Vodavi Starplus Automatic Voice Processing Technical Manual
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STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES Once the connection has been made, the Recording Studio data entry screen is presented. PIFlINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeeping ~~~~~r~~~~~~~~Exit Studio File: UOX\RECVENU.UOXEsc: back a menu Return.selectsI++: back a menutl:moves bar Choose any of the recording studio functions, to record or change voice prompts: n Play File - plays the current file. n Record Over - erases the file and re records. n Append - adds a new recording to the end of the existing file.n Chop Start - cuts from the beginning of the prompt, an amount equal to the Cut Size. The Cut Size is displayed in the Recording Information box. n Chop End- same as above but chops end. n Change Cut - changes the cut size. Use the cursor keys to increment of decrement this value. Press [ESC] after value has been selected. n Erase File - deletes the prompt completely. Once erased it is not recoverable. s w Exit Studio - hangs up the line and exits. n Help - provides on-line support. Starplus AVP allows you to selectively record custom instructions by various day and/or time settings. You will probably .want to re- cord a daytime greeting first. After this is completed, you may want to record different greetings for evenings, weekends, special days, or holidays. Issue 1, April 1992 620-27

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL Select Custom Instructions from the Custom Prompts sub menu, The Time Setting screen is displayed. MINT sn525100v+3.lOaConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIICustom Instructions Timed Settings Daytime Hours Evening Hours 1Esc: back a menuReturn: selectsl t+:backa menuTL:moves bar The settings are defined as follows: n Daytime - your office hours as defined by Start of Day and End of Day in Configuration. n Evenings -the remaining portion of the day not defined above. n Weekends - the period of time that begins at the close of the business day Friday and ends at the beginning of the business day on Monday. n Special- any day that you specify as a holiday or special event.n Copy Daytime - allows you to copy the daytime setting to all channels and time periods. Use this function if your day- time hours are the same for evenings, weekends and spe- cial days or holidays. 1.Select a time and/or day setting for which to record a custom instructions. The Recording Studio data entry screen is pre- sented. 2.Using the telephone, dial the extension of the line connected to the Starplus AVP system. Once the connection has been made the Recording Studio data entry screen is presented. 620-26Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES MRINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationModulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeeping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Exit Studio File: UOX\RECllENU.UOX I-.tzc: back a menuTC : moves barChoose any of the following prompts to record or change voice prompts: n Play File - plays the current file. n Record Over - erases the file and re records.n Append - adds a new recording to the end of the existing file.n Chop Start - cuts from the beginning of the prompt, an amount equal to the Cut Size. The Cut Size is displayed in the Recording Information box. n Chop End - same as above but chops end. n Change Cut - changes the cut size. Use the cursor keys to increment of decrement this value. Press [ESC] after value has been selected. n Erase File - deletes the prompt completely. Once erased it is not recoverable. n Exit Studio - hangs up the line and exits. n Help - provides on-line support. 620.6 DISTRIBUTION LISTSDistribution Lists allow. system users to route messages to groups of mailboxes simultaneously. For example, a distribution list might include the mailboxes of all sales employees. The sales manager can broadcast a message by sending it to the list instead of to each sales employee. Starplus AVP allows selected users to cre- ate up to one-hundred distribution lists numbered 000-099. Each list has a capacity of twenty mailboxes. For a user to utilize this feature, Lists in Class Of Service must have been activated. A distribution list is merely a ‘pseudo” mailbox number. For exam- ple, if the system mailbox numbers are lOO- 150, the list numbers could be 500-599. When a user wants to send a message to distri- bution list 000, they send the message to mailbox 500. The Star-plus A VP will strip the leading digit (5) and insert a 0. If a user wanted to send a message to list number 20, they would enter 520.Issue 1, April 1992620-29

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL The Starplus AVP recognizes mailboxes as lists whenever the COS associated with the mailbox has a user type of 8. This user type indicates that this mailbox should be sent to the distribution list formed with the last two digits of its mailbox number. These mailboxes should also have set up in the COS minimal features. Set the message length to 5 seconds, retention time to 1 day, no message lamps, no outdial, etc. Select Distribution Lists in the Voice Messaging sub menu and the following screen will be displayed. NRINT sn525100v+3.1OaConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingI iEi=;;l Iql* -.Esc: back a menuReturn: selects++: beck a menutl: moves bar A. EDIT DISTRIBUTION LISTSTo edit or create a distribution list, select Edit from the Distribution Lists sub menu. The Distribution List selector screen will be pre- sented. If you wish to create a new distribution list, select a listing not previously used. If you wish to edit an existing distribution list, locate it by name or number. To make your selection, press Enter and the Edit Distribution List data entry screen will be presented. 1.The List Number will appear at the top of the listing screen. Enter a name that describes the list. 2.Use the Down arrow key to highlight the first available mail- box slot and press [ENTER]. The mailbox listing screen will 620-30 Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES be presented. Highlight a mailbox that will be included in the distribution list and press [ENTER]. You will be returned to the Edit Distribution List data entry screen. 3.Repeat this procedure until your distribution list is complete. If you have a distribution list with more than twenty mailboxes, it is possible to connect lists.- 1.Select an available mailbox location and press [F8.]The Distribution List selector screen will be presented. 2.Select the list that is to be connected and press [ENTER]. You will be returned to the Mailbox data entry screen. Note that when lists are connected, you wilf be unable to add addi-tional mailboxes to the distribution list below the distribution list number you have just added. If you intend to connect distribution lists, it is recommended that the last mailbox location of each list be reserved for this purpose. To delete a mailbox or distribution list number from a distribution list, highlight the entry and press [Ctrl-Backspace]. B. CLEAR DISTRIBUTIONTo clear or delete a distribution list select Clear Distributions Lists LISTSfrom the Distribution Lists sub menu . The Distribution List selec- tor screen will be presented. PIAINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationNodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingI 009 :ESC - exitEnter - select I *-I 4 .I_ . ._ . -_ _Esc: back a menuReturn: selects++: back a menutl: moves bar 1.Highlight the specific list to be deleted and press [ENTER]. The contents of the distribution list will be deleted. Each distribution list can have a recorded voice prompt that de- scribes what the list is. When a system user accesses the list, the description is played back. For example, entering List # 001 might invoke southeast sales agents. This feature provides the user with voice verification of the list’s subject matter. Issue 1, April 1992 620-31

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL C. RECORD DESCRIPTIONSTo record descriptions of distribution lists select Record Descrip- tions from the Distributions List sub menu. Highlight the specific list for which a new recording is to be made and press [ENTER]. IAINT sn525100ConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.10aHouseKeepingVoice Messagin- -Record DescriptionFrom the list at the right, movethe highlight bar to select a Distribution List to record and press .Press ESC to exit.Distribution List-000:001:002:003:n L oolt : tio005:uti006:pti007:-008:009: ESC-exitEnter-selecEsc: back a menu Return: selects+f: back a menu tl: moves bar 1.Select a time and/or day setting for which to record a custom greeting. 2.Using the telephone, dial the extension of the line connected to the Starplus AVP system. Once the connection has been made, the Recording Studio data entry screen will be presented. HAINT sn525100ConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.10aHouseKeeping IRecording InformationName : UOX’.RECtlENU.‘JOX - Length:15.3 sets ( 46’t5L1 bytes) File: UOX\RECflENU.UOXI IRecording Studio What?-Type n Signatures Record Over Change cutEt.ase FileIExit Studio1 IEsc: back a menuReturn: selects-t+:back a menu tl: moves bar Choose any of the recording studio functions to record or change voice prompts: n Play File - plays the current file. n Record Over - erases the file and re records. n Append - adds a new recording to the end of the existing file. w Chop Start - cuts from the beginning of the prompt, an amount equal to the Cut Size. The Cut Size is displayed in the Recording Information box. Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES n Chop End - same as above but chops end. n Change Cut - changes the cut size. Use the cursor keys to increment of decrement this value. Press Esc - after the value has been selected. n Erase File - deletes the prompt completely. Once erased it is not recoverable, w Exit Studio - disconnects the line and exits. w Help - provides on-line support. Issue 1, April 1992 626-33

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL 620.7 AUTO ATTENDANTThe Auto Attendant module is responsible for call transfers with- out the assistance of a live operator. Two types of call transfers can be performed: lDirect transfer will send a caller to a preprogrammed exten- sion when a particular key is pressed. Direct transfers are usually activated from within menus. For example, a menu might include the following selections, “dial 1 for sales, 2 for support....“When the caller presses !, Auto Attendant immediately transfers the call to the sales extension. lRequested transfer involves prompting the caller for either the extension number or the name of the called party. Transfers can also be internal or external, supervised or blind. lInternal transfer will direct a caller to a specific PBX exten- sion. lExternal transfer will route the caller to a phone number outside the PBX. On a supervised transfer, Starplus AVP monitors the call to detect if the extension is busy and to determine if the call has been answered. lBlind transfer, Starplus AVP transfers the call and turns control over to the PBX. To enter Auto Attendant, highlight Auto Attendant in the Modules sub menu. The Auto Attendant sub menu will be presented. l Extension Maintenance 0 Settings 0 Custom Prompts l Company Directory A. WINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingII IEsc: back a menuReturn: selects++:back a menutl:moves bar EXTENSIONSelect Extension Maintenance from the Auto Attendant sub menu MAINTENANCEand the Mailbox Maintenance menu is presented. 620-34Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES Auto Attendant cannot transfer a call unless all extensions are properly defined. An attempt to transfer a call to an invalid exten- sion will cause Auto Attendant to play the following error mes- sage, extension number xxx does not exist. flAINT sn525100u+3.10aConfigurationtlodules -ReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingII1 ~~,?+.~- .IEsc: back a menuReturn: selects++: back a menutl: moves bar flaintenanc+--Delete Extension create Range Delete RangeCopy nailBox InfcB. CREATE EXTENSIONThe first step in defining extensions is to create them. There are three ways to do this: lCreate Extension - to create extensions one at a time lCreate Range - to create multiple extensions lCopy Mailbox Info - to expedite the creation of extensions when Voice Messaging has been installed and there is a correlation between mailbox and extension numbers. The loading of a Starplus phone system will automatically create a range of extensions to match the phone system. Create Extension is used to create extensions one at a time. Typi- cally, it is used when an extension is created for a new employee. To create an individual extension, highlight Create Extension in the Extension Maintenance sub menu and press [ENTER]. The Create Extension data entry screen will be presented. IIAINT sn525100v+3.10a. ConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingEnter the new extension and name. Press F9 to add or ESC to exit and p!r;.zExtensio-Esc: back a menuReturn: selects tl:moves barBackSpace: edits Issue 1, April 1992620-35

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL The following fields must be edited: q Extension Number - the number of the extension being cre- ated.n Extension Name - the name of the person assigned to the extension number being created. 1.Press [F9] to save your entries and exit the screen. 2.Press [ESC] to exit the screen without saving the entries. C. CREATE RANGEIn addition, it is possible to create extensions within most of the other Extension Selection Screens. When this feature is available, the procedure is the same as described above.. Create Range is used to conveniently create multiple extensions without having to create each individually. To use this function, first create a sample extension which will be used as a template to define the settings and parameter for the range. Create the sam- ple extension with the Create Extension function described above. Then use Edit Extension to define the various parameters and set- tings that you wish the sample to have. Select Create Range from the Extension Maintenance sub menu. The Create Range data entry screen will be presented. I flAINT sn525100ConfiaurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.10aHouseKeeping -TeleRoutcExtension tlaintenanceSettinrcustom Cornpan\-Extension Create Rang-Enter the low and high extension numbers. When ready to create press the F? key. Press ESC to abort the create. Low Number: 00 High Number: 00 Original to Copy x None Check Duplicates x Off Esc:back a menutl:moves barBackspace: edits 1.Position the highlight bar to Low Number and enter the start of the extension range. Then, select High Number to enter the upper limit of the range. Move the cursor into the Original to Copy field and press [ENTER]. 2.A list of extensions will appear. Move the highlight bar to se- lect the extension that was created as the sample template and press [ENTER]. If you are initially configuring Starplus AVP, do not use Check Duplicate. This will speed up the creation of the range. However, it is a good idea to use this feature the next time you create extensions. It will prevent any accidental du- plication of records. 3.When you are ready to create the range press [F9]. 620-36Issue 1, April 1992