Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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400.68 CALA PARK (System) To place an outside call on hold and consult with. page. or call an internal party and/or transfer the outside call. While connected to an outside line: a b. C. Depress and release the ho&switch. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. Dial parking location (790 to 7951. Hear con&mation tone. If you hear busy tone, depress and re- lease the hookswltch and dial another parking location. Retrieving a Parked Call a Lift handset. b. Dial pound [#I on the dial pad. c. Dial parking location (790 to 795) where the call was parked. 400.69 CALLTRANSFER: Making an Unscreened Transfer a Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. b. Dial desired intercom number. c. Hang up to complete the transfer. Making a Screened Transfer: a Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. b. Dial desired telephone number. c. Announce the call. d. Hang up to complete the transfer. 400.70 CLEAR CALL FORWARD, DND, PERSONALIZED -ES SLTs can activate and cancel call forward by dialing [#2] and DND by dialing [#l] and enable and cancel personalized messages by dialing W=l. A convenient code I#81 has been incorporated to cancel either Call forwarding, DND. or Personalized Messages when the SLT user . has forgotten which code has been pro- grammed on the phone To cancel Call Forward, DND. Personalized Messages: a Lift handset. Notification tone will be heard. b. Dial [#8] on the dial pad. Confirmation tone will be heard. C. Replace the handset. 400.71 Co LINE QUEUING a. Dial outside line access code. Receive busy tone. b. Briefly depress and release the hook- swIt.ch. c. Dial [##I on the dial pad. Confirmation tone is heard. 400.72 CONFERENCE You may set up a conference of 1 external and 1 other internal station a. Lifthandset b. Make outside call. c. Briefly depress and release the hook- switch to put the call on hold. d. Dial number of internal station you wish to add. e. When that station answers, briefly de- press and release the hookswitch again and all 3 parties will be connected. 400.73 co NFERENcEwITI-I PERSONAL PARK While connected to an outside line: a b. C. d. e. f. Depress the hookswltch momentarily. Intercom dial tone is heard. Dial I3921 on the dial pad. (1st call is placed in personal paxlc). Dial desired number for 2nd call. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. Intercom dial tone is heard. Dial 13911 on the dial pad. All three parties are conferenced. Hang up to terminate conference. 400.74 DIRECT OUTSIDE LINE ACCESS a Lift handset b. Dial access code (9, 81 - 87). c. Dial desired telephone number. 400.76 DIRECTZD CALL PICX-UP Upon hearing an unattended telephone ring: a. b. C. Lift handset. Dial [#7] on the dial pad. Dial station number of ringing tele- phone. You will be connected to inter- com, incoming, recalling or transferred outside he. Issue 1, January 1992 400-19

FEATURE OPERATION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 400.76 DO NOT DISTURB Activating Do Not Disturb: a L&handset b. Dia.l[#l] onthedlalpad. c. Replace handset. To cancel Do Not Dlsturh: a. Lifthandset. b. Dial [#l] or [#8j on the dial pad. c. Replace handset. 400.77 PBx/cEmRExTRAN8FER (Flash Command to CO Une) To initiate a PBX or Centrex Transfer com- mand from an SLT. While connected to a PBX or Centrex tie: a BrIefly depress and release the hook- switch. Intercom dial tone will be heard. b. Dial [#O] on the dial pad. A Flash com- mand will be presented to the PBX or Centrex line.PEX or Centrex stutter tone will be heard. Dial number of desired extenSiOIl. c. Replace handset to complete transfer. 400.78 GROUP CALL+ PICX-UP Upon hearing an unattended telephone rlng- ing : a Lift the handset. b. Dial [#S] on the dial pad. You will be connected to intercom or transferred or recalling outside line call. NO?E:Yoummtbeinthesumeplckupgnxq. 400.79 F’IACING CALL3 ON HOlD While connected to an outside line: a Briefly press and release the hook- switch. (Call is placed on hold). To retrieve the all: a Press and rele&x the hookswitch again. 400.80 IN’IZRCOM CALUNG a. Lift handset. b. Dial 3-digit intercom number (loo- 195). 400.81 LCR QUEUING (Automatic) If all lines available to you are busy, remain off-hook for four (4) seconds to automatically be queued onto LCR for an available line. 400.82 LCR QUE CALLHACX If an LCR Queue Call Back has been acti- vated: a When telephone is signalled. answer the call. b. Desired telephone number will automat- iczallyberedialed. c. Wait for answer. Lift handset or use s*rphone to converse NO?E:CkZyoneLCRQumeGdLBackquest maybefnfUakdbyastation Whenasemnd nixpest ts made, thefbst request UJU be can- celed. 400.83 LCRCANCEL a. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b. Dial the LCR Queue Cancel code, [74] on the dial pad. c. Replace handset or press ON/OFF but- ton. 400.84 MESSAGEWAITXNG Leaving a Message Waiting Indication a. LifthandseL b. Dial intercom station. Receive no an- swer, or DND tone. c. Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. d. Dial [#4] on the dial pad. e. Replace handset. Answering a Message Waiting Indication. Your message waiUng lamp is flashing: a. Lifthandset b. Dial I#51 on the dial pad. Station that left the message will ring. 400.85 OFF-HOOX PREFERENCE If your phone has been programmed for Off-Hook Preference, you will hear out&de line dial tone when lifting the handset. When this operation is desired, you may not have access to all features contained in this User Guide. However, consult your Centrex or PBX User’s Guide for additional features you may have. To obtain Intercom (system) dial tone while M-Hook Prefizrence is enabled: a. Lift handset (CO/PBX/or Centrex dial tone is heardl (system). b. Depress the hook-switch momentarily (intercom dial tone is heard). c. Dial your own three-digit intercom ex- MlSlOIl. 400-20 Issue 1, January 1992

XnjTnite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System F73muRE OPERATION 400.86 PERSONALIZED MESSAGES Each station can select a pre-assigned mes- sage to be displayed on the LCD of any Key Telephone calling that station. To select one of the ten available messages: a Dial I781 on the dial pad. b. Dial the two-digit code for the message which will appear. 00 clear messages 01 VACATION 02 REXURNMORNING 03 FtElURN AFIERNOON 04 RElURN TOMORROW 05 REIURNNEXI’WEEK 06 BUSINESS TRIP 07 M.EEXNG 08 HOME 09 ON BREAK 10 LUNCH c. Hang up. (Acttvatlng DND cancels se- lected message.) 400.87 PAGING a. Lift handset. b. Dial the two-digit paging code. Wait for page warning tone. l 1 Internal Zone 1 l 2 Internal Zone 2 l 3 Internal Zone 3 ‘4 Internal Zone 4 ‘5 Internal All Call ‘6 External Zone l o AIrcall c. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. Statlons off-hook or ln DND will not hear the page announcement. NUlEWhenmakingazonepcqeorAUCalL pageandthemneisbusy,thepageinimtor wiul-eceberfngbacktoneuTl.ulthezunebe- wmes -le. You will then hear a wam- ing tone and can make the page cmnow-lcement d. Deliver page in normal tone of voice. e. Replace handset to terminate page. 400.88 PERSONAL PARE (FlipFlop) While connected to first call: a Depress the hookswitch momentarily. Intercom dial tone is heard. b. Dial 13923 on the dial pad. (call is placed in personal park). c. Dial desired number for 2nd call. d. Depress the hookswitch momentarily. Intercom dial tone is heard. e. Dial [3921 on the dial pad. (1st call is returned and 2nd call is placed in per- sonal park meuseram alfemahfywnnecttotheotht?r azLIbydoingahnolcjlashanddialing13921as manyt.imesasnecessary. 400.89 PROGRAMMIN GYOURNAME MTOTZELCDDISPIAY Every SLT extension has the capability to program the users name so that people using display telephones will see the name instead of the station number. a Ltfthandset. b. Dial I2951 on the dial pad. c. Enter your name (up to 7 letters) using the pattern shown below. A=12 M=16 T=18 B=*2 G=14 N&6 U=‘8 C=#2 71;; 0=#6 V=#8 D=13 J=15 P=17 w=19 E=‘3 K=.5 Q=‘l X=*9 F=#3 Y=#9 SPACE=## I..=#5 g; z=#l d. Press the hookswitch to complete the programming process. Station Speed Bin 00 is used to store name In display information. 400.90 STATION SPEED DXAL a Lift handset b. Dial [#91 on the m pad. c. Dial desired station speed bin number (OO- 19). 400.91 STORING STATION SPEED NUB!- a. b. C. cl. e. Elms Lift handset Dial I#31 on the dial pad. Dial desired station speed bin number (OO- 19). Dial telephone number you wish to St0l-t Briefly depress and release the hook- switch. (Confhmation tone is heard.) LineGroup1wf.ubepr~ mmmedalongwuh SLTspeed numbers and thus Line Group 1 will be used when acttvating speed dialfiom an SLT. Issue 1, January 1392 400-2 1

FEXTURE OPERATION Ing?.nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 400.92 SPSTEM SPEED DIAL a ufthandset. b. Dial I#91 on the dial pad. c. Dial desired system speed bin number (20-99). 400.93 UNWERSS NIGHI’ ANSWER Upon hearing an incoming signal: a Lift handset b. Dial UNA access code 1751. You will be connected to ringing outside line. a.94 UCD AVAILABrp;/UNAVAILABLE If you are a UCD Agent. you may place your station in the Available mode to receive UCD type of calls or you may place your station in the Unavailable mode to block UCD type of calls from ringing at your station. To go Available: a. Dial 18981 on the dial pad. You may now receive calls. To go Unavailable: a. Dial I8981 on the dial pad. You are now blocked from receiving UCD calls. 400.96 ANSWERING AN OVrSIDE C%LL a Lift handset. b. Press slow flashing outside line button. If your tfziephme ts progmmme d with Re- ferred Line Answer, you may onswerarlout- sidelinebyl@ingthehandset 400.96 PLACING OUTSIDE LINE ON HOLD If your system is programmed for Exclusive Hold Preference. press HOLD button once for Exclusive Hold and twice for System Hold. I If your system is programmed for System Hold Preference, press HOLD button once for System Hold and twice for Exclusive Hold. 400.97 ANSWERING A-G OUT- SIDE LXNE When an outside line has remained on hold for an extended period of time. you will be reminded with a recalling ring. a Press outside line button flashing at very fast rate. b. Lift handset to converse. 400.98 ATTENDANT ACTIVATION OF BGM AT A PHONE BOX The Attendant may control (turn ON and OFF) background music at a phone box sta- tion. To control background music at a specific phone bax: a. b. Dial I2891 on the dial pad. Then dial the three-digit station number of the desired phone box. Then dial either: l [O] to turn BGM off or l 111 to turn BGM on 400.99 ATTENDANT DISABLE OUI’GO- MC ACCESS The attendant station can disable CO lines, preventing outgoIng CO calls. a b. C. d. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. Dial (2981 on the dial pad. Confirmation tone is hear Depress the line button(s) of the CO Line(s) to be disable ConfIxmation tone is heard and the CO Line Button(s) LED ls flashing. To re-activate the CO Line(s). repeat the steps followed to disable it. 400.100 -ANT 0-E IfAttendant Ovenlde is allowed, Attendant(s) stations may override or call stations that are either busy or in Do Not Disturb. If the Attendant calls a statton that is busy on a CO call and wishes to alert them of a waitmgcall: a. Press the pre-programmed A’lTN OVER- RIDE button. Three short tone bursts will be presented to the called party. b. After five (5) seconds, the station’s CO line will automatically be placed on hold and the Attendant will be cut-through. If the Attendant calls a station that is in Do Not Disturb mode and wishes to alert them 0faca.Q a Press the pre-programmed AlllV OVER- RIDE button. The station will be sig- naIled with a Camp-on tone. 4QO.101 ATTENDANT RECALL When an outside line has remained on hold for an extended period of time, you will be reminded with a recalling ring. 400-22 Issue 1, January 1992

Injhzite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FEA’IZTRE OPERATION a Press outside line button flashing at a very fast rate. b. Lift handset to converse. 400.102 DIRECTORY DIALADmSTRA- TION Names may be programmed into the dfrec- tory dialing list fmm the 0rst assigned atten- dant station. The system aJlows up to 200 names to be programmed into the directory. Each name can be associated to either a Station in the system or a System speed dial binandcanbeupto24charactersinlength. Names are programmed in one of two ways either by themselves or while programming system speed dial numbers. A Method One This method may be used to enter names that will be associated to a system speed dial bin only. Names are entered as part of the same procedure as pro@ammirqA the system speed dial entries. To enter a name along with a system speed dfal number: 1. Press the SPEED CALL button once. 2. Then either press a desired outside lfne key; or Press the SPEED CALL button a second time to have an outside line selected automatically. 3. Dial the system speed dial bin locatton (2oto 99). 4. Dial the telephone number (including special characters TRANS, HOLD and FL4SHj. 5. Press the SPEED CALL button to save the telephone number. Sktp this step if you did not change the telephone num- ber. To enter a name: 1. Press the CONF button. 2. Enter the name (up to 24 characters may be entered) by using keys on the dial pad as follows: A = 12 B = ‘2 C = #2 D = 13 E =‘3 F = #3 G = 14 H = 04 I = #4 T I J =15 s = #7 K =‘5 T = 18 L =#5 u = ‘8 M =16 v = #8 N =‘6 W = 19 0 =#6 X = l g = #9 = #l R = l 7 Space = ## 1 3. Press the SPEED CALL button when finished. ConfirmaUon tone will be heard and the display Wail update. 4. Hang up to end programming. B. Method’fWo Dlrectoxy dialing list maintenance To enter, edit or erase names that appear in the directory dial list for stations or speed dial numbers: 1. Dtal the directory dial list programcode 12991. The first entry (entry 000) in the Directory list will then be shown on the LCD display as follows: : . .._...... .,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,., :::~::::.‘.“,‘.y.~~... ..,....__ .._._ ~

3. Press the SPEED CALL button when finished. Confirmation tone wffl be heard and the display will update. To enter the Intercom number or system speed dial bin to be associated to the name: 1. Press the TRANS button. 2. Then enter either a three-digit station intercom number (100-1951 Eial a three-digit System speed dial number (020-099). 3. Press the SPEED CALL button to save the entry. Confirmation tone will be heard and the display will update. To clear an entry. press the FLASH button followed by pressing the SPEED button. Confirmatton tone will be heard and the entry will be erased. 400.103 ExE(=uTIvE OVERRIDE Allows stations designated as “Executive” the ability to override and ‘barge In” on other keysets engaged in conversation. If you call a busy station: a Dial [294] on the dial pad. Executive station will be bridged onto the CO con- versation in progress at the called sta- tion. Optional warning tone is heard and presented to all parties prior to cut- -ugh- b. Replace handset at Executive station to terminate the override. NOl7Z:Ifthe busypcuiytswnn&eduiatnter- wm to another party, the intercom wnneciion will be dropped when the overtide occurs. NCYE:Adecmzseinvohmemayowuronthe CO line after the barge-in oarurs. 400-24 Issue 1. January 1992 CAUTION: USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTERPRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. CONSULT COUNSEL WlTH RESPECT TO APPLICABLE LAW BEFORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. KlO.104 INTERCOM CALLING 4 Placing an Intercom Call a Press station key of party to be called (if programmed at your phone); Kal station number (100 to 195). b. You will hear ringing if called station is in the T answering mode: or three bursts of tone if called station is in the ‘H’ or ‘P” position. C. Lift handset or use speaker-phone, tone bursts stop. d. Hang up to end call. Answering an Intercom Ca.U With your intercom signal switch in the T mode, you will hear repeated bursts of inter- com tone ringing and the HOLD button will slow f-lash. a Lift handset or press ON/OFF button to answer. If you receive a call from a Phone Box. you must press that DSS button to answer the call. b. Hang up to end call. In the P mode, you will hear three bursts of tone and one-way announcement. The HOLD button will slow flash and the call- ing party cannot hear conversations in pro- gr-- In the H mode, you will hear three bursts of tone and an announcement. Reply hand&e or lift handset for privacy. 400.105 INCOMXNGCOUNESOFF-NET (via speed dialj Allows the first attendant station to forward incoming CO calls to an off-net location. In a speed dial bin, store the number of the off-net location where calls are to be for- warded. Follow instrucUons provided for storing station or system speed dial num- bers. a Dial 12961 on the dial pad: or Press pre-progrred CO Off-Net For- ward button. b. Dial the CO group access code of the group to be forwarded. 81 =CO Group 1 82 =CO Group 2 83 =CO Group 3 84 =CO Group 4 85 =CO Group 5 86 =CO Group 6 a7 =CO Group 7 88 =All CO Lines c. Dial the speed bin number that contains the number where calls are to be for- warded: or Press the programmed button for the speed bin. Conflrmatton tone is heard.

Canceling Off-Net Forwarding a. Dial [296] on the dial pad: or Press pre-programmed CO Off-Net For- ward button. b. Dial the CO group access code. C. Dial [#I on the dial pad. Confirmation tone is heard. 400.106 NIGHT SERVICE Any designated attendant can place the sys- tem into Night SeIvice by: a. Pressing the Night Service button mm. b. Pressing the Night Service button again removes the system from Night Service. 77~ Attedant stationlsl do not hate DIVD CapabiLitieS. 400.107 SETTING SYSTEM TIME AND DATE Must be set by the first programmed atten- dant. Dial 1761 on the dial pad. Confirmation tone is heard. Enter date and time as follows: YYMMDDHHMM - YY = year 00-99 - MM=month 01-12 - DD = day 01-31 - HH = hour 00-23 - MM=minute 00-59 When the correct number of d&its are entered, con&maUon tone will be heard and the display will update. a b. C. 400.108 STORING SY!STEM SPEED NUb¶- HERS System Speed numbers must be entered by the tit programmed attendant. Ifno atten- dant is specified, enter at Station 100. a. b. C. d. e. Press SPEED CALL once, then press a desired outside line key or select an outside line automatically by pressing the SPEED CALL button a second tfme. Dial the System speed bin location (20 to 99). Dial telephone number. Press SPEED CALL. Hang up. - Pressing the TRANS button during number entry initiates a Pulse-To- Tone switchover. Pressing the HOLD button during number entry inserts a Pause. Pressing the FLASH key inserts a Flash into the speed number. - Pressing the ‘IRANS button as the first entry In the speed bin inserts a no-display character causing the numbers stored in the bin not to appear on the Key Telephones dis- play when the bin is accessed. Speed Bin numbers 60-99 are NOT moni- tored by Toll Restriction. The attendant console may be programmed in one of five Merent ways. Therefore, you may not have all of the features listed below on your console. Refer to Sec. 300.153 for a description of each map. 400.109 AmENDANT TRANSFER SBlRa When attempting to locate a par@ a. Press a station button to signal that station. If the party is not located, press another station button to continue the search. 400.110 PLACING AN OUTSIDE CALL CAutomatic Line Selection) a Press outside line button. ON/OFF but- ton LED will light and dial tone will be heard. b. Dial desired patty. c. When called party answers. lift handset to converse or use speakerphone. 400.111 CALLPARK While connected to an outside line: a Press programmed CALL PARK button. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. b. At this time. you can page or call another internal station. c. When the party you called responds, announce the call park location and re- place handset. 400.112 DO NOT DISTURB INDICATION The associated station button will flash at a medium rate to indicate that station is in Do Not Disturb. 400.113 RETRIEWNGAPARKEDCALL a. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b. Dial (#I on the dial pad. c. Dial parking location (790 to 795) where the call was parked. IqfInite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FEATURE OPERATION Issue 1, January 1992 400-25

400.114 CAU TRANSFER Outside lines can be transferred from one phone to another within the system. The transfer can be either screened (announced) or unscreened to either an idle or busy sta- tion. Screened Transfer a. b. C. While connected to an outside line. press station button where call is to be trans- ferred (if programmed on your tele- phone), or press ‘IRANS button and dial station number (100 to 195). The called extension signals according to the intercom signal switch position. When that extension answers, an- nounce the transfer. d. Hang up to complete transfer. Unscreened Transfer a. When the called extension begins to sig- nal.ha.nguptotmnsfertheca.ll(Recall timer starts). Transfer Search a When attempting to locate a party, press a station key to signal a station. b. If the party is not located, press another station key to continue the search, or press the TRAN button and dial the sta- tion number. C. If the party is not located, press the TRANS button again and dial another station number to continue the search. d. When the called party answers, hang up to complete the transfer. 400.115 CAMP-ON While connected to an outside line: a. Press desired station button. b. When busy tone is heard, press CAMP- ON button. c. Replace handset, access another CO Lfne or press RELEASE button (if you have one). 400.116 FUXIBLE BUM’ON PROGIUM- h¶lNG a. Press SPEED CALL button twice. b. Press FLEX button to be programmed (it must be programm edindatabascasa flexible button). c. Dial desired code (Refer to Table 400-2 Button Pro @ammirq~ Codes). 400.117 MEETME PAGE To request another party meet you on a page: a. Dial the desired two-dgit paging code; or Press programmed button. b. Request that party meet you on the page. c. Do not hang up: wait for the requested party to answer. Answering a Meet Me Page a. Go to the nearest Telephone and dial 1’91 onthedialpad. b. You will be connected to the party that paged you. 400.118 PAGlNG A 1. 2. 3. B. ExternalPaging Press programmed PAGE button; E&l [‘Sl on the dial pad. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. Replace handset to terminate page an- nouncement. xntcnl8l Paging Stations off-hook or in DND will not receive the page announcement. 1. Press programmed PAGE button or dial one of the following codes: ‘1 Internal Zone 1 l 2 Internal Zone 2 l 3 LntemaJ Zone 3 l 4 Internal Zone 4 l 5 Internal All Call 2. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. 3. Replace handset to tennlnate page an- nouncement. 400-26 Issue 1. January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FZUUR.E OPERATION C. All Call Paging U.ntemal/ErtcmaU 1. Press pre-programmed’ PAGE button: or Dial [‘O] on the dial pad. 2. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. 3. Replace handset to terminate page an- nouncement. 400.119 REIXASE BUTTON DSS/DLS map 1 contains a Release button that may be pressed to disconnect or termi- nate an intercom call, transfer sequence, page announcement or CO call. Issue 1. January 1992 400-27

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Keg Telephone System LCD DISPLAYS 410.1 LCD DISPLWS The display is arranged into an upper and lower field. The upper field displays the current acutity of the telephone. The lower field is divided into two secttons. The left section of the lower field displays the date, speed bin num- ber, connected intercom station or outside line number. The right section of the lower field displays the cm-rent time or elapsed time on an outside call. The following Table shows what will appear on the LCD &plays based on the function performed. Table 410-l Zqfiiite 4096 LCD Displays FUNCllON Idle Station M=uWDiallng outgoing calls Recalling Line from Hold Recalling Line fiorn Another Station Connected to .&I Incoming CO Line Intercom Call CALLING STATION’S DISPLAY CALLED STATION’S DISPLAY I Issue 1, January 1992 410-l