Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Irl,Enite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FEATURE DESCRIPTION 300.146 AUTOMATIC NIGHT MODE In addition to the attendants capability to place the system into and out of night mode manu- ally, by pressing the Night key, an automatic night mode schedule has been added to the system. The automatic schedule is set in data base programming on a week day basis, in- cluding Saturday and Sunday. The Attendant can override the automatic schedule by press- l.ng the NIGHT (DND) button. 300.147 DIRECTORY DIALZNG Station users with Executive Display tele- phones may view a list. of up to 200 names, from the system directory on the station’s LCD display. then automatically dial the station or speed dial bin by pressing a single key. Names placed in the directory list may be associated to Intercom Numbers or System Speed dial bins. Users may view the directory list begin- ning with any letter of the alphabet then scroll through the list either forward or backwards. When the desired name is displayed on the LCD display pressing the Speed Call button will automattcally place a call to that destfna- Uon. Directory dialing may also be used to transfer a call corn one station to another. 300.148 INCOMING CO LlNE OFF-NET FORWARD All&s the f3rst attendant to forward incoming CO calls to an OfT-Net location. The attendant must have a direct appearance of the CO line to be forwarded. Forwarding can be estab- lished on a per CO line group basis, or all CO lines may be simultaneously fonvarded to an off-net location. 300.149 TIME AND DATE PROGRAMMING This feature allows the first programmed atten- dant to set the time and date without entering the programming mode. W/DSS/DLS 300.150 ATTENDANT SEARCH Allows a user to make a series of intercom calls without hanging up the handset. An intercom connection is switched to another station whenever a DSS key is pressed. Pressing the next DSS key terminates the prwious intercom call. 300.151 BUSY LAMP FIELD INDICATORS Each station key on the DSS console has a corresponding indicator which shows whether the station is idle or busy. The indicator is lit when the station ls busy and unlit if the station is idle. A station in DND mode is shown by a flash.tng indicator. 300.162 DIRECT STATION CALLXNG Enables the user to make an intercom voice call to any key telephone in the system. Per- mits you to automatically put an outside caller on hold and simultaneously make an intercom all to an intemai station. Also allows you to transfer an intercom call or outside call that is on hold to another station. 300.153 MAPPING OPTIONS EachDSSterminalcanbeprogrammedinone of three ways: 0 MAP 1 - Station loo-139 appear in se- quential order with the bottom two rows of buttons being two fixed feature buttons and six flexible buttons. DSSfDLS Console Map 1 Issue 1. January 1992 300-25

FEATURED-ON InJ?nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System l MAP 2 - Statton 140- 179 appear in se- quential order with the bottom two rows of buttons being eight flexible buttons. l MAP 3 - CO Lfne buttons l-40 appear in sequential order with the bottom two rows of buttons being eight flexible buttons. DSS/DLS Console Map 2 DSS/DLS Console Map 3 CO Une ringing on Map 3 is determined by CO Line Ringing Assignments. 300.1!54 RELEASE= Allows the user to dfsconnect rxlls while off- hook, speeding up call handling time (MAP 1 only). 300-26 b8UC 1, January 1992

InjTnite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FEM’UXE OPERATION SECTION400 FEATUREOPEIiATION 400.1 INTRODUCTION The hjlnite 4096 System has a wide variety of features and flexible programming. allowing each telephone user to program his/her tele- phone to meet his/her own individual needs. This section of the manual contains the oper- ating instnxUons for key telephone and Single Line users and includes an illustration of the key telephone used in the Ir@n& 4096 system and description of the keys on the telephones and their functions. It is designed to provide step-by-step instrucUons for operating the key telephones and Single Line telephones in the system. Visual and audible cues which accom- pany the various steps in the operation of the features are also include Literature similar to these operating instruc- Uons has been prepared for use by the cus- tomer in the form of Station. SLT. and Attendant User’s Guides. 400.2 ISYTELEPHONE STAmONFEA- Each 4096 key station provides the following keys, indicators and features: HANDSET AND SpEAgER are located at the left side of the fi-ont panel. A handset is pro- vided to allow confidential conversation when desire L&ing the handset from its cradle (going off-hook) disengages the station’s built-in speaker. The speaker is located directly below the center portion of the handset. ‘The station may be operated with the handset on-hook When this occurs, audio is transmitted to the station user through the station’s speaker. OUTSIDE CALLS are announced by a tone signal repeated every 3.2 seconds. The corre- sponding outside line indicator will flash slowly. INTERCOM CALLS can be tone ringing or voice announce lfit is voice announced, the receiving station will receive 3 bursts of tone prior to the announcement. lf it is a tone ringing call, the receiving station will hear a tone ring every 2.4 seconds. Fl3XIBI.S BUTTONS are used to access idle outside lines, provide DSS/BLF for internal stations, access speed dial number and acti- vate features. These buttons are programmed by the individual station user. The default flex feature buttons are described below. EI.ASH button is used to terminate an outside call and restore dial tone without having to hang up the handset. It is also used to transfer calls behind a PBX or Centrex within those systems. AAUTE button allows you to switch the built-in microphone on or off when using the speaker- phone, or the handset microphone when using the handset. CONFERENCE (CONF) button is used to estab- lish and build conference calls. IZQZ QUEUE button allows you to queue onto an outside line when all lines in a group are busy. Your station is placed in queue awaiting a line in the same group to become available. SPEEB CALL button provides you with access to speed dialing, save number red&l and last number redial. This button is also used to access speed dial and flex button program- ming. DO NOT DI!STURB (DND) button allows the user to place his/her telephone into a Do Not Disturb mode to eliminate incoming outside line ringing, intercom calls, transfers and pag- ing announcements. The station in DND can use the telephone to make normal outgoing calls. On Attendant stations, this button be- comes the system Night Mode button. W-ON button enables you to alert a busy party that an outside line is on hold and wait- ing for them. MAUI BACK button allows you to initiate an automatic call back request to another busy station. As soon as that station becomes idle, the station that left the call back request is signalred. MESSAGE WAIT [MSG WAIT) button allows you to initiate a message waiting indication at stations that are busy, unattended, or in Do Not Disturb. Message Waiting Callback re- quest left at your station will indicated by a flashing Msg Wait LED. CALt FWB button allows you to forward your calls to another station TRANSFER (I’RANS) button is used to transfer an outside call from one station to another. Issue 1, January 1992 No-1

FEATURE OPERATION Irtfrnite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System PICK UP button allows you to pickup a tone ringing intercom call. transferred. incoming, or recalling ourside line call to a specific unar- tended station either by group or directed call pick-up. ON/OFF button enables you to make a tele- phone call without lifting the handset. It turns the telephone on and off when using the speak- erphone. HOLD button enables you to place an outside caller on hold. Figure 400- 1 Infinite Executive Key Telephone 400-2 Issue 1, January 1992

Table 400-l Xqjinite 4096 System Numbering Plan 100-195 Station Intercom Numbers 286 Headset Mode 287 BB m-hook Preference Programming 288 Attendant Override (Flex Button Programming) 289 XXX 0 Turn BGM OFF at a phone box (1st programmed Attendant) 289 XXX 1 Turn BGM ON at a phone box ( 1st programmed Attendant) 290 Directory Dialing 294 Executive Override 295 Name in Display Programming 296 CO Line m-Net Forward (1 st programmed Attendant) 297 89U UCD Calls in Queue Display 298 Disable Outgoing CO Line Access 391 SLT Conference W/ Personal Park 392 Personal Park 5# xxx Tone Mode Ring Option 590-597 Hunt Group Pilot Numbers l-8 60 Voice Mail enable MSG Walt 61 Voice Mail cancel MSG Watt 690-697 Voice Mall Group Pilot Numbers l-8 74 LCR Queue Cancel 75 Universal Night Answer 76 Time & Date Programming ( 1 st programmed Attendant) 77 Background Music 78 22 Personalized Messages 78 00 Clear Personalized Messages 790-795 Call Park (system) 80 Account Code Enter 81 CO Line Group 1 (if LCR is enabled) 82 CO Line Group 2 83 CO Line Group 3 84 CO Line Group 4 85 CO Line Group 5 86 CO Line Group 6 87 CO L&e Group 7 88 All CO Ihe Groups (CO I&e Off-Net Forward) 890-897 UCD Group Pilot Numbers l-8 898 UCD Available/Unavailable 9 LCR or CO Line Group 1 (if LCR is disabled) 0 Attendant ( 1 st programmed Attendant) ‘1 Internal Page Zone 1 2 Internal Page Zone 2 ‘3 Internal Page Zone 3 ‘4 Internal Page Zone 4 ‘5 Internal All Call Page ‘6 External Page 09 Meet-Me-Page Answer Yl AllCallPage(Int.&Ext.) #l SLT DND Enable / Disable #2xXx SLT All Call Forward #22 xxx SLT No Answer - Call Forward W23XQC SLT Busy - Call Forward #24 XXX SLT Busy / No Answer - Cdl Forward #27 W SLT Off-Net - Call Forward #2 Call forward cancel (all types) #3W SLT Station Speed Dial *ogrammlng #4 Message Wait enable #5 Message Wait return #6 SLT Group call Pick-up #7xXx SLT Directed Call pick-up #79 c Call Park pickup (Key and SL’ll #8 SLT Clear - Call Forward. DND. Personal Messages #9 w SLT Speed Dial Access #O SLT Flash Comman dt.oCOLine #* SLT Camp-on (call wait) ## SLT CO Line Queue mlxxx Station call Fonvard-All ~12XXX Station No Answer-Call Foxward m]3XX?C Station Busy-Call Forward ~]4XXX Station Busy/No Answer- Call forward mm7 Station Off-Net Call forward [SPDl YY Speed Dial Access (OO- 19 Station) (20-99 System) [SPDJ l Save Number Redial [SPD] # Last Number Redial Xxx = Intercom Station Numbers U = UCD Group Number l-8 YY = Speed Dial Bin numbers C = Call Park Location O-5 22 = Personalized Messages BB = Button Number Issue 1, January 1992 NO-3

FEATURE OPERATXON In$.nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 400.3 ANSWERING AN OUTSIDE CAEL a. Lift handset b. Press slow flashing outside line button. or Loop button. (If your telephone is programmed with Preferred Line An- swer, you may answer an outside line by ltfktng the handset.) 400.4 PIACING AN OUTSIDE CALL ON HOLD If your system is programmed for Exclusive Hold Preference, press HOLD button once for Exclusive Hold and twice for System Hold. lf your system is programmed for System Hold Preference, press HOLD button once for System Hold and twice for Exclusive Hold. 400.5 ANSWERING A RECALL When an outside line has remained on hold for an extended period of Ume, you will be reminded with a recalling ring. a Press outside line. Loop or Pool button flashing at very fast rate. b. Lift handset to converse. 400.6 ACCOUNI’ CODES When connected to an outside line call: a.. b. Press pre-programmed account code button (Refer to Flexible Button pro- grammingl. Dial account code up to 12 digits. me other party will not hear the digits being dialed). If acmunt code is less than 12 digits, an [‘I must be entered to return to the call. If aamunt azdesareforcedtheaccmntcademustbe entered prior to dialing the ouhide number. 400.7 DI!UBLE OUTGOING CO LINE ACCESS The First Attendant station can disable CO lines. preventtng outgoing CO calls. a Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b. Dial [298] on the dial pad. Confirmation tone is heard. c. Depress the line button(s) of the CO Line(s) to be disable Confhmatlon tone is heard and the CO Line Button LED is flashtng. To re-activate the CO Line(s), repeat the steps followed to disable it. 400.8 PIACXNGAN OUTSIDE CALL a b. C. [Automatic Ldne Selection) Press outside line or Pool button or dial line group access [811 or 1871. ON/OFF button LED will light and dial tone will be heard. Dial desired party. When called party answers, lift handset to converse or use speakerphone. StaiionusermayalsodialthefndLuidualtnrnk gnm.paLxessaxietoaci3??ssanoutsideline. 400.9 RACXGROUND MUSIC (Optiona a Dial 177) on the dial pad: b. or c. Press the pre-programmed flex button. (music is heard) d. Dial [771, on the dial pad: e. or f. Press the pre-programmed flex button again+ and music is discontinue. When you pick up the handset or press the ON/OFF button, music is disconffnued CIUJB- matimlly. 400.10 AUTOMATIC SEIXCTION Pressing an outside lfne button. Loop or Pool button: a Speed button: a Station button: or d.la&ng a number in the InJnfte 4096 Num- bering Plan will automatically activate the speakerphone and light the ON/OFF button. If your keyset is programmed as a speaker- phone. 400.11 CALL BACK If you dial a telephone that is busy or in DND and want to activate Call Back: a Press CALL BACK button. b. Hang up. c. When busy station hangs up, you will be signaled. d. Answer call: statton you called will then be signaled. (If your station is busy when signaled, an automatic MSG WAlT will be placed at your phone.) onf.LJoneCall~tequestaln&leflt~ station; the second request ti be converted toamessagewailadlbackrequest 400-4 Issue 1, January 1992

Infiite 4096 Hybrid Xey Telephone System F’EATURE OPERATION 400.12 CALL FORWARD: STATXON k CallForward-Allcalls If you have been given the ability to forward your calls: 1. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Press station key or dial intercom num- ber where calls are to be forwarded. including UCD. Voice Mail. and Hunt group pilot numbers. 4. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF button. ~Queue,callbacktequests*messagewait quests, andpre-selected messages are am- c&d when a station ai3ilxh.s all.2 fomarci CaLlbackrequestsarenotaUowedatastaiion whf?n?aaIlllisf- tiecicoL.inecallsa.ln beiransfemdbythere&uingstMonbuckto *aJmf- dedsbtlonAsta.tioninthe caLlfi3?lm-dmodemaystlllmakeoutgolng alus. To Remove Call Forwarding: 1. 2. 3. B. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. Press CALL IWD button. Hang up. Call Forward - Busy If you have been given the ability to forward your calls: 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Dial the Call Forward No Answer code [2] on the dial pad. 4. Dial the 3-digit extension number where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone will be heard. To cancel Call Fo~dingz 1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL FWD button. C. Call Forward - No Answer lf you have been given the ability to forward your calls: 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton. 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Dial the Call Forward Busy code I31 on the dial pad. 4. Dial the 3-d&$ extension number where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone will be heard. To cancel Call Forwarding: 1. Ltft the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL FWD button. D. Call Forwad - Busy/No Answer If you have been given the ability to forward your calls: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton Pnss CALL FWD button. Dial the Call Forward Busy/No Answer code I41 on the dial pad. Dial the 3-digit extension number where calls are to be forwarded. Gmfirmation tone will be heard. To cancel Call Forwarding: 1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL FWD button. E. Call Forward - Off-Net (via speed dial) In a speed dial bin, store the number of the off-net location where calls are to be for- warded. Follow instructions provided for storing station or system speed dial num- bers. Allows stations to forward intercom and transferred CO calls to an off-net location. 1. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Dial [7’j. Then dial the speed bin number that contains the number where calls are to be forwarded. or 4. Press the pre-programmed button for the speed bin. 5. Confirmation tone is heard. CALL FWD button LED is flashing. Line Qufae, Cad back requests, mfzssage uxzit requests, andpre-selected messages are cm- c&d when a statfon activates cx7lL forwaxti Wbackrequests~notaflowedatastuiion whereaazlltsfonuarded coLim?adfsaln be tmnsferred by the receiufng station buck to the oHginaifomtmied station A staiion fn the alufonuardmodemaystiumakeoutgoing adk. Issue 1, January 1992 400-5

FEXIURE OPERATION mite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Canceling Off-Net Forwarding 1. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. 2. Press CALL FWD button. CALL lWD button LED is extinguished. F. Call Fommrd - UCD Gmrqre If you have been given the ability to forward your calls: 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Dial the desired code: - PI = no answer calls - [3] = busy calls - [4] = busy and no answer calls. NOIE: Skip step 3. fw immediate fonumm. 4. Dial the 3-d&$ UCD group pilot number (890-897) for the group (l-8) where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone WIII be heard. To cancel Call Forwarding: 1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL FWD button. G. Call Forward - Voice hfail Groups Intercom and Transferred CO callers may be routed directly to your mail box by fonvard- ing your phone to a voice mail group. Callers will then be greeted by your personal voice mail greetfng if available. If you have been given the ability to forward your CaIls: 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton 2. F’ress CALL FWD button. 3. Dial the desired code: - [2] = no answer calls - 131 = busy calls - [4] = busy and no answer calls. NOTE: Sk@ thLs step fw imnwdfate fonuard- @I- 4. Dial the 3-digit Voice Mail group pilot number (690-697) for the group (l-8) where calls are to be forwarded. Confir- mation tone will be heard. To cancel Call Forwarding: 1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL lWD button. E Cdl Fomard - Hunt Groupe If you have been given the ability to forward your czllls 1. Lift the handset or press ON/OFF but- ton 2. Press CALL FWD button. 3. Dial the desired code: - (21 = no answer calls - I31 = busy calls - [4] = busy and no answer calls. NUlE: Skip this step for immediate fonuard- @la 4. Dial the 3-d&$ Hunt group pilot number (590-597) for the group (l-8) where calls are to be forwarded. Confirmation tone wilI bc heard. To cancel Call Forwarding: 1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 2. Press the CALL FWD button. 400.13 CAILFORWARD: PF2ESET lfa CO Line forwarded by Preset Call Forward encounters a manually forwarded station (Call Forward - Station), or a station in DND. then the incoming CO Line will bypass that station and forward to the next in the chain. If that stat-ton is the last in the cha.in. then the call will not forward any further and will continue to ring at that station until an- swered or terminate. , 400.14 CALL FORWARD: CO LINES A. Incoming CO L&es Off-Net (via speed aa Allows the first attendant station to forward lncomlng CO cx.lls to an off-net location. In a speed dial bin, store the number of the off-net location where calls are to be for- warded. Follow instructions provided for storing station or system speed dial num- bers. 1. Dial I2961 on the dial pad. 2. Dial the CO group access code for the CO Ltne group to be forwarded. 81 =CO Group 1 82 =CO Group 2 83 =CO Group 3 84 =CO Group 4 85 =CO Group 5 86 =CO Group 6 87 =CO Group 7 88 =AIl CO Lines 4066 Issue 1, January 1992

Imite 4096 Hybrid Xey Telephone SYStem FEATURE OPERATION 3. Dial the speed bin number that contains the number where calls are to be for- warded or press the programmed button for the speed bin. Confirmation tone is heard. Canceling Off-Net Forwarding 1. Dial [296] on the d.ial pad. 2. Dial the CO group access code. 3. Dial [#I. Confirmation tone is heard 400.16 CAUJNG STATION TONE MODE OPTION AlIows a calling station to override a called statlons H or P intercom switch settings. When placing a call to a station and Tone ringing is desired: a. Dial [5#] on the dial pad. b. Dial 3-dQit station extension or press DSS button of desired station Call tone rings station. 400.16 CAL&PARK To place an outside call on hold and consult with, page, or call an internal party and/or transfer the outside call. While connected to an outside line: a. Press TRANS button. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. b. Dial parking location (790 to 795). Hear confirmation tone. c. If you hear busy tone, press TRANS and dial another parking location. FWriedng a Parked CaJl a Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b. Dial pound [#I. c. Dial parking location (790 to 795) where the calI was parked. 400.17 CALL PICX-UP: GROUP When intercom tone ringing, transferred out- side line ringing, or recall ringing is heard at an unattended telephone: a. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF button. b. Press the PICK UP button to be con- nected to the calling party. NUE?:Youmustbeinthesame@ckupgroup clsthelingfngtelephonetopfckupthealu 400.18 CALLTRANSFER Outside lines can be transferred from one phone to another within the system. The transfer can be either screened (announced] or unscreened to either an idle or busy sta- tion. or UCD or Hunt Group. Screened Transfer While connected to an outside line: a. b. C. d. Press station button where call ls to be transferred (if programmed on your tele- phone), or Press ‘IRANS button and dial station number (100 to 195). The cakd extension signals according to the intercom signal switch position. When that extension answers, an- nounce the transfer. Hang up to complete transfer. When attempting to locate a pax-@ a.. Press a station key to signal a station or press the TFLWS button and dial station desired. b. If the party is not located, press another station key to continue the search, or press the TFL4N button and dial the sta- Uon number. C. d. If the party is not located, press the lRANS button agafn and dial another statton number to continue the search. When the called patty answers, hang up to complete the transfer. Unscreened Transfer When the czlled extension beglns to signal: a Hang up to transfer the call (Recall timer starts). Transfer Search Answering a Screened Transfer Your intercom will be signaling according to the intercom signal switch position. a Answer the intercom and receive the transfer notice. b. Press the outslde line button or loop button flashing on hold. Issue 1, January 1992 400-7

FEWURE OPERATION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 400.19 TFUNSFERRXN GcocALLsTo A STATION FORWARDED TO VM While connected to a CO line: a Press the TRANS button and dial the extension number of the station for- warded to voice mail. b. The transferring station hangs up. The COcallwtllbedirectedtothemailboxof the forwarded station. NOlE: If the tmnsfen-hg stdon attempts to .sLpa%ethetmnsferofjustuzaitsLmuLthe voice mail system answers, then it becomes necessaly to lEtXXC?SSIheCOlIneandre- transfer them a~& go on-hook before the voice mailsystemansruers.7MswiUensufrthatthe copartgwiuhearthepersonalgreetingoftht? mailbauserandaryappUcableins~ns. 400.20 CAMP-ON If you call a station that is busy and wish to alert them to your call: a Press the CAMP ON button.Called sta- tion will receive two bursts of ringing. b. Wait for their response c. When called party answers, consult with .themorhanguptotransferthecalL If a station is In DND. only the attendant can Camp On using the attendant override fea- ture. Answering a Camp On If you are on a connected call, hear two bursts of muted ringing, and your CAMP ON button is flashing. you have a call waiting for you. To answer a Press the CAMP ON button. b. Any outside line you are connected to will be placed on hold. You may con- verse with the. station placing the call. c. Press flashing outside line button, If a call is being transferred. 400.21 CO LINE ACCESS To access outside line: a Press idle CO line button, Pool button, or dial CO line group access code or LCR access code. b. Dial number desired for outside call. c. Lift handset to converse or use speaker- phone. 430.22 QUEUING A station can queue only one line at a tlrne. If you see that a particular outside line is busy and you wish to be placed on a bst waiting for that line to become avaIlable: To Place a Queue a Press desired busy outside line button or pool button (Busy tone is heard) b. Press LINE QUEUE button. c. Hang up. To Answer a Queue If you hear rlngfng and an outside line of the line group (or a Loop or Group Key), you queued onto is slow flashing: a. Lift handset b. Press flashing outside line button to an- swer. If your statton has been programmed for Preferred Line Answer, you will have the line automatically upon ISUng the handset. 400.23 CONFEREN CE COMBINATXONS Gnly stations that have conference enabled will be able to institute a conference. l Add-on Conference: Four internal and one external or tie party internal 0 Multi-Line Conference: One internal and Iwo external. Establishing a Conference A maximum of five parties can be included in a conference. The internal party must lift the handset. a. b. C. d. e. f. Lift handset. Select intercom station or dial desired outside party. When called party answers, press CONF button. Add next conference party by selecting another outside brie or intercom statioh When party answers, press CONF but- ton twice. All parties are connected. Exiting a Conference (Controller only) There are three methods of exiting a confer- ence: a Press the ON/OFF button to ON, press the MUTE button. and replace the handset (to monitor a conference). b. Press HOLD button to place outside par- 400-8 Issue 1, January 1992