Vodavi Starplus Automatic Voice Processing Technical Manual
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REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL 630.3 SETTINGSThe Notification Activity report displays the following: lName - of mailbox owner l Mailbox - number lLine - number used for notification lTime - of notification l Duration - length of time required lTry - the specific numbered attempt lResult - of notification (Answered, No Answer, Busy, Con- nect, Blind Transfer) eNumber - to which notification was sent - tlAINT sn525100v+3.1OaConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingNotify RctivitI,,I ChannelRange:1DateHangs:l/13/92 ::16 ---I Activityl/20/92Usage on Usage MailboxRange :toe Detail Extension Range:toe SummarLr-Output TtiOutput To: Screen Page Size: 20 Output File : Press F9 to.start report.yts Log 1 /r LEsc:back a menuReturn: selects-t+:backa menutl:mcwe~ bar A. MAILBOX SETTINGSThe Mailbox Settings report summarizes the configuration of each mailbox in the Starplus AVP system. Each mailbox is identified by owner, the associated extension number, password and class of service. In addition, each mailbox is defined by state and type of notification (both defined in Edit Mailboflimed Settings). llailbox Settings Wed Jan 29, 1992page: 1 3126192 to 3/29/32lines:1to 4 MailboxExtension Password Class State 1 Notify---- -_------- =----_--- ---__---- ----- -New UserIOIO000000 D On\NoneNewUser11110000DODDn\None NewUser12120000000On\None NewUser1313000000DOn\None NewUser1414000000DOn\None NewUser1515000000DOn\None NewUser1616000000DOn\None NewUser1717000000DOn\None NewUser1818000000DOn\None NewUser1919000000DOn\Nona NewUser2020000000DOn\None Number of llailboxes: 11 ESC - aborts report 630-l 0Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS The following is a list of codes for the State/Notify field: TIME PERIOD: l D- Daytime setting l E - Evening setting lW - Weekend setting lH - Holiday setting STATE: lOff - Mailbox turned Off lOn - Mailbox turned On lGrtng - Greeting only, mailbox will not take messages lFM mbox #- Forward to mailbox lFE ext # - Forward to extension lFMn menu name - Forward to menu NOTIFY: lNone - Notification turned Off lImd #- Immediate notification at specific number lHH:MM # - Notify at specific time, at specific number lImd [B] # - Immediate notification at specific beeper lHH:MM[B] # - Notify at specific time, at specific beeper B. EXTENSION SETTINGSThe Extension Settings report summarizes the configuration of each mailbox in the Starplus AVP system. Each extension is de- fined by owner, mailbox number, password and class of service. In addition, each extension is defined by call type and type for- warding (both defined in Edit Extension/Timed Settings) Extknsion SettingsWed Jan 29. 1992 I 1 3/26/92 to 3/29/92lines:p~to NameExtension MailboxPassword Class CallType \ Forward ---------------- --------- New User00 D Call - Ftl 10 New User New UserNew UserNew User New User New User The Extension Settings report displays the following: TIME PERIOD: lD - Daytime setting lE - Evening setting lW - Weekend setting lH - Holiday setting Issue 1, April 1992 630-I 1

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL CALL TYPE: lBlind - Blind transfer lCall - Supervised transfer lCall Scrn - Supervised Transfer with Call Screening lCall Scrn Hld - Supervised Transfer with Call Screening and Call Holding lCall Hld - Supervised Transfer with Call Holding all - Calls will be immediately forwarded FORWARDING -C. MENU SETTINGS o Not Avail - Forwarding turned off lFM # - Forward to a specific mailbox lFE # - Forward to a specific extension oFmn menu - Forward to a specific menu lFO # - Forward to an outside phone number The Menu Settings report prints out a complete description of each menu and the action that has been programmed for each key. / Ii rnknusettingsWed Jan 199229,page: 1 3126192to3/29/92lines: 1 to LtNameKey/EventsAction ========----------- -----------===______-_========INFO1Password: 2275Retries: 3 Timeout:3Timeout * key# key 0 key 1 key 2 key3 key 4 key 5 key 6 key 7 key InudInvdInvdInvdInvdInvdInvdInudInudInvdInudPgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report Its purpose is to display how menus relate to each other. Each menu is assigned a level indicating its position in the overall de- sign. The starting menu, level 1, is the highest level. Directly be- neath this are level 2 menus that are activated by pressing keys in the level 1 menu, and so on. However, if a menu appears on more than one level, only the first level will be printed. .” 630-12Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS D. SYSTEM SETTINGS E. CHECK OUTThe System Settings report identifies the version numbers for vari- ous programs running on your Starplus AVP system. Each mod- ule is identified by a specific value that defines its specific identity. If you require assistance from our customer service department re- garding your Starplus AVP system, have these numbers available so that our customer support representatives can properly identify your system. 3/26/22 to 3/22/92System Settings Wed Jan 29, 1992 .lines:page: 1 1 to 4___________________---------------------------------------------------------NumSetting NameValue=== ===================================-- Software Uersions --SPAUPversionvi.OLta 12/16/21tlaint versionv+3.10aModules versionv+3.10aDltODrv versionNot found.TeleTask versionNot found.386flax versionNot found. PgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report The Check Out report provides a diagnostic analysis of StarplusAVP system settings. The purpose of the report is to point-out or caution the system administrator about specific settings that may not be correctly set. This report identifies possible problems. A report listing does not necessarily mean that a problem exists, only that a setting or set- tings may not be correctly entered. SystemCheck-OutWed Jan 29, 1992 page: 1 3/26/92to3/29/92lines: 1 to 4 hangup tone detection: 0 -->not activated Warning:By setting the detection of tone hangup to zero it is being turned off.This is the correct setting for those systems that output continous silence or reorder when a caller hangs up.If your phone system outputs tone (NT SL-I,for example) then you need to set this to a value between 5 and 15 seconds. Report output PgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report Issue 1, April 1992630-l 3

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL 630.4 DIRECTORIES A. MAILBOX DIRECTORYThe Mailbox Directory is a listing of mailbox numbers and informa- tion associated with each box. The directory can be sorted chrono- logically by mailbox number or alphabetically by, name. The report includes the state of the mailbox which is ti description of how it is being used. NaiiboxDirectoryWed Jan29,1992 page:13/27/92to3129192lines:1 to4 NametlailboxNew User10 New User11Extension --------- 10 11 NswUser1212NewUser1313NewUser1414NewUser15NewUser16NewUser1717NewUser1818NewUser1919 New User20 20 i===========================================================----------------=Number of Nailboxes: 11 PgDn - to next page ESC - aborts report 1 B. MAILBOX BY NAMEA hard copy output of this information should be made regularly and kept as reference for easy maintenance of the system. It also provides a way to verify that mailbox settings are correct. This allows you to print a report by mailbox name. You enter the range as you would above, then the system will prompt you for the name criteria. .:>.‘)i2’ kilbox Directory by NameWed Jan 29, 1992 3/27/92 to 3/29/92page: 1 lines: 1 to 4 Name---------------- ---------------- New User New User New User New User New User New User New User New User New User New User New Userllailbox--------_10 11 12 13 14 :z17 18 19 20Extension ========= ::12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 Number of nailboxes: 11 PgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report : 630-I 4Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL REPORTS C. EXTENSION DIRECTORYThe Extension Directory is a listing of all extensions and setting in- formation associated with each. The directory can be sorted by either extension number or the name of the mailbox owner. - Extension Directory Wed Jan 29. 1992 3/27/92 to 3/29/92page: 1lines:1to 4___________--------_____________________-------------------------------------NameExtensionMailbox ____------------ ---------------- New User 1010New User1111New User1212New User13-13 New User1414New User1515New User1616New User1717New User1818New User1919New User2020_-----------Number of Extensions: 11 PgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report A hard copy output of this information should be made regularly and kept as reference for easy maintenance of the system. It also provides a way to verify that extension settings are correct. D. EXTENSION BY NAMEThis allows you to print a report by extension name. You enter the range as you would above, then the system will prompt you for the name criteria. Report output ExtensionDirectoryWed Jan 22, 1992 page: 1 3/27/92to3/29/92lines: 1 to 4Name New UserNewUser NewUser NewUser NewUser NewUser NewUser New User NewUser NewUser NewUserExtension --------- --------- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 kilbox-------__ :: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Number of Extensions: 11 PgDn - to next pageESC - aborts report 630.5 LOGS A. ERROR LOGThe Error Log lists any error messages resulting from the opera- tion of the Starplus AVP system. Both hardware or software mal- functions are detected. Each line of the report specifies a specific error condition that has occurred. Each error condition is listed by time of occurrence. Issue 1, April 1992

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL Appendix E? provides a detailed description of the error messages. WINT a525100v+3.10aConfigurationflodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingI IEsc: back a menuReturn: selects-t+:back a menutl: move% bar B. SYSTEM LOGThe System Log provides a detailed listing of general system ac- tivity. All entries are listed by time of occurrence and by line num- ber.This report should not be confused with the Error Log. There are instances, however, when both are used together for diagnostic purposes.Appendix A provides a detailed listing of System Log messages. MRINT ~525100v+3.10aConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingII1 -Error Log Channel Range :1toLtD&sRange :12/27/91 to 2/03/92Mailbox Range :toExtension Range:toOutput To: Screen Page Size : 20Output File : Press F9 to start report. -!I I -Log- ::,Report - Detail Report - Summar Esc:back a menuReturn: selectstl:moves barBackSpace: edits C. CUSTOM LOG- DETAILThe Custom Log - Detail report offers the system administrator the opportunity to search for specific entries that have been pre- viously listed in the System Log. The system will search the log file and provide a listing log entries that match the search criteria. 630-I 6Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS@ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL REPORTS This report a useful in finding the reoccurrence of specific error messages. For example, your System Log has been periodically displaying an error message since 3:00 AM last night. To identify the specific times when the error condition existed, enter the error code in the Look For field and the column number where it can be found. IIAINT ~525100v+3.10aConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingIISystem Log Channel Range:1to4DateRange:12/27/91 to 2103192Mailbox Range :toExtension Range:toOutput To : ScreenPage Size: 20Output File Press F9 in start report.Report - Detail - . . ..**m.iEsc: back a menuReturn: selectstl: moves bar Backspace: edits D. CUSTOM LOG -SUMMARYThe Custom Log - Summary report counts the number of occur- rences of the character sequence that was entered in the selector screen. For example, you would use this report to count the num- ber of times a particular error message occurred in the system. You could also use this report to count the number of times new messages were left in a particular mailbox. tlAIHT sn525100 ConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.10aHouseKeepingGeneral Setting -1ChannelRange:1to4IDateRange :12/27/91 to 2/03/92-Log-ogMailboxRange:toLogExtension Range:toReport - Detail Report - SummarkOutput To Page Size : Screen : 20Output File : Press F9 to start report.IEsc: back a menu Itl: moves bar Backspace: edits Issue 1, April 1992

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL 630.6 CURRENT MESSAGES A. MAILBOX MESSAGE -DETAILThe Mailbox Message - Detail report allows the system administra-tor to select a mailbox and view its current status. tlAINT sn525100 ConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.10aHouseKeepingSystem Settinas Icurrent nssgs Esc:back a menuReturn: selectstl:BackSpace: edits B. MAILBOX MESSAGE SUMMARYThe following fields are displayed: lMailbox - mailbox owner name and mailbox number lNew - for new message lSaved - for saved message lFrom Mbx - mailbox message was sent from lSize - message size in seconds lDate/Time - date and time message left lFile - file name of the message The Mailbox Message - Summary report allows the system admin-istrator to summarize various status conditions for system mail- boxes. The following fields are displayed: VAINT sn525100v+3.lOaConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingIIGeneral Setting -I3hannelRange:1to3ateRange:12127191 to 2/O&32IIlailboxRange:Extension Range:totoOutput To Page Size: screen : 20Output File Press F9 io start report. Esc:back a menuReturn: selectstl:moves barBackspace: edits 630-I 6Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS lMailbox - mailbox owner name and mailbox number lNew - total number of new messages lSaved - total number of saved messages lTime - total time for al! messages lDisk Space Used_- total occupied disk space per owner Issue 1, April 1992630-l 9