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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-7 AMIS Analog Networking 1 Feature Operation The AMIS Analog Networking feature operates as follows: 1. A loc al subsc riber either rec ords a new voic e mail messag e, forward s an existing call answer or voice mail messag e, or retrieves a message saved in the sub sc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox. 2. When p romp ted for the rec ip ient’s extension, the sub sc rib er enters one of the following, depending on the type of AMIS addressing administered on the system: nFor AMIS one-step add ressing : Sub sc rib ers enter the AMIS and /or ad d ress p refix (if assig ned ), followed b y the remote mailb ox ID (typ ic ally the extension) of the intended rec ip ient, followed b y the key. NOTE: Ad ministered remote rec ip ients c an alternatively b e addressed by name (last-name-first). All recipients on remote systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing may b e includ ed in local sub scrib ers’ mailing lists or p ersonal d irec tories as long as they are sp ec ified b y extension numb er. nFor AMIS two-step ad d ressing: — When p rompted for the rec ip ient’s extension, the sub sc rib er enters the AMIS and /or ad dress p refix (if one is assig ned ), followed b y the full telephone numb er of the remote voic e mail system (an area c od e, or c ountry c od e p lus area c ode, may b e nec essary), followed b y the key. — The system p romp ts the sub sc rib er for the extension (mailb ox ID) of the intend ed rec ipient on the remote system. The sub sc rib er then enters the ap p rop riate d ig its, followed b y the key. nSub sc rib ers c an ad d other loc al or remote add resses, then ap p rove the messag e for d elivery as d esc rib ed in the q uic k-referenc e c ard for their voic e mail system. NOTE: Messag es d esig nated as private will not be delivered. AMIS messag es desig nated as priority will be delivered, but appear as reg ular messag es to the remote system. Sub sc rib ers may op tionally sp ec ify a time when they want the messag e d elivered ; if they d o, the loc al system d elivers the message to the AMIS transmission q ueue at the req uested d elivery time, b ut the messag e may not b e transmitted until the next ad ministered outc alling p eriod . # # #

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-8 AMIS Analog Networking 1 3. At the first availab le transmission p eriod , the loc al system attemp ts to c all the remote voic e mail system as follows: — If the messag e arrives d uring an ac tive transmission p eriod , the system attemp ts to make the outc all immed iately. If the maximum numb er of simultaneous outc alling resourc es is b usy, the system tries again in one minute. — If a p ort is availab le b ut the loc al system for some reason c annot d eliver the AMIS messag e, the system makes two more attemp ts to d eliver the AMIS messag e. The intervals at whic h the system tries to d eliver messag es are sp ec ified b y the system ad ministrator. 4. When the remote system answers the c all and is read y to rec ord , the loc al voic e mail system p lays the messag e. The remote system delivers the rec ord ed messag e to the ap p rop riate rec ip ient’s mailb ox. NOTE: Bec ause AMIS analog messag es are ac tually p layed to the remote system and not transmitted d ig itally, the remote system takes one minute to rec ord a one-minute messag e. If a message is sent to more than one sub sc rib er on the same remote system, it is p layed to the remote system multip le times. 5. After the messag e is d elivered suc cessfully, the local voice mail system up d ates the outg oing messag e status to delivered. If all d elivery attemp ts fail, the loc al system send s a new voic e mail messag e to the send er notifying him or her that the messag e was und eliverab le. The messag e is saved in the send er’s outg oing mailbox so the subsc rib er c an attemp t to send it ag ain if d esired . The head er in the outg oing mailb ox c ontains a more d etailed exp lanation of why the messag e was not d eliverab le. 6. The remote rec ip ient retrieves the AMIS analog message using the same method used for any other voic e mail or c all answer messag es they rec eive. The head er id entifies the messag e as an AMIS messag e (in two-step add ressing only) and p rovid es the name (for ad ministered remote subsc rib ers only) or the telep hone numb er and extension of the send er.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-9 Message Delivery 1 Message Delivery Messag e Delivery is an op tional feature that p ermits subsc rib ers to send rec ord ed messag es to any touc h-tone telep hone, anywhere in the world (inc lud ing someone’s home), as long as that telep hone numb er is in the rang e of allowab le numb ers d efined b y the system ad ministrator. This feature is an extension of the AMIS Analog Networking feature and is automatic ally availab le when the AMIS feature is ac tivated . After a sub sc rib er ad d resses a Messag e Delivery messag e, the loc al system p lac es the messag e in the outc alling queue for d elivery d uring the interval(s) d efined b y the system ad ministrator. The system makes a total of six attemp ts to d eliver the messag e. If the rec ip ient doesn’t answer b y the sixth attemp t, the system send s the send er a new voic e mail messag e informing him or her that the message was undeliverable. The message is saved in the subscriber’s outgoing mailbox so it may be redelivered. When the system makes a Messag e Delivery call to the d esig nated numb er and the p hone is answered , a rec ord ing states that a messag e is waiting and that the intend ed rec ip ient should p ress to hear it. When the listener p resses , the loc al system p lays the messag e. Rec ip ients may alternatively p ress to d elete the messag e instead of listening to it (for examp le, if they alread y know what the messag e is ab out and d o not wish to hear it). They may also p ress to d elete the messag e after listening to it, althoug h the system automatic ally d eletes an ac c essed messag e after the listener hang s up . The system ad ministrator can ind ivid ually ad minister any telep hone numb ers to whic h Messag e Delivery traffic is heavy. This allows sub sc rib ers to use name ad d ressing and hear name voic ebac k (if the system administrator rec ord s a name for this rec ip ient). The system ad ministrator c an also ad minister a range of Messag e Delivery telep hone numb ers (for examp le, all loc al p hone numbers or an entire area c od e). In this c ase, ind ivid ual rec ip ients’ numb ers d o not need to b e ad ministered on the loc al voic e mail system. However, system ad ministrators should take p rec autions when ad ministering a rang e of numb ers to p revent unauthorized long -d istanc e c alls and to minimize exc essive p ort use (see the Se c u r i t y section in Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n). 00 *D *D

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-10 Message Delivery 1 Other c onsid erations related to the Messag e Delivery feature inc lud e: nRec ip ients may b e ind ividually ad ministered on the loc al system so sub sc rib ers c an ad d ress them b y name and rec eive name voic eb ac k. However, any Messag e Delivery rec ip ient c an b e inc lud ed in sub sc rib er’s mailing lists and personal d irec tories if the c omp lete telep hone numb er is used . nMessag es are played to the rec ip ient; if a rec ip ient is listening to a one minute messag e, an outc alling p ort will b e busy for at least one minute. nIf a Messag e Delivery messag e is sent to a remote rec ipient and a non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system or an answering mac hine p ic ks up the c all, the rec ip ient’s mac hine may rec ord the message head er. (A remote Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system d oes not rec ord the head er.) The remote mac hine is not ab le to rec ord the messag e b od y b ec ause it c annot p ress to have the loc al system p lay out the messag e. However, from the header, rec ip ients will hear either the name or numb er of the p erson who sent the messag e when they next p ic k up their messag es. Meanwhile, the loc al system c ontinues trying to d eliver the messag e (up to a total of six attemp ts) bec ause it did not d etec t a touc h-tone ind ic ating the messag e was rec eived . Subscriber Features To send a Messag e Delivery message, local sub scrib ers enter an ad d ress p refix (if one was assig ned ) to id entify the messag e as a Messag e Delivery messag e. They then enter the c omp lete telep hone numb er for the rec ip ient, followed b y the key. At this p oint, if the system ad ministrator has rec ord ed a name for the rec ip ient, they should hear the rec ip ient’s name voic ed b ac k. If no name has b een rec ord ed , sub sc rib ers hear the d ig its voic ed b ac k to c onfirm the telep hone numb er they just entered . Sub sc rib ers may also take ad vantag e of the following voic e mail features for send ing Messag e Delivery messag es. Refer to Ap pend ix C, Sub sc rib er Operation , for examples of Messag e Delivery ad d ressing . This ap p end ix inc lud es a temp late letter that c an b e c ustomized to introd uc e sub sc ribers to the feature. nAddress-by-Name: Local sub scrib ers can ad d ress Message Delivery messag es using name ad dressing only for ad ministered remote rec ip ients. nMailing Lists: Loc al sub sc rib ers c an inc lud e any Messag e Delivery remote rec ip ients in their p ersonal mailing lists. Ad ministered remote rec ip ients c an b e inc lud ed b y name or extension numb er; non-administered remote rec ip ients c an b e inc lud ed only by extension numb er. (See the following Typ es of Users sec tion for a d esc rip tion of remote rec ip ient typ es.) 0 #

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-11 Message Delivery 1 nName Voic eb ac k: Loc al sub sc rib ers hear the name of ad ministered remote recipients they are addressing or looking up in a directory only if the system ad ministrator has voic ed -in the name for that remote rec ip ient. Otherwise, they hear the remote telep hone numb er. nNames-and -Numb ers Direc tory: Loc al sub sc rib ers c an look up ad ministered remote rec ipients using the loc al system’s names-and -numb ers d irec tory ( ). nPersonal Direc tory: Loc al sub sc rib ers c an assig n aliases to any remote Messag e Delivery rec ip ients. Ad ministered remote rec ip ients c an b e inc lud ed b y name or extension numb er; non-ad ministered remote rec ip ients c an b e inc lud ed only by extension numb er. Ty p e s o f U s e r s Users of the Messag e Delivery feature are d ivid ed into the following g roups: nLoc al sub sc rib ers: Voic e mail users whose mailb oxes resid e on the loc al Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system. Unless restric ted throug h the Messag e Send ing Restric tions feature, all loc al sub sc rib ers are c ap ab le of send ing Messag e Delivery messag es. nRec ip ients: Those peop le who can rec eive Messag e Delivery messag es. Rec ip ients must have a touc h-tone telep hone. All Messag e Delivery rec ip ients c an b e add ressed b y c omp lete telep hone numb er and may b e inc lud ed in loc al sub sc rib ers’ mailing lists and p ersonal d irec tories. Rec ip ients are further d ivid ed as follows: — Ad ministered rec ip ients: Those remote rec ip ients who have b een ad ministered on the loc al voic e mail system. These rec ip ients c an b e ad d ressed b y name and their names, if rec ord ed , are voic ed b ac k to loc al sub sc rib ers. — Non-administered recipients: Those remote rec ip ients who have not b een ad ministered on the loc al voic e mail system. **N

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-12 Message Delivery 1 Feature Operation The Messag e Delivery feature op erates as follows: 1. A loc al subsc riber either rec ords a new voic e mail messag e, forward s an existing call answer or voice mail messag e, or retrieves a message saved in the sub sc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox. 2. When p romp ted for the rec ip ient’s extension, the sub sc rib er enters one of the following , dep end ing on how Messag e Delivery rec ip ients have b een ad ministered on the loc al system: — If the rec ipient’s numb er is in a valid rang e of ad ministered telep hone numb ers b ut the rec ip ient is not ind ivid ually ad ministered , the sub sc rib er typ ic ally enters an ad d ress p refix (if one was assig ned ), followed b y the full telep hone numb er of the rec ip ient (a c ountry c od e and /or area c od e may b e nec essary), followed b y the key. — If the rec ipient is ind ivid ually ad ministered , the sub sc rib er typ ic ally enters an ad d ress p refix (if one was assig ned ), followed b y as muc h of the rec ip ient’s telep hone number as is need ed for a uniq ue ad d ress, followed b y the key. Ad ministered rec ip ients may alternatively b e ad d ressed b y name (last-name-first). 3. Sub sc rib ers c an ad d other loc al or remote add resses, then ap p rove the message for delivery as described in the quick-reference card for their voic e mail system. NOTE: Messag es d esig nated as private will not be delivered. Messages designated as priority will be delivered, but appear as regular messag es to the rec ip ient. Sub sc rib ers may op tionally sp ec ify a time when they want the messag e delivered ; if they d o, the system d elivers the messag e to the outc alling transmission q ueue at the req uested d elivery time, b ut the messag e may not b e transmitted until the next ad ministered outc alling p eriod . 4. At the first availab le transmission p eriod , the system attemp ts to d eliver the Messag e Delivery messag e as follows: — If the messag e arrives d uring an ac tive transmission p eriod , the system attemp ts to make the outc all immed iately. If the maximum numb er of simultaneous outc alling resourc es is b usy, the system tries again in one minute. — If an outc alling p ort is availab le b ut the loc al system c annot d eliver the messag e (no one p ressed ), the system makes five more attemp ts to deliver the messag e. The intervals at whic h the system tries to d eliver messag es are sp ecified b y the system ad ministrator. # # 0

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-13 Message Delivery 1 5. When the system makes a Messag e Delivery call to the d esig nated numb er and the p hone is answered , a rec ord ing states that a messag e is waiting and that the intend ed rec ipient should p ress to hear it. (If a non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies system or answering mac hine answers the c all, it may rec ord this p art of the messag e, inc lud ing the name or telep hone numb er of the send er.) 6. Listeners may take one of the following ac tions: — Listeners c an p ress to hear the messag e. Afterward s, they may p ress to d elete the messag e or simp ly hang up (in the latter c ase, the system will d elete the messag e for them). — Listeners may p ress to d elete the messag e without listening to it (for examp le, if they alread y know what the message is ab out and d o not wish to hear it). Pressing ensures the system will not c all them ag ain with this same messag e. 7. After the messag e is d elivered suc cessfully, the local voice mail system up d ates the outg oing messag e status to delivered. If all d elivery attemp ts fail, the loc al system send s a new voic e mail messag e to the send er notifying him or her that the messag e was und eliverab le. The messag e is saved in the send er’s outg oing mailbox so the subsc rib er c an attemp t to send it ag ain if d esired . The head er in the outg oing mailb ox c ontains a more d etailed exp lanation of why the messag e was not d eliverab le. 0 0 *D *D *D

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-14 Feature Enhancements by Release 1 Feature Enhancements by Release The AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features have b een enhanc ed sinc e their initial introd uc tion for various Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e messag ing software releases. These enhanc ements are summarized in this sec tion. AUDIX System Enhancements The AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features have b een enhanc ed sinc e the initial AUDIX R1V6 software release as follows. Any enhanc ements made for a g iven release are c arried forward to later releases. nR1 V7 — The send to non-ad ministered rec ip ients (y/n)? field moved from the system:appearance form in AUDIX R1V6 software to the system:translation:machine:audix/amis/call d elivery form in the R1V7 7:1 software release to make feature ad ministration more flexib le. nR1 V7 7 : 2 — Several enhanc ements were mad e to the AMIS Analog Networking feature in the 7:2 software release. These c hang es, summarized b elow, are fully d oc umented in the A U D I X R1 V7 I ss u e 7 : 1 t o 7:2 Chang e Desc rip tion, 585-306-402. — A c ountry c ode of “ 0” was ad d ed to allow the AUDIX system to work in a mixed -vend or environment over p rivate networks in any country. — Any messag es remaining in the outc alling q ueue after an initial transmission are transmitted within 2 minutes after the first nine are sent. — Enhanc ed pre-ad ministered mac hine p roc essing imp roved the p erformanc e of the Rep ly to Send er and name voic eb ac k features. — Ad d itional ad ministration log entries and imp roved error messag es were ad d ed to b enefit sub sc rib ers and system ad ministrators. nR1 V8 — Multip le c allb ac k numb ers were ad d ed to allow more flexib le AMIS op eration in mixed p ub lic /p rivate networks. Up to five c allb ac k numb ers c an be spec ified on the system:translation:machine: analog network form. Callb ac k numb ers are assigned to remote mac hines using the system:translation:machine:audix/amis/call delivery form, and may be displayed on the list:machine form.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-15 Feature Enhancements by Release 1 DEFINITY AUDIX System Enhancements The AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features have b een enhanc ed sinc e the initial DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 software release as follows. Any enhanc ements made for a g iven release are c arried forward to later releases. nR2 . 0 — Several enhanc ements were made to the AMIS Analog Networking feature in the R2.0 software release. These c hang es, summarized b elow, are fully d oc umented in the DEFINITY AUDIX Release 1.0 to 2.0 Chang e Desc rip tion, 585-300-401. — DEFINITY AUDIX R2.0 systems no long er need to be reb ooted to ac tivate AMIS analog networking feature p arameters (as was req uired for R1.0 systems). In R2.0 software, aud its c an b e run to ac tivate AMIS analog networking or messag e d elivery ad ministration c hang es. — The same improvements made for the AUDIX R1V7 7:2 software load were also mad e in DEFINITY AUDIX R2.0 software (see the p revious AUDIX System Enhanc ements sec tion for a summary). nR3 . 0 — Multiple c allb ack numb ers were ad d ed to allow more flexib le AMIS op eration in mixed p ub lic /p rivate networks. Up to five c allb ac k numb ers c an be spec ified on the System-Parameters Analog -Network sc reen. Callb ac k numb ers are assig ned to remote mac hines using the Mac hine sc reen, and may b e d isp layed using the List Mac hines sc reen. Intuity System Enhancements The AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on the Intuity R1.0 system have the same feature set as the DEFINITY AUDIX R2.0 software release. The AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on the Intuity R2.0 system have the same feature set as the DEFINITY AUDIX R3.1 software release. For a c omp lete d esc rip tion of the AMIS Analog Networking feature, searc h for AMIS analog networking in your Intuity d oc umentation.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Overview 1-16 Feature Enhancements by Release 1