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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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585-300-512 Comcode 108413543 Issue 7 May 1999 AMIS Analog Networking

Copyright Ó 1999, Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved, Printed in U.S.A. Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change. Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party, for example, persons other than your com- pany’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Note that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system and, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as programming and configuring your equipment to pre- vent unauthorized use. The system manager is also responsible for reading all installation, instruction, and system administration docu- ments provided with this product in order to fully understand the fea- tures that can introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of com- mon-carrier telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use. Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention If you suspect you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistance, call the appropriate BCS National Cus- tomer Care Center telephone number. Users of the MERLIN®, PART- NER®, and System 25 products should call 1 800 628 2888. Users of the System 75, System 85, DEFINITY® Generic 1, 2 and 3, and DEFINITY® ECS products should call 1 800 643 2353. Customers outside the continental United States should contact their local Lucent representative, or call one of the above numbers in the following man- ner: • Dial the International Access Code; for example, 011. • Dial the country code for the U.S., that is, 01. • Lastly, dial either of the telephone numbers provided above. Lucent Technologies Web Page The world wide web home page for Lucent Technologies is: http://www.lucent.com Federal Communications Commission Statement Part 15: Class A Statement. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea- sonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer- ence to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi- dential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Industry Canada (IC) Interference Information This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radio interference regulations of Industry Canada. Le Présent Appareil Nomérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la class A préscrites dans le reglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le Industrie Canada. Trademarks See the preface of this document. Ordering Information Call: Lucent Technologies BCS Publications Center Voice 1 800 457-1235 International Voice 317 322-6791 Fax 1 800 457-1764 International Fax 317 322-6699 Write: Lucent Technologies BCS Publications Center 2855 N. Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46219 Order: Document No. 585-300-512 Comcode 108413543 Issue 7, May 1999 For additional documents, refer to the section in “About This Docu- ment” entitled “Related Resources.” You can be placed on a standing order list for this and other documents you may need. For more information on standing orders, or to be put on a list to receive future issues of this document, contact the Lucent Tech- nologies Publications Center. Obtaining Products To learn more about Lucent Technologies products and to order prod- ucts, contact Lucent Direct, the direct-market organization of Lucent Technologies Business Communications Systems. Access their web site at www.lucentdirect.com. Or call the following numbers: custom- ers 1 800 451 2100, account executives 1 888 778 1880 (voice) or 1 888 778 1881 (fax). War ra nty Lucent Technologies provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to the “Limited Use Software License Agreement” card provided with your package. European Union Declaration of Conformity The “CE” mark affixed to the equipment means that it conforms to the following directives. Lucent Technologies Business Communications Systems declares that DEFINITY AUDIX System equipment specified in this document conforms to the referenced European Union (EU) Directives and Harmonized Standards listed below: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Low-Voltage Directive73/23/EEC Acknowledgment This document was prepared by OMD Technical Publications, Lucent Technologies, Denver, CO. and Columbus, OH.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents iii Contents Contents iii About This Document ix nPurposeix nIntended Audienceix nHow This Document Is Organizedx nConventions Usedxi nRelated Resourcesxii nTrademarks and Service Marksxii nHow to Make Comments About This Documentxiii 1 Overview 1-1 nAMIS Analog Networking1-2 AMIS One-Step and Two-Step Addressing1-3 Subscriber Features1-4 One-Step Addressing Features1-4 Two-Step Addressing Summary1-5 Types of Users1-6 Feature Operation1-7 nMessage Delivery1-9 Subscriber Features1-10 Types of Users1-11 Feature Operation1-12 nFeature Enhancements by Release1-14 AUDIX System Enhancements1-14 DEFINITY AUDIX System Enhancements1-15 Intuity System Enhancements1-15 2 Planning and Design 2-1 nRequirements2-1 Software Requirements2-1 Hardware Requirements2-2 Voice Port Needs2-2 Calculate Expected Voice Port Use2-2 Monitor Voice Port Use2-3 nSecurity2-4

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents iv nNetwork Design2-5 Designing an AMIS Analog/Message Delivery Network2-5 Defining Address Ranges2-10 AMIS Prefix2-10 Address Prefixes2-10 Overlapping or Duplicate Ranges2-12 Extension Ranges and Length2-12 Dial String Interaction2-13 Sample Network Design2-14 nNetwork Planning2-16 Collect Local Machine Information2-16 Collect Remote Machine Information2-19 Collect Remote Subscriber Information2-21 3 AUDIX Administration 3-1 nImplementation3-2 Task 1: Display the Local Machine3-3 Task 2: Administer AMIS Loopback Test Mailbox (Optional)3-6 Task 3: Administer AMIS Analog/Message Delivery Parameters3-7 Task 4: Administer Outcalling Periods3-12 Task 5: Adjust System Limits3-14 Task 5A: Calculate New Filesystem Sizes3-14 Task 5B: Compare the Recommended Sizes to the Actual Sizes3-16 Task 5C: Increase Filesystem Sizes3-17 Task 6: Administer Retransmission Intervals3-18 Task 7: Restart the AUDIX System3-19 Task 8: Administer Remote Machines/Telephone Numbers3-20 Task 9: Record Remote Machine Names (Optional)3-32 Task 10: Administer Remote Subscribers (Optional)3-33 Task 11: Record Remote Subscriber Names (Optional)3-35 Task 12: Test the Connection3-36

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents v Task 12A: Testing an AMIS Analog Connection3-36 Task 12B: Testing a Message Delivery Connection3-37 nOngoing Administration3-38 Educate Subscribers3-38 Maintain the Network3-38 Monitor Logs and Traffic Reports3-38 4 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 4-1 nImplementation4-2 Task 1: Verify AMIS Service4-3 Task 2: Display the Local Machine4-4 Task 3: Administer Loopback Test Mailbox (Optional)4-5 Task 4: Administer AMIS Analog/Message Delivery Parameters4-5 Task 5: Administer Outcalling Periods4-9 Task 6: Adjust System Limits4-12 Task 7: Administer Retransmission Intervals4-14 Task 8: Activate the Changes4-15 Task 8A: Reboot the System (R1.0)4-15 Task 8B: Run Audits (R2.0 and Later)4-16 Task 9: Administer Remote Machines/Telephone Numbers4-17 Task 10: Record Remote Machine Names (Optional)4-28 Task 11: Administer Remote Subscribers (Optional)4-29 Task 12: Record Remote Subscriber Names (Optional)4-30 Task 13: Test the Connection4-31 Task 13A: Testing an AMIS Analog Connection4-32 Task 13B: Testing a Message Delivery Connection4-33 nOngoing Administration4-33 Educate Subscribers4-33 Maintain the Network4-34 Monitor Logs and Traffic Reports4-34

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents vi 5 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-1 nChecking and Activating the AMIS Analog Networking Feature5-3 nLocal Machine Administration5-5 Check the Local Machine Administration on the Intuity Platform5-5 Check the Local Machine Administration on the Intuity AUDIX Voice Messaging Feature Package5-8 nAdminister Loopback Test Mailbox (Optional)5-10 nAdminister AMIS Analog/Message Delivery Parameters5-11 nAdminister the Outcalling Periods5-15 nAdjust the System Limits5-17 nAdminister Retransmission Intervals5-19 nActivate the Changes5-21 Restart the AUDIX Voice System5-21 nAMIS Remote Machine Administration5-23 Administer AMIS Remote Machines on the Intuity Platform5-24 Administer AMIS Remote Machines on the AUDIX Voice Messaging Feature Package5-28 Enter the Address Ranges for the Remote Machine5-32 nRecord Remote Machine Names (Optional)5-36 nAdminister Remote Subscribers (Optional)5-39 nRecord Remote Subscriber Names (Optional)5-41 nTest the Connection5-42 AMIS Analog Network Connection Test5-42 Message Delivery Connection Test5-43 nOngoing Administration5-44 Educating Subscribers5-44 Maintain the Network5-44 Monitor Logs and Traffic Reports5-45 Changing Remote AMIS Machine Information on the Intuity Platform5-45 Changing Remote AMIS Machine Information on the AUDIX Voice Messaging Feature Package5-46

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents vii Deleting Remote Machines5-47 Renaming a Remote AMIS Machines5-48 nAdministration Examples5-50 AMIS Casual Addressing to Local Numbers Example5-50 AMIS Pre-Administered Addressing to Specific Machines Example5-52 AMIS Message Delivery Addressing to Local Number Example5-54 A Administration Log Entries A-1 B Administration Forms Summary B-1 C Subscriber Operation C-1 nAMIS Analog Networking ExamplesC-1 One-Step AMIS AddressingC-1 Two-Step AMIS Analog Networking ExampleC-5 nMessage Delivery ExampleC-6 nTemplate Letter for Using the AMIS Analog Networking and Message Delivery FeaturesC-9 AMIS Analog NetworkingC-9 Using AMIS Analog One-Step AddressingC-10 Using AMIS Analog Two-Step AddressingC-11 Message DeliveryC-11 Addressing Message Delivery Messages to Individual RecipientsC-12 Addressing Message Delivery Messages to a Number in an Administered RangeC-13 ABB Abbreviations ABB-1 GL Glossary GL-1 IN Index IN-1

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Contents viii

About This Document ix Purpose AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document Purpose This d oc ument, AMIS Analog Networking , 585-300-512, p rovid es p roc ed ures for p lanning , ad ministering, and using the Aud io Messag ing Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on the following Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e messag ing system: nAU D I X R1 V6 , R1 V7 , a n d R1 V8 s y st e m s nDEFINITY AUDIX systems nIntuity systems Information is org anized and p resented in a user-oriented manner and allows easy ac c ess and retrieval of the information. Intended Audience The d oc ument is intend ed for anyone who ad ministers one or more Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e messag ing systems for the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features.

AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document x How This Document Is Organized How This Document Is Organized This d oc ument is org anized into the following c hap ters: nAb out This Doc ument This p refac e d esc rib es the d oc ument’s p urp ose, intend ed aud ienc es, org anization, c onventions, trad emarks and servic e marks, and related resourc es. This p refac e also exp lains how to make c omments ab out the d oc ument. nChapter 1, Overview This c hap ter d esc rib es the AMIS Analog Networking and Message Delivery features. nChapter 2, Planning and Desig n This c hap ter c ontains hard ware and software req uirements, sec urity issues, and network planning p roc ed ures. nChapter 3, AUDIX Ad ministration This c hap ter d esc rib es the ad ministration and testing of the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on an AUDIX R1V6 or later system. nChapter 4, DEFINITY AUDIX Ad ministration This c hap ter d esc rib es the ad ministration and testing of the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on a DEFINITY AUDIX system. nChapter 5, Intuity System AMIS Ad ministration This c hap ter d esc rib es the ad ministration and testing of the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery features on an Intuity system. nAppendix A, Administration Log Entries This ap p end ix provid es AMIS Analog Networking and Message Delivery ad ministration error c od es and resolution p roc ed ures. nAp p end ix B, Ad ministration Forms Summary This ap p end ix summarizes the forms used for Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e messag ing systems for AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery ad ministration. nAp p end ix C, Sub sc rib er Op eration This ap p end ix desc rib es the p roc ed ures sub sc ribers would use to send AMIS Analog Networking and Message Delivery messag es. The ap p end ix inc lud es a temp late letter you c an c ustomize and distrib ute to the sub sc rib ers to inform them ab out the AMIS features. nAbbreviations This sec tion p rovid es a list of ab b reviations and ac ronyms used in the document.