Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Call Vectoring Commands A-24Issue 4 September 1995 Busy Command busy Purpose Gives the caller a busy signal and causes termination of vector processing. Syntax busy Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must be installed. Operation The command takes effect on non-CO trunk calls whether or not answer supervision has been sent. However, if the call is on a CO trunk and answer supervision has not been sent, the busy is not passed back by the CO, and the caller continues to hear rin g back from the CO. Calls are drop ped a p proximately 45 seconds after the busy tone is ap p lied. If ISDN-PRI is involved, the a pplication of the busy tone is enabled via D-channel mess a ging. The network switching office returns the busy tone to the caller. The facility to the PBX/ACD is dropped, thus making it immediately available for another call. Answer Supervision Considerations After the 45 second timeout, an unanswered CO trunk call is answered and then dropped. All other unanswered calls after this timeout are dropped without being answered. For an ISDN call that has not yet queued or been answered, no timeout occurs, and answer supervision is not sent. Instead, a message requesting a b usy tone is sent to the network and, subsequently, the trunk is released. Feature Interactions For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command is considered a call denial vector command in all cases.

busy Issue 4 September 1995 A-25 CMS Interactions R3 CMS: B USYT IM E, O THE RTI M E, a n d INTIME for splits and vectors are trac ked according to when the b usy tone starts. BUSYTIME, OTHER TI M E and INTIME for VDNs are tracked according to when the trunk idles. R2 CMS: Calls given forced busy are tracked in the FBUSYCALLS and FBUSYTIME d atabase items. These calls are not shown in standard reports. FBUSYTIME is tracked according to when the busy tone starts. VECTI M E is recorded for the vector, and it is reported as ‘‘Avg Time in Vector.’’ BCMS Interactions A call that is forc ed busy d ue to the c ommand is tracked as ‘‘OTHE R’ ’ i n the VDN Report.Busy Command Database Item Report Heading BUSYC ALL S/ BUS YT IM ECalls Forced Busy Calls Busy/Disc OTHE RCAL LS/ OTHE RTIM E I n bound Other Calls INTIME Avg Time In Vector

Call Vectoring Commands A-26Issue 4 September 1995 Check-Backup Command check-backup split (skill) Purpose Checks the status of a sp lit (skill) for possible termination of the call to that split (skill). Syntax check-backup split < s plit #> pri < p riority level> if [ < threshold> ] check-backup skill pri < priority level> if [< comparator> < threshold> ] Valid Entries split #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs) skill #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs); 1st, 2nd, 3rd (VDN) priority level: l (low), m (medium), h (high), t (top). condition: comparator: threshold: unconditionallyN/A N/A rolling-asa< 2-998 (even numbers only) available-agents> 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs) calls-queued< 1-200 (G3i, G3s, G3vs), 1-999 (G3r) expected-wait< 1-9999 oldest-call-wait< 2-998 (even numbers only) staffed-agents> 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs)

busy Issue 4 September 1995 A-27 Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must b e installed, and the sp lit (skill) involved must be vector-controlled. Also, skills replace sp lits only if Expert Ag ent Selection (EAS) is optioned. The conditions “rolling-asa” and “exp ected-wait” are only available if the “Vectoring (G3V4 Ad vanced Routing)” customer option is enabled. Examples check-backup sp lit 22 pri h if unconditionally check-backup sp lit 11 pri l if available-agents > 5 check-backup sp lit 11 pri t if calls-queued < 5 check-backup skill 2nd pri m if staffed-agents > 5 check-backup skill 25 pri l if oldest-call-wait < 60 check-backup skill 12 pri l if rolling-asa < 50 check-backup skill 10 pri m if expected-wait < 20 Operation The check-backup split (skill) command checks the status of a sp lit (skill) for possible termination of the call to that split (skill). When termination is not possible, queuing at the specified priority is attempted. Termination and/or queuing are attempte d if the split (skill) meets certain conditions specified as part of the command. The command is customized to check for and/or respond to sp ecific conditions. For example, the command c an q ueue/terminate unconditionally. The command can also queue/terminate if any of the following is true: nNumber of available agents is greater than the threshold value. nNumber of staffed agents is g reater than the threshold value. nNumber of calls queued for a specified priority level or higher is less than the threshold value. nOldest call waiting in queue at the specified priority level or higher has been waiting less than the threshold value, which is expressed in seconds. nRolling average sp eed of answer is less than the threshold value, which is expressed in seconds.

Call Vectoring Commands A-28Issue 4 September 1995 nExpected wait time is less than the threshold value, which is expressed in seconds. A call may be queued to up to three splits (skills) simultaneously. A call remains queued either until vector processing terminates (via a successful disconnect, busy , or route-to c ommand, or via an a bandoned call) or until the call reaches an agent. When an agent becomes available in any split (skill) to which the call is queued, the following actions take place: nCall b egins alerting the agent. nCall is removed from any other queues. nVector processing terminates. If the desired backup split (skills) is one of the splits (skills) to which the call is already queued, the call is requeued at the new priority level, provided that the command conditions are met. The step is skipped, and vector processing continues at the next step if any of the following conditions are true: nCommand conditions are not met. nDesired split’s (skill’s) queue is full. nDesired split (skill) has no queue and also no available agents. nDesired split (skill) is not vector-controlled. nCall is already queued to this split (skill) at the specified p riority level. nCall has been previously queued to three different splits (skills). NOTE: A route-to to another VDN can b e used to remove the call from the s plits it is queued to if necessary. The ste ps in the routed-to vector then can be used to queue to other sp lits. Answer Supervision Considerations No answer supervision is returned. Feature Interactions The check-backup split (skill) command can access a AUDIX/Message Center/Server split (skill) in cases where a VDN is assigned as a coverage point. To enable this function, the sp lit (skill) must be assigned as a vector-controlled hunt group. For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command can be considered either a call acceptance vector command or a neutral vector command.

busy Issue 4 September 1995 A-29 The command is considered a call acceptance vector command whenever one of the following is true: nCall terminates to an agent. nCall q ueues to a sp lit (skill). The call is considered a neutral vector command when the call neither terminates nor queues. No COR checking is carried out when a check-backup step places a call to a split or skill. CMS Interactions Calls answered via the check-backup command are indicated as answered by backup in CMS. R3 CMS: Calls queued via a check-backup split (skill) command are tracked as CALLSOFFER RED a n d L OW C A LLS / MEDCALLS/HIGHCALLS/TOPCALLS. The presence of the command in a vector enables the calls serviced by the vector to be vector-directed. When such a call is answered by an agent, the call is tracked as ACDCALLS/ANSTIME, and it is reported as “ACD Calls,” “Split ACD Calls,” and “Avg Speed Ans.” If the call is also queued to other splits (skills), OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in the first sp lit (skill) to which the call queues, and “Flow Out” is reported (unless the sp lit (skill) turns out to be the answering split (skill)). DEQUECALLS/DEQUETIME is tracked in the second and third sp lits (skills) if these splits (skills) are not the answering split (skill), and the call is reported as “Dequeued Calls” and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue Time.’’ However, if the second or third split (skill) is the answering split (skill), INFLOWCALLS is tracked in the split (skill), and the call is reported as ‘‘Flow In.’’ Whenever the call is answered in a split (skill) accessed by the check-backup split command, the BACKUPCALLS data base item is incremented, and the call is reported as ‘‘Calls Ans in Backup’’ and ‘‘Calls Handled/Backup.’’ The ‘‘Calls Ans in Main’’ report item is calculated by using the algorithm ACDCALLS - BACKUPCALLS. If the call abandons after the command queues the call to a split (skill), ABNCALLS/ABNTIME is tracked for the vector, the VDN, and the first split (skill) to which the call is queued. The call is reported as ‘‘Aban Call’’ and ‘‘Avg Ab an Time.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits (skills), DEQUECALLS/DEQUETIME is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is reported as ‘‘Dequeued Calls’’ and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue Time.’’ R2 CMS: An ACD call that is directed via the command and that is subsequently answered is tracked as ANSWERED/ANSDE LA Y a n d ACDCALLS. The c all is reported as ‘‘No. ACD Calls,’’ ‘‘No. Calls Ans,’’ and ‘‘Avg Speed Ans.’’ If the call is also q ueued to oth e r s p l it s (s ki lls), O U TFLOW is tracked in these splits (skills), and the call is

Call Vectoring Commands A-30Issue 4 September 1995 reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’ Calls directed via the command are tracked as ANSBACK, and they are reported as ‘‘No. Calls Ans in Backup.’’ If the call abandons after the command queues the call to a split (skill), ABNCALLS/ABNTIME is tracked for the vector, the VDN, and the first split (skill) to which the call is currently queued. The call is reported as ‘‘No. Aban Calls’’ and ‘‘Avg Aban Time.’’ If the call is also queued to other splits (skills), OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME is tracked in these sp lits (skills), and the call is reported as ‘‘Flow Out.’’ BCMS Interactions The total numb er of calls to the VDN that are queued via the command and then answered by an agent within a s pecified time period is tracked as ‘‘NUM ANS’’ in the VDN Re port. The average time that calls spend in a vector before being connected via the c ommand as an ACD call to an agent is tracked as ‘‘AVG TIME TO CONNECT’’ in the same report.

collect digits Issue 4 September 1995 A-31 Collect Digits Command collect digits Purpose Allows the user to enter up to 16 digits from a touch-tone phone. Syntax collect d i gits after announcement Valid Entries # of digits: 1 through 16. extension: none or valid announcement extension. Requirements Call Promp ting software must be installed. Also, at least one TN744 Call Classifier circuit pack must b e in the system unless the c ommand is used only to collect digits returned by a VRU that is accessed by the command and never to collect digits from a caller. Example collect 12 digits after announcement 2982 Operation This command, which is part of the Call Promp ting feature, allows the caller to enter d igits from a touch-tone or an internal rotary phone. An optional announcement may be used to request the caller to enter these d igits. The announcement can instruct the user to enter an asterisk (*) if incorrect data is entered. When the caller enters an asterisk, the d i gits collected for the current collect digits command are deleted, di git collection is restarted, and the announcement is not replayed. In using this command, the maximum number of digits requested of the caller must be specified in the a dministration of the command. If the caller can enter fewer digits than the maximum specified, the announcement should instruct the caller to terminate the entry with a pound sign (#) digit as an end-of-d ialing indicator. If all the digits strings for all the variations of a specific c ollect digits command are terminate d with ‘‘#,’’ the ‘‘#’’ must be counted as one of the d i gits. Therefore, the number of digits c ollected should include any “#” that needs to be

Call Vectoring Commands A-32Issue 4 September 1995 collected. Otherwise, the terminating ‘‘#’’ is kept as a dial-ahead digit and is processed by a subsequent c ollect digits command. If fewer digits than the maximum specified are entered, and if the caller does not complete the entry with a p ound sign, an interdigit timeout occurs. The timeout terminates the command, and any digits collected prior to the timeout are available for subsequent vector processing. Generally, processing of the command requires that a TTR be connected. (If the call originates from an internal rotary phone, no TTR is needed.) TTRs accept the touch-tone digits that are entered by Call Promp ting users. TTRs are automatically connected as needed by the system. The connection of the announcement prompt is skipped and the digit collection phase begins whenever one of the following conditions is true: nDial-ahead digits exist. nNo announcement is administered for the collect digits step. nAnnouncement administered for the collect digits ste p does not exist. Otherwise, an attempt is ma de to connect the administered announcement. If the announcement to be connected is busy, and if the queue for the announcement is full, or if there is no queue, the calling party continues to hear the current feed b ack. The system waits five seconds and then tries again to connect the call to the announcement. This process continues until the call is successfully queued or connected to the announcement, or until the calling party disconnects from the call. If the queue for the announcement is not full, the call is queued for the announcement. If the announcement to be connected is available (either initially or after queuing, or after system retry), any previous feedback is disconnected, and the calling party is connected to the announcement. While the announcement is playing, or while the call is being queued for an announcement, the caller may enter digits at any time. This causes the announcement to be disconnected or removed from the queue, as appropriate, and the digit collection phase to be gin. If the caller does not enter any d i gits during the announcement phases, the digit collection p hase begins when the announcement comp letes. As soon as the digit collection phase begins, interdigit timing is started, unless the TTR is already in timing mode (that is, the dial-ahead capability is active and the TTR is not disc onnected). Digits are c ollected either as digits dialed during the collect digits command or as dial-ahead digits dialed since a previous collect digits command but prior to the current appearance of the command. Digit collection continues for the current command until one of the following conditions exists: nNumber of digits specified is collected.

collect digits Issue 4 September 1995 A-33 nPound sign (#) digit is collected (signifying end of dialing). nInter-digit timer expires. If, during the digit collection p hase, a ‘‘*’’ is encountered within a stream of dialed or dial-ahead digits, all digits that are collected for the current c ollect digits step are discarded. If additional dial-ahead d igits occur after the asterisk, these digits continue to be processed. If there are no such digits, and if no TTR is connected, vectoring continues at the next vector step. If a TTR is connected, the caller can start entering d i gits a gain. In such a case, the announcement is not replayed, and the interdigit timer is restarted. NOTE: If an asterisk is entered after the requested number of digits are entered, the asterisk has no effect on the previously entered digits. However, in such a case, the asterisk is treate d as a dial-ahead digit for the next c ollect digits command. When d i git collection is completed, and if a TTR is connected (for a touch-tone phone), the interdigit timer is restarted to detect a timeout for releasing the TTR. Vector processing then continues at the next vector step. However, the switch continues to collect any subsequent dialed digits [(including the pound sign (#) and asterisk (*) digits)] to allow for the dial-ahead capability. These ad d itional ‘‘dialed ahead’’ digits are saved for use by subsequent collect digits commands, and they provide the caller with a means to bypass subsequent unwante d announcement prompts. A single # digit can be collected and tested by subsequent route-to...if digits or goto...if digits commands. Alternately, the digit can be passed to a host via ASAI. Collection of dial-ahead digits continues until one of the following occurs: nVector processing stops or is terminated. nThe sum of the digits collected for the current c ollect digits command and the dial-ahead digits exceeds the switch storage limit of 24. Any a d ditional dialed digits are discarded until storage is freed up by a subsequent c ollect digits command. NOTE: Any asterisk (*) or pound sign (#) digits count towards the 24-d igit limit, as do any dial-ahead digits entered after the asterisk or pound sign digit. nThe TTR required by the touch-tone phone user to collect digits is disconnected. This occurs under the following conditions: — Successful or unsuccessful route-to number step is encountered during vector processing except where the numb er route d to is a VDN extension. — Successful or unsuccessful route-to d i gits step is encountered during vector processing except where the numb er route d to is a VDN extension.