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ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual

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    of 458
    							Call Vectoring Commands
    A-74Issue  4  September 1995 
    For Look-Ahead Interflow, the route-to command can be considered either a call 
    acceptance vector command or a neutral vector command. The command is 
    considered a call acceptance vector command whenever one of the following is 
    nCommand terminates to a valid local destination.
    nCommand successfully seizes a non-PRI trunk.
    nCommand execution results in a Look-Ahead Interflow call attempt, and 
    the call is accepted by the far end switch.
    The command is considered a neutral vector command whenever one of the 
    following is true:
    nTermination is unsuccessful.
    nTrunk is not seized.
    nLook-Ahead interflow call attempt is denied by the far end switch.
    For a call that covers or forward s to a VDN, the 
    route-to with coverage y 
    command functions the same way as the 
    route-to with coverage n command. For 
    a covered or forwarded call, the coverage option for the command is disabled 
    since such a call should not be further redirected.
    route-to with cov y to a station that has call forwarding activated is forwarded.
    Service Observing can be initiated with Call Vectoring using the route-to 
    command. See Service Observing on page 4-16 for d etailed instructions.
    Ap pendix G gives a detailed description of the feature interactions for the 
    route-to number with and without coverage command.
    CMS Interactions
    R3 CMS:  Tracking of the route-to digits command varies according to the 
    destination successfully routed to, as follows:
    Routed to Station or to Attendant
    Database Item Report Heading Notes
    OUTFLOWTIMEFlow Out 1st sp lit
    Vector Flow Out
    DEQ UETI M EDequeued Calls 2nd/3rd splits
    Dequeued Avg Queue Time
    INTIME Avg Time In Vector
    CONNECTTI MEOther Calls Connect answered calls on G3 
    Issue  4  September 1995
    For c alls that ‘‘route to’’ a s plit or a hunt group and later intraflow to a station 
    or t o an att e n d ant , OTHE RCAL LS/ OTHE RTIM E are tracked in the vector 
    and in the VDN tables.Routed to Trunk
    Database Item Report Heading Notes
    OUTF LOW TI MEFlow Out 1st sp lit
    Vector Flow Out
    VDN Flow Out
    DEQ UETI M EDequeued Calls 2nd/3rd splits
    Dequeued Avg  Queue Time
    /  I N TER F L O WT I M EVDN Flow-Interflow
    INTIME Avg Time In Vector
    Routed to VDN
    Database Item Report Heading Notes
    OUTF LOW TI MEFlow Out 1st sp lit
    Vector Flow Out
    VDN Flow Out
    QUETIMEDequeued Calls 2nd/3rd splits
    Dequeued Avg  Queue Time
    INTIME Avg Time In Vector
    INFLOWCALLS Vector Flow In new vector
    VDN Flow In new VDN
    Routed to Split or Hunt Group
    Database Item Report Heading Notes
    OUTF LOW TI MEFlow Out 1st sp lit
    DEQ UETI M EDequeued Calls 2nd/3rd splits
    Dequeued Avg  Queue Time
    INTIME Avg Time In Vector
    CALLSOFFER RED n e w  s p l i t
    HIGHCALLSno priority/priority 
    							Call Vectoring Commands
    A-76Issue  4  September 1995 
    Split calls are also shown in the standard reports  according to the final 
    disposition of the call.
    Calls that route over an ISDN trunk are Look-Ahead Interflow calls. When a call 
    attempts to ‘‘route to’’ an ISDN trunk (Look-Ahead Interflow), the 
    LOOKATTEMPTS database item is tracked and reported as ‘‘Look-Ahead 
    Interflow Attempts.’’  If the call successfully routes, 
    LOOKFLOWCALLS/LOOKFLOWTIME are tracked and reported as ‘‘Look-Ahead 
    Interflow Completions.’’ Interflow always occurs whenever the 
    with coverage yes 
    option is in effect.
    The presence of the command in a vector enables the calls that are serviced by 
    the vector to be vector-directed. When such a call is answered by an agent, the 
    call is tracked as ACDCALLS/ANSTI M E,  a n d  it  is reported as ‘‘ACD Calls,’’ ‘‘Split 
    ACD Calls,’’ and ‘‘Avg Speed Ans.’’  If the call is also queued to other splits,  
    OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in the first sp lit to which the call 
    queues, and ‘‘Flow Out’’ is reported (unless the s plit turns out to b e the answering 
    split). DEQUECALLS/DEQUETI M E is tracked in the second and third splits if 
    these splits are not the answering split, and the call is reported as ‘‘Dequeued 
    Calls’’ and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue Time.’’  However, if the second or third  split is 
    the answering split, INFLOWCALLS is tracked in the split, and the call is reported 
    as ‘‘Flow In.’’
    If the command directs a call to a destination, the BACKUPCALLS data base 
    item is incremented, and the call is reported as ‘‘Calls Ans in Ba cku p’’ and ‘‘Calls 
    Handled/Backup.’’  The ‘‘Calls Ans in Main’’ report item is calculated b y using the 
    algorithm ACDCALLS - BACKUPCALLS. 
    A call abandoned after the command routes the call to a station or an attendant 
    is tracked in the VDN tables as ABNCALLS/ABNTIME.
    R2 CMS:  Calls that ‘‘route to’’ successfully are  tracked as OUTFLOW  a n d  
    reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’ The vector and VDN tables are not credited with an 
    answer or abandon for calls that route to a split. VECTIME is recorded for the 
    vector, and it is reported as ‘‘Avg Time in Vector.’’
    Calls that ‘‘route to’’ a split are tracked as INFLOW and  reported as ‘‘Flow In’’. 
    Calls that ‘‘route to’’ a trunk are tracked as ROUTED CAL LS/ RO UTEDTIME, but 
    they are not shown on standard reports.
    BCMS Interactions
    A call advanced to another position via the command is tracked as ‘‘outflow’’ in 
    the VDN Re port.  A  call answered by an attendant via the command is also 
    tracked as ‘‘outflow.’’ 
    Issue  4  September 1995
    Stop Command
    Halts the processing of any su bsequent vector steps.
    Basic Call Vectoring or Call Prompting software must be installed.
    After the sto p command is p rocessed, any calls  already q ueued remain queued, 
    and any wait treatment (for example, silence, ringback, music) is continued. On 
    the other hand, any calls not queued are dropped under the same scenario.
    If a TTR is allocated to the c all, and if the 
    stop c ommand is encountered, the TTR 
    is disconnected.  However, current call p rocessing continues (that is, the call is 
    not dropped).  The caller continues to hear the feedback that was provided 
    before the 
    sto p command was encountered.
    An implicit stop is processed following the last administered command in a 
    Answer Supervision Considerations
    The command has no effect on answer supervision.
    Feature Interactions
    For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command is considered a neutral vector command 
    in all cases except when a call is dropped, then it is considered a denial. 
    							Call Vectoring Commands
    A-78Issue  4  September 1995 
    CMS Interactions
    R3 CMS:  When the command or the end of the ve ctor is encountered, vector 
    INTIME is recorded.  This is reported as ‘‘Avg Time in Vector.’’
    R3V4 CMS: VDISCCALLS  d atabase item in the VDN tables pegs call that pass 
    all the way through a vector without ever having been queued.
    R2 CMS:  Nothing is recorded when the command is encountered. When  the 
    disposition (that is, ‘‘answered’’ or ‘‘abandoned’’) of the call is known, VECTIME is 
    recorded and reported as ‘‘Total Time in Vector.’’ 
    Issue  4  September 1995
    Wait-time Command
    Delays the processing of the next vector step if a specified delay time is included 
    in the command’s syntax. Also provides feedback (in the form of silence, 
    ringback, or music) to the caller while the call advances in queue. The  G3V4 
    Multiple Audio/Music Sources for Vector Delay feature allows a specified audio 
    or music source to be selected when a call encounters a 
    wait-time command. 
    See Multiple Audio or Music Sources on page 4-6 for more information.
    wait-time  secs hearing 
    Multiple Audio/Music Sources Syntax 
    (G3V4 and later releases):
    wait-time  secs hearing  then < treatment >
    Valid Entries
    seconds:  0 through 998 (even numbers only); 0 through 8 when using the i-silent 
    treatment:  silence, ringb ack, music, i-silent, continue. 
    With Multiple Audio/Music Sources, treatment refers to what the caller hears after 
    the wait-time command times out, if the announcement finishes before time out, 
    or if the call cannot be c onnected to the audio/music sourc e extension. Continue 
    is only a valid treatment with Multiple Audio/Music Sources. It indicates that the 
    caller will continue to hear the alternate audio/music source until another vector 
    command takes effect.
    When music is indicated as a treatment, it refers to the system music, not an 
    alternate music source.
    In G3V4 and later releases, the tenant numb er of the active VDN determines the 
    system music that will be heard by the caller.
    The “i-silent” keyword is for use with adjunct routing-ADR/Lookahead Interflow 
    applications. I-silent provides silence for the sp ecified time, but it is neutral to 
    Look-Ahead Interflow while all other wait treatments (even with 0 secs settings) 
    provide acceptance. 
    							Call Vectoring Commands
    A-80Issue  4  September 1995 
    extension: The valid extension number of an alternate audio/music source
    Basic Call Vectoring or Call Prompting software must be installed. Also, a 
    music-on-hold port must be provid e d for the music treatment. Multiple 
    Audio/Music Sources for Vector Delay requires that the “ Vectoring (G3V4 
    Enhanced )”  customer option be enabled.
    wait-time 224 secs hearing music
    wait-time 120 secs hearing 54795 then continue
    The specified feedbac k is given to the caller, and vector processing waits the 
    specified time before going on to the next step. If the time specified is 
    feedback is provided without any d elay in the processing of the next vector step. 
    The feed back given to the caller continues until any one of the following occurs:
    nSubsequent vector step (containing wait-time or announcement) changes 
    the treatment.
    nVector processing encounters a d isconnect or b usy command.
    nCall is routed to another location or to a step that includes an 
    announcement (for example, 
    collect digits).
    nCall is routed to another VDN.
    nCall is delivered to a destination (starts ringing at an agent’s terminal).
    nSwitch receives a destination from the ASAI adjunct.
    Answer Supervision Considerations
    If the music or audio source treatment is included in the command, answer 
    supervision is triggered.  If the command is encountered and answer supervision 
    was sent previously, the caller hears the treatment specified in the current 
    command.  If, for a CO trunk user, the c ommand with 
    silence, ringback, or i-silent 
    treatment is encountered prior to answer supervision, the caller continues to hear 
    ringback from the CO. 
    Issue  4  September 1995
    Feature Interactions
    When the command is implemented with music as the treatment, the 
    system-wide music-on-hold feature must be administered. Otherwise, the caller 
    hears silence. When  Tenant Partitioning is in use the tenant numb er of the active 
    VDN determines the system music that is heard.
    Feedback continues while a subsequent vector step queues for an 
    announcement or for a TTR.
    For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command is considered a call acceptance vector 
    command in all cases, except i-silent, which is considered a neutral vector 
    An implicit wait of one second (with no change in the feedback to the caller) 
    is provided after every seven vector steps if one of these ste ps d oes not 
    suspend vector processing. (The following steps, if successful, do not 
    suspend vector processing: 
    q ueue-to main split, check-backup split, goto 
    step, goto vector
     and wait-time 0 seconds.  The following steps, if 
    unsuccessful, also do not suspend vector processing: 
    check-backup split, 
    route-to, adjunct routing
    , and messaging sp lit.  The only commands that 
    suspend vector processing are the following: 
    announcement, wait-time > 0 
    seconds, collect digits
    , and c onverse-on split.
    CMS Interactions
    The command is not trac ked  on CMS or BCMS. 
    							Criteria for Success/Failure of Call Vectoring 
    Command s
    Issue  4  September 1995
    Criteria for Success/Failure of Call
    Vectoring Commands
    The table appearing on the next several p ages summarizes the success and 
    failure criteria for various vector c ommands. Before you write or evaluate vectors, 
    it is important to understand the information in this ta ble.
    If EAS is enabled, ‘‘skill’’ replaces ‘‘split.’’
    							Call Vectoring Commands
    A-82Issue  4  September 1995 
    Table A-11. Call Vectoring Command Success/Failure Criteria
    Command Success/Failure CriteriaVector Processing 
    adjunct routingFails if any of the following are true:
    nVDN’s COR d oes not permit routing to 
    the adjunct-supplied destination.
    nTAC/ARS/AAR code is invalid.
    nSpecified agent is not logged into the 
    specified split for a direct agent call.
    nLocal extension is not in the d ialplan.
    nInvalid number was dialed.Stop 
    wait-time or 
    announcement step 
    (if present). Then 
    continue vector 
    processing with the 
    next sequential step.
    Otherwise, succeeds. Route the call and 
    provide feedback.
    announcementFails if specified announcement is 
    unadministered, not record ed, or busied 
    out.Continue vector 
    processing with the 
    next sequential step.
    Otherwise, succeeds. Play the 
    announcement, then 
    continue at the next 
    sequential step.
    busyAlways succeeds. (CO without answer 
    supervision trunk callers will not hear the 
    b usy tone.)Exit vector 
    processing, then 
    play the busy tone 
    for 45 seconds b efore 
    dropping the call.  
    (Unanswered CO 
    trunk calls receive 45 
    seconds of ringback.)  
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