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    of 458
    							Converse Command Debugging
    Issue  4 September 1995
    VRU time d out awaiting first 
    VRU error log/trace.
    VRU first digit timeout too 
    short.Check VRU sc ript. Check 
    converse second data 
    Inter-digit timeout too short on 
    first prompt and collect.Check VRU sc ript.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    Digits incomp lete.Converse data delay too short.Check administration.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    Second set of digits is 
    the same as the first 
    digits passed.VRUs first prompt timed out.Check administration.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    No digits returned to the 
    DEFI NI TY switch.Flash not recognized by 
    switch.VRU error log/trace.
    Check flash timing on VRU.
    Converse data return FAC not 
    administered.Check administration.
    VRU does not return FAC. VRU sc ript. Transfer 
    attempt vector event.
    VRU returns incorrect FAC. VRU sc ript. Transfer 
    attempt vector event.
    Digit timeout d uring FAC.Transfer attem pt event.
    Converse data return FAC 
    overlaps with other entries in 
    the dialplanCheck dialplan.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    Not all digits returned to 
    the DEFINITY switch.Digit timeout after FAC. None unless VRU logs being 
    dropped by DEFINITY.
    Overflow of Call Prompting 
    bufferVector Event.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    Collect announcement 
    not heard.Too many digits returned by 
    VR U .Check VRU sc ript.
    Faulty hardware. Diagnostics.
    Table D-3. Converse Command Debugging
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-12Issue  4 September 1995 
    Tracking Unexpected Vector Events
    If you have an SAT terminal, you can display unexpected vector events. A vector 
    event is an error that results from resource exhaustion or from faulty vector 
    programming, rather than from a DEFI NI TY software error.  For exam ple, failures 
    involving the 
    route-to command are usually due to an invalid extension entered 
    by the user.
    By disp laying ve ctor events, you can do the following:
    nDiagnose and correct each Call Vectoring problem, as indicated by its 
    corresponding vector event, and thereby
    nEliminate the need for a technician to make on-site visits to do the same.
    The following sections explain how you c an troubleshoot by tracking unexpected 
    vector events.
    Display Events Form
    The first step is to initiate the display of vector events. You do this b y entering the 
    display events command at the enter command prompt.
    Once the command is entered, the 
    Display Events Form appears on the screen.  
    The form a p pears as follows:
    Figure D-1. Layout of Display Events Form
    The following list indicates the options on the form, comments on these options, 
    and also discusses the field(s) within each option.
    nEVENT CATEGORY.  This option is intended to indicate the class of 
    logg e d events to b e displayed.  For our p urposes, the default value 
    automatically a p pears in this display-only 
    Category field .  The value 
    Vector indicates that only vector events will be  d isplayed.
    display events                                         Page 1 of 1    SPE B
                                 EVENT REPORT
            The following option control which events will be displayed.
               EVENT CATEGORY
                           Category:  Vector
               REPORT PERIOD
                           Interval: _a_   From: __/__/__:__  To: __/__/__:__
               SEARCH OPTIONS
                      Vector Number: ___
                         Event Type: ____ 
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    nREPORT PERIOD.  This o ption allows you to s pecify a report period.  This 
    period consists of an 
    Interval field, a From date/time stamp, and a To 
    date/time stamp . Valid entries for the 
    Interval field include (h)our, (d)ay, 
    (w)eek, and (a)ll.  Both stamps consist of a series of numb ers that 
    represent a period of time, as follows:  
    1 through 12 (month), 1 through 31 
    0 through 23 (hour), 0 through 59 (minutes). If the field and stamps 
    are populated, only the vector events that occurred within report period 
    specified are displayed.  Otherwise, all vector events are displayed 
    regardless of when they occurred.
    nSEARCH OPTIONS.  This option contains two fields, Vector Number and 
    Event Typ e.
    Vector Number allows you to specify a vector number. If this field is 
    p o pulate d, only vector events that are associated with this vector number 
    are displayed.  Otherwise, all vector events are displayed regardless of 
    the vector number with which they are associated.
    Event Typ e allows you to specify the number associated with a particular 
    type of vector event.  This number may range from 
    0 to 999.  If the Event 
     field is p o pulate d, only vector events of the typ e indicated are 
    displayed.  Otherwise, all vector events are displayed regardless of type.
    Display Events Report
    After you complete the Display Events Form, you can generate the Display 
    Events Re port
     by submitting the display request and hitting the Enter key a 
    second time. A sample report appears as follows:
    Figure D-2. Display Events Report
    Display Events Report provides details of all the logg e d vector events that 
    meet the selection criteria supplied by the user. The  following list i dentifies and 
    discusses the fields in the report.
    nEvent Type contains a unique numb er between 0 and 999 that identifies 
    the type of vector event that occurred.
    nEvent Description contains text that describes the vector event.
                                          EVENTS REPORT
    Event  Event                  Event     Event    First        Last         Event
    Type   Description            Data 1    Data 2   Occur        Occur        Cnt
      20   Call not queued        12/5      B        09/28/13:43  09/28/13:43   21
     541   Not a messaging split  Split 89  4C       09/28/13:43  09/28/13:43  136 
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-14Issue  4 September 1995 
    nEvent Data 1 is a 9- character fields that contains data in one of two 
    /< number2> (for example, 12/5), where  is 
    the vector number associated with the vector event, and where 
     is the step number associated with the vector event. 
    This format is used for events to which an event type in the range of 
    0 through 499 is assigned.
    Split (for examp le, Split 89), where  is the sp lit 
    associated number associated with the vector event. This format is 
    used for events to which an event type in the range of 500 through 
    999 is assigned.
    nEvent Data 2 is an 8-character field that contains additional d ata encoded 
    as a hex number (for examp le, 
    4C). This number serves as a call identifier.  
    If two or more events with an identical identifier occur at about the same 
    time, it can be concluded that the events were caused by the same call.
    nFirst Occur is an 11-character field that contains the date and time when 
    the vector event first occurred (for example, 
    nLast Occur is an 11-character field that contains the date and time when 
    the vector event last occurred (for example, 
    nEvnt Cnt (Event Count) contains a number ranging from 1 to 255 that 
    indicates the total number of vector events of this type that have occurred.
    Summary of Vector Events
    This section contains a table that does the following:
    nLists the number of each vector event
    nProvides a d esc ription and an explanation (and sometimes possible 
    causes and solutions) for each event ty pe 
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation
    1 Call dropped; call not q ueued 
    stop ste p.Vector processing ended without the call 
    being queued to a split and, as a result, 
    the call cannot be answered. This implies 
    that some default condition was not 
    programme d or that the vector was 
    designed to not always answer the call. 
    Also, call was subsequently dropped.
    2 Vector with no stepsThe call encountered a vector with no 
    steps administered.
    3 1,000 step executedThis can occur due to the following:
    nIncorrect vector programming (for 
    example, including a series of 
    ste ps that p oint to one another)
    nExcessive repetition of a p rogrammed 
    loop during a single call (for example, 
    recurring announcement-wait loop)
    4 Administration changeThe administration of this ste p occurred 
    while the ste p was being executed.  The 
    call flow for this call is unpredictable. 
    Vectors should not b e changed while c alls 
    are active.
    5 Call dropped by vector 
    disconnect timerThe call was still in vector processing 
    when the vector d isconnect timer expired.  
    The call drop ped.
    10 Retrying announcement During an 
    announcement ste p, a c ollect 
     step that contains an 
    announcement, or a 
    d isconnect ste p, the 
    announcement was not available, and the 
    announcement queue (if specified) was 
    full.  The step is retried at regular intervals. 
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-16Issue  4 September 1995 
    11 No announcement available During an announcement ste p, a c ollect 
     step that contains an 
    announcement, or a 
    disconnect ste p, the 
    announcement was not available for one 
    of the following reasons:
    nAnnouncement was not recorded
    nAnalog announcement was busied out
    nIntegrated announcement board was 
    not installed
    nIntegrated announcement ports were 
    busied out
    nIntegrated announcement was being 
    recorded or restored
    20 Call cannot be queued A 
    q ueue-to main sp lit, messaging split, or 
    check-backup split command failed to 
    queue the call. 
    NOTE: Event types 
    520, 521, 522 an d 541 
    may be observed for the same call at the 
    same time.
    21 Queued to three sp litsThe call attempted to queue to four 
    splits.  Multiple split queuing allows the 
    call to queue to a maximum of three splits 
    simultaneously.  If the call queued to one 
    or more splits, and if it should now be 
    dequeued from those splits and then 
    queued elsewhere, one solution is to route 
    the call to a station (which may be 
    administered without hardware).  Once 
    this happens, the call is forwarded to the 
    VDN that controls the next stage of the 
    30 No TTR available A 
    collect digits command failed because
    nTN744 port was not available
    nAll queue slots were occupied
    31 Dial-ahead discardedPreviously entered dial-ahead digits have 
    been discard ed via access of a(n) 
    routing, converse-on, route-to number
    , or 
    messaging split step.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    32 Prompting buffer overflowThe prompting digit buffer already 
    contained the maximum of 24 digits when 
    a d ditional dial-ahead digits were entered 
    by the caller. These a dditional di gits are 
    not stored.
    40 Messaging step failed A messaging step failed because the 
    Messaging Adjunct was not available.
    NOTE: Event types 540 and 541 may be 
    observed for the same call at the same 
    50 Route -to step failed A 
    route-to step failed to reach the 
    intended destination.
    NOTE: Event types 51 and 52 may 
    provide more specific information 
    regarding the reason for the failure. See 
    Appendix G, Operation Details for the 
    Route-to Comman d.
    51 No d i gits to route-toThe 
    route-to digits step was unable to 
    route the call because the previous 
    c ollect 
     step failed to collect any digits.  This 
    could result from an error in vector 
    programming (for example, a 
     step a p pears without a preceding 
    collect digits step). More often, however, 
    this results b ecause the caller was unable 
    to enter the required digits (that is, the 
    caller was using a rotary telephone), or 
    b e cause the caller was not provided with 
    enough information to do so (as can be 
    the case for auto-attendant applications).
    52 No available trunks A 
    route-to command was unable to reach 
    the sp ecified off-switch destination due to 
    a lack of available trunks.
    53 Route-to step failedThe step was unable to seize a trunk 
    b e cause of a hardware problem or glare.
    54 LAI retry Look Ahead Interflow 
    route-to step failed 
    b e cause of glare. The route will be retried 
    55 Double coverage attemp t Coverage option on route-to step was 
    ignored because double coverage is not 
    allowed. This may happen when the call 
    has covered to a VDN.
    60 Adjunct route faile d An adjunct route failed for one of reasons 
    indicated in event types 61 through 66.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-18Issue  4 September 1995 
    61 Invalid d estinationThe adjunct routing command returned 
    digits that did not represent a valid 
    62 Ad junct route cancelledThe 
    adjunct routing ste p was cancelled 
    b e cause another routing step (such as a 
    queue-to main split step) was 
    encountered in the vector.
    63 Queue before routeThe 
    adjunct routing command was 
    skip ped because the call had already 
    been queued via a 
    queue-to main split or 
    c heck-backup split command.
    64 Ad junct link errorThe 
    adjunct routing command was 
    cancelled for one of the following reasons:
    nLink to the adjunct was down
    nASAI protocol violation prevented the 
    call from completing
    nSoftware resources to complete the 
    call were unavailable
    65 Ag ent not  logged in A Direct Ag ent Call was made to an agent 
    who was not logg e d into the relevant split. 
    Used for adjunct routing request only.
    66 Ag ent not member of split A Direct Ag ent Call was made to an agent 
    who is not a memb er of the relevant sp lit. 
    Used for adjunct routing request only.
    67 Invalid direct agent A Direct Ag ent Call was made to an agent 
    extension that is not valid. Used for 
    adjunct routing request only.
    70 Busy step for CO trunk A CO trunk call reached a 
    b usy step in a 
    vector without having previously received 
    answer supervision.  As a result, the c aller 
    continues to hear rin g back rather than the 
    busy tone.
    80 Time not set A 
    goto ste p with a time-of-day conditional 
    was processed, but the switch time was 
    not set.
    81 No d i gits collected No digits were collected and a 
    comparison was requested against a digit 
    string or “in-table”. The comparison test 
    was considered false and the next step in 
    the vector was executed.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    90 Wait step music failed A wait-time step with music was 
    accessed, but the music was not 
    connected.  Music may not b e 
    administered correctly.
    91 Wait step ringback failed A 
    wait-time step with ringback was 
    accessed, but the ringback was not 
    100 Redirect unanswered callThe call was sent to an agent via a vector, 
    but, due to the Redirection on No Answer 
    (RONA) feature, the call was redirected 
    from the ringing agent.
    101 Redirect of call failedThe call was sent to an agent via a vector, 
    but, due to the Redirection on No Answer 
    (RONA) feature, the call was redirected 
    from the ringing agent. The call could not 
    be redirected.
    110 Converse no ANI digits On a 
    converse-on step with passing type 
    ani, no information was available to 
    p o pulate the field.
    111 Converse no qpos digits On a 
    converse-on step with passing type 
    qpos, no information was available to 
    p o pulate the field.
    112 Converse no prompt digits On a 
    converse-on step with passing type 
    digits, no information was available to 
    p o pulate the field.
    113 Converse drop during data On a 
    converse-on step, the converse 
    agent hung up while d ata was being 
    passed.  This may indicate a port failure.
    115 ASAI transfer converse ASAI attemp ted a transfer of a call that 
    was active at a 
    converse step . The 
    transfer failed, and vector processing 
    continued at the next vector step.
    116 Converse transfer denied A transfer of a call that was active at a 
    converse-on step was attemp ted. The 
    transfer either failed or was denied, and 
    vector p rocessing continued at the next 
    vector step.
    117 Agent drops converse While active on a 
    c onverse-on ste p, an 
    agent b e came available in a split 
    associated with a 
    q ueue-to main split or 
    check-backup split step.  The call was 
    delivered to the nonconverse agent, and 
    the converse agent was dropped.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-20Issue  4 September 1995 
    125 Data return no digits On a converse-on step, the converse 
    agent activated data return b ut d i d not 
    return any digits. 
    126 Data return timeout On a 
    converse-on step, the converse 
    agent activated data return b ut timed out 
    while waiting to return digits.  Vector 
    processing continued at the next vector 
    140 Coverage conference deniedCoverage to a VDN in a coverage path 
    was denied because more than one party 
    was active on the call.
    150 Invalid EAS hunt group used in 
    the vector stepEither the skill hunt group was removed or 
    the skill hunt group became a non-ACD 
    hunt group.
    151 Skill indirection used 
    improperlyEither no VDN skills are administered or 
    the vector command has skill indirection 
    and EAS is not enabled.
    160 No ve ctor steps, ANI sent ANI was sent to CMS for a call that 
    reached a VDN that accessed a vector 
    with no steps defined.
    170 ASA - invalid VDN A 
    check-backup or goto test requested a 
    comparison of ASA for a VDN that had 
    been removed since the vector was 
    programme d. The comparison test was 
    considered false and the next ste p in the 
    vector was executed.
    200 ANI not avail - digits A 
    g oto test requested a comparison of 
    ANI against a digit string and  ANI was not 
    available for the call. The comp arison test 
    was considered false and the next step in 
    the vector was executed.
    210 Routing table not assigned A 
    goto test requested a comparison with a 
    vector routing table that is not assigned or 
    had been removed since the vector was 
    programme d. The comparison test was 
    considered false and the next ste p in the 
    vector was executed.
    211 No entries in routing table A 
    goto test requested a comparison with a 
    vector routing table that has no entries. 
    This is considered as a non-match.
    212 ANI not avail - table A 
    g oto test requested a comparison of 
    ANI against “in-table” and ANI was not 
    available for the call. The comp arison test 
    was considered false and the next step in 
    the vector was executed.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
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