Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-2Issue 4 September 1995 Converse Call Placement The first action taken by the c onverse-on step is to deliver the call to the converse sp lit. Ringback tone is not heard by the caller. Any audible feedback supplied by vector processing remains until the VRU answers the call and all d i gits (if administered) have been outpulsed to the VRU. Vector processing is suspended. Callers remain in any nonconverse split q ueues, and they retain their position in queue while the converse session is active. If a Call Promp ting TN744 TTR is allocated to the call, the TTR is released. Any dial-ahead digits are discarded. However, any digits collected prior to the converse-on step are kept. Calls to busy converse splits are allowed to queue. The priority of the call in queue is administrable within the converse-on step. Again, any audible feedback supplied by vector processing continues until the call is answered by the VRU and any data is outpulsed. Calls to busy converse splits have either no queue or a full queue fail. For this scenario, a vector event is logg e d, and vector processing continues at the next vector step. Whenever a converse-on step places a call to an auto-available split whose agents are all logged out, the call is not q ueued. Instead, the c onverse-on step fails, a vector event is logg e d, and vector p rocessing continues at the next vector step. NOTE: Usually, this scenario occurs whenever the Voice Response Unit (VRU) goes down, the p orts are members of an Auto-Available Split (AAS) and the Redirection on No Answer (RONA) feature has taken all the p orts out of service. The originator’s display is not changed by the terminating or answering of a converse call. Also, whenever a call is delivered to a display station via a converse-on step, the station displays the following information: ‘‘Originator Name to VDN Name.’’ Conventional Call Vectoring rules for Override are in effect. Valid destinations for converse calls must b e vector-controlled and include the following: — Hunt groups — ACD (including Auto-Available) splits — Agent (including Auto-Available) skill groups — AUDIX hunt groups. Undefined and nonvector-controlled hunt group, sp lit or skill numb ers are rejected at administration time.

Data Passin g Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 H-3 Any attempt to remove a hunt group, split or skill administered within a converse- on vector ste p is denied until the vector has been changed. Also, any attemp t to make a hunt group, s plit, or skill nonvector-controlled is denied if the hunt group, split, or skill is called by a converse-on step. Data Passing NOTE: This phase is optional and is in effect only if the application calls for DEFINITY to pass information in-band to the VRU. The converse-on step may outpulse up to two groups of digits to the VRU. Two sets of d igits are available for outpulsing. The digits can serve two major purposes, as follows: nNotify the VRU of the a p plication to be executed nShare call-related d ata, such as ANI (BN) or caller digits collected by DEFI NI TY In many applications both a p plication selection and data sharing are required. Since in many cases the d igit strings are of variable length, DEFI NI TY always appends a pound sign (#) to the end of each digit string. Promp t and collect steps in the VRU script must therefore always be administered to expect the pound sign (#) as the end-of-string symbol and to include the pound sign in the d i git count. Sending the pound sign (#) prevents excessive delays and other problems caused by digit timeouts. The complete outpulse sequence is summarized as follows: 1. VRU answers the call 2. Delay for the time administered in the ‘‘Converse first data delay’’ field in the System Parameters-Features form occurs 3. < data_1> is outpulsed 4. ‘‘#’’ is outp ulsed 5. Delay for the time administered in the ‘‘Converse second data delay’’ field in the System Parameters-Features form occurs 6. < data_2> is outpulsed 7. ‘‘#’’ is outp ulsed

Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-4Issue 4 September 1995 NOTE: DTMF tones (digits) with a length of 350_msec and with an interdigit pause of 100_msec are currently outpulsed by DEFI NI TY. This results in a rate of approximately 2.2 digits p er second. Any audible feedback supplied by DEFINITY i s disconnected only after the outpulse sequence is completed. Also, any touch-tone dialing by the calling party during the data passing phase does not result in data corruption. The following values may be administered for < data_1> and within the converse-on command: nAdministered digit string: This string can contain up to six characters consisting of one or more digits (0 through 9) or asterisks (*). The pound sign (#) may not be included in a digit string because it is reserved as the end-of-string character. However, a single ‘‘#’’ may be a dministered. nani: If the call is a local call or an incoming DCS call, this data type causes the extension of the calling party to be outpulsed. If the call is an incoming ISDN PRI call with ANI (BN) provided to DEFINITY , t h e calling party number/billing numb er (CPN/BN) of the calling party is outpulsed to the voice information system. If there is no ANI (BN) to send, the end-of- string pound sign (#) is the only character outpulsed. Any other typ e of incoming call results in ‘‘#’’ being outpulsed. nvdn: This data type causes the VDN extension to be outpulsed. In cases where multiple VDNs are a c cessed, normal VDN override rules d etermine which VDN extension is outpulsed. ndigits: This data type can b e used only if Call Promp ting is op tioned, and it c auses the most recent set of digits collected in vector processing to b e outpulsed. If no digits are available, the end-of-string p ound sign (#) is the only character outpulsed. nqpos: This d ata type causes the value of the queue position of a call in a nonconverse split to be outpulsed. This value is a variable length data item from which between one and three digits can be outpulsed. Valid ranges for the value are 1 through 200 in G3iV2, G3sV2, and G3vsV2 and 1 through 999 in G3rV2. If the call is not queued, the end-of-string pound sign (#) is the only character outpulsed. NOTE: The use of this keyword is not recommended with multiple split queuing because any queue position value sent may not be meaningful. However, if the call is queued to multiple nonconverse splits, the value of the caller’s queue position in the first nonconverse split is sent. This data may b e used b y the voice information system to inform callers of their position in queue or to decide whether to execute a long or short version of a voice response script.

Data Passin g Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 H-5 nwait: This data type sends the expected wait time for a call in vector processing that is queued to at least one sp lit. It is a value from 0 to 9999 seconds. If the call is not queued, or is queued only to sp lits with no working agents, only the # is outpulsed. n‘‘#’’: This is the only character outpulse d. Outpulsing this character causes the corresponding prompt and collect command in the voice response script to be skipped. n‘‘none’’: This data type causes no characters to be outpulsed. Also, no end-of-string pound character (#) is outpulsed, and no time delays are invoked. DEFI NI TY always outp ulses a pound c haracter (#) at the end of each digit string. Where ‘‘#’’ is administered, or where the ‘‘digits’’ keyword is administered and the last digit collected from the caller is ‘‘#,’’ only one ‘‘#’’ is outp ulsed. No ‘‘#’’ is outpulsed when the keyword ‘‘none’’ is administered. If is a dministered as ‘‘none,’’ < data_2> must also be ‘‘none.’’ Any data to b e p assed to the VRU from DEFINITY is outpulsed in-b and. Two time delays on the System Parameter-Features form (‘‘Converse first data delay’’ and ‘‘Converse second data delay’’) are administrable by customers. These delays may range from 0 through 9 seconds, with a default of zero seconds for the converse first data delay and a default of two seconds for the converse second data delay. The delays may be needed to give the VRU time to invoke an application and allocate a touch-tone receiver to receive the passed digits. If is not ‘‘none,’’ the converse first data delay timer starts when the call is answered by the VRU. Once the timer expires, the data_1 digits are outpulsed in-band to the VRU, followed by the end-of-string pound sign (#). If is not ‘‘none,’’ the converse second data delay timer starts when the end-of-string p ound sign (#) from the first digit string is outpulsed. Once the timer expires, the data_2 d i gits are outpulsed in-band to the VRU, followed b y the end-of-string pound sign (#). No time delays are invoked when the keyword ‘‘none’’ is administered. NOTE: The outpulsing of digits is not heard by the caller. If the VRU hangs up during the data passing phase, DEFINITY will log a vector event, reactivate vector processing at the next vector step, and ensure the VRU port is accessible for future calls. Once all digits have been passed to the VRU, any audible feedback is disconnected. NOTE: At this point, control has effectively been passed to the VRU.

Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-6Issue 4 September 1995 To ensure the robust operation of the VRU data passing operation, be sure to implement the following recommendations: nInclude the prompt and collect command in the VRU script for each data field passed in the converse-on step. nAdminister each p rompt and collect command to recognize the ‘‘#’’ character as the end-of-string character. nEnsure the number of d i gits expected is one greater than the numb er of d i gits passe d to allow for the ‘‘#’’ character, which terminates every converse data field. Also, ensure no announcement is played in these prompt and collect steps. nEnsure the first d igit timeout in the p rompt and collect ste ps is five seconds greater than the corresponding converse data delay. (For example, if the c onverse-on step p asses two data fields, and if the converse first data delay is 0 secs and the converse second d ata delay is 4 secs, the first d i git timeouts for the two prompt and collect commands should be at least 5 and 9 seconds, respectively.) nEnsure the interdigit timeout in the prompt and collect ste ps is at least five seconds. nAdminister the converse first d ata delay to give a VRU under a heavy load sufficient time to allocate a DTMF touch-tone receiver after answering the call. nAdminister the converse second data d elay to give a VRU under a heavy load sufficient time to comp lete any tasks between the first and second prompt and collect command. (For examp le, the VRU can invoke a new application if the first data field passed is used to identify the application script to be executed.) nIn g eneral, for converse-on ste ps p ass data to the VRU, ensure the VRU script does not execute any commands between the time the call is answered and the time when the first p rompt and collect command is executed. VRU Data Collection When d i gits are passed from DEFINITY to the VRU, the first VRU script commands executed are answer phone and p rompt and collect. No announcement is programme d for the promp t and collect command, and the pound sign (#) is programmed as the end-of-string sign. If two sets of digits (that is, < data_1> and ) are passed by DEFINITY, there will be two promp t and collect commands on the VRU to receive them. If the first digit string ( < data_1>) passed to the VRU is for application selection, the CONVERSANT Script Builder exec command invokes the a p propriate script. If a second digit string () is also used to pass an argument to this

Script Execution Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 H-7 selected application, the first command in the exec’ed script is a prompt and collect command with no announcement promp t programmed and with the pound sign (#) programmed as the end-of-string character. The ‘‘Converse second data delay’’ is used to give the VRU time to invoke the selected application before the < data_2> digit string is outpulsed. The a p plication developer should ensure the administered converse first data delay and converse second data delay timers allow sufficient time for the VRU to successfully collect all outpulsed d i gits, even during periods of heavy call volume. Loss of d i gits from < data_2> is an indication the converse second data delay timer needs to be increased. Script Execution During script execution, digits input by the calling party in response to prompt and collect commands are collected by the VRU but are not collected by DEFI NI TY a s d ial-ahead d i gits. Also, audible feedback is determined by the VR U . If an agent from a nonconverse split becomes available to service the call while the VRU script is being executed, the VRU port is dropped from the call, and the caller is immediately connected to the agent. Any digits collected prior to executing the converse-on step are still available and may be displayed using the CALLR-INFO button. The entire call is dropped if the caller abandons during the execution of a converse-on step. Data Return This phase is optional and is in effect only if the application calls for the VRU to return information to DEFINITY b efore returning control to vector processing. Digits returned by the VRU are treate d as dial-ahead digits. The rules for collecting and processing VRU-returned digits are identical to those for collecting and processing Call Prompting digits (see Chapter 5, Call Promp ting). VRU data return is done in a manner similar to an analog transfer. Sp e cifically, the VRU d oes an analog switchhook flash, outpulses DTMF digits, and then hangs up. If converse data is returned, the DTMF digits comprise two parts. The first sequence of digits is the converse data return feature access code administered on the DEFI NI TY Feature-Access-Codes form. The second sequence of digits is the sequence to be passed by the VRU. These d i gits are collected later during vector processing.

Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-8Issue 4 September 1995 The CONVERSANT VRU offers a built-in external function called ‘‘converse_data.’’ This function allows a p plications developers to perform this operation in a convenient and robust fashion. To ensure the robust operation of the VRU d ata return o peration, b e sure to follow these recommendations: nSet the analog flash timing to 600 msecs nEnsure DTMF tones last at least 70 msec nEnsure interdigit pauses last at least 50 msec n(CONVERSANT only) Use the ‘‘converse_d ata’’ external function to return data to DEFINITY For ap plications involving VRUs other than CONVERSANT VRUs, b e sure to follow these recommendations: nAfter the flash, ensure the VRU p erforms dialtone d etection (stutter dialtone) for five seconds before outp ulsing the converse data return feature access code. nIf no dialtone is received before the timeout, ensure the VRU does two more retries of the analog flash. Also, if no dialtone is detected after two retries, ensure the VRU logs an error. nWhenever dialtone is detected, ensure the digits of the converse data return feature access code are outpulsed. nAfter the converse data return feature a c cess c o de is outp ulsed, ensure the VRU p erforms dialtone d etection (steady dialtone) again for five seconds before outpulsing the returned digits. If no dialtone is detected, ensure an error is logged by the VRU. nWhenever dialtone is detected, ensure the VRU digits are outpulsed and the line to DEFINITY is dropped. The TN744 Call Classifiers required by the Call Prompting feature are not required for returning digits in-band from the VRU to DEFINITY. Instead, general purpose TTR b oards (TN748s) are used. As long as dial-ahead digits are available, any c ollect digits steps following a converse-on step do not require a TN744 to be allocated to the call. If no g eneral purpose TTRs are immediately available, and if the call q ueues for a TTR, no d ial tone is provided. For this sc enario, the VRU does not outpulse any d i gits until a TTR is available and dial tone is provided. If there are no general purpose TTRs available on DEFI NIT Y, a n d if there is no space in the TTR queue, the operation fails. Usually, the VRU logs an error and then quits, and vector processing continues at the next vector step. Existing system measurements reports inform customers when the system is configured with an insufficient number of TTRs.

Script Completion Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 H-9 The ‘‘Converse Data Return Code’’ can be followed by a maximum of 24 digits. The VRU touch-tones the code and the digits in-band. However, the c o de and the digits are not heard by the caller. The di gits are stored in DEFINITY as Call Promp ting dial-ahead digits. If ‘‘x’’ d igits are collected by vector processing before the converse-on step is executed, the maximum number of d i gits that can be returned is reduced to ‘‘24-x.’’ Any add itional d i gits returned by the VRU are discarded. The data return is completed once the VRU hangs up. The d i git string returned by the VRU can consist of the digits (0 through 9) and pound signs (#). The pound sign (#) is interpreted by the collect digits ste p as an end-of-string character. If the digit string being returned is of variable length, the VRU can terminate the string with a pound sign (#) to avoid the ten second timeout delay that occurs when the digits are collected. If the digit string being returned is ‘‘multi-part’’ (that is, to be collected by multiple c ollect digits steps), and if some of the parts are of variable length, the pound sign (#) can b e used to terminate each of the variable length parts. NOTE: An asterisk (*) may be included as part of the converse data return c o de. However, since the asterisk is interpreted as a ‘‘delete’’ character by DEFINITY, it makes little sense to use it as a returned digit. If it is used as such, all characters returned prior to the asterisk are discarded. During the data return p hase, the caller is temporarily put on hold. Music-on- hold, if administered, is suppressed. Since the caller hears silence during this phase, feedback should be provided to the caller as soon as possible after the converse-on step is executed. Any touch-tone d igits d ialed b y the calling party during the data return p hase are discarded. These digits d o not c ause data corruption, and they are not collected as dial-ahead digits by DEFINITY. If an interdigit timeout occurs during the data return phase, the switch logs a vector event, keeps the digits already returned, drops the VRU, and reactivates vector processing at the next vector step. If the timeout o c curs b efore the converse data return code is returned, the operation is the same except that no discarded digits will be available. Script Completion The VRU sc rip t returns control to vector processing on DEFI NI TY b y si m p ly hanging up the line. In cases where no data is returned to DEFINITY, this is done usually by executing the quit command. In cases where data is returned, this occurs whenever the VRU hangs up on completion of the VRU data return operation.

Detailed Call Flow for Converse—VRI Calls H-10Issue 4 September 1995 The last set of d i gits collected before the converse-on split step is executed is still available and may be displayed by an answering agent on the nonconverse split by using the CALLR-INFO b utton. A VRU sc ript c an b e p rogrammed to continue running after hanging up the voice line. This after-call work is usually very short, and it may involve either a final message to a host or a final update to a local database. For this scenario, the VRU port (c hannel) is still associated with the running script even though there is no longer a voice connection. From DEFINITY’s point of view, the agent (port) is available for the next call. If a call is delivered to this port, the VRU does not answer the call until the previous script has comp leted. As long as the VRU script’s after call work is short in duration, this p oses no significant problem for the VRI feature. However, high volume VRI a p plications with lengthy after call work periods should be avoid e d, especially if such p eriods are so lengthy they approach the administered timeout period on DEFINITY for the Redirection on No Answer (RONA) feature. In such a case, RONA might think the VRU p orts are faulty and might therefore start to take these ports out of service. DEFINITY Switch Data Collection NOTE: This phase is in effect only if the VRU returns information to DEFINITY . Once the VRU script has completed and vector processing is reactivated, the returned digits are collected and processed by vector commands in the usual manner. Since the digits must be collected by a collect digits command, data may be returned and processed only if the Call Prompting option is enabled. The data returned can consist of multiple parts. For example, the VRU could return a stream of seven digits in which a single digit success/fail code is followed by a six-digit account code. For this scenario, the converse-on step would be followed by a sequence of vector steps including two collect digits steps. The first c ollect digits step would collect one d i git and then chec k the result code; the second collect digits step would collect the six-d igit account code. Any touch-tone d igits d ialed b y the calling party during the d ata collection phase are discarded, do not cause data c orruption, and are not collected as dial-ahead d i gits b y DEFINITY.

DEFI NI TY Switch Data Collection Issue 4 September 1995 H-11 If VRU data is returned, the calling party is able to touch-tone a resp onse to a DEFI NI TY prompt only after the data collection phase is comp leted and another collect digits step is executed. This is true because each executed c ollect digits step does not allocate a TTR when dial-ahead digits are present. Since VRU- returned digits are treated as dial-ahead digits, a TTR is attached to the call only after all returned digits are collected and another collect digits ste p is encountered. Only at this point can the caller hear an announcement for the collect digits command and successfully enter digits.