Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Glossary GL-10Issue 4 September 1995 Message Collection A call prompting application that gives the caller the option of not waiting (in queue, if vectoring is enabled) to be serviced by an agent, but rather of leaving a message for the agent or the agents associate d s plit. Message Server Adjunct A message service split that is used in c onjunction with the messagin g s plit command. MIA See Most Idle Agent (MIA). Most Idle Agent (MAI) An algorithm whic h delivers the next call to the agent within the hunt g roup, who has been idle for the longest period of time. MSA See Message Server Adjunct (MSA). MSQ See Multiple Split Queuing (MSQ). multiple split (skill) queuing A process that allows a call to b e sent to more than one split (skill) at the same time. This serves to minimize the waitin g time before the call is answered. The maximum number of splits (skills) to which a c all can be queued is three. Skills rep lace splits if EAS is optioned. N nonconverse split (skill) A sp lit (skill) or hunt group that is not being accessed by a converse vector ste p. O outflow A call flow or action that is d efined according to the management system and the switch version involved. For R3 CMS/BCMS and G3 with call vectoring enabled, the term refers to a call that is dequeued from a primary split via a route-to or messaging split command, or by being answered by an agent in another split to which the c all is also queued. For R2 CMS, when multiple-split queuing is involved, the term refers to a c all that first queues to multiple splits and then eventually d equeues from these splits without being answere d in any of them.

Glossary Issue 4 September 1995GL-11 P primary split The first s plit in a VDN to which a call a ctually queues. Another split becomes the primary s plit if the c all leaves the VDN (via a route-to VDN command, for example), and the call is then queued to another split; or, if the call leaves vector processing (via a route-to command, for example), and the call queues to another split. priority The queuin g level to which an incoming call is assigned and at which the call is processed. Priorities are top, hig h, medium, and low. Q R receiving switch A switch within an LAI call setup that processes vector inflow. The switch makes the decision to accept or deny an LAI call according to a number of conditions. routing A call vectorin g method that allows an incoming call to be sent to a specific destination. For example, a call can be queued to a s plit. S sending switch A switch within an LAI call setup that processes vector outflow. The vector(s) in the sending switc h use the goto command to determine whether the call should be sent to the receiving switc h. Sequential Flow The type of vector control flow that is automatically passed from the current vec tor step to the ste p that follows. skill An attribute that is assig ned to an ACD Agent LoginID (agent skill) and is ad ministered to calls on a VDN b a sis (VDN skill). skill hunt group A hunt group for EAS whic h has the same attributes as a vector controlled split. EAS must be enabled. split/skill A group of agents org anized to receive calls in an efficient and c ost effective manner. Refers to both ACD splits and hunt groups without ACD op tioned .

Glossary GL-12Issue 4 September 1995 Split Summary report A report that summarizes the call activity for an entire split. It can be g enerated b y CMS as well as in BCMS. split supervisor An ACD split manager who monitors split flows. staffed For ACD splits, staffed connotes an agent being logged in. Therefore, when an agent is staffed in an ACD sp lit, this means that the agent is present. However, the term d oes not indicate if the agent is available to receive calls. When an agent logs in initially, the agent is in Auxiliary Work mode and does not receive calls until the agent b ecomes available by entering either Auto-in or Manual-in mode. For non-ACD hunt groups, staffed c onnotes administered. super agent pool A backup skill hunt group of agents that is able to handle any ty pe of call coming into the switch. EAS must be enable d for this p ool to be in effe ct. T tandem switch configuration A LAI call setup that c onsists of three switches, inc luding the sending switch, the tandem switch, and the far end switch. The send in g switch determines whether the call should be sent to the tandem switch, which, in essence, is the first re ceiving switch. The tandem switch contains a route-to command that is executed on a look ahead b asis in the same manner as the sending switch. If the far end switch (in essence, the second receiving switch) accepts the call, the sending switc h is notified, and c all control is passed to the far end switc h. If the call is denied, the next step of the tandem switch vector is executed. touch-tone digit code An alphabetic or numeric code entered b y pressing one or more selected b uttons on a touch-tone dialing pad. It can be entered from within the customers network or via a touch-tone telephone external to the network. touch-tone receiver A device required to a c cept the touch-tone digits that are entered by users of the Call Prompting feature. tracking Id entifies various split flows and other actions relevant to call handling. treatment A servic e provided to the customer or other action taken by call vectoring in response to the customers placing a call. Examples are: playing an announcement, providing a d elay with background music, playing a b usy tone, disconnecting a call. TTR See Touch-Tone Receiver (TTR).

Glossary Issue 4 September 1995GL-13 two switch configuration A LAI call setup that consists of two switches: sending switch and receiving switch. The vector(s) in the sending switch determine whether the call should be sent to the receivin g switch. The vectors in the receivin g switch determine whether to accept or deny the call according to a number of conditions. U UCD See uniform call distribution. unconditional branching The type of vector control flow that is automatically p assed from the c urrent vec tor step to the specified vector or vector step. uniform call distribution (UCD) Uses the Most Idle Agent algorithm to route calls. V vector A programmed routing table for processing incoming calls that provid e various responses to the caller before the call is answered or receives other treatment. See also call vectoring, vector command, and vector step. vector-controlled split/skill A sp lit or skill that is accessed from a vec tor step that results in q ueuing to the split/sill while the call is still under vector-processing control. vector command A command used in call vectoring to specify the treatment that a call will receive. See also vector and vector step. Vector Directory Number (VDN) An extension number that terminates to a vec tor. Calls to the VDN are processed by the vector to which the VDN points. When used with c all vectorin g, the dialed number received b y the communications system to provide DNIS is the VDN assigned for that service. vector number The vector-assigned value that determines whic h vector is a ctivated when a call comes into a VDN. Several VDNs may send calls to the same vector. vector step A single step of a programmed routin g table for processing incoming c alls that provide various responses to the caller before the call is answered or re ceives other treatment. See also vector, call vectoring, and vector command. VDN See Vector Directory Number (VDN).

Glossary GL-14Issue 4 September 1995 VDN name The name associated with the VDN. It contains up to 15 characters and is o ptional. It a ppears on the a gent’s display. VDN of record See active VDN. VDN override A VDN Override is an op tion that allows information about a subsequently-routed-to VDN (if any) to be used instead of the information about the current VDN. VDN report A report that reports on VDN activity. The report c an b e g enerated by CMS as well as in BCMS. The CMS version of the report summarizes the VDN activity for a specific vector. The BCMS version of the report provides statistical information for all internally-measured VDNs. VDN skill An attribute administered to calls on a VDN basis. This skill estab lishes the requirement for routin g a call to an ACD agent with a p articular set of abilities (skills). Voice Response Integration (VRI) A call vectorin g feature which allows a VRU script to b e executed while a call is in vector processing and allows data to be exchanged between the PBX and VRU. Voice Response Unit (VRU) A computer that uses voice as the media to provide callers with specific information in response to unique requests and c ommands input to the system by the c aller using his/her phone. VRI See Voice Response Integration (VRI). VRU See Voice Response Unit (VRU). W working agent An agent who is logged into an split or skill and who is not in AUX-work mode. X Y Z

Issue 4 Se ptemb er 1995IN-1 INIndex Symbols # sign,5-17, A-37, A-38 dialed ahead digits ,5-17 # sign with digits ,A-33 * symbol dial-ahead digits ,A-33 dialed ahead digits ,5-17 * with digits,A-33 A a bbreviated dialing special c hara cters route-to,A-68, A-70 ACD agent login ID form ,10-22 a ctive VDN,3-10 adapting to a long wait ,2-16 to c hanging call traffic,2-16 a djunc t routing considerations ,C-4 function,9-1 hardware and software requirements ,B-6 relationship table for treatment and goto ste ps ,9-5 with call promptin g,9-1 with look-ahead interflow ,9-1 a djunc t routing command ,1-6, 3-13, A-15 cancelling ASAI route request,A-17 neutral vec tor command ,8-8, A-19 requirements ,1-6 success/failure criteria,A-82 syntax ,A-15 troubleshooting ,D-3 a dministerin g VDN skills ,10-7 a dvanced vector routing ,1-5, 6-1 expected wait time,6-2 hardware and software requirements ,B-4 rolling average speed of answer ,6-10 VDN calls,6-12 a gent login ID associated capabilities ,10-23 form,10-22 a gents available definition ,3-4 dire ct ,1-4 logical ,1-4, 10-2 matching talents with needs of caller ,10-1 optimal utilization,8-1 staffe d definition ,3-4 when available ,2-6 when not available,2-6 ANI routing ,7-1 calling p arty number ,7-2 function,7-1 use in North America ,7-2 ANI/ii-digits hardware and software requirements ,B-5 ANI/ii-digits routing ,1-5 ANI routin g ,7-1 requirements,2-4 announcement command ,3-13 classifications of ,4-3 differences between G2 and G3,E- 6 example ,4-4, 4-5, 4-7 neutral vector command ,8-8, A-23 success/failure criteria,A-82 syntax ,A-22 troubleshooting ,D-4 announcements,A-22 example ,4-4, 4-5 answer supervision c onsiderations adjunct routing ,A-18 announcement ,A-23 busy ,A-24 check-backup,A-28 collect digits ,A-34 converse-on ,A-39 disconnect,A-46 goto step ,A-53 goto vector ,A-59 messaging,A-61 queue-to ,A-65 route-to ,A-71 stop,A-76 wait-time ,A-79 answerin g agent’s display ,8-11 a pplication example adjunct routing ,11-10, 11-20 ANI routing ,11-11 automate d attendant ,11-4 basic call vectoring ,11-2, 11-5, 11-8, 11-10, 11-11, 11-15, 11-20 call prompting ,11-4, 11-5, 11-10, 11-11, 11-20 customer service center ,11-2 data in/voice answer ,11-5 data/message collection ,11-5 distributed c all centers ,11-8 DIVA and data/message collection ,11-5 expected wait-time ,11-11 expert agent selection ,11-15, 11-20 help d esk ,11-10 insurance agency/service agency ,11-11 look-ahead interflow ,11-8 resort reservation service ,11-20

Index IN-2Issue 4 September 1995 rolling ASA,11-11 VDN c alls ,11-11 warranty service ,11-15 warranty service call center ,11-18, 11-19 ASA ,6-10 definition,F-14 ASAI link failure ,A-16 ASAI message contents of ,9-2 assigning call answering tasks to sp lits ,3-6 asterisk (*) *, use of ,A-31 automatic number identification ,7-1 calling p arty number,7-2 use in North America ,7-2 automating tasks ,2-17 availa bility of agents,3-4 average speed of answer ,6-10 definition ,F-14 awaiting the response to the call route request,9-5 B b asic call vectorin g,1-5 considerations,C-1 hardware and software requirements ,B-2 b asic components of call vectoring ,1-2 BCMS,A-25 description of ,F-1 function ,F- 1 interactions with adjunct routing ,A-21 busy ,A-25 check-backup ,A-30 converse-on ,A-45 disconnect ,A-47 messaging ,A-63 queue-to ,A-67 route-to ,A-75 reports ,F-15 BCMS Split Report,F- 1 5 for security use ,I-2 VDN Real-Time Report ,F- 15 VDN Summary Report ,F-15 standards ,F-4 for interpreting split flows,F-6 for interpreting VDN flows ,F-4 b enefits of call vectoring ,2-15 b etter utilization of agents ,3-3 blocking new incoming calls,K-8 branching ,2-9, 3-14 branching and programmin g ,3-13, 4-2 busy,3-13, A-24 difference between G2 and G3 ,E- 7b usy command success/failure criteria ,A-82 syntax ,A-24 troubleshooting,D-4 C c all center setup EAS,J-10 agent skills worksheet ,J-20 assigning names to skills ,J-11 current split operation worksheet ,J-17 customer needs worksheet ,J-18 dial plan administration ,J-13 in divid ual agent skill worksheet ,J-19 objectives ,J-10 objectives worksheet ,J-16 skill status assignments ,J-14 step s ,J-10 VDN skill p references worksheet ,J-21 vector desig n worksheet ,J-22 key factors ,J-1 non-EAS current split operation worksheet ,J-7 customer needs worksheet ,J-8 guidelines ,J-3 objectives worksheet ,J-6 step s ,J-2 vector desig n worksheet ,J-9 c all flow method ,3-2 adjunct routing ,3-3 interflow ,3-2 intraflow,3-2 look-ahead interflow ,3-2 multiple split q ueuing ,3-2 c all flows answered and abandoned calls ,F-2 busies and disconnects ,F-3 classes of,F-2 converse-VRI calls ,H-1 defining and interpreting ,F- 2 split inflows, outflows, and dequeues,F- 5 types that are tracked ,F- 2 VDN inflows and outflows ,F-3 vector inflows and outflows,F-4 c all handling optimal ,8-1 c all not queued at stop step,D-15 c all prompting call set ,5-2 capabilities,1-5 command categories ,5-2 considerations ,C-2 digit entry,5-3 enterin g variable leng th digit strings ,5-4

Index Issue 4 Se ptemb er 1995IN-3 functions,5-5 creating service observing vectors ,5-12 passing digits to an adjunct ,5-12 treating digits as a destination ,5-6 using digits on the agent’s set ,5-10 using digits to collect branching information ,5-7 using digits to sele ct options ,5-10 hardware and software requirements ,B-3 purpose ,1-5, 5-1 removing incorrect digits,5-3 variable length digit string ,5-3 wit h VRI ,5-1 c all route request,9-2, 9-5, 9-7 c all treatment customizing ,2-17 personalization,2-17 c all vectorin g benefits ,2-15 definition,1-1 difference between G2 and G3 ,E- 8 features ,1-5 adjunct routing,1-6 advanced vector routin g ,1-5 ANI/ii-digits ,1-5 basic call vectoring ,1-5 call prompting ,1-5 look-ahead interflow ,1-5 prin ciples ,1-6 removing incorrect digits ,5-4, 5-16 upgrading to ,B-7 c all vectorin g command neutral vec tor command ,A-62 c all-back provisions diagram of ,11-23 c aller needs example table matching skills and needs ,10-3 c alling a direct agent ,3-4 during non-business hours ,2-13 CALLR-INFO b utton format of display ,5-11 c ancellin g ASAI route re quest ,A-17 c haining of vector steps,3-2 c hanging vectors ,2-4, B-7 check-backup ,3-13 check-backup command,2-11, A-26 example ,4-11 neutral vec tor command ,8-8, A-28, A-29 success/failure criteria,A-83 syntax ,A-26 troubleshooting ,D-4, D-5 checking availability of s plit ,2-11 queue capacity ,2-12 CMS description of ,F-1 function ,F- 1interactions with adjunct routing ,A-19 with busy ,A-25 with check digits ,A-34 with check-backup ,A-29 with converse-on ,A-45 with disconnect ,A-47 with goto ste p ,A-53 with goto vector ,A-59 with messaging ,A-62 with queue-to ,A-66 with route-to ,A-73 with stop ,A-77 with wait-time ,A-80 reports ,F-14 for security use ,I-2 Split Summary Report ,F-14 VDN Report ,F- 14 Vector Report ,F- 1 5 standards ,F-4 for interpreting split flows ,F-6 for interpreting VDN flows ,F- 4 using in expert agent selection environment ,F-16 c ollect digits ,3-3, A-31 c ollect digits command ,3-13, 5-2 enterin g an extension,1-5 success/failure criteria ,A-83 syntax ,A-31 troubleshooting,D-5 c ollecting and acting on information ,3-13 c ollecting caller information ,2-17 command category for advanced vector routing ,6-1 for ANI/ii-digits ,7-1 for basic call vectoring,4-2 for call prompting ,5-2 c ommand table for advanced vector routing ,6-1 for ANI/ii-digits ,7-1 for basic call vectoring ,4-2 for call prompting,5-2 c omparison operators ,3-15 c onnecting to voice mail ,2-17 c onsiderations adjunct routing ,C-4 basic call vectoring ,C-1 call promptin g,C-2 look-ahead interflow ,C-3 VDN return d estination ,C-5 c ontrol flow typ e conditional branching ,3-11 sequential flow ,3-11 unconditional branching ,3-11 c ontrolling call processing ,1-5 c onverse VRI calls

Index IN-4Issue 4 September 1995 call flow p hase data p assing ,H-3 data return ,H-7 DEFINITY switc h d ata collection ,H-10 script completion ,H-9 script execution ,H-7 c onverse-on command ,3-13, A-35 function ,A-36 neutral vec tor command ,8-8 success/failure criteria,A-84 syntax ,A-35 troubleshooting ,D-7 c onverse-VRI calls call flow p hase VRU d ata collection ,H-6 creating a new vector ,2-4 service observing vectors ,5-5 c ustomizing call treatment,2-17, 3-4 D d efining desired servic e,3-7 d eleting vector step ,2-5 d elivery of queued calls ,2-7 d enying access,3-8 dequeued average queue time definition ,F-14 dial-ahead digits ASAI provided ,5-19 digits ,5-3 ASAI provided dial-ahead digits,5-19 collect digits maximum number ,A-31 collect digits c ommand maximum number ,A-15 collected prior to timeout ,A-32 dial-ahead digits with * ,A-33 enterin g,5-3 d ial-ahead digits ,5-3, 5-5 varia ble-length digit string s ,5-4 including # sig n ,A-33 maximum number,A-33 removing in correct digit strin gs ,5-3, 5-4 returned by VRU ,A-31 Touch-Tone,A-32 with # sign ,A-33 with * ,A-33 direct agent,1-4 direct agent call definition ,3-4 directin g c alls to a specific agent,10-2 disconnect command ,3-14, A-46example ,4-8 success/failure criteria ,A-84 syntax ,A-46 troubleshooting,D-7 displayin g digits on the agent’s set ,5-5 d uring peak calling p eriods ,3-3 heavy traffic ,2-10 E EAS definition ,1-4 function ,10-1 e diting,2-5 enablin g the vector disconnect timer ,B-7 encouraging caller to remain on-line ,2-8 enhancements available with G3V4 and later releases ,L-1 entering a command in abbreviated form ,2-5 a vector ,2-1 dial-ahead digits ,5-5 digits,5-3 use of # ,5-4 variable-length digit strings ,5-3, 5-4 vector steps,2-4 evaluatin g calls prior to pro cessing ,1-6 effe ctiveness of vec tor prog ramming,F-2 performance ,F- 2 split performance ,F- 1 2 event type adjunct route failed ,D-17 events ,D-12, D-14 example a pplication remote access with host provided security ,C-6 saving in trunk facilities b etween c all centers ,C-8 split flow tracking,F- 7 VDN override ,3-9 warranty service call center ,11-18, 11-19 example vector accessing voice response scripts ,4-9 accommodate a super agent pool ,10-17 adjunct routing vector,9-2 with redundancy ,9-8 with redundancy in G3V3 and later releases ,9-9 ANI routin g example ,7-3 automated attendant application,11-4 call interflow ,4-16 claims a pplication ,11-13 conditional branching,4-19 customer service a pp lication ,11-14 customer service c enter application ,11-3 delay announcement,4-4

Index Issue 4 Se ptemb er 1995IN-5 delay with audible feedback,4-5 delay with multiple audio/music sourc e feedback ,4-6 dial-ahead digits ,5-15, 5-16 disconnecting a call,4-8 distributed call centers application ,11-9 DIVA and d ata/message colle ction application ,11-6 emergency and routine servic e a pp lication,11-24, 11-25 expected wait time for a c all ,6-3 for a sp lit ,6-2 routing and passin g VRU wait ,6-6 expected wait time routing routing to the best split ,6-8 field agent vector a p plication ,11-12 forc ed announcement ,4-4 help desk a p plication ,11-10 ii-digits routing example,7-8 information announcement ,4-5 late c aller a p plication ,11-27 leaving recorded messages,4-13, 4-14 messaging options a p plication ,11-29 multiple split queuing ,4-11 notifying callers of wait-time without a VRU,6-7 passing digits to an adjunct ,5-12 providing busy tone ,4-7 receiving switch inflow vector,8-9 remote access service observing vector ,5-13 return destination vec tor with announcement ,C-8 with disconnect ,C-7 with remote access ,C-6 rolling ASA routing ,6-12 sending switch outflow vector ,8-4 service agency clients application,11-14 service observing vector ,5-14 skipping/non skip ping of treatment command with ASAI link d own ,9-4 stopping vector processing ,4-20 supplementary delay announcement ,4-4 tandem switch vector,8-10 testin g for ANI in vector routing ta ble ,7-4 for digit ,5-9 for digits in vector routing table ,5-9 for digits not in vector routin g table ,5-9 treating digits as a destination ,5-6 treatment ste p used as a d elay for adjunct routing ,9-6 unconditional branching,4-18 using digits to collect branching information ,5-7 using digits to select options ,5-10 VDN calls routing,6-13 vector for servic e o bserving ,4-17 example vector routing table for ANI routing ,7-4 for call prompting ,5-8 example vector stepadjunct routing ,A-15 announcement ,A-22 check-backup ,A-27 collect digits,A-31 converse-on ,A-35 disconnect ,A-46 goto step,A-51 goto vector ,A-57 messaging ,A-60 queue-to,A-64 route-to ,A-68 wait-time ,A-79 executing VRU scripts,3-13 expected wait time ,6-2 algorithm ,6-4 factors causing for sp lit priority level to d ec rease,6-9 factors effecting the value ,6-9 for a call ,6-3 passing to a VRU,6-3 when infinite ,6-3 expert agent selection adjunct and feature interactions ,10-25 adjunct interactions ,10-31 conversion administration for ,K-2 blocking of new incoming calls ,K-8 considerations prior to ,K-1 step s ,K-1 steps for cutover ,K-8 definition ,1-4 feature interactions,10-25 function ,10-1 loginID table ,10-35 requirements,10-1 requires ACD ,10-1 requires c all vectoring ,10-1 splits,10-1 tracking agents and their skills ,F-16 direct agent c alls ,F-16 for VDN skill preferences ,F-17 non-ACD c alls ,F-17 upgrading to ,K-1 upgrading to G3 ,10-38 using CMS,F- 16 F feature interac tions with adjunct routing,A-19 with announcement ,A-23 with busy ,A-24 with check digits,A-34 with check-backup ,A-28 with converse-on ,A-39