Vodavi Starplus Automatic Voice Processing Technical Manual
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STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES plus AVP system. It is used to forward a mailbox or exten- sion number directly to Auto Attendant. You should only use this menu when you want to forward an extension or mailbox to Auto Attendant without specifying an exten- sion. This menu should not be changed or modified by the user. lVoice Messaging - is a canned menu provided with your Starplus AVP system. It is used to forward a mailbox or ex- tension number to Voice Messaging. You should only use this menu when you want to forward an extension or mail- box to Voice Messaging without specifying a mailbox. This menu should not be changed or modified by the user. Issue 1, April 1992620-67

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS SECTION 630 REPORTS 630.1INTRODUCTIONThe Starplus AVP contains a variety of reports that are used by the systems administrator for diagnostic and information purposes. Reports are divided into five categories: IMINT sn525100v+3.10a. ConfigurationnodulesReportsU+iliti& HouseKeepingDirectories current nssgsShow Previous Esc:back a menu Return: selectsl t+:backa menutl:moves bar lSystem Reports - These reports are concerned with the op- eration and performance of the system. Data for the re- ports is condensed and reformatted from the phone log. lSettings - This set of reports identifies the various StarplusAVP settings that were entered during system configura- tion. Information is available for mailboxes, extensions, and menu design. lMessage Reports - Message reports provide the system administrator with a means of determining the current status of system mailboxes. lDirectories - Directory reports associate system users with specific mailboxes or extensions. lLogs - These reports provide system information and error messages. Logs are used as diagnostic tools to trace sys- tem activity. A. RANGE SETTINGSWhen you select a report, a range selection window opens up. The window is the same for all the reports even though some range sets are not available for every report. For example, the mailbox range has no purpose and is not used for the Extension Usage report. Once set, they remain the same until they are changed. The only exception is the date range. Each time you re-enter the Reports menu, it is defaulted to the date limits of the database. Issue 1, April 1992630-I

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL The following describes each range set and its affect: n Date Range - Use this to request the date range of the data you want in the reports. The date range set is available for all reports. w Mailbox Range - applies to the Mailbox Usage report and Mailbox Directory report. If no range is specified, all mail- boxes will be assumed. II Extension Range - applies to the Extension Usage report and Extension Directory report. If no extension is specified, all extensions will be assumed. m Channel Range - allows you to specify the range of chan- nels (lines) that are included in the reports. This setting is available for all reports except the directories and menu list- ings. w Sort By - determines how the Directory, Mailbox, Menu, and Extension Usage reports are sorted. (This feature not used currently).n Output To - is used to direct the output to the screen, printer, or disk. Sending a report to the screen is useful for quickly accessing limited information on a specific exten- sion or mailbox. Sending a report to your printer directs the output to LPTl:. Printing a report to a file causes an ASCII file to be created. You will need to create a print file name. flAINT sn525100vt3.lO.sConfigurationtladulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIIllailbox Activit ChannelRange :1to 16DateRange :l/13/92 to l/20/92 tlailboxRange:Extension Range: Output To : ScreenPage Size: 20Output File Press F9 io start report. . -am . 4 .IEsc: back a menuReturn: selectsl t+: back a menutl: moves bar Both Starplus AVP and Starplus AVP Maintenance will use the DOS print spooler if it is installed. For those systems with Multi-Tasker, we strongly recommend that PRINT.COM be loaded from AUTOEXEC.BAT, either before or after loading D40DRV. This will greatly speed report printing. w No Headers - allows you to specify if headers should be at- tached to the reports. You may want these removed, espe- cially if the report is directed to the disk. n Page Size - allows you to enter the page dimensions when sending reports to a Printer or the File. w Output File - enables you to enter a specific data file name. 630-2Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL REPORTS 630.2 SYSTEM REPORTS A. CHANNEL ACTIVITY REPORTThis report displays traffic information. The data is sorted by date and then separated by channel (line). The report includes the calls, time, and average length of call. The report documents: lDate - of reporting period 0Line - call came in on lCalls - received per line per reporting period lDuration - total time for all calls per line lAverage - average .length of call The first thing you should look for are lines that show extremely low or no traffic. That is, zero number of calls and no duration. This indicates a line that is not being used or is malfunctioning. The integrity of the line should be checked immediately. Often, this report is the only way to quickly verify that lines are function- ing properly. Channel RctiuityWed Jan 29,1992page:13/27/92to3/29/92lines: 1 to4 Report, output DateLineCallsDurationRverage----------------- ----------------- --------- Total for Period: 0 days Total 00:oo0:ooESC - aborts report 1 Next, a review of lines with relatively light volume, might warrant their removal. This is especially true if there is more than one such line running the same application. Conversely, if all lines are carry- ing about the same volume, they may be saturated to the point where additional lines or voice boards are necessary. The goal is to have just the right number of channels to handle the call volume. Extra lines are wasteful while too few lines prevent the call from being completed. Next, pay attention to the type of application running on each channel. Then, compare the call volume received to what you have projected. If the volume is less than expected, then perhaps the application structure should be reconsidered. For example, Line 1 is running Menu Routing with the following menu, Dial 1 for information on our special of the week.... The Issue 1, April 1992630-3

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL number of calls is affected by several factors like promotion, script, and ease of use. The system is simple to reconfigure. Ex-periment with several menus and ideas to determine which is most efficient. B. MAILBOX ACTIVITY REPORTThe Mailbox Activity Report provides a statistical evaluation of mailbox activity. The report, sorted by date, documents each mail- box entry. . .-.. . -Reportz=------- -------=_== ==s===== ========-------------------TDTRL0o:oo:oo nssg left ‘0:00:00 --^I The report documents : lName - of mailbox owner l Mailbox - number 0Line - call came in on lTime - of mailbox entry lDuration - time between the caller’s initial connection to the Starplus AVP system and subsequent hang-up after leaving a message or time required for mailbox owner to retrieve messages. lMessage Length - elapsed time of recording lActivity - is described as either Maint (for message re- trieval) or Msg Left (for caller leaving message). A review of the report indicates the amount of activity that each owner has received. Those with low activity may not fully under- stand how to use the system and may need more instruction. On the other hand, when disk space is in short supply, persons with high activity should be reminded to remove messages. Take note of the average length of a call. When the average length approaches the maximum message length, the maximum message length may need to be increased. This report, sorted by mailbox, can also be used in client bill-back situations like shared tenant environments, executive suites, or ho- tels. The report can be output to disk and then imported into an- other billing program. 630-4Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS C. EXTENSION ACTIVITYThe Extension Activity Report identifies inbound call activity to a REPORTspecific extension. The report is sorted by date and documents each inbound call attempt as well as the result of the call activity. PIFlINT sn525100Configurationnodulesv+3.10aUtilitiesHouseKeepingI - . -a, . . .IEsc: back a menuReturn: select.5-t+: back a menuti: moves bar The report documents the time that the call was made as well as its duration. Duration is defined as the elapsed time between the initial connection and the subsequent hang-up from the StarplusAVP system. In addition, the report documents specific call activ- ity. Possible responses include: lAnswered - call was answered lNo Answer - extension did not answer lBusy - extension was busy lConnect - call was connected lNo Ring Back - extension did not respond lBlind Transfer - call transfer type The Extension Activity report describes the results of a call trans- fer initiated by Starplus AVP. The call can either be connected or dropped (a dropped call (explained as either a busy or unan- swered extension) may actually route to a mailbox, operator, or menu).A review of the report can help schedule agents or operators more effectively, determine a need for additional phone lines, or identify persons that are missing an excessive number of calls. Issue 1, April 1992 630-5

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL D. MENU USAGE - DETAILThe Menu Usage reports (Detail and Summary) identify user traf-AND SUMMARY fit within Menu Routing menus. The reports indicate what informa- tion callers are most interested in, as indicated by the number of times that specific menus are accessed. Comparing individual menus can help determine how productive the menu is and whether the number of channels that allow access to it are suffi- -cient to support the traffic. This information may be useful to persons besides the system ad- ministrator. For example, with the following menu dial 1 for infor- mation on product X, or dial 2 for information on product Y..., the sales manager may be interested in the number of requests for each.The Menu Activity Detail report documents: lDate - of the reporting period lMenu - being reported lTime - that the menu was accessed lDuration - time between the caller’s initial connection to the Starplus AVP system and the subsequent hang-up af- ter having exited the menu. lKey Pressed -the caller’s key selection while in the menu. Report output-------- ---------------- ====--------TOTRL -0o:oo:oo ESC - aborts remrt 630-6Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS The Menu Activity Summary report documents: lDate - of the reporting period lMenu - being reported lAccesses - the number of times the menus were accessed lDuration - the total time each menu was being used, as de- fined by the total elapsed time.each caller remained in the Starplus AVP system. llenu Rctiuity- Summary-Wed Jan 29, 1992page:13/26/92to3129192lines:1 to4Date nenuAccessesDuration -------- __-_------------ Totals ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL 0o:oo:oo ESC - aborts report 1 E. BLOCKAGE REPORT -The Starplus AVP system administrator can define blockage DETAIL AND SUMMARYgroups for lines coming into the system. A blockage group is usu- ally made up of several lines that have been configured to handle calls the same way. Once these blockage groups are established, reports can be prepared that display blockage activity. Two blockage reports are available: Detail and Summary. The Detail Blockage report displays: lDate - for which the report has been prepared lGroup - the blockage group lTime - of each blockage lDuration - of each blockage Report output BlockageActivity-DetailWed Jan 29, 1992 page: 1 3/26/92to3/29/92lines: 1 to 4 DateGroupTimeDuration _------- Totals ---------------- Grand Total0 o:oo:oo ESC - aborts report 1 Issue 1, April 1992630-7

REPORTSSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL A blocked condition means that all channels in the group are carry- ing call traffic simultaneously. When the system is blocked, the next caller who tries to use the system will hear a busy signal. Blocking should not occur frequently. If it does, you need to ex- pand your system by installing additional voice cards. The Blockage Summary report displays a summary version of the detail report. Instead of identifying the specific time of the block- age, it will identify the number of blockage occurrences, and the total duration of the blockages. The Blockage Summary report displays the following: lDate - for which the report has been prepared lGroup - the blockage group lTime - the number of blockage conditions lDuration - the total duration for all blockages ..-r___. _,__. _BlockageRctiuity-SummaryWed Jan 29, 1992 page: 1 3/26/92to3/29/92lines: 1 to 4 DateGroupTimeDuration ---- --------==__----_---------------------.ota1sGrand Total0 o:oo:oo ESC - aborts report1 F. CALL-OUT ACTIVITYThe Call-Out report lists all outbound calls made by Starplus AVP. It includes message notification and delivery, but does not include calls made by Auto Attendant for purposes of a call transfer. This report can be used to verify that the outbound dialing fea- tures are functioning properly. It also verifies that the StarplusAVP system has successfully delivered a message. -.. -5630-8Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALREPORTS The Call-out Activity report shows the following: lDate - for which the report has been prepared lName - party to which the extension has been assigned l Extension - number lLine - on which the outgoing call was made l Time-of the outgoing call lResult - of the outgoing call (Answered, No Answer, Busy, Connect, Blind Transfer) lNumber - to which notification was made . G. NOTIFICATION flAINT sn525100u+3.10aConfigurationflodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIICallOut Qctivit ChannelRange :1to 16DateRange :l/13/92 to l/20/92 kilboxRange:Extension Range: Output To: Screen Page Size : 20Output File Press F9 1, start report. -.-., .a m -- Esc: back a menuReturn: selects++: back a menutl: mmves bar Starplus AVP can be configured to notify mailbox owners that messages are waiting for retrieval. If configured to do so, the Noti- fication report displays the results of the notification process. The report identifies the name of the mailbox owner, the mailbox number, the line that was used to notify the mailbox owner, the time and duration of the notification, as well as the number of tries and the result. Issue 1, April 1992 630-9