Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Contents xiiIssue 4 September 1995 Requirements A-31 Examp le A-31 O peration A-31 Answer Supervision Considerations A-34 Feature Interactions A-34 CMS Interactions A-34 Converse-on Command A-35 Purp ose A-35 Syntax A-35 Valid Entries A-35 Requirements A-35 Examp les A-35 O peration A-36 Answer Supervision Considerations A-39 Feature Interactions A-39 CMS Interactions A-45 BCMS Interactions A-45 Disconnect Command A-46 Purp ose A-46 Syntax A-46 Valid Entries A-46 Requirements A-46 Examp le A-46 O peration A-46 Answer Supervision Considerations A-46 Feature Interactions A-47 CMS Interactions A-47 BCMS Interactions A-47 Goto Step Command A-48 Purp ose A-48 Syntax A-48 Conditions = available-agent, staffed-agents: A-48 Conditions = calls-q ueued, oldest call-wait: A-48 Condition = rolling-asa: A-48 Condition = counted-calls: A-49 Condition = expected-wait: A-49

Contents Issue 4 September 1995xiii Valid Entries A-49 Requirements A-51 Examp les A-51 O peration A-52 Answer Supervision Considerations A-53 Feature Interactions A-53 CMS Interactions A-53 Goto Vector Command A-54 Purp ose A-54 Syntax A-54 Conditions = available-agent, staffed-agents: A-54 Conditions = calls-q ueued, oldest call-wait: A-54 Condition = rolling-asa: A-55 Condition = counted-calls: A-55 Condition = expected-wait: A-55 Valid Entries A-55 Examp les A-57 O peration A-58 Answer Supervision Considerations A-59 Feature Interactions A-59 CMS Interactions A-59 Messaging Command A-60 Purp ose A-60 Syntax A-60 Valid Entries A-60 Requirements A-60 Examp le A-60 O peration A-60 Answer Supervision Considerations A-61 Feature Interactions A-61 CMS Interactions A-62 BCMS Interactions A-63 Queue-to Main Command A-64 Purp ose A-64 Syntax A-64 Valid Entries A-64

Contents xivIssue 4 September 1995 Requirements A-64 Examp le A-64 O peration A-64 Answer Supervision Considerations A-65 Feature Interactions A-65 CMS Interactions A-66 BCMS Interactions A-67 Route-to Command A-68 Purp ose A-68 Syntax A-68 Valid Entries A-68 Requirements A-68 Examp le A-68 Op eration A-69 Coverage A-71 Answer Supervision Considerations A-71 Feature Interactions A-71 CMS Interactions A-73 BCMS Interactions A-75 Sto p Command A-76 Purp ose A-76 Syntax A-76 Requirements A-76 O peration A-76 Answer Supervision Considerations A-76 Feature Interactions A-76 CMS Interactions A-77 Wait-time Command A-78 Purp ose A-78 Syntax A-78 Multiple Audio/Music Sources Syntax (G3V4 a n d later releases): A-78 Valid Entries A-78 Requirements A-79 Examp le A-79

Contents Issue 4 September 1995xv O peration A-79 Answer Supervision Considerations A-79 Feature Interactions A-80 CMS Interactions A-80 A n Criteria for Success/Failure of Call Vectoring Commands A-81 B Call Vectoring Management B-1 n Introduction B-1 n Implementation Re quirements for the Call Vectoring Features B-1 n Enabling the Vector Disconnect Timer B-7 n Upgrading to a Call Vectoring Environment B-7 n Changing and Testing the Vector B-7 C Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features C-1 n Introduction C-1 n Basic Call Vectoring Considerations C-1 n Call Promp ting Considerations C-2 n Look-Ahead Interflow Considerations C-3 n Adjunct Routing Considerations C-4 n VDN Return Destination Considerations C-5 User Scenario — Remote Access with Host Provided Security C-6 User Scenario — Saving in Trunk Facilities Between Call Centers C-8

Contents xviIssue 4 September 1995 D Troubleshooting Vectors D-1 n Introduction D-1 n Unexpected Feature Operations D-1 n Unexpected Command Operations D-3 n Converse Command Deb u gging D-9 n Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events D-12 Display Events FormD-12 Display Events Report D-13 Summary of Vector EventsD-14 E Functional Differences for G2 and G3 Call Vectoring and EAS E-1 n Introduction E-1 n Differences in Command Function E-1 Queue-to Main Split and Check-Backup Split E-2 Goto Step and Goto Vector E-4 Route-to Number E-5 Announcement E-6 Wait-time E-7 Busy E-7 n General Call Vectoring Functional Differences E-8 n Differences in Defining/Interpreting Split Flows E-10 R3 CMS StandardsE-11 R2 CMS Standard sE-11 n Differences Between G2 and G3r EAS E-12 F Interactions Between Call Vectoring/EAS and BCMS/CMS F-1 n Introduction F-1 n BCMS/CMS Tracking in a Call Vectoring Environment F-2 Defining and Interpreting Call Flows F-2

Contents Issue 4 Septemb er 1995xvii Answered and Abandons F-2 Busies and Disc onnects F-3 VDN Inflows and Outflows F-3 R3 CMS and BCMS Standards F-4 Vector Inflows and Outflows F-4 R3 CMS Standards F-4 Split Inflows, Outflows, and Dequeues F-5 R3 CMS and BCMS Standards F-5 R2 CMS Standards F-6 Examples of Split Flow Tracking F-7 Evaluating Split PerformanceF-12 n Using BCMS/CMS Reports to Evaluate Call Vectoring Activity F-14 CMS ReportsF-14 BCMS Reports F-15 n Using CMS in an EAS Environment F-16 Tracking EntitiesF-16 Ag ents and their Skills F-16 Direct Agent CallsF-16 Non-ACD CallsF-17 VDN Skill PreferencesF-17 G Operation Details for the Route-to Command G-1 n Introduction G-1 H Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-1 n Introduction H-1 n Converse Call Placement H-2 n Data Passing H-3 n VRU Data Collection H-6 n Script Execution H-7 n Data Return H-7

Contents xviiiIssue 4 September 1995 n Script Completion H-9 n DEFI NI TY Switch Data Collection H-10 I Security Issues I-1 n Introduction I-1 n Remote Access I-1 Front-Ending Remote Ac c ess I-2 Replacing Remote Ac cess I-2 n EAS I-3 n Vector Initiated Service Observing Security I-3 J Setting Up a Call Center J-1 n Introduction J-1 n Call Vectoring/Non-EAS Option J-2 n Call Vectoring/G3 EAS Option J-10 K Converting a Call Center to EAS K-1 n Introduction K-1 n St e p 1 : P r e - EA S C u t o v e r Administration for the G3V2 (or later) Switch K-2 n Step 2: Pre-EAS Cutover Administration for CMS K-6 n Step 3: Pre-EAS Cutover Administration for AUDIX K-6 n St e p 4 : P r e - EA S C u t o v e r Administration for Messaging Server K-7 n Step 5: Pre-EAS Cutover Administration for ASAI K-7 n Step 6: EAS Cutover K-7

Contents Issue 4 September 1995xix L V4 Feature Availability L-1 M Improving Performance M-1 n Introduction M-1 n Looping Examples M-3 Audible Feedb ac k M-3 Lookahead Interflow M-4 Check Backup M-6 n Other Examples M-8 After Business Hours M-8 Lookahead Interflows M-9 n Relative Processing Cost of Vector Commands M-11 N Call Vectoring System Parameters N-1 n G3iV1.1 and G3V2 System Parameters N-1 n G3V3 System Parameters N-2 n G3V4 System Parameters N-3 GL Glossary GL-1 IN Index IN-1

Issue 4 September 19951-1 1 About This Document Feature Availability Call Vectoring is available with all Generic 3 releases. Many of the features discussed in this manual are only available with later releases of the DEFI NI TY switch. Some are optional features and must be purchased separately. See Appendix L for information about the availability of Call Vectoring features. What is Call Vectoring? NOTE: Samp le vectors are provided throughout this manual. These vectors are designed to illustrate vectoring features and capabilities. Because they are simplified to clearly demonstrate specific features, they are not complete and should not be used without modification at your call center. Call Vectorin g provides DEFINITY Generic 3 users with a highly flexible approach for managing incoming call traffic to the DEFI NI TY Generic 3 switch. By using a series of user-defined commands, you can direct or route internal and network calls as desired and thereby determine how these calls are processed. Calls can be d irected to on- or off-network d estinations, to Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) a gents, or to various treatments.Call Vectoring also can be used in conjunction with CallVisor ASAI.

About This Document 1-2Issue 4 September 1995 Call Vectoring works hand in hand with and, more imp ortantly, enhances traditional ACD call processing, which may be illustrated as follows: 1. Dialed Number Identification Service 2. Direct Inward Dialing Figure 1-1. Traditional ACD Call Processing As Figure 1-1 illustrates, the traditional ACD approach is rather limited in the way it handles queued calls (that is, all calls within a specific queue receive identical announcements, intraflow p arameters, etc.). Call Vectoring, on the other hand, is flexible in that it p ermits unique treatments for each call according to a number of factors, including the number the caller dials, the numb er the caller calls from, the numb er of calls in queue, and the time of day and/or day of the week. This even a p plies to all calls that are ultimately handled by the same agent group. Call Vectoring is comprised of three basic components, including: nVector Directory Numb ers nVectors nVector commands ACD SPLIT CALL QUEUE IDENTICAL CALL TREATMENTS FOR: Time of Day Announcements Intraflow Interflow N O N P R I O R I T Y P R I O R I T Y TRUNK GROUP DNIS1 DIGITS INTERNAL STATION TRUNK GROUP DID 2 DIGITSA C D A G E N T S I N C O M I N G C A L L S