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ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual

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    							Enabling the Vector Disconnect Timer
    Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    Enabling the Vector Disconnect Timer
    Call Vectoring makes available a Vector Disconnect Timer, which can be set for 
    any amount of time between 1 and 240 minutes inclusive.  The timer is enabled 
    by selecting the timer field in the Feature-Related System-Parameters form. The 
    timer is started when vector processing is started. Once the timer runs out, the 
    call is dropped. The timer is canceled when vector processing terminates.
    Enabling the timer allows queued calls that have not been answered within a 
    determined amount of time to be dropped. For more information, refer to 
    DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Implementation, 555-230-653.
    Upgrading to a Call Vectoring 
    If you are already equipped with ACD and want to use Call Vectoring, the ACD 
    environment must  be upgraded to a Call Vectoring environment. This involves 
    installing VDNs, vectors and hunt groups for the desired Call Vectoring 
    The set of guidelines that follows is intend e d to serve as a general procedure for 
    upgrading to a Call Vectoring environment.  For c omplete details of this  process, 
    refer to 
    DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Imp lementation, 555-230-
    1. Verify the vector options on the Customer O ption Form.
    This is always done by AT&T personnel.
    2. Add the VDNs.
    3. Evaluate the number of queue slots assigned to each split.  Usually, you 
    want to assign enough queue slots to allow all calls processed by Call 
    Vectoring to be queued.  (See the considerations for Basic Call Vectoring 
    in Appendix C for more d etails.)
    4. Change hunt-groups to be vector-controlled.
    5. Administer the vectors and at least one test hunt group.
    6. Test all of the vectors to be installed.
    7. Change the trunk g roups, night destinations, etc., to use the VDNs.
    Changing and Testing the Vector
    Vectors currently being used to process calls should not be changed because 
    changes would have an immediate and  uncertain effect on the treatment that the 
    calls are receiving.  Instead, a new vector should always be written. 
    							Call Vectoring Management
    B-8Issue  4 September 1995 
    In testing the vector, you should not consider the entire vector at once.  Rather, 
    you should first figuratively divide the vector into portions, then test each of these 
    portions until the entire vector is tested.
    After the new vector is thoroughly tested, the vector should be brought into 
    service by changing the VDN to point to the new vector.
    The set of following g uidelines is intend e d to serve as a general procedure for 
    changing and testing vectors. For complete details of this process, refer to 
    DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Implementation, 555-230-655.
    1. Check that a current version of the translation data is available.
    2. Create a new VDN that points to the new vector.  This VDN, which is 
    temp orary, is necessary to test the new vector.
    3. Administer the new vector.  Vector commands should be added and 
    tested, one command at a time, starting with the first command. Be sure 
    that each line is correct before proceeding to the next one.
    4. Test the new vector with the new VDN.  This ensures the new vector will 
    function correctly when the vector is installed.
    5. Install the new vector by changing the old VDN’s vector assignment so 
    that the VDNs now point to the new vector.  Calls that are already being 
    processed by the old vector will continue to be handled by that vector until 
    the vector terminates vector processing.
    6. Once all the calls are handled, remove the old vector and the VDN that 
    was use d for testing. 
    							Issue  4 Septemb er 1995C-1 
    Considerations for the Call Vectoring 
    This a p pendix contains several lists of considerations you should bear in mind 
    when using the Call Vectoring features.  These considerations are intended to 
    help you g et the highest degree of productivity from Call Vectoring.
    If EAS is optioned, ‘‘skill’’ replaces ‘‘split.’’
    Basic Call Vectoring Considerations
    The following are considerations you should keep in mind when working with 
    Basic Call Vectoring:
    nMake the sp lit queues large enough so that all incoming calls queue and 
    are not dropped. If a queue is too small, a 
    q ueue-to main split or a check-
    backup split
     command might fail to queue a call due to a lack of available 
    queue slots. Accordingly, it is also always a good practice to include in 
    the vector a step that checks a split’s queue before queuing o ccurs and a 
    corresponding step that provides alternate treatment if the queue is full.  
    To check the queue size, you can use a 
    g oto command (for example, goto 
    Step 5 if calls- queued in split 20 pri l > 30
    ). The alternate treatment, which, 
    if need e d, is usually accessed b y the 
    goto command that checks the 
    queue size, can queue the call to a backup split, make an unconditional 
    Look-Ahead Interflow attempt, provide a busy signal, etc.
    nA default treatment or a route-to destination step should be supplied after 
    route-to command in case the first destination is unavailable. 
    							Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features
    C-2Issue  4 Septemb er 1995 
    nCalls should not b e queued to an unstaffed split (unless this is intended by 
    the customer) without some alternate treatment.
    nInterflow calls should not b e p ermitted to interflow back and forth between 
    a remote switch vector and a local switch.  This process could cause a 
    single call to use up all available trunks.
    nAfter an announcement is provided, the audible feedback (such as music) 
    should be re-attached.
    nFor ease-of-use p urp oses, each specific vector function or operation 
    should be included in a separate vector and linked via one or more 
    nIn creating a vector, commands can b e chosen and arranged in a manner 
    such that answer supervision is delayed as long as possible.  This should 
    be done to keep down the service cost.
    nThe caller should always be provided with initial feedback (usually 
    nDirect agent  calls merit special attention b e cause such calls can affect 
    call queuing.  Although direct agent calls take up a queue slot, they are 
    not always reported as using such a slot on CMS/BCMS reports 
    (discussed in Ap pendix F).  For example, a direct agent call is never 
    counted toward the total of queued calls within a split (that is, the 
    queue d
     test condition has no effect on this type of call).
    nIf it is necessary for a caller to hear an entire CONVERSANT sc ript before 
    talking to an agent, the caller should not be queued until after the 
    converse-on step is executed.
    nAudible feedback should be provided prior to a c onverse-on step 
    whenever a large numb er of digits are to be outpulsed to the VRU.
    Call Prompting Considerations
    The following list includes considerations you should keep in mind when working 
    with Call Promp ting:
    nTo enter the d i gits requested via the collect digits command, outside 
    callers must have a touch-tone telephone.  For such callers using rotary 
    dialing, a 10 second inter-digit timeout takes effect, and the 
    collect digits 
    command is omitted. As a precaution, a default treatment (for example, 
    route-to attendant command, q ueue-to main split command) should 
    always be provided in the vector sc ript unless the script is created 
    exclusively for users of touch-tone telephones.
    nIf a caller does not enter the full numb er of digits sp ecified in the collect 
     step, a 10~second timeout occurs. Thereafter, vector processing 
    continues with subsequent vector steps, and an attempt is made to 
    process the call using the digits that have been collected. If the digits 
    entered do not represent a valid destination, and if Automated Attendant  
    							Look-Ahead Interflow Considerations
    Issue  4 September 1995
    is being implemented via a route-to d i gits command, the route-to d igits 
    command fails, and vector processing continues at the next ste p, which 
    should be a default treatment.
    nIt may be prudent to take steps in case a route-to attendant command 
    fails, such as providing a disconnect announcement.
    nFrom time to time, all of the system’s touch-tone receivers might b e in use.  
    As a result, you should avoid starting your main vector with a 
    collect d igits 
    command, since the caller on a DID or tie trunk in this case receives no 
    audible feedback if he or she has to wait for a receiver to become 
    available.  Accordingly, it is a good practice to include some treatment (for 
    example, a 
    wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringbac k step) before the initial 
    collect digits step.
    Look-Ahead Interflow Considerations
    The following are considerations you should keep in mind when working with 
    Look-Ahead Interflow:
    nNever interflow to a remote vector that in turn might interflow back to the 
    same local vector.  This could cause a single call to use up 
    all available 
    nThe oldest-call-wait test condition should not be used in LAI vectors.  
    OCW corresponds to the very next call to be answered and, as such, this 
    test c ondition gives no information on the current state of c all overload (for 
    example, if OCW =  30 seconds, all we know from this is that the q ueue 
    was overloaded 30 seconds ago). In place of
     oldest-call-wait, use the 
    EWT conditional. See Expected Wait Time (EWT) on page 6-2.
    nIf an LAI call attempt is accepted by a step that contains a q ueue-to main, 
    check-backup split,
     or route-to command, there is a small but finite 
    interval during which the call could be answered by an agent at the 
    sending switch before notification of ‘‘acceptance’’ is received by the 
    sending switch.  In this case, the caller would be connected to the agent 
    at the sending switch, while the agent at the receiving switch might 
    receive a ‘‘phantom’’ call.  For this reason, you should consider using a 
    wait-time or announcement step at the receiving switch to allow the 
    call to be accepted and taken out of q ueue at the sending switch. If call 
    acceptance is to be based on available agents, use of a
     wait-time > 0 
    seconds or an 
    announcement is not recommended. A wait-time with 0 
    seconds of silence might be useful in this case.
    nWhen an LAI call attempt is made, the TTR (if attached) is disconnected, 
    and any dial-ahead digits are discarded.  This implies that a subsequent 
    collect digits command would require that the TTR be connected.
    nBe sure the feedback provided by the receiving switch after a successful 
    LAI attempt is consistent with what the caller has already received. 
    							Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features
    C-4Issue  4 Septemb er 1995 
    nIt is perfectly acceptable for a vector to route a call over an ISDN-PRI 
    facility to a destination that is not a VDN. In such a case, the sending 
    switch treats the call like a Look-Ahead Interflow call. Generic ISDN 
    processing at the receiving switch causes the call to be accepted.  The 
    DNIS name is i gnored.
    nIf a Look-Ahead Interflow call terminates to a VDN on a receiving switch 
    where the Look-Ahead Interflow option is 
    not enabled, intelligent interflow 
    still results.  However, any relevant DNIS information is ignored, and 
    intelligent interflow to far-end switches is not possible.
    nThe LAI timeout in the sending switch occurs after two minutes.
    nT-1 equipment might modify the ISDN D-channel that is used for Look-
    Ahead Interflow. If multiplexors are introduced into the ISDN-PRI circuit, 
    bit compression and echo cancellation must be turned off for the D-
    Adjunct Routing Considerations
    The following are considerations you should keep in mind when working with 
    Adjunct Routing:
    nDepending upon your application, you may want to include a second 
    adjunct routing step in your ve ctor in case the first such step fails.
    nIf you include an announcement step imme diately after an adjunct routing 
    step, be sure the announcement does not contain any information 
    essential to the c aller (such as further instructions) since the step following 
    adjunct routin g step immediately terminates the moment the switch 
    receives a destination from the ASAI adjunct.
    nIf you include a wait-time step after an adjunct routing step, it is a good 
    idea to specify either 
    ringback or music (and not silence) as the feedback. 
    If the caller does not hear any feedback, he or she might give up on the 
    call and hang up.
    nThe second step after the adjunct routing step  could  (and, in many cases, 
    should) be implemented as a default treatment in case the host 
    application or ASAI link is d own. The step containing this d efault treatment 
    (for exam ple, 
    route-to number 0 if unconditionally) executes immediately if 
    the ASAI link is d own and if the ste p is preceded by either a 
    wait-time or 
    announcement step.  On the other hand, if the host application is down, 
    the default step executes only if the application does not respond with a 
    route within 20 seconds. 
    							VDN Return Destination Considerations
    Issue  4 September 1995
    VDN Return Destination 
    The VDN Return Destination feature allows an incoming trunk c all to be placed 
    back in vector processing after all parties, except the originator, drop. This 
    feature is activated through switch administration of the VDN form. It is an 
    optional system feature, and as such, it must be optioned on the System-
    Parameters/Customer-Options form.
    A new field added to the VDN form will allow the user to enter a VDN extension as 
    a Return Destination. In this section, the VDN which has the Return Destination 
    field administered will be called the VDN with this feature active. The Return 
    Destination VDN (the one specified in the new field) will be referred to as the 
    Return Destination.
    Every incoming trunk c all which is processed through a VDN with this feature 
    active will be placed back in vector processing when all parties on the call, 
    except the originator, drop. For this feature, the originator is the incoming party 
    which originate d the call at the time the call entered the VDN with this feature 
    The VDN that the call will be placed in (when the originator is the only remaining 
    party) is determined by the Return Destination. This VDN may be the same or 
    different than the original VDN.
    This feature is used to keep the call active and give the caller the opportunity to 
    signal the need for sequence dialing (by entering a #).  There are two ways this 
    can happen:
    1. When the destination drops on its own (after having answered), the call 
    will go to the Return Destination which will have a collect digits  vector 
    step.  This step will try to collect the # sign entered by the caller.
    2. When the call is not answered, the caller enters the # to request 
    sequence calling (this # will be collected by the ASAI-Requested Digit 
    Collection feature). This # is reported to the adjunct. The adjunct 
    requests the third_party_d rop (or third_party_end_call) for the d estination, 
    and at that point the call goes to the Return Destination.
    The VDN Return Destination and ASAI-Requested Digit Collection features may 
    be used independently, with the following rules:
    1. If there is no ASAI request to collect digits, but a Return Destination is 
    provided: when all p arties, except the originator, drop, the switch will route 
    the call with only one party active (the caller) to the Return Destination. At 
    this point, the call enters vector processing for the VDN specified by the 
    Return Destination.
    2. If a request is made to collect digits but there is no Return Destination 
    provided: the switch will collect the digits and  pass them on to the ASAI 
    adjunct.  It will be up to the adjunct to take action. However, if the action  
    							Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features
    C-6Issue  4 Septemb er 1995 
    taken by the adjunct is to drop one party on the call, the switch will drop 
    the other party as well and clear the call (it cannot retain a call with only 
    one party, if there is no Return Destination for further processing).*
    User Scenario — Remote Access with Host
    Provided Security
    A customer may use the VDN Return Destination feature to provide a more 
    flexible remote access feature together with host based call security. The remote 
    user/caller does not have to call b a ck into the switch when multiple destinations 
    need to be reached nor does the caller have to enter his/her identification every 
    time a new destination is desired.  For example, a customer can program the 
    following vector that is accessed by dialing a VDN that has a Return Destination 
    Figure C-1. Sample Return Destination Vector with Remote 
    In this scenario, a remote caller will call into the switch by d ialing the VDN 
    administered with the Return Destination. The vector executed will promp t the 
    caller to enter an identification number and a password that will be passed, via 
    the adjunct routing vector command, to the host for validation. The host can keep 
    track of invalid attemp ts or decide to de-activate or activate certain identification 
    numbers based on customer set  criteria.
    After the host b ased security is passed (the host sends an Abort to cancel the 
    switch Route request; otherwise, the host routes the call to an exc eption 
    destination/VDN), the switch will collect digits for the destination that the caller 
    wants to reach (vector step 4 above). The host receives the number entered by 
    the caller (vector step 5 above) and validates the entered number to check if  the 
    caller is allowed to reach the sp ecified destination. If so, the host routes the call 
    to the desired (dialed) destination.
    1. collect 8 digits after announcement 1001 (Please enter
         your identification number and password followed by # sign)
    2. adjunct routing link 1221
    3. wait-time 6 seconds hearing silence
    4. collect 16 digits after announcement 1002 (Please enter the 
         telephone number of your destination followed by # sign)
    5. adjunct routing link 1222
    6. wait-time 6 seconds hearing silence
    7. disconnect after announcement 1003 (We are sorry, but we are 
         experiencing technical difficulties at this time, please try 
         again later) 
    							VDN Return Destination Considerations
    Issue  4 September 1995
    If the host security is not passed, the host will route the call to an appropriate 
    alternate destination (e.g., announcement with security violation message) and 
    log the invalid call attempt.
    If the host is not available, the call will be disconnected after an announcement 
    (vector step 7 above).
    After the called destination d isconnects from the call, the caller can remain on 
    the line to be connected to the Return Destination. A sample Return Destination 
    vector is as follows:
    Figure C-2. Sample Return Destination Vector with Disconnect
    The caller, once connected to the Return Destination, can enter a second 
    destination/p hone number to connect to. The host performs the same  validation 
    on the destination number as in the first d estination and routes the call as 
    appropriate (destination entered by caller or alternate destination). Note that the 
    host can also provide reports on all the destinations and times reached by each 
    remote user.
    In the Return Destination vector, it is recommended that the first vector command 
    give the caller the opportunity to disconnect from the call rather than immediately 
    routing the call to some destination. If the call was imme diately routed and then 
    the caller decided to hang-up, the destination that the call was route d to would 
    ring, alerting the called party, but then no one would be on the line at the other 
    end (this could be confusing to customers, and could be misinterpreted as a 
    problem with the feature). Vector commands such as wait, collect after 
    announcement, and announcement can provide the caller with the o p portunity 
    to disconnect before the call is routed. As an example, an announcement 
    command with the recording Please hang-up to end your call, or remain on the 
    line if you wish to place another call  instructs the caller to disc onnect, b efore the 
    call is routed.
    1. collect 16 digits after announcement 1002 (Please enter the 
         telephone number of your destination followed by # sign)
    2. adjunct routing link 1221
    3. wait-time 6 seconds hearing silence
    4. disconnect after announcement 1003 (We are sorry, but we are 
         experiencing technical difficulties at this time, please 
         try again later) 
    							Considerations for the Call Vectoring Features
    C-8Issue  4 Septemb er 1995 
    User Scenario — Saving in Trunk Facilities
    Between Call Centers
    A customer can also use VDN Return Destination to return a call to a local agent 
    after the call is transferred to a remote destination (call). This will eliminate the 
    need for the remote a gent to transfer the caller back to a local agent and will 
    save in switch trunk facilities, since each time the call is transferred back to a 
    local agent an additional trunk is being used by the call.
    For exam ple, calls can be received at the local call through a VDN that has the 
    return d estination administered. These  calls will b e delivered to an agent on the 
    local switch. If the local agent transfers the call to a remote destination (because 
    the caller needed to talk to an agent on the remote switch), the call will return to 
    the Return Destination after the remote switch drops the call. The remote switch 
    agent must inform the caller to remain on the line after they are finished and the 
    remote agent just needs to disc onnect from the call (hang up).
    The Return Destination for this scenario should include an announcement 
    vector command at the beginning to inform the caller to disc onnect from the call, 
    if they do not want to be reconnected to an agent on the local switch. A samp le 
    Return Destination vector will be as follows:
    Figure C-3. Sample Return Destination Vector with 
    1. announcement 1004 (Please remain on the line, if you want 
         to talk a to another representative)
    2. queue-to main split 101 pri m 
    3. announcement 1005 (All our representatives are busy, 
         please wait)
    4. wait-time 60 secs hearing silence
    5. goto step 3 if unconditionally 
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