Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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LIST OF FIGURES SECTION 100 SECTION 200 SECTION 300 SECTION 400 SECTION 500 SECTION 600 SECTION 700 SECTION 710 SECTION 720 SECTION 730 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loo-1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................... zoo-1 Flgure2QO-1 &@ni&4096SystanBlockDiagram ......... ..2-00- 2 Figure 200-2 b@&eStatton Instruments ................. .2QO-6 FEATURE DESCRJPTION ..................... 30~1 Figure300-1 &@&e4096DefauitMapping ............. .3UO-11 FEATURE OPERATION ....................... 400-1 Figure 400-l m Executive Key Telephone ............. .4OO-2 INSTALLATION ............................... ~~00-1 Figure 500-l Mounting Arrangements .................... .500-2 Figure 500-2 Mounting Dimensions ...................... .500-3 Figure500-3BasicKSUandExpanslonKSU .............. ..5ClO- 4 Figure 5004 Esrt. Power Supply Housing & Power Supply ..... .500-6 Figure 500-5Tone RnttteronBCCard .................... .500-7 Figure 500-6 Apical Battery Interconnectton Layout ......... .5OO-8 Figure 500-7 DC/DC Converter Unit (DC/DC) .............. .500-g Figure 500-8 Central Processing Board (CPB) .............. .5OO-10 Figure500-9CentralOf&eInterf&ceBoard(COB) .......... .500-12 Figure 500-10 Ampwed CO Interface Board (COA) .......... .5OO- 14 Figure500-11 KeyStationInterfaceBoard(KlB) ............ .500-15 Figure 500-12 Powq FailureTransfer Circuit (PFT) .......... .5OO-18 Figure 500-13 Station Modular Block Wiring .............. .500-20 Figure 500-14 Key Telephone Wall Mounting .............. .500-22 Figure 500-15 Application Board (APL) ................... .5QO-24 Figure 500-16 Applk!aUon Board Connections ............. .500-25 Figure 500- 17 Application Board Modular Connections ....... NO-26 Figure 500-18 CO and SLT RAN Connections .............. .5OO-27 Figure 500-19 RSM Baud Rate Selection. ................. .500-29 Figure 500-20 I?%m2c connecttons .................... .%I&30 Figure 500-21 Installing the Expansion KSU .............. .5OO-33 SYSTEM CHECKOUT ......................... coo-1 CUSTOMER DATA aASE PROG-G . . . . 700-1 Ffgure 700-l Data Terminal Program Codes Cross Reference . . . .700-2 Figure 700-2 &jZnite 4096 Default Button Mapping . . . . . . . . . .700-3 SYSTEM PARAMET ERS PROGRAMMING.. . . . 710-1 CO LINE ATTRIBUTES PROG-G . . . . . . 720-1 STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING . . . . . 730-1 Figure 730-l DSS Console Maps 1-3 Button Assignment . . . . . . .730-6 x Jssue 1. January 1992
INFINlTE 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System LIST OF FIGURES SECTXON 740 SECTION 745 SECTION 750 SECTION 755 SECTION 760 SECTION 765 SECTION 800 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C UNIFORM CALL DISTRXBUTION ............. .740-l VOICE lldAIL GROUPS (VM) ................... .745-1 EXCEPTION TABLES PROGIiAMMING ....... .760-l LEAST COST ROUTING PROGIUSMMING ..... .ms-1 INITXALIZING DATA RASE PARAMETERS .... .760-l PRINTING DATA BASE PARAMETERS ....... .76&l Figure 765-l DB Prfntout ofSystem Parameters ............. 765-3 Flgure765-2DBPrintoutofCOLineAtt.rlbutes.. ............ 765-6 Figure 765-3 DB Printout of Station Attributes .............. 765-8 Figure 765-4 DB Printout of ExcepUonTables .............. 765-10 Figure 765-5 DB Printout of System Speed Numbers ......... 765-12 Figure 765-6 DB Printout of LCR Default .................. 76514 AtWINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ... .800-l Figure 800-l Remote Maintenance Help Menu ............... 800-7 Figure 800-2 &jinite 4096 Configuration wlth/LCR .......... 800-8 Figure 800-3 CO Line ConfIguration Printout ................ 800-9 Figure 800-4 Station Configuration Printout ............... 800-10 Figure 800-5 APL Configuration Printout .................. 800-l 1 Figure 800-6 Event Trace as it appears on Display ........... 800-14 zNFY.MTE 4096 PROG RAMMING FORMS ...... A-l IlVF- 4096 COMPONENT LIST ............ B-I AEC The MessengerTM 212 Plus ............... Cl Figure C-l SLTtoAEC Connections ........................ C-2 FigureC-2 ACT8Cond.to6Cond.RANUneCord ............. C-3 Figure C-3 COB to AEC Connecttons ........................ C-4 Issue 1, January 1992 xi
UST OF TAB- lNF= 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System LIST OF TABLES SECTION 100 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loo- I SECTION 200 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................... 200-1 Table 200-l System Capacity ........................... .200-8 Table 200-2 Environmental Spsons ................. .200-g Table200-3LoopIfmlt-s .............................. ..2QO- 9 Table 200-4 Dialing [email protected] ....................... .200-g Table 200-5 Electrical Specifications . ..................... .200-10 Table 200-6 Regulatory Numbers ........................ 200-10 Table2UO-7DimensionsandWeight.. ................... .200-11 Table 200-8 Miscellaneous Specifications ................. .200-l 1 Table 200-g KeyTelephone Audible Signals ............... .200-12 Table 200- 10 DSS/BLF Button Visual Indicators ........... .200- 13 Table 200- 11 CO Line Button Visual Indicators ............ .200- 13 Table 200-12 Function Button Visual Indicators ............ .200-14 Table 200- 13 Single Line Telephone Audible Signals ......... .200- 15 Table 200- 14 Ring Gen./Message Wait (RG) Specifications .... .200- 15 Table 200-15 OPXTelephone Audlble Signals .............. .200-16 Table 200-16 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) .......... .200-17 SECTION 300 FEATURE DESCRIPTION ..................... 300-1 Table 300-l Alphabetical Feature Index ................... .300-2 SECTION 400 SECTION 500 FEATURE OPERATION ....................... 400-1 Table 400-l wte 4096 System Numbering Plan .......... .400-3 Table400-2FLEXButtonProgrammingCodes ............. .400-11 Table 410-l Ii&ire 4096 LCD Displays .................. .410-l INSTALLATION ............................... 500- 1 Table 500-l Pl C-cmnecting Block ...................... -500-13 Table 500-2 P2 Cmnecting Block ...................... .500-13 Table 500-3 Station Connecting Block (KIB) ............... .500-16 Table 5004 Station Connecting Block (KIB/OHV) .......... .500-16 Table 500-5 Station Connecting Block (SL?) ............... .500-17 Table 500-6 Pwr Failure Transfer Unit Connections (Pm .... .500-17 Table 500-7 OPX Station Connecting Block (OPXl .......... .%0-21 Table 500-8 SMDR Printout ........................... .500-32 SECTION 600 SYSTEM CHECKOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600-l SECTION 700 CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING.. . . 700-1 Table 700-l Default Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700-4 SECTION 710 SYSTEM PARAMET ERS PROGRAMMING.. . . . 710-l Table 710-l Hook Switch Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .710-17 SECX’ION 720 CO LINE ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING . . . . . . 720-l Table 720-l Class of Service (COS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .720-5 SECTION 730 STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING . . . . . 730-l Table 730- 1 Flexible Button Display Designations . . . . . . . . . . .730- 12 xii Issue 1. January 1992
SECTION 740 SECTXON 745 SECTION 750 SECTION 755 SECTION 760 SECTION 765 SECZION 800 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B bsue1.January1992 UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION ............. ,740-l VOICE MAIL GROUPS (V&I) ................... .74s-1 EXCEFX’ION TABLES PROGRAMMING ....... .mo-1 Table 750-l Class of Service (COS) ........................ 750-l Table 750-2 Allow/Deny Toll Table ........................ 750-2 LEAST COST ROUTING PROGRAMMING ..... .ms-1 Table 755-l LCRClass ofServiceTahle .................... 755-6 Table 755-2 Daily Start TYme & Weekly Schedule Tables ....... 755-9 Table 755-3 Exampks: Daily & Wkly Start Tlme Tables ....... 755- 10 INITIALIZING DATA BASE PARAMETERS .... .760-l PRINTING DATA BASE PARAMETERS ....... .7651 AUINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING ... .800-l Table 800-l Central Processing Board (CPB) ................ 800- 1 Table 800-2 DC/DC Converter Unit (DC/DC) ................ 800-2 Table 800-3 Battery Chargtng Board IBC) ................... 800-2 Table 800-4 Key Station Interface Board (KIB) ............... 800-3 Table 800-5 Key Station Interface Board w/OHVA (KIB/OHVj ... 800-3 Table 800-6 Central Office Interface Board (COB) ............. 800-3 Table 800-7 Single Line Interface Board (SIB) ................ 800-4 Table 800-8 SLT Ring Generator (RG) and M/W Power Supply ... 800-4 Table 800-9 Application Board (APL) ...................... 800-4 Table 800-10 Single Line Receiver/Sender Unit (SLU) ......... 800-5 Table 800- 11 RS-232C Module (RSM) ..................... 800-5 Table 800- 12 Power Failure Transfer Unit (PFIJ .............. 800-5 Table 800- 13 Amplified Conference Board (COA) ............. 800-6 Table 800- 14 Off-Premise Extension Board (OPXI ............ 800-6 RVF.- 4096 PROGRAMMIN GFORMS ...... A-l Appendix A- 1 System Parameters ........................... A- 1 Appendix A-2 UCD and Hunt Group Parameters ............... A-3 Appendix A-3 Voice Mail Group Parameters ................... A-4 Appendix A4 CO Line Pr ogramming(Flash40) .............. ..A- 5 Appendix A-5 CO Line Ringing Assignment Chart .............. A-7 Appendix A-6 Station Pro @xmm&q(Flash 50) ................. A-8 Appendix A-7 Flexible Station Buttons ....................... A-9 AppendkA-8SystemSpeedDialNumbers ................. .A-11 Appendix A-9 Exception Tables (J?lash 60) ................... A- 13 AppendixA-10LeastCostRmking@%sh61). ............... .A-15 Appendix A-l 1 Route List Table ........................... A-16 Appendix A- 12 Insert/Delete Tables ........................ A-20 Appendix A- 13 3-Digit Area/Of&e Code Route List Table ....... A-22 Appendix A-14 6-Digit Office Code Table .................... A-23 Appendix A- 15 LCR Exception Code Table ................... A-24 AlFlA?ITE 4096 COMPONENT LIST ............ ~-1 Appendix El &finite 4096 Component List .................. El
LsIST OF TABIE-6 rmFrrmTE 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System APPENDIX C AEC The MessengerTM 212 Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl xiv Issue 1, January 1992
~~WRV~TE 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INFINITE 4096 ISSUE CONTROL SHEET INFINITE 4-096 ISSUE CONTROL SHEET ‘1 l”““Lj uc11J2 bA LN.UcI 1 JANUAKY 1992 First Release of Infinite 4096 General Description, Installation ant i Maintenance Manual. I l Issue 1, January 1992 xv
Inmite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INTRODUCTION SECTION100 INTRODUCTION 100.1 PURPOSE This manual provides the information neces- say to program, install, operate and maintain the I- 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System. 100.2 REGULATORY INFORMATION The Federal Communications Commission IFCC) has established rules which allow the direct connectton of the Ir3finfte 40% Key Tele- phone System to the telephone network Gzr- tain actions must be undertaken or understood before the connection of customer provided equipment is completed. A Telephone Company NoMication Before connecung the I@ni& 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System to the telephone network, the local serving telephone com- pany must be given advance notice of in- tention to use customer provided equipment and provided with the following information: The telephone numbers to be connected to the system. The FCC ReglstraUon Number located on the Key Service Unit mu): DLP82V- 17568-MF-E If no Key Telephones are programmed to have a pooled group button. use the following FCC RegistraUon Number DLF%2V- 17567~KF-E The Ringer Equivalence Number also located on the KSU: 0.5B The Universal System Ordering Code IIJSOC) jack required for direct titercon- nection with the telephone network: FLJ2lX B. lnddcncc of Harm If the telephone company detexmines that the customer provided equipment is faulty and possibly causing harm or interruption to the telephone network, it should be disconnected until repairs can be made. If this is not done, the telephone company may temporarily disconnect service. C. D. E. changes ln service The local telephone company may make changes fn its communications facilities or procedures. Ifthese changes should affect the use of the 1r@f& 4096 or compatibility with the network. the telephone company must give wrltten notice to the user to allow uninterrupted Service. h¶alntenana umltations Maintenance on the 4096 Hybrid KeyTele- phone System is to be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized agent. The user may not make any changes and/or repairs except as specifically noted in t.h& manual. If unauthorized altera- tions or repairs are made. any remaining warranty may be voided. Notice of CompIiance The 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System complies with rules regarding radiation and radio frtquency emissions by Class A computing devices. In accordance with FCC Standard 15 (Subpart J). the follow- ing tiormatton must be supplied to the end user: “This equipment generates and uses RF energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the Instnx- Uon Manual. may cause interference to Radio Communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device. pursuant to Subpart J of part 15 of the FCC Rules, which are de- signed to provide reasonable protec- tion against such interference, when operated in a commercial environ- ment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user. at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be re- quired to correct the interference.’ Issue I. January 1992 100-l
F. G. The HearingAid Compatibility All In&&e 4096 Key Telephones are Hear- lng Aid Compatible. as defined in Section 68.3 16 of Part 68 FCC Rules and Regula- UOXlS OPX CYrcuit I@nfte 4096 Key Telephone System may be equipped with single line OPX boards which provide four (4) 48 volt FCC registered 2500- type single line interface ports. l Each OPX port when used to support an off-premise extension requires an OL 13C network circuit. l An FCC registered interface such as a W2 1X is also required to connect to the public network. 100.3 RECUUTORY INFORMATION CA- HADIAN) Depariment of Communications (DOC) Won Number: 676 2799A Load Number: 19 Standard Connector: CA21A Can- Standards Association (CSAI File Number: LR!57228 A. Notice The Canadian Department of Communi- cations’ label identifies certified equip- ment. Thfs certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunica- tions network protective. operational and safety requirements. This Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that It is permissible to be connected to the factlitles of the local tele- communlcaUons company. The equip- ment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. In some cases, the company’s inside wiring asso& ated with single line individual service may be extended by means of a certified con- nector assembly (telephone extension cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the above condition may not prevent degradation of service in mrne situations. Repairs to cerUfled equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian matnte- nance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment. or equipment mai- functtons. may give the telecommunica- tions company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protec- tion that the electrical ground connections of the power utility. telephone lines and fnternd metallic water pipe system, if pre- Senk are connected together. This pre- caution may be particularly important in rural areas. I-4 Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate elec- tric inspection authority. or electri- dan, as appropriate. B. ErpladdonofLoadNumber The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to a tele- phone loop which is used by the device to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the load numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100. C. MaiJltenallcc L4.mitationB Maintenance on the In&&e 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System is to be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized agent. The user may not make any changes and/or repairs except as sped- tally noted in this manual. If unauthor- ized alterations or repairs are made, any remalnlng warranty may be voided. D. Notice of Compliance The In&&e 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System complies with Class A or Class B limits of the Canadian Radio Interference Regulations. In accordance with FCC Standard 15 (Subpart J). the following information must be supplied to the end user: loo-2 Issue 1, January 1992
Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INTRODUCTION YlXis equipment generates and uses RF energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the Ins&~- tion Manual+ may cause interfennce to Ftadio comml.mlcauons. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A or Class B computing device, pursuant to Sub- part J or Part 15 of the FCC Rules, whfch are designed to provide rcason- able protection against such interfer- ence. when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user, at his own expense. will be required to take whatever meas- ures may be required to correct the interference. * E. OPX Circuit The Zrzfznite 4096 Key Telephone Systems may be equipped w-ith single line OPX boards which provide four (41 48 volt reg- istered 2500-type single line interface PO-. l A DOC nglstered interface such as a CA2 1A is also required to connect to the public network. loo.4 uL/csA SAFETY COMP~CE The Irsfznite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System has met all safety requirements and was found be in compliance with the United Laboratories KJL) 1459 Second Edition and Canadian Standards Assodatlon (CXiAj CS-03 Standard. The k#nife 4096 is authorized to bear the UL and CSA marks. Issue 1, January 1992 loo-3
Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION200 GENERALDESCRIPTION 200.1 SYSTEM TEcHN0LoGY The In&f& 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System is an expandable modular system engineered for growth through modular card IPCB) expan- sion as well as KSU module expansion and provides a flexible assortment of features through software options and optional circuit cards. F&p-e 200-l is a block diagram of the System. The Zn$nf& 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System is the upper end of a family of Electronic Key Telephone Systems designed to meet the needs of telephone users from small to large. The other members of this family are the In&f& 816 and 1224. The In&&e 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System is a modular system designed for growth using state of the art Di&al Technology for switching control. co mmand processing and also utilizes a CMOS based microprocessor controlled cross point switching matrix, and provides a fl&ble assorunent of features. This family of systems Is englneered ‘to allow the same telephones to migrate through the complete product line. This system has a capacity of up to 40 outside lines. 96 internal telephone stations. and 14 intercom channels. The system architecture allows for non-blocking access to all 40 CO lines. The KSU is designed as two cabinets. The Basic cabinet will support 24 outside lines and 48 internal stattons. The Expansion cabi- net will support an additional 16 outside lines and 48 internal statlons. Standard single-line (2500 type) telephones can be installed in the system by exchanging key telephone boards for single-Une boards. 200.2 COMMON EQUIPMENT The following components are necessary to operate the @?nf& 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System: (Refer to Appendix B for a complete 4096 component list with Part #‘s) 0 Basic KSU 0 Central Processor Board (CPB) with ge- neric software l DC/DC Converter (DC/DC) l Key Station Interface Board (KIB) e l l 0 l A B. C. Central Ofiice Interface Board (COB) Power supply Es) External Power Housing (EPS) Enhanced Key Telephone or Executive Key Telephone Basic Key Sewice Unit (BKSIJj The Basic KSU is housed in a wall-mount cabinet that contains card slots for modu- lar boards and associated pre-wired con- nectors. The KSU provides card slot positions for DC/DC Converter (DC/DC), Central Processing Board (CPB), 24 CO/PBX lines (3 COB’s), 48 stations (6 KIB’sl. an Application Board (APL), and two Power Failure Transfer untts. One ( 1) BKSU is required per system. Expansion Key Service Unit [EKSUJ The Expansion KSU is an add-on cabinet that mounts next to the Basic KSU with ribbon cable connectors to interface to the Basic KSU, card slots to support up to 8 PCB’s and a pre-wired CO line interface connector (a). The lQcpa.nsion KSU will support a configuration of 16 CO lines and 48 Key Telephones/DSS Units/Phone Boxes. One (1) EKSU is required when the system exceeds 24 CO lines or 48 stations. Two power supplies are required in the External Power Supply Housing (EPS) for Expansion KSU operation. External Power Supply Housing (EPS) The External Power Supply Housfng (EPS) is a wall mountable cabinet that houses the EPS motherboard (backplane), two Power Supply Units 0%). the Single Lfne Ringing Generator and Message Waiting Power Supply Unit (RG), and the Battery Charging Unit (BC). The EPS contains an ON/OFF power switch. an AC input cord. a DC output cord, battery connector panel for connecting 24V dc of battery power, an AC ON LED, a DC ON LED and a RING ON LED for the Battery Charging Board (BC). One (1) EPS Is required per system. Issue 1, January 1992 200-l