160 Kb p s b ip olar b it stream d ivid ed into two infor- mation (I) c hannels and one sig naling (S) c hannel. digital networking A method of transferring messag es between messag ing systems in a d ig ital format. directory An feature allowing you to hear a sub scrib ers name and extension after typ ing **N at the ac tivity menu. Also, a group of related files ac cessed b y a common name in software. display terminal A data terminal with a screen and keyb oard used for d isplaying sc reens and p erforming mainte- nance or ad ministration ac tivities. distributed communications system (DCS) A network of two or more switc hes that uses log ic al and physical d ata links to p rovid e full or partial feature transp arenc y. Voic e links are mad e using tie trunks. dual language greetings The cap ab ility of sub scrib ers to create p ersonal greeting s in two d ifferent languages — one in a p rimary language and one in a sec ond ary lang uag e. This c apab ility exists when the multilingual feature is turned on and the p romp ts for sub scrib er mailb oxes c an b e in either of the two lan- guages. E electrostatic discharge (ESD) Disc harg e of a static charg e on a surfac e or bod y throug h a c ond uc tive p ath to g round. An ESD can be d amag ing to integ rated c irc uits. enhanced call transfer An Intuity AUDIX feature that allows comp atib le switc hes to transmit messag es d ig itally over the BX.25 (d ata) link. This feature is used for q uic k call transfers and req uires a fully integ rated d igital switch. Callers c an only transfer to other extensions in the switch d ial p lan. enhanced serial data interface A software- and hard ware-c ontrolled method used to store d ata on mag netic p erip herals. equipped/unequipped The state of a networking channel that indic ates whether Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Intuity software has rec og nized it. Devic es must b e eq uip p ed b efore they c an b e enab led (mad e ac tive). See also enabled/d isab led. error message A messag e on the screen ind ic ating that something is wrong and p ossib ly sugg esting how to c or- rec t it.