Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Call Vectoring Commands A-54Issue 4 September 1995 Goto Vector Command goto vector Purpose Allows conditional or unconditional movement ( branching) to another vector. The goto vector step does not remove a call from queues in which it is already placed. Syntax goto vector < vector #> if unconditionally goto vector < vector #> if digits < digits> goto vector < vector #> if digits table goto vector < vector #> if ani < comparator> < digits> goto vector < vector #> if ani < option> table goto vector < vector #> if ii-digits < digits> goto vector < vector #> if ii-digits table goto vector < vector #> if time-of-day is : to < day> : Conditions = available-agent, staffed-agents: goto vector < vector #> if in split < c omparator> < threshold> goto vector < vector #> if in skill < comparator> < threshold> Conditions = calls-queued, oldest call-wait: goto vector < vector #> if in split pri < priority level> < c omparator> goto vector < vector #> if in skill pri < priority level> < c omparator>

goto vector Issue 4 September 1995 A-55 Condition = rolling-asa: goto vector < vector # > if for split < comparator> < threshold> goto vector < vector # > if for skill < threshold> goto vector < vector # > if for vdn < threshold> Condition = counted-calls: goto vector < vector # > if to vd n Condition = expected-wait: goto vector < vector # > if for split pri < c omparator> < threshold> goto vector < vector # > if for skill pri < c omparator> < threshold> goto vector < vector # > if for call < comparator> Valid Entries vector #: 1 through 256 (G3i), 1 through 512 (G3r), 1 through 48 (G3s, G3vs). split #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs) skill #: 1 through 99 (sp ecific: G3i), 1 through 255 (specific: G3r), 1 through 24 (sp ecific: G3s, G3vs); 1st, 2 n d, 3 r d (VDN) condition:comparator: 1threshold: unconditionallyN/A N/A rolling-asa>, > =, =, 0-998 seconds (even numb ers only) =, =, 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs)

Call Vectoring Commands A-56Issue 4 September 1995 digits: the following values are accepted: 1.Comparators = , > = , < =, < > (not e quals) are only available for these c onditions with Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced). 1.Comparators > , > = , < , < =, < > (not equals) are only available for the goto step if d igits command with Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) calls-queued>, > =, =, 0-199 (G3i, G3s, G3r), 0-998 (G3r) =, =, 0-999 =, =, 0-9999 seconds =, =, 0-998 seconds (even numb ers only) =, =, 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs) = String of 0-9 = , < > String of 0-9, #, + , ?, none goto step if ani< , < =, >, > = String of 0-9 = , < > String of 0-9, #, + , ?, none goto step if ii-digits< , < =, >, > = Two consecutive d i gits from string of 0-9 = , < > Two consecutive d i gits from string of 0-9, + , ?, none condition:comparator: 1threshold:

goto vector Issue 4 September 1995 A-57 p riority level: l (low), m (medium), h (high), t (top). day: mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, all. hour: 00 to 23 (military format). minute: 00 to 59 (military format). option: in, not-in (Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) only) table: 1 through 5 (G3vs/s); 1 through 10 (G3i); 1 through 100 (G3r). The number of the Vector Routing Table containing the numbers to be used to compare against ani, ii-digits or digits collected with the c ollect-digits command. vdn: assigned vdn extension, active, latest. Ac tive is the active called VDN as modified by VDN override rules. Latest is the VDN assigned to the vector in which the call is currently being processed. Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must b e installed for all the options. Call Prompting software is required for the digits option. Also, skills replace splits only if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) is optioned. Wil d card matching and the use of Vector Routing Tables require Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced). In addition, to use the rolling-asa, expected-wait, and counted-calls conditions, the “Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing) ” customer option must be enabled. To use ani and ii-d i gits routing, G3V4 or a later release is required and the “Vectoring (ANI/II-Digits Routin g)” customer option must be enabled. Examples goto vector 107 if unconditionally goto vector 8 if available-agents in split 67 < 5 goto vector 21 if digits >=14 goto vector 8 if available-agents in skill 1st > 10 2.Wildcards (+, ?) can only be used with Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced). The + represents a group of digits (0 or more) and can only be used as the first or last character of the string. Only one + can be used in any digit string. The ? represents a single d igit. Any number of them can b e used at any position in the digit string. None is only a valid entry with G3V4 and later releases.

Call Vectoring Commands A-58Issue 4 September 1995 goto vector 32 if digits in table 12 goto vector 9 if expected-wait in skill 3 pri t > 10 goto vector 99 if calls-queued in skill 2nd pri t > 5 goto vector 8 if rolling-asa in split 14 > 25 Operation If the command syntax includes unconditionally, the command always branches. Otherwise, branching takes place according to one of the conditions that follow: nThe rolling average speed of answer for the indicated split (skill) or VDN meets the constraints defined by the comparator and threshold value. nNumber of available agents in the indicated split (skill) meets the constraints defined by the comp arator and the threshold value. nNumber of queued calls in the indicated split (skill) and at the sp ecified priority level (or higher) meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nThe number of active calls in the indicated VDN meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nThe expe cted wait time at the specified priority level for the indicated split (skill), or the expected wait time for the call meets the constraints defined by the comp arator and the threshold value. nOldest call-waiting in the indicated split (skill) at the specified priority level has been waiting for a period of time within the boundaries defined by the comparator and the threshold value, which is expressed in seconds. nNumber of staffed agents in the indicated split (skill) meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nDigits collected via the collect digits command match the criteria defined by the comparator for the specified digit string. Or, the d i gits are found or not found, depending upon the o ption chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. nThe ani d igits match the criteria defined by the comp arator for the specified digit string. Or, the ani di gits are found or not found, depending upon the option chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. nThe ii-digits match the criteria defined by the comparator for the specified digit string. Or, the ani d i gits are found or not found, depending upon the option chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. nTime-of-d ay criteria are met.

goto vector Issue 4 September 1995 A-59 NOTE: The syntax for this condition can be illustrated by a couple of examples, as follows: mon 8:01 to fri 17:00 means ‘‘anytime b etween 8:01 A.M. Monday through 5:00 P.M. Friday,’’ and all 17:00 to all 8:00 means ‘‘between 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. on any day of the week.’’) The unconditional form of the c ommand is useful for applications that require the processing of more than 32 commands. Answer Supervision Considerations Call answer is not affected by the command. Feature Interactions For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command is considered a neutral vector command in all cases. When a call experiences Look Ahead interflow, the ANI value is sent along with the call only for ISDN PRI calls. ANI is not sent for internal or DCS calls CMS Interactions R3 CMS: R2 CMS: Calls that go to another vector are tracked as OUTFLOW a n d INFLOW (for the new vector) in the vector tables. These calls are not shown in the standard reports. VECTI M E is r e corded for the vector and reported as ‘‘Avg Time in Vector.’’ The ANI value is passed to CMS when the call first starts vector processing if the following is true: nBasic Call Vectoring and/or Call Promp ting is o ptioned nANI is available from the network, the call is internal, or is received over DCS nThe CMS is R3 or a later versionGoto Vector Command Database Item Report Heading Notes OUTF LOW CA LLS / OUTF LOW TI MEVector Flow Out GOTOCALLS/ GO TOTI M E INTIME Avg Time In Vector INFLOWCALLS Vector Flow In new vector

Call Vectoring Commands A-60Issue 4 September 1995 nThe G3V4 customer option is set to “y.” The ii-digits value for a call is not p assed to CMS.

messaging split (skill) Issue 4 September 1995 A-61 Messaging Command messaging split (skill) Purpose Allows the caller to leave a message for the specified extension or the active or latest VDN extension (default). Syntax messaging split for extension messaging skill for extension Valid Entries split #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs) skill #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs); 1st, 2nd, 3rd (VDN) extension: extension number, “active,” “ latest.” Active is the active called VDN as modified by VDN override rules. Latest is the VDN assigned to the vector in which the call is currently being processed. Active is the default for this field. (Prior to G3V4, “none” was used to specify “active” VDN.) Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must be installed. Also, the split (skill) involved must be an AUDIX split (skill), a remote AUDIX split or skill (DCS-AUDIX), or a Message Server Adjunct (MSA) split (skill). Also, skills replace splits only if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) is optioned. Example messaging split 18 for extension 2000 messaging skill 45 for extension active Operation This command causes the caller to be connected to the AUDIX or Message Center split (skill) so that the caller may leave a message for the specified extension (c all answering service or ‘‘mail’’).

Call Vectoring Commands A-62Issue 4 September 1995 If the split (skill) number sp ecified in the command is a valid message service split or skill (such as an AUDIX or a Message Server Adjunct), and if the extension is either a valid assigned extension or is a dministered as none (pre G3V4), or active or latest (G3V4 and later releases) the system attempts to terminate the call to the message service split (skill) for call answering service. If the call is queued to the message service split (skill), or if the call terminates to an available message service agent or AUDIX voice port, the caller is connected to ringback (signifying su ccessful termination), and vector processing terminates. Termination is unsuccessful, and vector processing continues at the next vector step if any one of the following is true: nSplit (Skill) queue is full. nAUDIX link is d own. nAll AUDIX voice ports are out of service. nMessage service split (skill) is DCS-AUDIX and all DCS trunks are b usy. If call termination is successful, and if the administered extension (or default VDN) is a message service subscriber, the caller can leave a message for the specified extension. NOTE: Agent and/or supervisor stations may be e quipped with Automatic Message Wait (AMW) lamps to accommodate the ‘‘mail’’ specified in the messaging split (skill) command. The lamps can be assigned for VDNs or extensions used to access the messaging split (skill) and for which messages are to be left. When messages are left for these VDNs or extensions, the assigned AMW lamps light. If the extension or VDN is not a subscriber of the message service, one of the following may occur: nIf the message service sp lit (skill) is AUDIX, the caller receives ringback until he or she disconnects. nIf the message service sp lit is a MSA, the caller may b e answered by a message service agent, but no message is taken since the specified extension (d efault VDN) is not a MSA subscriber. Answer Supervision Considerations If answer supervision has not already been returned, it is returned when the messaging service port or station is connected to the call (that is, when the call is answered by the port or station). Feature Interactions The command can use an AUDIX or MSA hunt group in its operation.

messaging split (skill) Issue 4 September 1995 A-63 If the command specifies a specific ‘‘mailbox’’ extension, the original principal for a call covered by a VDN is not p assed to the adjunct, and it does not appear in the display to the answering agent. The specified extension a p pears in the display. If the command is accessed via a direct call to the VDN, and if the mailbox is administered as ‘‘active’’ or “latest,” the corresponding active or latest VDN extension mailb ox is sent to the messaging adjunct. Additionally, if the call is sent to a DEFI NIT Y Message Service sp lit (skill), the associated VDN name is sent to the messaging adjunct. If the command specifies ‘‘active’’ or “latest” as the mailbox extension, the original principal for a call covered to or forwarded to a VDN is used as the default mailbox for the call instead of the ‘‘active’’ or “latest” VDN. A c cordingly, the original principal extension and the reason for redirection are passed to the messaging adjunct, and they subsequently ap p ear in the display to the answering agent. AUDIX does not support mixed length numb ering plans. If the command leaves a message for a VDN or for another messaging service extension, the Automatic Message Waiting Lamp (AMWL) associated with the VDN or extension lights steady. For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command can be considered as either a call acceptance vector command or a neutral vector command. The command is considered a call acceptance vector command whenever one of the following is true: nCall terminates to an agent or to an AUDIX port. nCall q ueues to a messaging split (skill). The command is considered a neutral vector command whenever the command fails. CMS Interactions R3 CMS: When a queued call successfully goes to the messaging split, OUTFLOWCALLS/OUTFLOWTIME (1st split (skill)) and DEQUECALLS/DEQUETIME (2nd/3rd splits (skills)) are tracked in the split (skill) tables. These calls are reported as sp lit (skill) ‘‘Flow Out,’’ ‘‘Dequeued Calls,’’ and ‘‘Dequeued Avg Queue Time.’’ Calls that queue via a messaging sp lit (skill) command are tracked as CALLSOFFER RED a n d L OW C A LLS (no priority) or MEDCALLS (p riority). These calls are shown in the standard reports according to the final d isp osition of the call.