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    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Administration Forms Summary 
    list measurements 
    sp ec ial-features d ay 
    To d isp lay outc alling  traffic 
    information (whic h inc lud es AMIS 
    analog  networking and  message 
    d elivery) for any day during  the 
    most rec ent 32-d ay c ollec tion 
    list measurements 
    sp ec ial-features hour 
    [ mm/d d/yy]  [ hh]
    To d isp lay outc alling  traffic 
    information (whic h inc lud es AMIS 
    analog  networking and  message 
    d elivery) for any hour d uring  the 
    most rec ent 192-hour (8-d ay) 
    list  measurements sub sc rib er 
    [ name]  [ extension]  
    To d isp lay messag e ac tivity for a 
    sp ec ific  sub sc rib er for the c urrent 
    d ay and  up  to 7 previous d ays.
    list  measurements sub sc rib er 
    [name] [extension] 
    To d isp lay messag e ac tivity for a 
    sp ec ific  sub sc rib er for the c urrent 
    month and  up  to 12 p revious 
    aud it  network-d ata To ac tivate c hang es mad e to the
    Analog -Network sc reen in R2.0 or 
    later software (R1.0 software 
    req uires a reboot). 
    list remote-extensions 
    [ mac hine-name]  
    [ starting-extension
    ] or 
    To d isp lay a list of remote 
    sub sc rib er extensions names, 
    ad ministration typ es, and  
    last-usag e d ate.
    ad d /c hang e/ 
    d isp lay/remove remote-sub sc rib er 
    [ name] or 
    [address] or [ mac hine-name 
    To display, add, change, and 
    remove remote subscribers; 
    information inc lud es name, 
    extension, add ress, c ommunity ID, 
    ad ministration typ e, voic ed -name, 
    last-usage date, and machine(s).
    ad d /c hang e/ 
    d isp lay/remove sub scrib er 
    [name]To administer local sub scrib ers 
    and  the op tional AMIS analog  
    networking  loop b ac k test mailb ox.
    aud it  switc h-translations To ac tivate c hang es mad e to the
    System-Parameters Outc alling  
    Table B-2. DEFINITY AUDIX Screens Summary
    Verb Screen Name and Qualifiers Description 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Administration Forms Summary 
    reset  system reb oot To ac tivate the AMIS analog  
    networking  and  messag e d elivery 
    c hang e/d isp lay system-parameters 
    analog -networkTo d isp lay, spec ify, and  c hange 
    p arameters on the local machine 
    for AMIS analog  networking  and  
    messag e d elivery.
    d isp lay system-parameters 
    c ustomer-op tionsTo verify that AMIS analog  
    networking has been activated by 
    Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel.
    change/display  system-parameters features To set rescheduling intervals for 
    unsuc c essful AMIS analog  
    networking  and  messag e d elivery 
    attemp ts.
    chang e/d isp lay  system-parameters limits To adjust system limits and disk 
    sp ac e for loc al and  ad ministered  
    remote sub sc rib ers.
    c hang e/d isp lay  system-parameters  outc alling To ad minister outc alling  c yc les and  
    p orts whic h are also used  for AMIS 
    analog  networking and  message 
    c hang e/d isp lay system-parameters 
    send ing -restric tionsTo activate send ing  restrictions 
    feature and  define a matrix 
    ind ic ating  whic h c ommunities of 
    sub scrib ers may exchang e 
    Table B-2. DEFINITY AUDIX Screens Summary
    Verb Screen Name and Qualifiers Description 
    							Subscriber Operation 
    C-1 AMIS Analog Networking Examples 
    AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation
    This ap p end ix shows examp les of sub sc ribers using  the AMIS Analog  
    Networking  and  Messag e Delivery features on various Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 
    voic e mail system setup s. 
    A temp late letter d esc rib ing  how to use the AMIS Analog  Networking  and  
    Messag e Delivery features ap p ears at the end  of this app end ix. System 
    ad ministrators are enc ourag ed  to c ustomize this letter for the features and  
    telep hone numb ers availab le on their system, and  d istribute c op ies to the 
    subscriber population. 
    AMIS Analog Networking Examples
    This sec tion shows examp les for using  AMIS one-step  and  two-step  AMIS 
    ad d ressing . Fi g u re  C -1, 
    AMIS Analog  Networking  Example, illustrates the AMIS 
    Analog  Networking  feature. 
    One-Step AMIS Addressing
    Sub sc rib ers on d ifferent voic e mail systems c an exc hange voic e mail messag es 
    using AMIS 
    one-step or p re-ad ministered addressing as described in this 
    sec tion.  
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-2 AMIS Analog Networking Examples 
    For examp le, sup p ose Sub scrib er L (a sub scrib er on the local AUDIX system) 
    need s to send  a voic e mail messag e to Sub sc rib er R (an emp loyee of the same 
    c omp any at a remote site ac ross town). For Sub sc rib er L to send  an AMIS analog  
    messag e to Sub sc rib er R’s voic e mailb ox using  one-step  AMIS Analog  
    Networking , she needs to know the following  information: 
    nOp tional: The AMIS p refix and /or ad d ress p refix, if assig ned , used  to 
    id entify Subsc rib er R’s voic e mail system. If a p refix is nec essary, you will 
    b e informed  b y your system ad ministrator. 
    In this examp le, assume the AMIS p refix “ 7”  is ad ministered. 
    nSub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID (this is normally Sub sc rib er R’s extension 
    numb er). 
    In this examp le, assume Sub sc rib er R’s extension/mailb ox ID is “ 1111” . 
    To send Sub sc rib er R a messag e, Sub sc rib er L should  d o the following : 
    1. Log  on to her loc al Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system, rec ord  a 
    message for Subscriber R, and approve it by pressing: 
    —   on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity system, or an AUDIX 
    R1V8 system with the standard  announc ement set 
    —     on an AUDIX R1V8 system with the trad itional 
    announc ement set, or on an earlier release of AUDIX software 
    Both the stand ard  and  trad itional AUDIX R1V8 systems sup port the 
    same c ommand s. However, an AUDIX system with the stand ard  
    announcement set prompts users to press  ,  while an AUDIX R1V8 
    system with the trad itional announc ement set p romp ts sub sc rib ers 
    to p ress    . 
    2. When the loc al system p romp ts Sub sc rib er L for the extension to whic h 
    she wants to send  the messag e, she should  enter the p refix id entifying  
    Sub scrib er R’s voic e mail system followed  b y Sub scrib er R’s mailb ox ID, 
    followed  b y  .  
    In this examp le, Sub sc rib er L would  enter “ 71111#” . 
    If Sub sc rib er R is ad ministered  on the loc al system, Subsc rib er L 
    c ould alternatively ad d ress him b y name (last-name-first). She c an 
    also inc lud e Sub sc riber R in her p ersonal mailing  lists, or ad d ress 
    Sub sc rib er R using  an alias in her p ersonal d irec tory, whether he is 
    loc ally ad ministered  or not. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-3 AMIS Analog Networking Examples 
    3. To ap prove the ad d ress and  send  the messag e immed iately (at the first 
    ad ministered  interval), Sub sc rib er L would  p ress: 
    —      on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity system, or an 
    AUDIX R1V8 system with the standard  announc ement set 
    —       on an AUDIX R1V8 system with the trad itional 
    announc ement set, or on an earlier release of AUDIX software 
    4. At the first ad ministered  transmission interval, Subsc rib er L’s loc al system 
    calls Subscriber R’s voice mail system by dialing the digits in the dial 
    string  d efined  for Sub scrib er R’s voice mail system. 
    5. When the remote system answers the c all, the loc al system notifies the 
    remote system that it has an AMIS analog messag e for mailb ox “ 1111.”  
    6. Sub sc rib er L’s system plays Sub sc rib er L’s messag e to Sub sc rib er R’s 
    system; meanwhile, Sub scriber R’s system record s Sub sc rib er L’s 
    messag e. 
    7. The remote voice mail system puts Subsc riber L’s message in Subsc riber 
    R’s mailb ox and  notifies him that he has a messag e. Sub sc rib er R c an 
    then retrieve Subsc rib er L’s messag e as he would  any other voic e mail 
    messag e. 
    8. The loc al system up d ates the status of the messag e head er in Sub sc rib er 
    L’s outg oing  mailb ox to ind ic ate the messag e was delivered . 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-4 AMIS Analog Networking Examples 
    Figure C-1. AMIS Analog Networking Example
    Subscriber L
    Local Voice Mailbox
    Local Switch
    Local Voice 
    Messaging System
    Public Network
    Remote Voice 
    Messaging SystemRemote 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-5 AMIS Analog Networking Examples 
    Two-Step AMIS Analog Networking Example
    Sub sc rib ers on d ifferent voic e mail systems c an exc hange voic e mail messag es 
    using AMIS 
    two-step or c asual addressing as described in this section. 
    For example, suppose Subscriber L (a subscriber on the local Lucent 
    Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system) need s to send  a voic e mail messag e to 
    Sub sc rib er R (an emp loyee of the same c ompany at a remote site ac ross town). 
    For Sub sc riber L to send  an AMIS analog  messag e to Sub sc rib er R’s voic e 
    mailbox using AMIS two-step addressing, she needs to know the following 
    nOp tional: The AMIS p refix and /or ad d ress p refix, if assig ned , used  to 
    id entify Subsc rib er R’s voic e mail system or the 
    rang e of voic e mail 
    systems to whic h sub sc rib ers c an send  two-step AMIS analog  messages. 
    If a p refix is nec essary, you will b e informed  b y your system ad ministrator. 
    In this examp le, assume the AMIS p refix “ 7”  is ad ministered. 
    nThe hunt-g roup  numb er of Sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail system, or whatever 
    d ig its are need ed  to id entify the remote voic e mail system (inc lud ing  a 
    c ountry c od e and /or area c od e, if req uired ). Your system ad ministrator 
    must also p rovid e this information. 
    nSub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID (this is normally Sub sc rib er R’s extension 
    numb er). In this examp le, assume Sub sc rib er R’s extension/mailb ox ID is 
    “ 1111” . 
    To send Sub sc rib er R a messag e, Sub sc rib er L should  d o the following : 
    1. Log  on to the loc al Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system, rec ord  a 
    message for Subscriber R, and approve it by pressing: 
    —   on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity system, or an AUDIX 
    R1V8 system with the standard  announc ement set 
    —     on an AUDIX R1V8 system with the trad itional 
    announc ement set, or on an earlier release of AUDIX software 
    2. When the loc al system p romp ts Sub sc rib er L for the extension to whic h 
    she wants to send  the messag e, she should  enter the p refix, followed  b y 
    the hunt-group  numb er of Sub sc rib er R’s voic e mail system, followed b y 
    the   key. 
    For examp le, Sub sc rib er L would  enter “ 72225000#”
    3. The system then p romp ts Sub sc rib er L for the mailb ox ID to whic h she 
    wants to send  the messag e. She should  enter Sub sc rib er R’s mailb ox ID 
    (extension numb er), followed  b y   . 
    In this examp le, Sub sc rib er L would  enter “ 1111#” .
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-6 Message Delivery Example 
    4. To ap prove the ad d ress and  send  the messag e immed iately (at the first 
    ad ministered  interval), Sub sc rib er L would  p ress: 
    —      on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity system, or an 
    AUDIX R1V8 system with the standard  announc ement set 
    —       on an AUDIX R1V8 system with the trad itional 
    announc ement set, or on an earlier release of AUDIX software 
    5. At the first ad ministered  transmission interval, Subsc rib er L’s loc al system 
    calls Subscriber R’s voice mail system by dialing the digits in the dial 
    string defined for Subscriber R’s system. 
    In this examp le, the loc al system would  d ial “ 9-222-5000”  (this assumes 
    that “ 9”  is the d ial ac c ess c od e used  to ac c ess an outgoing trunk). 
    6. When the remote system answers the c all, the loc al system notifies the 
    remote system that it has an AMIS analog messag e for mailb ox “ 1111.”
    7. Sub sc rib er L’s system plays Sub sc rib er L’s messag e to Sub sc rib er R’s 
    system; meanwhile, Sub scriber R’s system record s Sub sc rib er L’s 
    messag e. 
    8. The remote voice mail system puts Subsc riber L’s message in Subsc riber 
    R’s mailb ox and  notifies him that he has a messag e. Sub sc rib er R c an 
    then retrieve Subsc rib er L’s messag e as he would  any other voic e mail 
    messag e. 
    9. The loc al system up d ates the status of the messag e head er in Sub sc rib er 
    L’s outg oing  mailb ox to ind ic ate the messag e was delivered . 
    Message Delivery Example
    Messag e Delivery is an extension of the AMIS Analog  Networking  feature that 
    p ermits Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail sub sc rib ers to send  rec ord ed  voic e mail 
    messag es to any touc h-tone telep hone, anywhere in the world  (inc lud ing  
    someone’s home). Fi g u re  C - 2, 
    Messag e Delivery Examp le, illustrates the 
    Messag e Delivery feature. 
    For example, suppose Subscriber L (a subscriber on a loc al Lucent 
    Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system) need s to c ontac t Rec ip ient H (her husb and  who 
    works at home), b ut his line is busy. In this c ase, she may c hoose to send  him a 
    voic e mail messag e using  the Messag e Delivery feature. 
    Before Sub sc rib er L c an send  a Messag e Delivery messag e to Rec ip ient H, she 
    need s to know the following  information: 
    nOp tional: The ad d ress p refix, if assig ned , used  to id entify numb ers to 
    whic h messag e d elivery messages c an b e sent. In this examp le, assume 
    the Messag e Delivery p refix is “ 6.”
    nRec ip ient H’s telep hone numb er. In this examp le, assume the numb er is 
    “ 222-1234.”
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-7 Message Delivery Example 
    To send Rec ip ient H a messag e, Sub sc rib er L should  d o the following : 
    1. Log  on to the loc al Luc ent Tec hnolog ies voic e mail system, rec ord  a 
    message for Recipient H, and approve it. 
    2. When the system p rompts her for the extension to whic h she wants to 
    send  the messag e, she should  enter the p refix, followed  by Rec ip ient H’s 
    telep hone numb er, followed  b y the   key. 
    In this examp le Sub sc rib er L would  enter “ 62221234#”
    3. To ap prove the ad d ress and  send  the messag e immed iately (at the first 
    ad ministered  interval), Sub sc rib er L would  p ress: 
    —      on a DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity system, or an 
    AUDIX R1V8 system with the standard  announc ement set 
    —      on an AUDIX R1V8 system with the trad itional 
    announc ement set, or on an earlier release of AUDIX software 
    4. At the first ad ministered  transmission interval, Subsc rib er L’s loc al system 
    d ials whatever dig its are in the Messag e Delivery d ial string  (suc h as “ 9” 1 
    to reac h the p ub lic  network), followed b y Rec ip ient H’s telep hone numb er. 
    In this examp le, the loc al system would  d ial “ 9-222-1234”  (this assumes 
    that “ 9”  is the d ial-ac c ess c ode used  to ac c ess an outg oing  trunk). 
    5. When Rec ipient H answers the c all, Sub sc riber L’s voic e mail system 
    p lays a short announc ement informing Rec ip ient H that he has a messag e 
    from Sub sc rib er L and  that he should  p ress   to listen to it. 
    6. Rec ip ient H c an then p ress    to hear the messag e, or     to d elete the 
    messag e without listening  to it (for examp le, if he alread y knows what the 
    messag e is ab out). Pressing      ensures the system will not c all him 
    ag ain with this same messag e. 
    7. If he c hose to listen to the messag e, Rec ip ient H c an rep lay the messag e 
    b y p ressing  , p ress     to d elete the messag e, or simp ly hang  up  (in 
    the latter c ase, the system will delete the ac c essed  messag e for him). 
    8. If Rec ip ient H doesn’t answer, Sub sc rib er L’s voic e mail system will make 
    up  to five more attemp ts to d eliver her messag e to Rec ip ient H at intervals 
    sp ec ified  b y the system ad ministrator. 
    — If her messag e is d elivered  suc cessfully, the voice mail system 
    up d ates the outg oing  messag e status to 
    ac c essed. 
    — If all six attemp ts fail, the system send s a new voic e mail messag e 
    to Subsc rib er L notifying  her that the messag e was und eliverab le. 
    							AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Subscriber Operation 
    C-8 Message Delivery Example 
    Figure C-2. Message Delivery Example
    Public Network
    Recipient H 
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