Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Look-Ahead Interflow 8-14Issue 4 September 1995 4. If the oldest call waiting time is less than 60 seconds, step 4 accepts the call and queues it. ADR then connects the call through to the receiving PBX/ACD. 5. Steps 5-7 provide ringback, announcement, and music to the caller. If the vector at location A rejects the c all b y sending a busy indication back to the network over the ISDN-PRI link, ADR reroutes the call to location B, which must accept the call. If location B is closed or too busy to take the call, location B can use Call Vectoring and Look-Ahead Interflow to check other locations. If other locations exist and can take the call, location b can forward the call. If other locations do not exist or c annot take the call, location B can use Call Vectoring to route the call to location A. If location A is not open, location B can use Call Vectoring to provide an announcement or busy tone to the caller.

Issue 4 September 19959-1 9 Adjunct Routing Introduction Adjunct Routin g allows an associated adjunct to make a call routing d e cision when it encounters an adjunct routing vector command during vector processing. An adjunct is any p rocessor connected to a switch that can use ASAI features. The adjunct makes a routing decision according to caller information and/or agent availability, and it returns the routing response to the switch. Adjunct Routing c an be used in conjunction with Call Promp ting and Look-Ahead Interflow. When coupled with Call Prompting, Ad junct Routing can p ass up to 16 d i gits that have b een collected from the last relevant collect digits vector command. When coupled with Look-Ahead Interflow, Adjunct Routing can pass the LAI information element that was passed from the originating switch in the ISDN message. Functions and Examples The adjunct routing command provides a means for an adjunct ASAI processor to specify the destination of a call. The switch provides information in an ASAI route request message that the ASAI adjunct can use to first access a database and then determine a route for the call. In a typical application, the ASAI adjunct might use the dialed number, the Calling Party Number (CPN/BN), or the digits collected via Call Promp ting to access customer information and thereby determine the call route. An adjunct specified in an adjunct routing command can route a call to an internal number, an external numb er, a split, a VDN, an announcement

Adjunct Routin g 9-2Issue 4 September 1995 extension, or a particular agent. An adjunct can also provide priority ringing and priority queuing. Sending the Call Route Request Here’s an example of a simple vector that uses adjunct routing: Figure 9-1. Adjunct Routing Vector In this vector, 1111 is the extension number of an ASAI link. Each ASAI link has a unique extension number, even in a configuration where there might be multiple ASAI links to the same adjunct. When a call encounters an adjunct routing command, and if the call is not queued to a split, the switch sends an ASAI message requesting a call route over the specified adjunct link. The following list identifies the contents of the message, along with a comment or a brief explanation for each item: nCalling number information. Calling party number or billing number (CPN/BN) p rovid e d by ISDN-PRI fa c ilities, or by the a dministered destination for other trunk facilities. If the call originates from a local switch extension, this extension is the number dialed (after d i git translation). nCalled number. Originally called extension (if a call is forwarded to a VDN), or the first VDN through which the call was routed (if the c all was not forward ed to the VDN). nRouting VDN. Last VDN that routed the call to the vector that contains the adjunct routing command. nCall identifier. ASAI identifier that permits the ASAI adjunct to track multiple calls via either Event Notification or Third Party Call Control. (See DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Feature Description, 555- 230-204, or the DEFI NI TY Generic 3 CallVisor ASAI Technical Reference, 555-230-220, for more information on ASAI.) nLook-Ahead Interflow information (if any). Includes the original VDN display information and the priority level of the call at the originating switch. (See Chapter 8.) nDigits collected via Call Prompting (if any; maximum of 16 digits). Digits are collected by the most recent collect digits command. (See Chap ter 5.) 1. adjunct routing link 1111 2. wait-time 60 seconds hearing ringback 3. route-to number 0 with cov n if unconditionally 4. disconnect after announcement 2000

Functions and Examples Issue 4 September 1995 9-3 If the call is queued, the adjunct routing step is ignored, and vector processing continues at the next vector step. NOTE: For reasons that we discuss later in this chapter, you should always in clude a wait-time ste p, announcement or another adjunct routing step (G3V3 and later releases) after an adjunct routing step. Effects of ASAI Link Failure on Vector Processing If the ASAI link specified in the adjunct routing step is down, the step is skipped. An ASAI link failure can change the manner in which subsequent treatment (that is, announcement and/or wait-time) steps (if any) in the vector are p rocessed. In some cases, such processing is influenced by the position the treatment steps occupy in the vector. In other cases, the positioning of these commands along with their relationship to specific goto commands come into play. For example, any announcement or wait-time ste p that immediately follows an adjunct routing step whose ASAI link is down is skipped. NOTE: In view of the previous thought, the second step after the adjunct routing step is often implemented as a default treatment. In Figure 9-1, for example, the d efault treatment in Step 3 is a route to an attendant. After the switc h recognizes that the ASAI link is down, this step executes. immediately. (It can take u p to 6 minutes for the switch to recognize that the link is d own.) Otherwise, the step executes only if the application does not respond with a route within 60 seconds. On the other hand, if a goto step follows such an adjunct routin g step, the switch executes the goto ste p and then skips various treatment steps according to their position in the vector and based on the action of the goto step. Specifically, if the goto step succeeds, the switch skips any announcement or wait-time step that is the first non- g oto step branched to by the goto step. NOTE: Actually, the first step to which a g oto ste p is usually designed to branch is a nontreatment ste p (that is, a step containing a command other than a wait-time or an announcement command). Thus, the skipping of a treatment step according to the scenario described just b efore this note rarely occurs. On the other hand, if the goto ste p fails, the switch skips any announcement or wait-time step that imme diately follows the goto step. NOTE: The goto step that fails can be at the end of a sequence of goto steps that branch to each other.

Adjunct Routin g 9-4Issue 4 September 1995 The following vectors can be used to illustrate the processes just described. Figure 9-2. Skipping/Non-Skipping of Treatment Commands with ASAI Link Down Because we are assuming the a djunct link is d own, the adjunct routing command in Step 1 fails. Because the wait-time command in Step 2 immediately follows an adjunct routing command whose adjunct link is down, the wait-time step is skipped. Step 3 contains another adjunct routing command whose adjunct link is also down. As a result, the step fails, and control is passed to the g oto step command in Step 4, which is automatically executed. Now, let’s assume the g oto step command in Step 4 is not successful (that is, no branch is made because there is at least one available a gent in sp lit 20). In such a case, the wait-time ste p (Ste p 5) following the unsuccessful goto step is skip p ed, and control is passed to the g oto vector command in Step 6. This step then routes the call to vector 50 (not shown), which is designed to queue the call and provide standard call treatment. On the other hand, let’s b acktrack and assume the goto step comma n d in Ste p 4 is successful. In such a case, control is passed to Step 7, where another g oto step command d etermines whether there are more than 50 calls in sp lit 20. If so, VDN (extension=1040 name=‘‘Ad Route’’ vector=40) Vector 40 1. adjunct routing link 1000 (link is down) 2. wait-time 10 seconds hearing ringback 3. adjunct routing link 2000 (link is down) 4. goto step 7 if available-agents in split 20 < 1 5. wait-time 10 seconds hearing ringback 6. goto vector 50 if unconditionally 7. goto step 10 if calls-queued in split 20 pri l > 50 8. announcement 4001 9. goto vector 50 if unconditionally 10. route-to number 6000 with cov n if unconditionally VDN (extension=6000 name=‘‘Message’’ vector=60) Vector 60 1. announcement 4000 (‘‘We’re sorry. We are still unable to connect you to an agent. If you’d like to leave a message, please do so after the tone. Otherwise, please call back weekdays between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Thank you.’’) 2. wait-time 6 seconds hearing silence 3. messaging split 18 for extension 1500 4. announcement 4010 (‘‘We’re sorry. We were unable to connect you to our voice mail. If you’d like to try to leave a message again, please do so after the tone. Otherwise, please call back weekdays between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Thank you.’’) 5. goto step 2 if unconditionally

Functions and Examples Issue 4 September 1995 9-5 control is sent to Step 10, where the route-to number command sends the call to vector 60, which allows the caller to leave a recorded message. The first step of vector 60 contains an announcement command, which is not skipped, since the treatment step is not the first non-goto step branched to by a goto step that follows an adjunct routing command whose ASAI link is d own [the route-to number step (Step 10) in vector 40 is the first such step]. Similarly, neither the wait-time step (Step 2) nor the second announcement step (Step 4) is skipped. Returning to Step 7 in vector 40, let’s assume that there are 50 or fewer calls in queue. In such a case, the goto step fails and, as a result, the announcement step (Step 8) that immediately follows this step is skipped. (Remember, even though this goto step does not imme diately follow the adjunct routing ste p, the former ste p qualifies as a test case because it is branched to by another goto step that does imme diately follow the a djunct ro uting ste p.) Thereafter, the g oto vector step (Step 9) routes the call again to vector 50, which is designed to queue the call and provide standard call treatment. The following table summarizes the procedures d iscussed in this section. In so doing, the table refers back to the vectors presented in the previous screen. Awaiting the Response to the Call Route Request After the switch sends a route request to the ASAI adjunct, vector processing continues with the following vector steps. The step that follows the adjunct routing step in effect determines the maximum length of time the switch will wait for the ASAI adjunct to reply with a call route. Table 9-1. Example of the Relationship Between Treatment Steps and Goto Steps that Follow Goto Disposition of Treatment Disposition of Reason for Disposition Step #(s) Goto Step(s) Step #(s) Treatment Step(s) of Treatment Step(s) 4 Fails 5 Skipped Immediately follows failed goto step. 4, 7 First step succeeds, second step fails.8 Skipped Immediately follows failed goto step. Both steps succeed.1, 2 (both of vector 60)Each step is executed.Not the first non- goto steps accessed by a successful goto ste p. NOTE: Step 4 of vector 60 is also executed if the messaging sp lit ste p (Ste p 3) fails.

Adjunct Routin g 9-6Issue 4 September 1995 Accordingly, you should almost always include either a wait-time step or an announcement step immediately after an adjunct routing step. Moreover, the switch cancels the route request if vector processing encounters a step containing one of the following commands: nadjunct routing (G3V2 and earlier releases.) G3V3 and later releases allow multiple outstanding adjunct route requests. nbusy ncheck-backup split nconverse-on split nqueue-to main split ncollect digits ndisconnect nmessaging split nroute-to NOTE: Actually, if another adjunct routing step is encountered, the route request information is not lost. Although the initial route request is cancelled, a second route request is sent, and this route request includes the same information included in the first route request. If a valid call route is received by the switch before one of the vector commands in the previous list is executed, the switch routes the call to the destination specified by the adjunct route. Otherwise, the route request is terminated without affecting vector processing. Let’s return to our sug gested strategy of including a treatment ste p after the adjunct routing step. Accordingly, here’s an example presented earlier that illustrates this a p proach: Figure 9-3. Treatment Step Used as a Delay for Adjunct Routing In Ste p 2 of this example, the wait-time command specifies a d elay period of 60 seconds. As a result, the switch in this case will wait up to 60 seconds to receive a reply from the adjunct. On the other hand, replacing the wait-time command in Step 2 with an announcement command enables the switch to wait for no longer than the length of time it takes for the announcement to complete. Accordingly, 1. adjunct routing link 1111 2. wait-time 60 seconds hearing music 3. route-to number 0 with cov n if unconditionally 4. disconnect after announcement 2000

Functions and Examples Issue 4 September 1995 9-7 judgement should be used in determining which of the treatment commands is best for the particular ap p lication. Finally, note that the adjunct can also decide to not route a call by rejecting (that is, negatively acknowledging) the route request sent by the switch. Upon receiving a route request rejection, the switch terminates the announcement or wait-time step that is being executed for the call and then continues with the next vector step. Receiving and Implementing the Call Route When the switch receives a call route (destination) from the ASAI a djunct, the switch first validates the route as follows: 1. The switch verifies the VDN’s COR permits the call to be terminated at the adjunct-supplied destination. 2. The switch verifies that the adjunct-supplied information (destination number, ACD split, TAC/AAR/ARS access code, etc.) for the route is valid. This includes checking that the d estination is comp atible with the d ial plan, and that the options specified by the a djunct are correct. 3. If the ASAI adjunct sp ecifies the Direct Agent Call (DAC) o ption, the destination numb er (agent) must be logg e d into the adjunct-specified ACD split. 4. If the d estination for the call is external, the switch verifies the trunk is available for the call. If any of these conditions are not met, the route validation fails, and the switch does the following: 1. Discards the route. 2. Notifies the ASAI adjunct that the route is invalid. 3. Continues with vector processing. If the route is valid, the switch does the following: 1. Terminates vector processing immediately. 2. Notifies the ASAI adjunct that the route is accepted. 3. Routes the call to the destination specified by the ASAI adjunct. When the call is route d, the caller hears normal call progress tones and feed back. However, if the call is routed to an extension with no available call appearances and no coverage path, the caller hears the busy tone. Any other features that may b e in effect at the adjunct-supplied d estination (such as Send- All-Calls or Call Forwarding) interact with the routed call.

Adjunct Routin g 9-8Issue 4 September 1995 NOTE: The o peration described in the previous paragraph is similar to that for the route-to with coverage command. Multiple Outstanding Route Requests This feature allows multiple ASAI Route Requests for the same call to be active at the same time (simultaneously). The Route Requests can be over the same or different ASAI links. The requests are all made from the same vector. They must be specified back- to-back, without intermediate ( wait-time, announcement, goto, or sto p) ste ps. If the adjunct routing commands are not specified back-to-back, current a djunct routing functionality will a pply (that is, previous outstanding route requests will b e cancelled when an adjunct routing vector step is executed). The first Route Select response received by the switch will be used as the route for the call, and all other outstanding Route Re quests for the call will be cancelled. This capability increases the redundancy options available with ASAI. Prior to G3V3, adjunct routing applications that wante d to have a b a ckup link tested if the primary link was down and then executed the adjunct routing for the backup link with a vector as shown in Figure 9-4. Note that the route request over link 1001 is cancelled when step 4 is executed (because of the intermediate step 3). Figure 9-4. Sample Adjunct Routing Vector with Redundancy With Multiple Outstanding Route Requests, multiple adjuncts can process the route call request without waiting for the first route attem pt to fail. An application can make use of this feature to distribute the incoming call load evenly across adjuncts, based on the adjunct’s current CPU load. 1. wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringback 2. adjunct routing link 1001 3. wait-time 6 seconds hearing ringback 4. adjunct routing link 1002 5. wait-time 6 seconds hearing ringback 6. route-to number 3465 with cov n if unconditionally (default routing)

Multiple Outstanding Route Re quests Issue 4 September 1995 9-9 User Scenarios Figure 9-5 shows a typical vector where multiple adjunct route requests to multiple links will be active at the same time. The first adjunct to route the call is the active adjunct (that is, it specifies which VDN the call should be route d to at that point). Figure 9-5. Sample Adjunct Routing Vector with Redundancy in G3V3 and later releases 1. wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringback 2. adjunct routing link 1001 3. adjunct routing link 1002 4. adjunct routing link 1003 5. wait-time 6 seconds hearing ringback 6. route-to number 1847 with cov n if unconditionally (default routing)