Vodavi Starplus Automatic Voice Processing Technical Manual
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STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES n TITLE - Allows a specific description name to be entered for the Class of Service. n USER TYPE - This provides access to certain features and services. Entry values are from O-99 with 8 being assigned only to distribution listsand 9 being a supervisor status. w EVENT COUNTERS - This enables specific activities to be recorded on the Starplus AVP system. This information is displayed on the statistics screen in real-time while the Star-plus AVP is running. There are the following options in this field: lNot Included - Do not show extension and mailbox usage in the event counter window. lMaintenance - Show only extension/mailbox maintenance in the event counter window. lCallers - Show only the extension/mailbox callers in the event counter window. lBoth - Show all extension/mailbox usage in the event counter window. n LANGUAGE - The system has the capability to provide the default voice prompts in languages other than English (the default). Six other languages are available. Highlight the de- sired language and press the Enter key. n PERSONAL OPERATOR - This allows a Class of Service to have its own operator (extension) associated with it. This routes callers to the extension specified in this field rather than a general operator. The system will perform a super- vised transfer to this extension. You may have the system perform a blind transfer by adding a bl in front of the exten- sion number. n RESTRICT OUTDIAL - This allows/disallows outside call- ing privileges. Press Enter to toggle Y/N. n MAXIMUM MESSAGE LENGTH -This is the maximum length in seconds that is allowed for each message. Values are from 000 to 999. 000 disables this. n MAXIMUM GREETING LENGTH - This is the maximum length in seconds a user’s greeting can be. The values are 000-999. 000 disables the this. w MAXIMUM MESSAGES -This is the maximum number of messages that a mailbox can store. w MAXIMUM RETENTION - This is the time in days that saved messages will be kept. After this time period they will be deleted by a housekeeping routine of the system. The range is 000-999. 0 disables this. THE SYSTEM WILL NEVER DELETE A NEW MESSAGE. ONLY MESSAGES THAT HAVE BEEN LISTENED TO WILL BE DE- LETED IF THE RETENTION PERIOD EXPIRES. Issue 1, April 1992620-7

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL n MESSAGE WAITING - This activates a message wait lamp on the telephone set. There are three options available: lDon’t Use - No message waiting is provided with this selec- tion. lTurn On First Message - Activate the message light only after the first new message. lTurn On Every Message - Activate the message light on every new message. This is used for Starplus phone sys- tems. The next page is a continuation of the voice maij settings. Press [PG DN] to move to the next page. tlAINT sn525100 ConfigurationilodulesReportsUtilitiesu+3.10aHouseKeeping ’PgUp/PgDn to change page; ESC to save and exit. Esc: back a menuReturn: selectstl: moves barBackspace: edits n SAY TIME - This enables the feature that always plays the time/day stamp when a mailbox with this Class of Service listens to a message. Press the Enter key to pull-up the in- set menu. Then highlight Y/N and press the [ENTER] key. n MESSAGE PLAY ORDER - This determines what order (first in/first out or last in/first out) user will receive their mes- sages. Press the [ENTER] key to pull-up the inset menu and highlight FIFO or LIFO. n MESSAGE TYPE RECORD - This allows the system to only record for certain types of calls. For example, the Class of Service can be set up to only record DTMF inputs and ignore voice calls. Press the [ENTER] key to pull-up the inset list. Highlight the desired choice and press [EN- TER]. The default entry is voice calls. n GREETING TO PLAY - This determines what greeting(s) will be played when a caller reaches a mailbox with this Class of Service. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu. Highlight the desired choice and press [ENTER]. The choices are personal, system, personal then system, voice inset(custom), or a Class of Service message. ,:_;.’ 620-6Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL MODULES n START RECORDING - This determines if a caller reaching a mailbox with this enabled will have to press a key to leave a message or the system will start recording immedi- ately after the mailbox greeting is played. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu; highlight the desired choice and press [ENTER]. -n DISTRIBUTION LISTS - This determines if the Class of Service is allowed access to the distribution lists. The choices are system, personal, or none. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu, highlight the desired choice and press [ENTER]. The next page deals with the message notification portion of the Class of Service. Press the [PG DN] key to move to the next page. IIRINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIIEditting COS 00 Title: COS Number 003 of 4 Voice nessaying Notification Password Requiredn Ontlessage Pickup Flllowed * Allow RetrievalRll Time Periodsn OffRetry Interval: 5 minutes Number of Retries5 times Paaer Uses Retriesi OffUse Notify Command Fileu Off Event Handler to Use: 0 continued... PgUp/PgDn to change page: ESC to save and exit. IEsc:back a menuFieturn: selectstl:moves barBackSpace: edits n PASSWORD REQUIRED - This determines if the user must enter a password upon message notification. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu, then highlight Yes or No and press [ENTER]. n MESSAGE PICKUP - This determines if a user is allowed to retrieve messages upon notification receipt. Press [EN- TER] to pull-up the inset menu, then highlight NO, Normal, or All New Play and press [ENTER]. n ALL TIME PERIODS - This enables the notification for all time period operation. If this is set to No, notification only takes place in the Daytime period. If this is set to Yes, notifi- cation can take place in all time periods. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu, then highlight Yes or No and press [ENTER]. n RETRY INTERVAL - This is the time between notification attempts. The values are from O-99 seconds with 0 dis- abling this. n NUMBER OF RETRIES - This is the number of times the system will attempt to notify a user. The values are from O-99 tries with 0 disabling this. Issue 1, April 1992 620-9

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL w PAGER RETRIES - This enables the system to retry notifi- cation attempts when dialing pager devices. Press [EN- TER] to pull-up the inset menu, then highlight Yes or No and press [Enter]. n USE NOTIFY COMMAND FILE - Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu, then highlight Yes or No and press [EN- TER]. This feature is not used at this time! w EVENT HANDLER TO USE - Enter a value from O-99. 0 disables this feature. This determines what call out line group the COS is to use. The next page deals with the auto attendant portion of the,Classof Service. Press the [PG DN] key to move to the next page. RAINT sn525100u+3.10aConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIIEditting COS 00 Title: COS Number 00 4 of q Ruto Attendant Hold Interval: 10 seconds Type of Holding a Silence Screening Length: 3 seconds Internal Blind Transfer Wait :0 seconds External Blind Transfer Wait :0 seconds PgUp/PgDn to change page; ESC to save and exit. I -----I. . -.Esc: back a menuReturn: selectstl: moves barBackspace: edits m HOLD INTERVAL - This is the amount of time a caller will be left on hold before the system tries the busy extension again. The value is from O-99 seconds with 0 disabling the feature.n TYPE OF HOLDING - This determines how the caller will be placed on hold. The choices are silence, flash hook, play files(custom messages), or park caller. Press [ENTER] to pull-up the inset menu, highlight the desired choice and press the [ENTER] key. n SCREENING LENGTH - This is the amount of time a caller has to say their name when the call screening feature is en- abled. The value is from O-99 seconds with 0 disabling the feature.n INTERNAL BLIND - This is the amount of time the system will pause before connecting the call on an internal blind transfer. The values are from O-99 seconds with 0 being an immediate connection. w EXTERNAL BLIND - This is the amount of time the system will pause before connecting the call on an external blind transfer. The values are from O-99 seconds with 0 being an immediate connection. 620-l 0Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES E. SYNCHRONIZE PASSWORDMailbox and Extension users have a 3 or 4 digit password to gain access for editing their parameters. If this feature is enabled the passwords for editing both mailbox and auto attendant options are the same. MAINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationnodules -ReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingI -Setting-Initiate Channel Number of Rings Retries/Timeouts Class of Service Synch Passwords Disable Thank Vo -Synchronize Password+ Press to toggleif extensions and mailbox passwords are to be synchronized. Press ESC when finished. Synchronize Passwords I -I, . . . 4 . 1. . . Esc: back a menuReturn: selects++: back a menutl : moves bar F. DISABLE THANK YOU 1.Press the Enter key to pull-up the inset menu, highlight the desired choice and press [ENTER]. This enables or disables the thank you recording used by the Star-plus AVP system. This recording is heard when a caller enters an extension or mailbox. WINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationtlodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingIRetries/Timeouts Class of Service Synch Passwords Disable Thank Youthe “Thank You” prompt. This prompt is played after a caller enters an extension or mailbox ESC when done. Say “Thank Vou” _ . am.Esc: back a menuReturn: selects-t+: back a menutl: moves bar 1.Press the [ENTER] key to pull-up the inset menu, highlight the desired choice and press [ENTER]. Issue 1, April 1992 626-l 1

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL 620.3 VOICE MESSAGINGThe Voice Messaging module can best be described by compar-ing it to a written message taken by a telephone receptionist or telephone answering service. Instead of a piece of paper being used as the medium of communication, Voice Messaging enables the caller’s voice to be recorded, sent to the called party and filed away until the message is actually received. Unlike written mes- sages, voice messages are always accurate, highly personal, and can be as detailed as the caller wants. Messages are “locked” in mailboxes that can only be accessed by entering a security code. Each extension is assigned a unique mailbox number which allows that extension’s messages to be kept private and confidential. To enter this Starplus AVP function, highlight Voice Messaging in the Modules sub menu. The Voice Messaging sub menu will be presented. rl Mailbox Maintenance 0 Settings l Custom Prompts l Distribution Lists IIAINT sn525100ConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesv+3.lOaHouseKeeping 1 ‘..* .---,I. am_- _* . .- - .Esc: back a menuReturn: selects++: back a menutl: moves bar ‘-x.,:: .

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES Any attempt to transfer a call to an invalid mailbox will cause Voice Messaging to play the following error message, “mailbox number xxx does not exist”. flAINT sn52510093.10aConfigurationnodulesReportsUtilitiesIHouseKeepingIUoice MessaginVailBox naintenanceI .SettingsNaintenancCustom Pr Edit tlailBox k---lDistribut Create tlailBoxDelete NailBoxcreate Range Delete Range I-* I. . ._ . . *,tT,*[-Esc: back a menuReturn: selectsf+: back a menutl: moes bar B. CREATE MAILBOXThere are two ways to create mailboxes: l Create Mailbox l Create Range Create Mailbox is used to create mailboxes one at a time. Typi- cally, it will be used to create a mailbox for a new employee. To create a mailbox highlight Create Mailbox in Voice Messaging sub menu and press [ENTER]. The Create Mailbox data entry screen will be presented. tlAINT ~525100u+3.10aConfigurationflodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingII SettirLcustmDistri MailBox Create------- Enter the new mailbox number and name.Press F3 to add or ESC to exit and abort. tlailBox Number:MailBox Name : Return: selectsItl: moves barBackspace: edits The following fields must be edited: n Employee Name - the name of the person using the mail- box. n Extension Number - the employee extension number. 1.When you have finished, press [F9] to save your entries and exit the screen. Press [ESC] to exit the screen without saving the entries. Issue 1, April 1992626-l 3

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL C. CREATE RANGECreate Range is used to conveniently create multiple mailboxes without having to create each mailbox individually. MAINT sn525100v+3.10aConfigurationllodulesReportsUtilitiesHouseKeepingIIUoice tlessagin HailBox Create RangeEnter the low and high mailbox When ready to create press the F9 key. Press ESC to abort the create. Low Number: 0000 High Number: 0000 Original to Copy s None Check Duplicates s Off IEsc: back a menuReturn: se1rctstl:moves barBackspace: edits 1.To use this function, first create a sample mailbox that will be used as a template to define feature characteristics for the range. Create the sample mailbox with the Create Mailbox function described above. After you have created a sample mailbox, use the Edit Mailbox function (described below) to define the various parameters and settings that you wish the sample mailbox to have. ~\-) ../ 2.After editing the template, select Create Range from the Mail- box Maintenance sub menu. The Create Range data entry screen will be presented. 3.Position the highlight bar to Low Number and enter the start of the mailbox range. Select High Number to enter the upper limit of the range. 4.Move the cursor to the Original to Copy field and press [EN- TER]. A list of mailboxes will appear as an inset screen. Move the highlight bar to select the mailbox that will serve as the template and press [ENTER]. If you are initially configur- ing Starplus AVP, do not use Check Duplicate. This will speed up the mailbox creation process. However, for all sub- sequent uses, it is a good idea to use this feature to avoid ac- cidental duplication of records. 5.To use this feature, highlight Check Duplicate and press [EN- TER]. Press [ENTER] again to turn the feature “ON” or “OFF”. 6.When you are ready to create the range press [F9]. Press [ESC] to abort your entries and return to the previous menu. All setting and parameter information from the template mail- .’box will be copied to the range. 620-l 4Issue 1, April 1992

STARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUALMODULES D. EDIT MAILBOXEdit Mailbox is used to make changes to the settings and parame- ters of existing mailboxes. To use this feature, a mailbox must have previously been created with either Create or Create Range. In addition to Edit Mailbox, as described in this section, mailbox users are also able to access’and edit certain mailbox features from the dial pad of a touch tone phone. The features that may be edited in this manner include: l Mailbox Greeting l User Name/Signature l User Password l Timed Settings l Mailbox State l Message Notification For more information about editing mailbox features consult the Starplus AVP Users Guide. When you select Edit Mailbox from the Mailbox Maintenance menu, an inset screen listing existing mailboxes will be presented. The listing is presented in numerical order. To find a mailbox not listed on the initial screen, use either the [Up or Down arrow] keys or the [Page Up or Page Down] keys. Also, you may use the number keys to move through the listing by a percentage amount. For example, if you are at the beginning of the list and press 6, Starplus AVP will transport you 60 per cent of the way through the list. If you press 3, Starplus AVP will transport you 30 per cent of the way through the list. The percentages are all absolute values no matter where in the list you are located. For example, if you are presently 60 per cent through a list and press 3, you will be transported to a location that is 30 per cent through the list. 1.Highlight the mailbox to be edited and press [ENTER]. The Mailbox Edit screen will be presented. ilBox tlaintenattings &lainteg - IlailBox Edi :New User:New User:New User:New User Issue 1, April 1992620-I 5

MODULESSTARPLUS @ AVP TECHNICAL MANUAL The following describes the data entry fields: n Name - enter a new name or edit the existing name of the mailbox owner. Use the backspace key to erase any infor- mation in the field. n Extension - is the extension number associated with this mailbox. Often this number is directly related to the mailbox number. For example, extension 310 and mailbox 1310. Press [ENTER] for an inset listing of system extension num- bers.E. TIMED SETTINGSn Password - is the number that is entered by the system user to retrieve mailbox messages. InitialJy, it should be set to some easy to remember code, like “1111”. a Class of Service - press Enter to select the Class of Serv- ice selection screen. Select a class of service that you wish to associate with the mailbox. Timed Settings provides four time periods that allow the mailbox owner to program time sensitive mailbox features. For example, a mailbox can be programmed to notify its owner of messages at an internal extension during the day and at a home phone number at night. Features that are time sensitive include: l Mailbox Greeting l Notification Instructions l Mailbox State 1.Select this feature and the Timed Settings selector screen appears. I IExtensionbi 10Timed Settings - Daytime Hour Password: 0000 state x Normal Usagetlenua n10Ext.2 10 Notifyn Notification turned off Device a> an Extension Whenn 09:OOam1The Timed Settings include: n Daytime - your office hours as defined by Start of Day and End of Day in Configuration. n Evenings - the remaining portion of the day not defined above.n Weekends - the period of time that begins at the close of the business day Friday and ends at the beginning of the business day on Monday. 620-l 6Issue 1, April 1992