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ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual

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    of 458
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    220 EWT call not queued A g oto test for a call or converse data 
    passing requested EWT for a call not in 
    queue. In this case, the wait time was 
    assumed to be infinite and the 
    comparison was based on EWT > largest 
    possible threshold.
    221 EWT not sent to VRU The EWT “wait” time for the call was not 
    sent to the VRU for a 
    c onverse-on p assing 
     vector step because the call was not 
    queued or the splits/skills that the c all was 
    queued to were unstaffe d.
    222 System clock changeThe system c lock was changed, therefore 
    any calculations involving time (i.e., ASA 
    and EWT) will be inaccurate.
    230 II- digits not avail - digits A 
    g oto test requested a comparison of II-
    d i gits against a digit string and II-digits 
    were not available for the call. The 
    comparison test was considered false 
    and the next step in the vector was 
    231 II- di gits not avail - table A goto test requested a comparison if II-
    d i gits against “in-table” and II-d igits were 
    not available for the call. The comparison 
    test was considered false and the next 
    step in the vector was executed.
    520 Split queue is full A 
    queue-to main sp lit, check-backup split, 
    messaging split command was 
    executed, but the call d id not queue to the 
    split because the queue (if administered) 
    was full.  To prevent this condition, use a 
    goto step...if calls queued in split...>... 
    before each 
    queue-to main split or c heck-
    b a cku p sp lit
     step so that an alternative 
    treatment may be provided for these 
    521 Not vector-controlledThe split accessed by a 
    queue-to main 
     or check-backup split command is 
    not vector-controlled.  As a result, the step 
    is skipped.
    522 AAS split cannot queue A 
    queue to main sp lit, check backup split, 
    messaging split command was 
    executed on an auto-available split (AAS), 
    but the call did not queue to the split 
    b e cause all the a gents were logg e d out 
    by Redirection on No Answer (RONA).
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Troubleshooting Vectors
    D-22Issue  4 September 1995 
    540 AUDIX link down AUDIX could not be accessed via a 
    messaging split command, b e cause the 
    AUDIX link was d own.  As a result, the 
    step is skipped.
    541 Not a mess a ging split The split administered for the 
     command is not a messaging split 
    (that is, it d oes not have a messaging type 
    administered).  As a result, the ste p is 
    skip ped.
    550 ASA - No staffed agents A 
    check-backup or goto test requested a 
    comparison of ASA for a s plit/skill that has 
    no staffed agents. The comp arison was 
    based on ASA > largest possible 
    560 EWT no history for split A 
    g oto test requested EWT for  a  split/skill 
    that has not yet acquired history. The wait 
    time in this case is assumed to be the 
    default value.
    561 EWT no split queue A 
    g oto test requested EWT for  a  split/skill 
    that has no queue. The wait time is 
    assumed to be infinite. The comparison 
    was based on EWT >  largest p ossible 
    562 EWT split queue full A 
    g oto test requested EWT for  a  split/skill 
    whose queue is currently full. The wait 
    time is assumed to be infinite. The 
    comparison was based on EWT > largest 
    possible threshold.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Tracking Unexp ected Vector Events
    Issue  4 September 1995
    563 EWT split no working ag ents A g oto test requested EWT for  a  split/skill 
    that has no agents logged in or all lo g ged 
    in agents are in the AUX work mode. The 
    wait time in this case is assumed to be 
    infinite and the comp arison was based on 
    EWT > largest possible threshold.
    564 EWT split locked A goto test requested EWT for  a  split/skill 
    that is currently locked . The wait time is 
    assumed to be infinite. The comparison 
    was based on EWT >  largest p ossible 
    565 EWT call no working a gents A goto test for a call or converse data 
    passing “wait” re quested EWT for a call 
    that is q ueued only to splits/skills that 
    have no agents logged in or that have all 
    logg e d in agents in AUX work mo de. In 
    this case, the wait time was assume d to 
    be infinite and the comp arison was based 
    on EWT > largest possible threshold.
    Table D-4. Summary of Vector Events
    Event Event Event
    Type Description Explanation 
    							Issue  4 September 1995E-1 
    Functional Differences for G2 and G3 
    Call Vectoring and EAS
    This a p pendix provides the Call Vectoring functional differences between the 
    Generic 2 and Generic 3 switches. This information should prove helpful to 
    system administrators who administer networks that utilize both switches.
    The a p pendix is organized into three sections.  The first section indicates 
    differences between the Call Vectoring commands common to both the Generic 
    2 and Generic 3 switches.  The second section consists of a table that indicates 
    general Generic 2 and Generic 3 differences within Call Vectoring. Finally, the 
    third section indicates differences between the two switches in defining and/or 
    interpreting split flows.
    Call Prompting is not supported on G2.
    Differences in Command Function
    The following sections indicate the differences between the Generic 2 and 
    Generic 3 switch versions of the Call Vectoring commands. The commands 
    discussed include the following:
    nqueue-to main split
    ncheck-backup split
    ngoto step
    ngoto vector
    nroute-to number 
    							Functional Differences for G2 and G3 Call Vectoring 
    and EAS
    E-2Issue  4 September 1995 
    Queue-to Main Split and Check-Backup Split
    The queue-to main split command q ueues the call to the s pecified main split and 
    assigns a queuing priority level.
    check-backup split command checks the status of a split for possible 
    termination of the call to that split.  When termination is not possible, queuing at 
    the specified priority is attempted. Termination and/or q ueuing is attempted if the 
    split meets certain conditions that are specified as part of the command. 
    							Differences in Command Function
    Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    Table E-1. G2/G3 Differences for Queuing Commands
    The call is simultaneously queued to a 
    maximum of three different splits. The 
    indicated split is checked only once, and if 
    the specified condition is met, an attemp t 
    to terminate or queue the call is made. 
    Multiple checking of a backup split 
    requires repeating the 
    check-backup split 
    command multiple times and/or 
    g oto ste p looping. After the 
    call is queued to three sp lits, subsequent 
    queue commands in the vector for 
    a d ditional splits fail and are skip ped 
    (unless these commands specify a 
    different priority).The call is q ueued to one split at a time. 
    Successful queue commands that occur 
    after the call is already queued cause the 
    call to be dequeued from the first split and 
    queued to a new split. Each 
    check backup 
    step executed by vector processing is 
    rechecked in the b ackground every two 
    seconds while the steps that follow are 
    processed.  This process continues until 
    the specified conditions are met. The 
    periodic threshold checking of the 
    backup split
     commands is implemented to 
    simulate multiple split queuing.
    Calls can be q ueued to vector-controlled 
    splits via Call Vectoring or to ACD 
    splits/hunt g roups directly via hunt 
    group/split extensions when 
    vectoring/prompting is active. Vector-
    controlled splits can be directly accessed 
    via sp lit extensions or via 
    commands to the extension ACD 
    splits/hunt g roups can also be accessed 
    route-to commands to the extension.When Call Vectoring is active, calls can be 
    q ueued to ACD sp lits only via the 
    q ueue to 
    main split
     and check backup split Call 
    Vectoring commands.
    Calls cannot be queued to splits that 
    already hold the numb er of queued calls 
    defined by the split queue size on the hunt 
    group screen.  Therefore, every queuing 
    command should be preceded by a check 
    step to determine if the queue is full. Also, 
    queue limits should be set as high as 
    possible to ensure the call queues. In G3i, 
    a maximum of 1,000 queue slots can be 
    preassigned to all the splits and hunt 
    groups in a system; in G3r, a maximum of 
    10,500 such slots can be preassigned; in 
    G3s PBP and G3vs PBP, a maximum of 
    200 such slots can be preassigned. In G3i, 
    G3s PBP, or G3vs PBP, a maximum of 200 
    queue slots can be assigned to any one 
    split or hunt group; in G3r, a maximum of 
    999 of such slots can be assigned.No split queuing capacity limits are in 
    effect, and the commands are never 
    check-backup split command can test 
    a maximum threshold of 199 calls in G3i, 
    G3s PBP, or G3vs PBP, and 999 calls in 
    G3r.The command can test a maximum 
    threshold of 
    only 99 calls. 
    							Functional Differences for G2 and G3 Call Vectoring 
    and EAS
    E-4Issue  4 September 1995 
    Goto Step and Goto Vector
    The goto step command allows conditional or unconditional movement 
    (branching) to a preceding or subsequent ste p in the vector.
    goto vector command allows conditional or unconditional movement 
    (branching) to another vector.
    The oldest-call-waiting test condition 
    within the 
    check-backup split command 
    has a range of 0 through 998 seconds in 
    two-second increments.The oldest-call-waiting test condition 
    within the command has a range of 0 
    through 999 seconds in one-second 
    An unconditional 
    check-backup split 
    command is allowed.The check backup split command is 
    conditional only.
    The rolling-asa and expected-wait 
    conditions are available with the 
    c heck-
     split command.These c a pabilities are not provided.
    Table E-2. G2/G3 Differences for Goto Commands
    The commands can test a maximum 
    threshold of 200 calls in G3i, G3s 
    PB P,  o r  G 3 v s PB P. In G 3 r,  t h e  
    maximum threshold is 999.The commands can test a maximum 
    threshold of 
    only 99 calls.
    The oldest-call-waiting test condition 
    within the commands contains a 
    range of 0 through 998 seconds and 
    is checked according to a 2-second 
    increment.The oldest-call-waiting test condition 
    within the commands contains a 
    range of 0 through 999 seconds and 
    is checked according to a 1-second 
    The rolling-asa, expected-wait, 
    counted-calls, ani, and ii-digits 
    conditions are available with the 
    commands. Vector routing tables can 
    be checked for the digits, ani and ii-
    d i gits conditions.These c a pabilities are not provided.
    Table E-1. G2/G3 Differences for Queuing Commands
    							Differences in Command Function
    Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    Route-to Number
    This command routes the call to a specific number.
    Table E-3. G2/G3 Differences for Route-to Number Command
    The actual d i git string is used as the 
    destination. The string can contain 
    special characters that may be 
    stored in an AD string, including 
    ~w,  ~W, ~m,
     and  ~s ( but not * or #).  
    (See the 
    route-to number command 
    in the manual pages of Ap pendix A.) 
    Feature access codes (AAR/ARS) or 
    trunk access codes may be used to 
    route calls externally.The AD member number is used as 
    the destination.  None of the special 
    characters may b e used.  The special 
    functions are handled by the 
    AAR/ARS pattern routing.
    The trunk may be accessed via 
    ARS/AAR, TAC, or UDP.AAR/ARS is required for non-DCS 
    trunk calls.
    Routing to individual attendant 
    extensions is p ermitted.The individual attendant extension 
    feature is not available.
    Routing to announcement extensions 
    is permitted.The announcement command is 
    required for all announcement 
    If the command fails, and if the 
    command is the last step in the 
    vector, the command is not retried. If 
    retrying is required, an unconditional 
    goto step can be used to loop back 
    to the 
    route to step.If the command is the last step in the 
    vector, a busy destination targeted 
    by the command is retried every two 
    Routing to an ACD sp lit extension is 
    allowed even if Call Vectoring is 
    operational.This capability is not provided.
    Routing to a Service Observing FAC 
    is allowedThis capability is not provided. 
    							Functional Differences for G2 and G3 Call Vectoring 
    and EAS
    E-6Issue  4 September 1995 
    This c ommand indicates that the caller should expect to hear an announcement.  
    Although the announcement strategy G2 differs from that in G3, each strate gy 
    assures that, theoretically, the entire announcement is played from the 
    b e ginning.
    Table E-4. G2/G3 Differences for Announcement Command
    Announcement extensions are used. Announcement numbers are used.
    Provides integrated board internal 
    announcements.Integrated announcement board  is 
    not supported.
    G3i (prior to G3V2) supports only 
    analog line p ort-connected external 
    announcement d evices. All G3V2 and 
    later releases su pport auxiliary trunk-
    connected external announcement 
    devices.Supports only auxiliary trunk-
    connected announcement devices.
    The maximum number of calls that 
    can be queued and connected to an 
    announcement is limited by 
    preassigned queue slots.  G3i has 
    150 such slots for analog ports and a 
    common pool of 50 slots for an 
    integrated b oard.  G3i allows only 25 
    calls to be connected to an 
    announcement. G3r has 300 slots for 
    analog and auxiliary trunk ports and 
    300 slots for an integrated board.  For 
    an integrated or auxiliary trunk, G3r 
    allows 255 calls to be connected to 
    an announcement.  For an analog 
    trunk, G3r allows 128 calls to be 
    connected to an announcement.
    G3V4 and later releases allow for 
    multiple integrated announcement 
    boards. G3i can have up to 5 boards, 
    G3r can have up to 10. The queue 
    slot and maximum connected calls 
    capacities have been increased. See 
    DEFINITY Communications 
    System Generic 3 Feature 
    555- 230-204, for detailsLimited only by the numb er of time 
    slots available on the module to 
    which the announcement channel is 
    connected.  The maximum numb er of 
    time slots is 256. 
    							Differences in Command Function
    Issue  4 Septemb er 1995
    This c ommand sets a length of time for a call to wait in the q ueue.  The command 
    also specifies one of the following treatments while the call advances in the 
    nI-silent (G3V4 and later releases)
    nAlternate Audio/Music Source (G3V4 and later releases)
    This command terminates vector processing and gives the caller a busy signal.
    Table E-5. G2/G3 Differences for Wait Command
    The system-wide music-on-hold 
    feature must be active for music  
    treatment on the command.
    With G3V4 and later releases, an 
    alternate audio/music source can be 
    administered for a 
    wait-time step.A separate music option is available 
    for Call Vectoring.
    Table E-6. G2/G3 Differences for Busy Command
    A timeout after 45 seconds is 
    provided.A 20 second timeout is provided for 
    both  CO and non-CO trunks. 
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