Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Index IN-6Issue 4 September 1995 with disconnect,A-47 with goto step ,A-53 with goto vector ,A-59 with messaging,A-61 with queue-to ,A-65 with route-to ,A-71 with stop,A-76 with wait-time ,A-80 features of call vectoring ,1-5 adjunct routing command,1-6 advanced vector routing ,1-5 ANI/ii-digits ,1-5 basic call vectoring,1-5 call promptin g ,1-5 look-ahead interflow ,1-5 functions of b asic call vectorin g ,4-2 of c all prompting ,5-5 G G3 upgrading to expert agent selection ,10-38 G3iV1.1 maximum system p arameters ,N-1 G3V2 maximum system p arameters ,N-1 G3V3 maximum system p arameters ,N-2 observing VDNs,3-11 G3V4 available enhancements ,L-1 comparison operators,3-15 enhancements hardware and software requirements ,B-4 maximum system p arameters ,N-3 tone detector,5-2 g oto command differences b etween G2 and G3 ,E- 4 example,4-18, 4-19 neutral vec tor command ,8-8 success/failure criteria ,A-84 troubleshooting,D-7 g oto step command ,3-14, A-48 neutral vec tor command ,A-53 g oto vector comman d,3-14, A-54 neutral vec tor command ,A-59 H handling multiple calls,3-5 I identifyin g caller needs call promptin g/VRU digits ,10-4 dire ct agent calling ,10-5 DNIS/ISDN c alled party,10-4 example prompts ,10-4 host database lookup ,10-5 methods of,10-2 table of services and DNIS digits ,10-4 ii-digits table of those currently available ,7-6 values associated with them ,7-5 ii-digits routing ,7-5 uses for,7-5 improving performance ,3-1, M-1 expert agent selection,10-1 service ,3-3, 3-6 the average speed of answer ,2-17 inserting vector steps ,2-5 international equivalent circ uit p acks ,B-2, B-3 L LAI function ,8-1 latest VDN ,3-9, 3-10 leavin g a messag e,1-5, 2-14, 4-13 listing existing vectors ,2-4 load balancin g ,1-5 optimal,8-1 providing ,2-17 logical agent ,1-4 look-ahead interflow,1-5, 8-1 ADR ,8-13 alternate destination redire ction ,8-13 diagram of example,8-13 considerations ,C-3 diagram of tandem switch config uration ,8-10 diagram of two switc h c onfiguration,8-3 DNIS and VDN overrid e ,8-11 DNIS information ,8-12 function,8-1 hardware and software requirements ,B-5 requirements ,1-6 route-to c omman d,8-1 tandem switch configuration far end switch operation ,8-11 sending switch operation ,8-10 tandem switch operation ,8-10 troubleshooting ,D-2 two switch configuration

Index Issue 4 Se ptemb er 1995IN-7 re ceiving switch operation,8-4 sending switch operation ,8-3 M maximizing performance,M-1, M-3, M-4, M-6, M-8, M-9 example vector,M-3, M-5, M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9, M-10 messaging ,3-14, A-60 ASAI contents of ,9-2 example ,4-14 leaving a message ,2-14 messaging command example ,4-13 neutral vec tor command ,8-8 success/failure criteria ,A-85 syntax,A-60 troubleshooting ,D-8 multiple call handling ,3-5 N naming a vector ,2-4 neutral vector command,8-7 non-b usiness hours call d uring ,2-13 numbering of vector steps ,2-5 O o bserving VDNs,3-11 off-loading calls ,1-5 o ption VDN override ,3-9 originator’s display ,8-12 P p assing digits to an a djunc t ,5-5 to PBX ,3-9 p erformanc e basic prin ciples for improving ,M-1 effe cts of ASAI link failure ,9-3 evaluating,F-2 effectiveness of vector programming ,F- 2 for split ,F- 12improvin g ,M-3, M-4, M-6, M-8, M-9 example vector ,M-3, M-5, M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9, M-10 looping ,M-1 maximizin g ,M-1, M-4, M-6, M-8, M-9,M-3 processing cost comparisons ,M-4, M-5, M-7 of vector steps ,M-11, M-12 testin g vec tors ,M-2 p ersonalizin g call treatment ,2-17 placing a call in queue ,1-5 preventing unauthorized users access,I-1 prioritizin g calls ,2-7, 2-11, 2-17, 3-4 process involving general number dialing d iag ram of ,11-22 involving specific number dialing d iag ram of ,11-21 processing calls faster ,2-15 functions ,4-2 intelligently,2-15 programming call processing ,1-5 promptin g a caller ,3-9 properties,3-7 providing an announcement ,1-5 call treatments,3-12, 4-2, 4-3 caller feedback ,2-16 choices to callers ,2-16 faster service,2-17 feedback ,2-7, 2-8, 2-10 initial feedback to caller ,3-5 load balancing,2-17 night servic e ,2-16 security ,3-8 Q q ueue-to command,3-14, A-64 q ueue-to main differences between G2 and G3 ,E- 3 neutral vector command ,A-66 q ueue-to main comman d neutral vector command ,8-8, A-65 success/failure criteria ,A-85 syntax ,A-64 troubleshooting,D-5 q ueuing calls methods for ,3-2 to split,3-3 maximum number of ,3-3 without call vectoring ,3-4

Index IN-8Issue 4 September 1995 R receiving and implementing the c all route,9-7 receiving feedback about a call ,2-7 redirecting calls methods for ,3-2 reducing caller hold time ,2-17 number of needed agents,3-6 staffing re quirements ,2-17 transferred calls ,2-17, 3-3 removing incorrect digits strings,5-4 reporting agent handling ,3-7 call handlin g,3-7 via Basic Call Management System ,3-7 via BCMS ,3-7 via CentreVu Call Management System,3-7 via CMS ,3-7 reports BCMS BCMS Split Report ,F- 1 5 VDN Real-Time Report ,F- 15 VDN Summary Report ,F-15 CMS Split Summary Report ,F- 1 4 VDN Report ,F- 14 Vector Report ,F- 1 5 requeuing c alls ,3-4 requirements software and hardware for adjunct routing ,B-6 for advanced vector routing ,B-4 for ANI/ii-digits routing ,B-5 for basic call vectoring ,B-2 for call prompting ,B-3 for G3V4 enhancements ,B-4 for look-ahead interflow ,B-5 rolling ASA considerations ,6-11 split calculation ,6-10 VDN calculation ,6-11 rolling average s peed of answer,6-10 route valid ation ,9-7, A-18 route valid ation failure ,9-7, A-18 route-to look-ahead interflow ,8-1 route-to command ,A-68 differences b etween G2 and G3,E- 5 neutral vec tor command ,8-8, A-73 summary of conditions for destination types ,G-2 syntax,A-68 troubleshooting ,D-8 route-to digits ,3-14 route-to number,3-14route-to re quests multiple outstanding ,9-8 routing ,7-1 ii-digits,7-5 uses for ,7-5 routing c alls ,1-5, 1-6, 2-17, 3-3, 3-13, 4-2 based on DNIS ,3-6 example table of call distribution via UCD/EAD,10-21 example table of UCD/EAD call s cenario ,10-20 intelligently ,8-1 overriding specifications,3-9 to an a gent ,10-18 delivery from a skill hunt group ,10-18 to skill queue using call prompting ,10-14 using expert agent selection ,10-18 using super agent pool ,10-15 routing tables,7-3 S security main type of problem,I-1 metho d front-end ing remote a ccess ,I-2 a dvantages ,I-2 replacing remote access ,I-2 methods for preventing remote access abuse ,I-1 preventing unauthorized users access,I-1 providing ,3-8 rep lac ing remote access ,I-2 with EAS,I-3 with expert agent selection ,I-3 with remote access ,I-1 with service observing,I-3 with vector initiated service observing ,I-3 sending the route call request ,9-2 servic e o b serving,3-11, 5-13 silence ,3-12 when occurs ,3-5, 3-6, 3-14 skill definition ,10-5 example table for an auto club ,10-6 table for auto club application,10-16 table of preferences assignments for VDN 1616 ,10-16 skill c all example table of distribution for a single agent ,10-19 skill call queue sequence example table ,10-19 sp lit backup definition ,3-3 main definition ,3-3 sp lit flows

Index Issue 4 Se ptemb er 1995IN-9 differences among G1/G2/G3,E- 1 1 staffed agent for ACD sp lit ,3-4 staffed agents basis of call management decisions ,3-4 check backup command ,3-4 conditional branching,3-11 definition of ,3-4 for non-ACD hunt groups ,3-4 goto command,3-4 number of ,3-14 starting a script ,1-5 status lamp,5-11 CALLR-INFO button ,5-12 NORMAL button ,5-12 steps maximum number of ,3-12 stop command ,3-14 example,4-20 neutral vec tor command ,8-8, A-76 success/failure criteria ,A-85 syntax,A-76 troubleshooting ,D-8 system p arameters maximum G3iV1.1 ,N-1 G3v2 ,N-1 G3V3 ,N-2 G3V4 ,N-3 T tandem switch configuration ,8-9 far end operation,8-10, 8-11 far end switch operation ,8-10 sending switch operation ,8-10 testing call treatment,2-16 testing vectors ,B-7 tracking agents and their skills ,F- 1 6 calls ,F-2 dire ct agent calls ,F- 1 6 example split flow ,F-7 for abandoned calls ,F- 9 for call answered after route to split ,F-12 by a primary split ,F-8 by non-primary sp lit ,F- 8 after route to VDN ,F- 1 1 by primary sp lit after route to VDN ,F- 1 0 for non-ACD calls ,F-17 VDN skill preferences ,F- 17transfer call management c ontrol caller-selected routing ,3-3 messaging ,3-3 treating digits as a destination,5-5, 5-6 troubleshooting 1,000 step execute d ,D-15 AAS split cannot queue,D-21 adjunct link error ,D-18 route cancelled ,D-18 route failed ,D-17 administration change ,D-15 agent dro ps converse ,D-19 not logged in ,D-18 not member of split ,D-18 receivin g phantom call ,D-2 all look-ahead interflow attempts accepted ,D-2 all trunks busy on a quiet system ,D-3, D-8 alternate audio/music source not heard,D-9 ANI digits not passed. ,D-7 ANI not avail - digits ,D-20 ANI not avail - table,D-20 announcement not heard ,D-4, D-7 while waiting for digits ,D-5 ASA - invalid VDN ,D-20 ASA - no staffed agents ,D-22 ASAI transfer converse ,D-19 audible feedback lasts longer than the delay interval ,D-2 longer than delay interval ,D-9 shorter than d elay interval ,D-9 AUDIX link down ,D-22 branch is not made to the specified step ,D-7 to the specified vector ,D-7 busy step for CO trunk ,D-18 busy tone,D-8 call a pparently answered in wrong order ,D-5 call c annot b e queued ,D-16 call d oes not enter q ueue or terminate to agent,D-4, D-5 call dropped ,D-8, D-15 call dropped by vector disconnect timer,D-15 call stuck in converse ,D-10 caller information b utton denied ,D-6 collect announcement not heard ,D-11 not heard and first collected digit incorrect ,D-6 collect step and announcement skipped ,D-5 converse dro p during data ,D-19 no ANI digits ,D-19 no prompt digits ,D-19

Index IN-10Issue 4 September 1995 no qpos digits,D-19 step skipped ,D-10 transfer d enied ,D-19 covera ge conference denied ,D-20 data return no digits ,D-20 timeout ,D-20 delay before AUDIX answers ,D-8 delay before hearing announcement ,D-6 dial-ahead digits not recognized,D-6 dial-ahead discarded ,D-16 digits incomplete ,D-11 double coverage attempt,D-17 expected wait-time call no working agents ,D-23 call not queued ,D-21 no split queue ,D-22 not sent to VRU ,D-21 split lo cked ,D-23 split no working agents ,D-23 split queue full ,D-22 expected wait-time no history for sp lit ,D-22 extra d elay ,D-7 before hearing announcement ,D-4 first set of digits not collected ,D-10 ii-digits not avail - digits,D-21 ii-digits not avail - table ,D-21 incomplete announcement ,D-4, D-6 insufficient digits collecte d call routed to intercept ,D-6 invalid destination ,D-18 direct agent ,D-18 EAS hunt group used in the vector step ,D-20 look-ahead DNIS name not displayed ,D-2 interflow retry ,D-17 messages not found ,D-8 messaging ste p faile d ,D-17 music not heard ,D-9 network reorder,D-8 no announcement available ,D-16 no available trunks ,D-17 no data returned from VRU,D-7 no digits collecte d ,D-18 to route-to ,D-17 no entries in routing table ,D-20 no look-ahead interflow attempts a ccepted ,D-2 no Touch-Tone Receiver availab le ,D-16 no vector ste ps, ANI sent,D-20 not a messaging split ,D-22 not all digits returned to the DEFINITY switc h ,D-11 not vector-controlled,D-21 prompting buffer overflow ,D-17 qpos digits not passe d ,D-7queue before route ,D-18 queued to three splits ,D-16 redirect of call failed ,D-19 unanswere d call ,D-19 retrying announcement ,D-15 ringback heard instead of busy tone ,D-4 route -to step failed,D-17 route-to ste p failed ,D-17 routing table not assig ne d ,D-20 second set of digits is the same as the first digits passed ,D-11 not collected ,D-10 skill indire ction used improperly ,D-20 split queue is full,D-21 step skipped ,D-3, D-8 no message left ,D-8 that is, default treatment ,D-8 steps d isp lay event report ,D-13 d isp lay events form ,D-12 system clock change ,D-21 time not set,D-18 unexpected busy tone ,D-3 intercept or reorder tone heard ,D-3 network reorder or intercept ,D-3 silence after announcement ,D-4 step skipped (that is, default treatment) ,D-3 unexpected intercept or reord er tone heard ,D-8 vector pro cessing halted at c ollect step, announcement heard again upon return ,D-6 vector processing stops ,D-4 vector stuck ,D-2, D-6, D-7 with busy,D-8 with ringback ,D-8 vector with no ste ps ,D-15 VRU scrip t not executed ,D-7 terminate d prematurely ,D-7 wait digits not passed ,D-7 wait step music failed ,D-19 ringback failed ,D-19 U upgrading a call center to expert a gent sele ction,K-1 to a call vectoring environment ,B-7 using digits to c ollect branching information ,5-5 to select options ,5-5

Index Issue 4 Septemb er 1995IN-11 V valid entries for check-backup ,A-26 for collect digits ,A-31 for converse-on,A-35 for disconnect ,A-46 for goto step ,A-49 for goto vector,A-55 for messag ing ,A-60 for queue-to ,A-64 for route-to,A-68 for wait-time ,A-78 VDN ,3-7 active,3-9 calls ,6-12 calls counts which calls included ,6-13 definition ,1-3, 3-1, 3-7 in coverage path application uses ,3-10 latest ,3-9 multiple ,1-3 observing ,3-11 overrid e example application ,3-9 properties 1st/2nd /3rd skill ,3-9 acceptable service level ,3-9 allow VDN override ,3-8 AUDIX name ,3-8 c lass of restriction (COR) ,3-8 extension ,3-8 measured ,3-8 messaging server name ,3-8 name ,3-8 return destination ,3-9 tenant partition number (TN) ,3-8 VDN of origin announcement extension ,3-9 vector number ,3-8 return destination considerations ,C-5 skills administering ,10-7 vector changing existing ,2-4, B-7 creatin g a new ,2-4 definition,1-3, 3-7 disconnect timer ,B-7 editin g ,2-5 enterin g,2-1 events ,D-12, D-14 example ,4-13 accessing voice response scripts,4-9accommodate a super agent pool ,10-17 adjunct routing vector ,9-2 adjunct routing vector with redundancy ,9-8 in G3V3 and later releases ,9-9 automate d attendant applic ation ,11-4 call interflow ,4-16 claims application ,11-13 conditional branching ,4-19 customer service application ,11-14 customer service center application ,11-3 delay announcement ,4-4 delay with audible feedback ,4-5 delay with multiple audio/music source feedback ,4-6 dial-ahead digits ,5-15, 5-16 disconnecting a call ,4-8 distributed c all centers a pplication ,11-9 DIVA and data/message collection application ,11-6 emerg ency and routine service application ,11-24, 11-25 expected wait time for a call ,6-3 for a split ,6-2 routing - routing to the b est split ,6-8 routing and p assing VRU wait ,6-6 field agent vector application ,11-12 forced announcement ,4-4 help d esk application ,11-10 ii-digits routing example ,7-8 information announcement ,4-5 late caller application ,11-27 leaving recorded message ,4-14 leaving recorded messages ,4-14 messaging options application ,11-29 multiple split queueing ,4-11 notifying callers of wait-time without a VRU ,6-7 passing digits to an adjunct ,5-12 providing busy tone ,4-7 receivin g switch inflow vector ,8-9 remote access service observing vector ,5-13 return d estination vector with announcement ,C-8 with disconnect ,C-7 with remote a ccess ,C-6 rolling ASA routing ,6-12 sending switch outflow vector ,8-4 service agency clients applic ation ,11-14 service observing vector ,5-14 skipping/non-skipping of treatment commands with ASAI link down ,9-4 stopping vector processing ,4-20 supplementary delay announcement ,4-4

Index IN-12Issue 4 September 1995 tandem switch vector,8-10 testing for ANI in vector routing table ,7-4 for digits in vector routing table ,5-9 treating digits as a destination ,5-6 unconditional branching ,4-18 using digits to collect branching information ,5-7 to select o ptions ,5-10 VDN c alls routing ,6-13 vector for service observing ,4-17 listing existing ,2-4 naming,2-4 testin g ,B-7 vector applications table of examples ,11-2 vector chaining goto command ,4-20 multiple,1-4 multiple vectors ,4-20 purpose ,4-20 route-to,4-20 vector command adjunct routing command ,3-13, A-15 advanced vector routing,6-1 command ta ble ,6-1 ANI/ii-digits ,7-1 command ta ble,7-1 announcement command ,A-22 announcements ,3-13 available with call prompting ,A-3 call vectoring ,A-3 basic call vectoring ,4-2 command ta ble ,4-2 busy ,3-13, A-24 call a cceptance qualification of commands ,8-6 call d enial qualification of commands ,8-7 call promptin g ,5-2 command ta ble ,5-2 check-backup ,3-13, A-26 collect digits,3-13, A-31 comparison operators ,3-15 condition testing ,3-14 converse-on,A-35 converse-on command ,3-13 deleting ,2-5 disconnect,3-14 disconnect c ommand ,A-46 function of each ,A-2 goto step,3-14 goto step comman d ,A-48 goto vector ,3-14, A-54maximum number ,2-5 messaging ,3-14, A-60 neutral qualification of commands ,8-8 OCM predictive c alls ,10-30 parameters ,A-5 queue-to ,3-14 queue-to command,A-64 route-to ,A-68 route-to digits ,3-14 route-to number,3-14 stop ,3-14 success/failure criteria ,A-82 syntax,A-5 wait-time ,3-14, A-78 vector directory number definition ,3-1, 3-7 properties ,3-7 vector routing tables ,7-3 vector event advantages of tra cking unexpected ,D-12 displaying ,D-12, D-13 logging of,D-12, D-13 range of type ,D-14 report ,D-13 tracking,D-12 unexpected ,D-12 unique number ,D-13 with debugging,D-10 vector processing ASAI link failure ,A-16 BDMS Report description ,F-15 branching ,3-11, 3-13, 3-14 collectin g from caller,3-14 control flow ,3-1, 3-7 ty pes of ,3-11 factors ,3-1 failure converse-on step ,A-41 resulting in these destinations ,A-71 maximum number of steps ,3-12 programming colle cting and acting on information ,3-13 colle cting from caller ,3-13 providing treatments ,3-13 routing calls ,3-13 programming capabilities branching ,3-11 Split Summary Report description ,F-14 stopping ,3-1, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, 4-2, 4-5, 4-19, 4-20 terminating ,4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18 termination ,3-13 termination vs sto pp ing,3-12 troubleshooting ,D-2 VDN Real-Time Report

Index Issue 4 Septemb er 1995IN-13 description,F-15 VDN Report description ,F-14 VDN Summary Report description ,F-15 Vector Report description ,F-15 with covera ge ,3-10, 5-6 vector routing table,5-7, 5-8, 7-4 vector step chaining ,3-2 conditional branching,3-11 deleting ,2-5 enterin g ,2-4 example adjunct routing ,A-15 announcement ,A-22 check-backup ,A-27 collect digits ,A-31 converse-on ,A-35 disconnect ,A-46 goto ste p ,A-51 goto vector ,A-57 messaging ,A-60 queue-to ,A-64 route-to ,A-68 treatment step used as a delay for ad junct routin g ,9-6 wait-time ,A-79 inserting ,2-5 maximum number ,3-2 numbering ,2-5 sequential flow,3-11 stopping ,3-12 terminating ,3-12 termination vs stop p ing,3-12 unconditional branching ,3-11 vector-controlled split ,4-12, 4-14 voice response script,4-2, 4-8 accessing ,4-9 checking amount of time for execution ,4-10 execution of,4-9 interruption of ,4-10 VRI advantage of ,4-9 capabilities ,4-8 description ,4-8 VRU,4-8 activatin g a voice response script ,A-35 advantages of ,4-8 executin g a script,4-2 execution of VRU s cript ,4-8 normal override rules ,A-45 offloading recorded announcements to,A-43 outpulsing data ,A-37, A-39, A-43 outpulsing to extension ,4-10passing data between VRU and DEFINITY switch ,4-8 passing EWT to ,4-9 returning data to the switch ,A-36 service observing pending mode,A-43 storing received data ,A-36 tandemed to ASAI host ,4-8 used as an external announcement,4-8 using digits returned from ,A-31 VRU digits conditional branching ,A-37 displayed via CALLR-INFO button ,A-36 extension in a route-to command ,A-36 tandemed to an ASAI host,A-37 W wait c ommand adjunct routing command,9-5 wait-time ,3-14, A-78 predictions circumstances that will limit ,6-4 when to use pre dictions ,6-4 wait-time command differences between G2 and G3 ,E- 7 example,4-6 neutral vector command ,8-8, A-80 success/failure criteria ,A-86 syntax,A-78 troubleshooting ,D-9 wildcards ,5-7 work mode after-call-work mode ,3-5 auto-in work mod e ,3-5 auxiliary-work mod e,3-5 manual-in work mod e ,3-5