Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual
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Call Vectoring Commands A-44Issue 4 September 1995 nSystem Measurements System measurements track converse calls to hunt groups and attendant groups. nTouch-Tone Dialin g Any touch-tone dialing by the calling party during the digit passing phases of a session involving a c onverse-on step does not result in corruption of data or in the collection of this data in the form of dial-ahead digits by DEFINITY. Only after the digit passing phase from DEFI NI TY to t he voice information system is completed can the calling party enter touch-tone d i gits in response to a voice information system p rompt. Only after the voice information system to DEFINITY data return phase is completed and an a d ditional collect d igits vector step is executed can the calling party enter a touch-tone response to a DEFINITY p rom p t . nTransfer A call placed b y a converse-on step may not b e transferred. The only form of transfer allowed is the data passing operation d uring the data return phase at the end of a voice response script. If an illegal attempt to transfer a converse call is made, a vector event is logg e d, the line to the voice information system is drop ped, and vector processing is reactivate d at the next vector step. If an illegal transfer is attempted by a live a gent with a multifunction set, the transfer is denied and the agent may reconnect to the call. nTransfer out of AUDIX If a converse-on step delivers a call to an AUDIX hunt group, and if the calling party then attemp ts to transfer out of AUDIX, the transfer fails, and vector processing is reactivated at the next vector step. nUniform Call Distribution (UCD) A converse sp lit (skill) may be administered as a Uniform Call Distribution split (skill). nVDN as a Coverage Point If a call covering to a VDN is processed by the converse-on command and subsequently reaches a station user (that is, a memb er of a ‘‘converse split (skill)’’), and if the ‘‘converse split (skill)’’ agent attemp ts to activate Consult (coverage), or Coverage Leave Word Calling, any of these coverage attempts is denied because the call is still in vector processing. If the ‘‘converse split (skill)’’ is an AUDIX/Message Center split (skill), the call covered to the VDN is treated like a redirected call to AUDIX/MCS; the original principal and reason for redirection is used in the same manner as a Call Forwarded call to a VDN.

converse-on split (skill) Issue 4 September 1995 A-45 nVDN Override If a call that accesses multiple VDNs encounters a c onverse-on step passing ‘‘vdn,’’ normal override rules d etermine which VDN number is outpulsed to the VRU. nVDN Reports For call tracking in CMS and BCMS VDN reports, a c onverse-on step is treate d like an announcement step. A call is considered ‘‘answered’’ when it is answered by a nonconverse split (skill) but never when it is answered by a converse split (skill). nVector-controlled Splits (Skills) A converse-on step may place a call to a split (skill) only if that split (skill) is administered as a vector-controlled sp lit (skill). CMS Interactions CMS tracks calls placed by a c onverse-on step to a CMS-measured split (skill). converse-on ve ctor steps may be administered from R3 CMS and later releases. Sin ce w ith t he converse-on step it is now possible for a call to be ‘‘answered’’ in more than one s plit (skill), trunk totals no longer match split (skill) totals. However, VDN totals and trunk totals will match. For call tracking in CMS VDN reports, a converse-on ste p is treated like an announcement step. A call is considered ‘‘answered’’ when it is answered by a nonconverse split (skill) but never when it is answered by a converse split (skill). BCMS Interactions BCMS tracks calls placed by a c onverse-on step to a BCMS-measured split (skill). Since with the converse-on step it is now possible for a call to be ‘‘answered’’ in more than one split (skill), trunk totals may no longer match split totals. However, VDN totals and trunk totals will match. For call tracking in BCMS VDN reports, a c onverse-on step is treate d like an announcement step. A call is considered ‘‘answered’’ when it is answered by a nonconverse split (skill) but never when it is answered by a c onverse split (skill).

Call Vectoring Commands A-46Issue 4 September 1995 Disconnect Command disconnect Purpose Ends treatment of a call and removes the call from the switch. Also allows the optional assignment of an announcement that will play imme diately before the disconnect. Syntax disconnect after announcement Valid Entries extension: none or valid announcement extension Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must be installed. Also, the relevant announcements must be a dministered and recorded. Example disconnect after announcement 2556 Operation While the command’s optional announcement is playing, the call remains in queue and can be connected to an agent. When the announcement completes (or is not s pecified), the c ommand forces a disconnect, ends the treatment of the call, and removes the call from the switch. Answer Supervision Considerations If the switch has not yet sent answer supervision, the switch d oes so immediately before disconnecting the call, whether an announcement is specified or not. If an announcement is specified, answer supervision is g iven before an attempt is made to connect the announcement. The exception is for ISDN calls, where the disconnect can occur without answer supervision being sent when an announcement is not played.

disconnect Issue 4 September 1995 A-47 Feature Interactions For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command can be considered either a call acceptance vector command or a call denial vector command. The command is considered a call acceptance vector command whenever an announcement is included within the command and one of the following is true: nAnnouncement is available. nCall is queued for an announcement. nAnnouncement is retried. The command is considered a call denial vector command whenever one of the following is true: nNo announcement is included within the command. nAnnouncement is included within the command, but the announcement is unavailable. CMS Interactions R3 CMS: DISCTIME, OTHERTIME, a n d INTIME for splits and vectors are tracked according to when the announcement starts. DISCTIME, OTHE RTIM E a n d INTIME for VDNs are tracked according to when the trunk idles. R2 CMS: Calls given forced disconnect are tracked in the FDISCCALLS and FDI SCTI ME d atabase items. These calls are not shown in standard reports. FDI SCTI ME i s tracked according to when the announcement starts. VECT IM E i s recorded for the vector, and it is reported as ‘‘Avg Time in Vector.’’ BCMS Interactions A call that is disconnected via the command is tracked as ‘‘OTHER’’ in the VDN Report.Disconnect Command Database Item Report Heading DISCCALLS/DISCTI M ECalls Forced Dis c Calls Busy/Disc OTHE RCAL LS/ OTHE RTIM E I n bound Other Calls INTIME Avg Time In Vector

Call Vectoring Commands A-48Issue 4 September 1995 Goto Step Command goto step Purpose Allows conditional or unconditional movement (branching) to a preceding or subsequent step in the vector. Syntax goto step if unconditionally goto step if digits < comparator> < digits> goto step if digits < option> table goto step if ani < comparator> < digits> goto step if ani < option> table goto step if ii-digits < comparator> < digits> goto step if ii-digits < option> table goto step < ste p # > if time-of-day is < day> : to < day> < hour>: < minute > Conditions = available-agent, staffed-agents: goto step if in split < threshold> goto step if in skill < c omparator> Conditions = calls-queued, oldest call-wait: goto step if in split pri < priority level > < c omparator> goto step if in skill pri < priority level> < c omparator> Condition = rolling-asa: goto step if for split < comparator> goto step if for skill < comparator>

goto step Issue 4 September 1995 A-49 goto step if for vdn Condition = counted-calls: goto step if to vd n Condition = expected-wait: goto step if for split pri < c omparator> < threshold> goto step if for skill pri < c omparator> < threshold> goto step if for call < c omparator> < threshold> Valid Entries step #: 1-32. split #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs) skill #: 1 through 99 (G3i), 1 through 255 (G3r), 1 through 24 (G3s, G3vs); 1st, 2nd, 3rd (VDN) condition:comparator: 1threshold: unconditionallyN/A N/A rolling-asa>, > =, =, 0-998 seconds (even numb ers only) =, =, 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs) =, =, 0-199 (G3i, G3s, G3r), 0-998 (G3r) =, =, 0-999 =, =, 0-9999 seconds =, =, 0-998 seconds (even numb ers only)

Call Vectoring Commands A-50Issue 4 September 1995 digits: the following values are accepted: p riority level: l (low), m (medium), h (high), t (top). day: mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun, all (that is, on any day of the week). hour: 00 to 23 (military format). 1.Comparators = , > =, < =, < > are only available for these conditions with “Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced).” 1.Comparators > , > = , < , < =, < > are only available for the g oto step if d igits c ommand with Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) 2.Wildcards (+, ?) can only be used with Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced). The + represents a group of digits (0 or more) and can only be used as the first or last character of the string. Only one + can be used in any digit string. The ? represents a single d igit. Any number of them can b e used at any position in the digit string. None is only a valid entry with G3V4 and later releases. staffed-agents>, > =, =, 0-199 (G3i), 0-998 (G3r) 0-149 (G3s, G3vs) = String of 0-9 = , < > String of 0-9, #, + , ?, none goto step if ani< , < =, >, > = String of 0-9 = , < > String of 0-9, #, + , ?, none goto step if ii-digits< , < =, >, > = Two consecutive d i gits from string of 0-9 = , < > Two consecutive d i gits from string of 0-9, + , ?, none condition:comparator: 1threshold:

goto step Issue 4 September 1995 A-51 minute: 00 to 59 (military format). option: in, not-in (Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) only) table: 1 through 5 (G3vs/s); 1 through 10 (G3i); 1 through 100 (G3r). The number of the Vector Routing Table containing the numbers to be used to compare against ani, ii-digits or digits collected with the c ollect digits command. vdn: assigned vdn extension, active, latest. Active is the active called VDN as modified by VDN override rules. Latest is the VDN assigned to the vector in which the call is currently being processed. Requirements Basic Call Vectoring software must b e installed for all the options. Call Prompting software is required for the digits option. Also, skills replace splits only if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) is optioned. Wil d card matching and the use of Vector Routing Tables require Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced). In addition, to use the rolling-asa, expected-wait, and counted-calls conditions, the “Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing” customer option must b e enabled. To use ani and ii-digits routing, G3V4 or a later release is required and the “Vectoring (ANI/II-Digits Routin g)” customer option must be enabled. Examples goto step 8 if available-agents in split 67 < 5 goto step 12 if calls-queued in split 51 pri t < 17 goto step 7 if time-of-day is mon 16:30 to tue 7:30 goto step 12 if calls-queued in skill 3rd pri t > 50 goto step 8 if available-agents in skill 1st < 10 goto step 11 if oldest-call-wait in split 26 pri t >= 20 goto step 6 if rolling-asa for split 9 > 30 goto step 10 if counted-calls to vdn 5372 > = 50 goto step 4 if ani in table 10 goto step 9 if ii-digits = 06 goto step 11 if expected-wait for call > 30

Call Vectoring Commands A-52Issue 4 September 1995 Operation If the command syntax includes unconditionally, the command always branches. Otherwise, branching takes place according to one of the conditions that follow: nThe average speed of answer for the indicated sp lit (skill) or VDN meets the constraints defined by the comparator and threshold value. nNumber of available agents in the indicated split (skill) meets the constraints defined by the comp arator and the threshold value. nNumber of queued calls in the indicated split (skill) and at the sp ecified priority level (or higher) meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nThe number of active calls in the indicated VDN meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nThe expected wait time at the specified priority level for the indicated split (skill), or for the call meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nOldest call-waiting in the indicated split (skill) at the specified priority level (or higher) has been waiting for a period of time within the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value, which is expressed in seconds. nNumber of staffed agents in the indicated split (skill) meets the constraints defined by the comparator and the threshold value. nDigits collected via the collect digits command matc h the criteria defined by the comparator for the specified digit string. Or, the d i gits are found or not found, depending upon the o ption chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. The # d igit can be tested against as a single digit. nThe ani d igits match the criteria defined by the comp arator for the specified digit string. Or, the ani di gits are found or not found, depending upon the option chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. nThe ii-digits match the criteria defined by the comparator for the specified digit string. Or, the ii-digits are found or not found, depending upon the option chosen, in the specified Vector Routing Table. nTime-of-d ay criteria are met. NOTE: The syntax for this condition can be illustrated by a couple of examples, as follows: mon 8:01 to fri 17:00 means ‘‘anytime b etween 8:01 A.M. Monday through 5:00 P.M. Friday,’’ and all 17:00 to all 8:00 means ‘‘between 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. on any day of the week.’’) The unconditional form of the command is commonly used for skipping vector commands as well as for looping through vector commands.

goto step Issue 4 September 1995 A-53 Answer Supervision Considerations The call answer is not affected by the command. Feature Interactions For Look-Ahead Interflow, the command is considered a neutral vector command in all cases. When a call experiences Look Ahead interflow, the ANI value is sent along with the call only for ISDN PRI calls. ANI is not sent for internal or DCS calls. CMS Interactions The command is not trac ked on CMS or BCMS. The ANI value is passed to CMS when the call first starts vector processing if the following is true: nBasic Call Vectoring and/or Call Promp ting is o ptioned nANI is available from the network, the call is internal, or is received over DCS nThe CMS is R3 or a later version nThe G3V4 customer option is set to “y.” The ii-digits value for a call is not p assed to CMS. ANI and ii-digits are no passed to BCMS.