Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Looping Examp les Issue 4 September 1995 M-5 The example in Figure M-5 a d ds a delay so that the lookahead interflow attempt occurs only every 10 seconds. Figure M-5. Example Vector with Improved Performance The example in Figure M-6 increases performance even more by increasing the d elay between lookahead interflow attempts to 30 se conds. Figure M-6. Another Example Vector with Improved Performance Table M-2 c ompares the relative processing cost of the three examples by looking at the a pproximate number of vector steps executed while processing the call. Assump tion is that the announcement is 5 seconds long. When a call is queued for 5 minutes, the amount of vector steps drops d ramatically when a delay is a dd e d (Figure M-5), and drops even more when the length of the delay is increased (Figure M-6). When an agent in split 1 is imme diately available to answer the call, there is no difference in the amount of vector steps for the three examp les. Table M-2. Approximate Number of Vector Steps Executed for Lookahead Interflow Examples Example in Figure M-4Example in Figure M-5Example in Figure M-6 when a agent is available in s plit 1111 q ueueing time of 5 minutes up to 1,000 85 30 1. queue-to main split 1 pri l 2. announcement 3000 3. wait-time 20 seconds hearing music 4. route-to number 93035555555 cov n if unconditionally 5. wait-time 10 seconds hearing music 6. goto step 4 if unconditionally 1. queue-to main split 1 pri l 2. announcement 3000 3. wait-time 20 seconds hearing music 4. route-to number 93035555555 cov n if unconditionally 5. wait-time 30 seconds hearing music 6. goto step 4 if unconditionally

Improving Performance M-6Issue 4 September 1995 Check Backup Recommendation: When using check-backup commands to queue a call to backup splits, ensure that an adequate amount of time has elasped before checking the b ackup splits again. NOTE: With the introduction of the ‘Expected Time Wait Time’ feature in Generic 3 Version 4, the style of programming used in this example is no longer relevant. The best a p proach is to use the ‘Expected Time Wait’ feature to locate the most appropriate split for the call and queue it there. The example in Figure M-7 checks backup splits continuously as long as the call is in queue. Figure M-7. Example Vector The examp le in Figure M-8 adds a delay of 10 seconds to ensure that some time has elasped before checking the backup splits again. Figure M-8. Example Vector with Improved Performance 1. queue-to main split 1 pri h 2. announcement 3000 3. wait-time 10 seconds hearing music 4. check-backup split 21 pri m if available-agents > 0 5. check-backup split 22 pri m if available-agents > 0 6. check-backup split 23 pri m if available-agents > 0 7. check-backup split 24 pri m if available-agents > 0 8. check-backup split 25 pri m if available-agents > 0 9. goto step 4 if unconditionally 1. queue-to main split 1 pri h 2. announcement 3000 3. wait-time 30 seconds hearing music 4. check-backup split 21 pri m if available-agents > 0 5. check-backup split 22 pri m if available-agents > 0 6. check-backup split 23 pri m if available-agents > 0 7. check-backup split 24 pri m if available-agents > 0 8. check-backup split 25 pri m if available-agents > 0 9. wait-time 10 seconds hearing music 10. goto step 4 if unconditionally

Looping Examp les Issue 4 September 1995 M-7 Since the agent availability status may not be likely to change every 10 seconds, it may make sense to increase the wait time to 30 seconds, as shown in the example in Figure M-9. Figure M-9. Another Example Vector with Improved Performance Table M-2 compares the relative processing cost of the three examples by looking at the approximate number of vector steps executed while processing the call. Assumption is that the announcement is 5 seconds long. When a call is queued for 5 minutes, the amount of vector steps drops dramatically when a d elay is a dd e d before checking the backup splits again (Figure M-8), and drops even more when the length of the delay is increased again (Figure M-9). When an agent in sp lit 1 is immediately available to answer the call, there is no difference in the amount of vector steps for the three examples. Table M-3. Approximate Number of Vector Steps Executed for Check Backup Examples Example in Figure M-7Example in Figure M-8Example in Figure M-9 when a agent is available in split 1111 queueing time of 5 minutes up to 1,000 190 65 1. queue-to main split 1 pri h 2. announcement 3000 3. wait-time 30 seconds hearing music 4. check-backup split 21 pri m if available-agents > 0 5. check-backup split 22 pri m if available-agents > 0 6. check-backup split 23 pri m if available-agents > 0 7. check-backup split 24 pri m if available-agents > 0 8. check-backup split 25 pri m if available-agents > 0 9. wait-time 30 seconds hearing music 10. goto step 4 if unconditionally

Improving Performance M-8Issue 4 September 1995 Other Examples After Business Hours Recommendation: Test to see if the d estination resourc es are available (such as during business hours) before queuing. The example in Figure M-10 q ueues calls to a hunt group regardless of the time of the call. When the call is made after b usiness hours, the announcement is repeated until the caller hangs up. Figure M-10. Example Vector The example in Figure M-11 tests for business hours before queuing the call. If the call is made after business hours, an announcement informs the caller of the business hours and the call is terminated. Figure M-11. Example Vector with Improved Performance In the first example, unnecessary processing occurs when a call is queued after business hours and the call is terminated only when the caller hangs up. As shown in the second example, it is more economical to test for b usiness hours before queuing a call. 1. queue-to main split 1 2. announcement 5000 (“All agents are busy. Please hold.”) 3. wait-time 120 seconds hearing music 4. announcement 5001 (“All agents are still busy. Please continue to hold.”) 5. goto step 3 if unconditionally 1. goto step 7 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 8:00 2. queue-to main split 1 3. announcement 5000 (“All agents are busy. Please hold.”) 4. wait-time 120 seconds hearing music 5. announcement 5001 (“All agents are still busy. Please continue to hold.”) 6. goto step 4 if unconditionally 7. disconnect after announcement 5001 (“Business hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Please call back then.”)

Other Examples Issue 4 September 1995 M-9 Lookahead Interflows Recommendation: When using a lookahead interflow, first test to see if the receiving office is open for business. The scenario is a sending switch in Los Angeles, with office hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM (8:00-17:00) PST and the receiving switch is in New York, with office hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM EST (5:00-14:00 PST). There is a 3 hour d ifference between the two switches. The example in Figure M-12 routes calls to the New York switch. If there are no agents available at the Los An geles switch. It is possible for calls to be interflowed d uring hours that the agents in New York are not available, thus doing unnecessary processing. Figure M-12. Example Vector The example in Figure M-13 tests first to see if the New York switch is open before requesting a queue to the New York switch, thus avoiding unnecessary processing. Figure M-13. Example Vector with Improved Performance 1. queue-to main split 1 2. route-to number 99145555555 cov n if unconditionally 3. announcement 2770 (“All agents are busy. Please hold.”) 4. wait-time 120 seconds hearing music 5. goto step 3 if unconditionally 6. stop 1. queue-to main split 1 2. goto step 4 if time-of-day is all 14:00 to all 05:00 3. route-to number 99145555555 cov n if unconditionally 4. announcement 2770 (“All agents are busy. Please hold.”) 5. wait-time 120 seconds hearing music 6. goto step 4 if unconditionally 7. stop

Improving Performance M-10Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 The example in Figure M-14 can b e used if you have Generic 3 Version 4 Advanced Routing optioned. In this case, the ‘Expected Wait Time’ feature may be used to determine whether it is worthwhile placing a lookahead interflow call attemp t. Figure M-14. Another Example Vector with Improved Performance There is little reason to attempt an interflow if the call will be answered quickly at the main switch. For the exam ples in Figure M-13 and Figure M-14, vector steps are avoided which do not aid in the call being answered sooner. 1. queue-to main split 1 2. goto step 5 if expected-wait for call < 30 3. goto step 5 if time-of-day is all 14:00 to all 05:00 4. route-to number 99145555555 cov n if unconditionally 5. announcement 2770 (“All agents are busy. Please hold.”) 6. wait-time 120 seconds hearing music 7. goto step 5 if unconditionally 8. stop

Relative Processing Cost of Vector Command s Issue 4 September 1995 M-11 Relative Processing Cost of Vector Commands Some vector commands use more p rocessing resources than others. Table M-4 and Table M-5 show the relative processing costs of specific vector commands for Generic 3 Version 4i/v/vs and Generic 3 Version 4r respectively. Whenever possible, use the lower cost vector commands. This will minimize your performance costs and upgrade your performance. Table M-4. Relative Processing Cost of Vector Commands for Generic 3 Version 4i/v/vs relative performance cost vector command high adjunct routing high c heck-backup high c ollect digits high q ueue-to high route-to high c ollect < 1 > digits medium c onverse medium announcement medium g oto step medium g oto vector medium messaging low b usy low d isconnect low sto p low wait-time

Improving Performance M-12Issue 4 Septemb er 1995 Table M-5. Relative Processing Cost of Vector Commands for Generic 3 Version 4r relative performance cost vector command medium adjunct routing medium c heck-backup medium c ollect digits medium c onverse medium g oto vector (table comparison) medium messaging medium queue-to medium route-to low announcement low b usy low d isconnect low g oto step low g oto vector low sto p low wait-time

Issue 4 Septemb er 1995N-1 N Call Vectoring System Parameters G3iV1.1 and G3V2 System Parameters 1. The total of VDN, Station, and Login ID extensions cannot exceed 25,000. 2,000 for G3rV3 7,084 for G3rV3 for Simultaneous 3-way Conf. Calls Table N-1. Maximum System Parameters for Call Vectoring/EAS for G3V2 ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Call Vectoring Multiple Splits per Call 3NA/3 NA/3 3 3 Priority Levels 4 NA/4 NA/4 4 4 Recorded Announcement 128 NA/128 NA/128 128 256 Ste ps pe r V e c tor 32 NA/ 32 NA /32 32 32 Vector Directory Numbers 1500 NA/100 NA/100 512 20,000 Measured VDNs 500 NA/100 NA/100 512 2,000 Vectors per System 256 NA/48 NA/48 256 512 Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Skill Groups NA NA/24 NA/24 99 255 VDN Skill Preferences NA NA/3 NA/3 3 3 Multiple Skills p er Call NANA/3 NA/3 3 3 Multiple Skills p er Agent 4NA/4 NA/4 4 4 Agent Login IDs NA NA/450 NA/450 1,500 10,000

Call Vectoring System Parameters N-2Issue 4 September 1995 G3V3 System Parameters 1.The total of VDN, Station, an d Log in ID extensions cannot exceed 25,000. 2,000 for G3rV3 7,084 for G3rV3 for Simultaneous 3-way Conf. Calls 2. Measured limits depend on the CMS release used. Table N-2. Maximum System Parameters for Call Vectoring/EAS for G3V3 ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 Call Vectoring Max. Skills a Call Can Simultaneously Queue toNA/3 NA/3 3 3 Priority Levels NA/4 NA/4 4 4 Recorded Announcement NA/128 NA/128 128 256 Steps per Vector NA/32 NA/32 32 32 Vector Directory Numbers 1NA/100 NA/100 512 20,000 CMS Measured VDNs 2NA/100 NA/100 512 2,000 Vectors per System NA/48 NA/48 256 512 No. of Collected Digits for Call Promp tingNA /16 NA/ 16 16 16 No. of Dial-Ahead Digits for Call Promp tingNA /24 NA/ 24 24 24 Vector Routing Tables NA NA NA NA Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Skill Groups NA/24 NA/24 99 255 VDN S kill Pre fe ren c e sNA/3 NA/3 3 3 Max. Skills a Call Can Simultaneously Queue toNA/3 NA/3 3 3 Agent Login IDs NA/450 NA/450 1,500 10,000 Max. Skills per AgentNA/4 NA/4 4 4 Max. Agents that can be Logged-In When Ea ch Has 4 Skills Assig ne d NA/37 NA/37 125 1,300 When Ea ch Has 1 Skill AssignedNA/150 NA/150 500 5,200