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ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual

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    of 458
    							Basic Call Vectoring
    4-4Issue  4 September 1995
    Delay Announcements
    Here is an example of a delay announcement:
    Figure 4-1. Delay Announcement
    If the caller does as suggested but ends up waiting an a ppreciable amount of 
    time without receiving further feedback, he or she may tire of waiting and hang 
    up.  To keep the caller on the p hone at least a little longer, a supplementary d elay 
    announcement similar to the one following might be used:
    Figure 4-2. Supplementary Delay Announcement
    A d elay announcement is usually coupled with a delay ste p, which is p rovided by 
    wait-time command (discussed later).
    The customer should incorporate as many supplementary d elay announcements 
    as he or she deems necessary, given the resourc es available.
    Forced Announcements
    There are times when the customer may find it advantageous to have the agents 
    not answer calls.  Usually, this option is exercised whenever the customer 
    anticipates a barrage of calls concerning an emergency or a service problem of 
    which the customer is already aware.  Accordingly, the customer can incorporate 
    an appropriate announcement as the very first step in the vector.  Such an 
    announcement is referred to as a 
    forced announcement.  Here’s an examp le.
    Figure 4-3. Forced Announcement
          announcement 2556 (‘‘All our agents are busy.
          Please hold.’’)
          announcement 2557 (‘‘Thanks for holding.  All
          our agents are still busy.  Please hold.’’)
          announcement 1050 (‘‘We are aware of the current
          situation and are working to rectify the problem.  If your
          call is not urgent, please call back later.’’) 
    							Functions and Examples
    Issue  4 September 1995
    Information Announcements
    Under certain circumstances, the customer may find it necessary to provide the 
    caller with recorded information that, by its very content, resolves a problem with 
    such finality that the caller feels no need to follow up on his or her call.  Such a 
    recorded message is referred to as an 
    information announcement.  An example 
    Figure 4-4. Information Announcement
    Note that the 
    disconnect command is used with the announcement. After the 
    announcement, the caller is disconnected, since he or she need not stay on the 
    line any longer.
    Delays with Audible Feedback
    In presenting an example of a delay announcement earlier in this chapter, we 
    mentioned that this type of announcement is usually coupled with a delay ste p.  
    A delay step is provided by the 
    wait-time command, which allows the caller to 
    remain on hold for at least the number of seconds indicated in the command.
    Let’s take another look at our delay announcement.  However, this time, let’s 
    couple the announcement with a delay step:
    Figure 4-5. Delay with Audible Feedback
    Here, the caller is allowed to wait at least 20 seconds for the call to be answered 
    by an agent.  During this wait period, the caller is provid e d with system music, 
    which is one ty pe of feed b ack available via the 
    wait-time command.
    If the d elay step is the final effective step in the vector, the aud i ble feed back 
    continues beyond the specified duration. (A “final effective step” in a vector is 
    either the last vector step or a vector step that is followed by a 
    stop step.) Under 
    normal circumstances, the audible feed back continues until the call is either 
    answered or abandoned. However, if the call is not q ueued when vector 
          disconnect after announcement 2918 (‘‘Today has
          been declared a snow day.  Please report for work tomorrow
          at 8 A.M.’’)
          announcement 2556 (‘‘All of our agents are busy.
          Please hold.’’)
          wait-time 20 seconds hearing music 
    							Basic Call Vectoring
    4-6Issue  4 September 1995
    processing stops, the call is dropped. Feed back also continues while a call is 
    queued to a converse split, that is, any split routed to by a converse-on split 
    command, an d while data is being passed to a Voice Response Unit (VRU) (see 
    the Voice Response Scripts section later in this chapter). Finally, feedback also 
    continues during the wait period before the connection of an announcement 
    and/or a Touch-Tone Receiver (TTR). (TTRs are used in conjunction with the Call 
    Promp ting feature and are discussed in Chapter 5.)
    Multiple Audio or Music Sources
    With G3V4 a n d later releases, you can specify an alternative audio or music 
    source for a ve ctor 
    wait-time step. This alternative source can be any extension 
    number that is administered on the Announcements/Audio Sources form. For 
    instructions for entering an audio or music source on this form see 
    DE FI NITY  
    Communication System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation
    , 555-230-655 or 
    DEFI NI TY Com munication System Generic 3 V2/V3 Imp lementation, 
    With the Multiple Audio/Music Sources feature, you can tailor the 
    feed b ack to the interests, tastes, or requirements of the audience. You can 
    provide specific types of music or music with overlays of advertising that relate to 
    the service provided by the splits or skills that the vector serves. Or, additional 
    advertising messages can be heard  by the caller as they wait for an available 
    Let’s look again at our d elay announcement. However, this time let’s assign an 
    alternate audio/music source to the 
    wait-time ste p.
    Figure 4-6. Delay with Multiple Audio/Music Source Feedback
    When the wait-time step is encountered, the caller is connected to extension 
    55558 for 20 seconds. At the end of 20 seconds the next vector step is executed. 
    The “then” option in the wait-time step specifies what the caller will hear if the 
    caller cannot b e connected to the sp ecified source. Or, when the call is waiting in 
    queue, the “then” option specifies what the call will hear if the call is not 
    answered in 20 seconds. In this example, if the call is not answered in 20 
    seconds, the caller will hear system music until a subsequent 
    busy, collect, converse-on, disconnect 
    or wait-time step is encountered.
    You c a n specify 
    music (system music), ringback, silence, or continue for the 
    “then” option. When continue is specified, the caller continues to hear the 
          announcement 2556 (‘‘All of our agents are busy.
          Please hold.’’)
          wait-time 20 seconds hearing 55558 then music 
    							Functions and Examples
    Issue  4 September 1995
    alternative audio or music  source until it is replaced by a subsequent vector step 
    regardless of the time specified in the 
    wait-time step.
    Busy Tone
    A busy tone and subsequent termination of vector processing are produced via 
    b usy command. An exception to this occurs on CO trunks where answer 
    supervision has not been sent. Callers on such trunks do not hear the busy tone 
    from the switch. Instead, these callers continue to hear rin g back from the CO. 
    busy command eventually times out and drops the call after 45 seconds. 
    With ISDN PRI, b usy tone can be provided from the network switch.
    The customer usually forces a busy tone to process a call that arrives at a time 
    when there is a large numb er of calls queued in the main split, or when the call 
    center is out of service or closed.
    The following vector illustrates how you can use the 
    b usy command:
    Figure 4-7. Providing Busy Tone
    In this vector, the 
    g oto step command in Step 1 sends c all c ontrol to busy in Step 
    6 if the conditions in the former command are met.  Specifically, if the number of 
    calls queued at a high priority is greater than 30, the 
    b usy command is 
    The customer can opt to have a call disconnected by incorporating the 
    disconnect command. However, the customer should use good judgement in 
    this regard lest he or she unnecessarily infuriate the caller. Also, as a courtesy to 
    the caller, an announcement should be given to the caller before he or she is 
    disconnected under any circumstances.
          1. goto step 6 if calls-queued in split 1 pri h > 30
          2. queue-to main split 1 pri h
          3. announcement 4000
          4. wait-time 2 seconds hearing music
          5. stop
          6. busy 
    							Basic Call Vectoring
    4-8Issue  4 September 1995
    The disconnect command itself has a b uilt-in announcement option. We saw an 
    example of the command when we were discussing information announcements 
    earlier in this chapter.  Here’s the example again:
    Figure 4-8. Disconnecting a Call
    This example presents an ideal use of the 
    disconnect command. The caller is 
    given record ed information that, b y its very content, resolves a problem with such 
    finality that the caller feels no need to follow up on his or her call.
    Voice Response Scripts
    Voice Response Integration (VRI) is designed to enhance the integration of 
    AT&T’s DEFINITY  call center systems an d to integrate DEFINITY  Ca ll Vectoring 
    with the capabilities of voice response units (VRUs), particularly AT&T’s 
    CONVERSANT Voice Information System.
    VRI can do the following:
    nExecute a VRU script while retaining control of the call in DEFINITY  vector 
    nExecute a VRU script while the call remains in the split queue and retains 
    its p osition in the queue.
    nPool CONVERSANT ports for multiple ap plications (which previously was 
    possible only when ASAI was present.)
    nUse a VRU as a flexible external announcement device.
    nPass data between the DEFINITY switch and a VRU.
    nTandem VRU d ata through the DEFINITY  switch to an ASAI host.
    The c a pabilities in the previous list are provid e d by the 
    converse-on sp lit 
    command, which is an enhancement to the Basic Call Vectoring customer 
    option. The 
    converse-on split Call Vectoring ste p is specifically designed to 
    integrate a VRU with the DEFINITY  A ut om ati c  Call Distribution (ACD). VRI allows 
    VRU capabilities to be used while keeping control of the call in the DEFI NI TY 
    ACD. The inclusion of VRUs with vector processing provides the following 
    nAccess to local and host databases.
    nValidation of  caller information.
          disconnect after announcement 2918 (‘‘Today has
          been declared a snow day.  Please report for work tomorrow
          at 8 P.M.’’) 
    							Functions and Examples
    Issue  4 September 1995
    nText to speech capabilities.
    nSpeech recognition.
    nIncreased recorded announcement c a pacity.
    nAudiotex a p plications.
    nInteractive Voice Response (IVR) a p plications.
    nTransaction processing applications.
    One of the advanta ges of VRI is that it allows users to make more productive use 
    of queuing time. For example, while the call is waiting in queue, the caller can 
    listen to product information by using an audiotex application or by comp leting 
    an interactive voice response transaction. In some cases, it may even be 
    possible to resolve the customer’s questions while the call is in queue.  This can 
    help reduce the queuing time for all other callers during peak intervals.
    In a ddition, when Advanced Vector Routing is enabled, the Expected Wait Time 
    for a call can be passed to the VRU. In this way, the caller c an be told how much 
    longer they can expect to wait before their call will be answered. See Expected 
    Wait Time (EWT) on p a ge 6-2 for a comp lete description of the EWT feature.
    During the execution of a VRU script, if the caller previously queued to an ACD 
    split, the caller retains his/her position in queue. If an agent on the DEFI NI TY 
    switch becomes available to service the call, the line to the VRU is imme diately 
    dropped, and the calling party is connected to the available agent.
    Here’s an example of a vector that can access voice response scripts from a 
    VR U .
    Recall from Chapter 1 that one or more VDNs can access the same vector.  
    This c a pability is appropriate for the following example.
    Figure 4-9. Accessing Voice Response Scripts
    VDN (extension=1040   name=‘‘car loans’’     vector=40)
    VDN (extension=1041   name=‘‘equity loans’’  vector=40)
    Vector 40
         1. goto step 10 if calls-queued in split 1 pri h > 30
         2. queue-to main split 1 pri h
         3. announcement 4000
         4. goto step 7 if calls-queued in split 1 pri h < 5
         5. wait-time 0 seconds hearing music
         6. converse-on split 11 pri h passing vdn and none
         7. wait-time 20 seconds hearing music
         8. announcement 4001
         9. goto step 7 if unconditionally
        10. busy 
    							Basic Call Vectoring
    4-10Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    For this example, let’s suppose first that a caller would like to hear information 
    concerning car loans. Let’s also assume the call is queued to split 1 (Step 2) and 
    that vector processing proceeds to Step 6. In such a case, the 
    c onverse-on split 
    command in this step delivers the call to the converse sp lit if there is a queue for 
    the split and the queue is not full, or if a VRU port is available. (Otherwise, vector 
    processing continues at the next vector step.) When the VRU port responds, the 
    step then outpulses VDN 1040 to the VRU via the 
    p assing vdn p arameter 
    included in the command. In turn, the VRU executes the “car loans”  voice 
    response script for the caller. Note that it is imp ortant to provide a feedback step 
    prior to the converse-on step in case there is a d elay in reaching an available 
    converse sp lit port. In this example ste p 5 provides music for this purpose.
    Now, let’s suppose another caller wants information concerning equity loans. In 
    such a case, if everything proceeds according to form, VDN 1041 is outpulsed to 
    the VRU, which in turn executes the ‘‘equity loan’’ voice response script for the 
    In either case, while interaction with the VRU is taking place, the call remains in 
    the appropriate split’s queue (split 1 in this example).  If an agent answers the 
    call while the voice resp onse script is being executed, the voice response script 
    is interrupted, the line to the VRU is dropped, and the caller is connected to the 
    available agent. Once a voice response script starts, no further vector steps are 
    executed until the voice response sc ript is completed.
    Refer to Appendix H for a detailed explanation of the call flow for 
    converse—VRI calls.
    Besides VDN extensions, the 
    converse-on sp lit command can outpulse to the 
    VRU calling party extensions, collected (inputted) caller d igits (if Call Promp ting 
    is enabled), Exp ected Wait Time (if Advanced Vector Routing is enabled) call 
    queue positions, a string of a maximum of six digits or asterisks, a pound sign 
    (#), or nothing. Further d etails are included in Chapter 5, Call Promp ting, 
    Chapter 6, Advanced Vector Routing  and  in  Ap pendix  A, Call Vectoring 
    Command s.
    In the previous example, the c alls-queued condition in the second goto 
    step (Step  4) in effect serves as a checkpoint for determining whether or 
    not there is enough time for the voice response script (activated by the 
    converse-on step) to be executed. Specifically, if five or more calls are 
    queued to split 1, it is considered feasible to execute the voice response 
    Routing Calls
    Basic Call Vectoring offers several means of routing telephone calls, as follows:
    nQueuing calls to ACD splits 
    							Functions and Examples
    Issue  4 September 1995
    nLeaving recorded messages
    nSending c alls to a vector-programmed number (that represents an internal 
    or external d estination)
    nRouting calls to a Feature Access Code that will activate Service 
    nAdjunct Routin g
    The following sections discuss these routing procedures (except for adjunct 
    routing, which is fully described in Chapter 9).
    Queuing Calls to ACD Splits
    Calls that come into the Call Vectoring system can be queued to a maximum of 
    three ACD splits.  Two commands are used to queue calls to splits.
    queue-to main split command queues a call unconditionally. The command  
    sends a call to a split and assigns a queuing priority level to the call in case all 
    agents are busy.
    check-backup split command conditionally checks the status of a split for 
    possible termination of the call to that split. The command either connects the 
    call to an agent in the split or puts the call into the split’s queue (at the specified 
    priority level) if the condition specified as part of the command is met.
    Multiple Split Queuing
    The term multiple split queuing refers to the q ueuing of a call to more than one 
    split at the same time. The following vector helps to illustrate this process.
    Figure 4-10. Multiple Split Queuing
    To avoid completing vector processing without queuing the call to a split, it is 
    always good practice to check a split’s queue before queuing to that sp lit.  If the 
    queue is full, alternate treatment (such as queuing to an alternate split) should b e 
    provided. In this vector, if the main split’s queue (which has 10 queue slots) is 
    full, the 
    goto ste p command in Step 1 skips the main split and goes directly to 
          1. goto step 4 if calls-queued in split 1 pri l >= 10
          2. queue-to main split 1 pri t
    3. wait-time 12 seconds hearing ringback
    4. check-backup split 2 pri m if calls-queued < 5
    5. check-backup split 3 pri m if calls-queued < 5
    6. announcement 3001
    7. wait-time 50 secs hearing music
    8. goto step 4 if unconditionally 
    							Basic Call Vectoring
    4-12Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    step 4 to check the backup sp lits. Although calls are queued in Step 2 at a top 
    priority, a low priority is specified in step 1 so that calls in queue at all priority 
    levels are counted. If there are 10 or fewer calls in the main split, control is 
    passed to Step 2, where the 
    q ueue-to main split command queues the call to 
    split 1. Once the call is queued, vector processing continues at the next step. 
    Step 4 c ontains a 
    c heck-backup split  command.  (Recall that in the last 
    paragraph we mention that this step is branched to if the main split queue is 
    holding 10 or more calls.)  If the call is not answered by the time Step 4 is 
    reached, the 
    c heck-backup split in the step attempts to queue the call to a 
    second split.  Specifically, the command first d etermines whether there are fewer 
    than 5 calls queued  to sp lit 2.  If so, the command then attempts to connect the 
    call to an agent in the split. If such a connection cannot be ma de, the command 
    puts the call into the split’s queue (at the specified priority level). Vector 
    processing then continues at the next ste p. On the other hand, if there are 5 or 
    more calls queued to split 2, the command fails, and vector processing 
    continues at Step 5.
    Step 5 c ontains another 
    c heck-backup sp lit  command and, accordingly, the 
    process described in the previous paragraph is repeated, with one difference: 
    the queuing attempt is made to split 3 instead of to sp lit 2. 
    Except for the condition check, the circumstances under which the 
    backup split
     command cannot queue a call are i dentical to those for the q ueue-
    to main split
    Finally, note that whenever a call is queued to a backup split, the call remains 
    queued to the main split and/or to another backup split (if already queued to 
    either or b oth of these splits). Once the call is answered in a split to which it is 
    queued, the call is automatically removed from all the other split(s) to which it is 
    also queued.
    The check-backup split, q ueue-to main sp lit, and converse-on c ommands 
    can access 
    only those splits that are “vector-controlled.” A split is 
    considered “vector-controlled” if 
    yes is entered in the Vector field of the 
    Hunt Group Administration Screen. 
    							Functions and Examples
    Issue  4 September 1995
    Leaving Recorded Messages
    Basic Call Vectoring allows the caller to leave a message for the customer if the 
    agents at the customer site are not available to take telephone c alls.  This is done 
    with the help of the 
    messaging split command. Let’s take a look at an example.
    Figure 4-11. Leaving Recorded Message
    In this vector, the 
    goto step command in Step 1 checks to see if the office is 
    open, and branches to Step 8 if the office is closed.  This is done to 
    accommodate calls that are made during non-working hours, when there are no 
    agents available to take telephone calls. Accordingly, Step 8 provides the caller 
    with an appropriate announcement and an opportunity to leave a record ed 
    Step 2 checks to see if split 47’s queue (which has 20 queue slots) is full, and 
    branches to ste p 10 if it is. Ste ps 3 to 7 queue the call to sp lit 47 and then give 
    audible feedback to the caller.
    If the caller chooses to leave a message, the 
    messaging split command in Step 
    11 is executed. Sp lit 18 in the command is the Audio Information Exchange 
    (AUDIX) split.  AUDIX is a voice mail adjunct that allows a customer to record, 
    edit, store, forward, and retrieve voice messages to and/or from callers.  
    Extension 2000 is the mailbox for sp lit 47 (from Step 2), which represents a group 
    of daytime agents.
    Upon execution of the 
    messaging s plit command, an attempt is made to connect 
    the caller to AUDIX so he or she can leave a recorded message. If the split 
    queue is full, or if the AUDIX link is d own, termination to AUDIX is unsuccessful, 
    and vector processing continues at the next vector step, which (as is the case 
          1. goto step 8 if time-of-day is all 16:30 to all 7:30
          2. goto step 10 if calls-queued in split 47 pri l >= 20
          3. queue-to main split 47 pri m
    4. wait-time 12 secs hearing ringback
    5. announcement 4001
          6. wait-time 60 secs hearing music
    7. goto step 5 if unconditionally
    8. announcement 4111(‘‘We’re sorry, our office
             is closed.  If you’d like to leave a message, please
             do so after the tone.  Otherwise, please call back
             weekdays between 7:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.  Thank you.’’)
    9. goto step 11 if unconditionally
    10. announcement 4222 (“We’re sorry, all of our agents are busy, 
    please leave a message after the tone and we will return your 
    11. messaging split 18 for extension 2000
         12. disconnect after announcement 4333 (‘‘We’re sorry, we are
             unable to take your message at this time.  Please
             call back at your convenience weekdays between
             7:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.  Thank you.’’) 
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