Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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InJinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone SYStem FEATURE DESCRIPTION Table 300-l Alphabetical Fn Index (Cont’d) INIERNAL EXTERNAL FEATURE AVAIIABLE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REQUIRED REQUIRED Meet Me Page S N N Message Waiting S N N Message Waiting Reminder Tone S N N Music On Hold S N Music Source Mute Key S N N Name in Display S N Exec Telephone Night Setice: Manual Operation S N N Automatic Operation S N N Weekly Night Mode Schedule S N N Night Class of Sexvice (COS) S N N Universal Night Answer (UNAI S N N Night Ringing Assignment S N N External Night Ringing S N N Off-Hook Preference S N N Auto Line Access S N N Auto Feature Access S N Keyset Hot I&e/Ring down S N Keyset Intercom Access S N Keyset User Programmable Preference S N w=t OfT-Hook Signalling S N N OfWremise &tensions (OPXl 0 OPX/APL/R(; OPX circuit On Hook Dialing S N N On-Line Programming S N N PagLng External 0 APL pagtng Equip Internal S N N Paging Access Restriction S N N Pause llmer S N N PBX Dialing Codes S N N Personalized Messages S N N Personalized Message Code on a Flex Key S N N Phone Box S N Phone Box Pool Button Operation S N N Preferred Line Answer S N N Privacy Release: Per Station Option S N N Per CO Line Option S N N Private I&e S N N Pulse-To-Tone Switchover S N N Range Pwr==QZ S N N Remote Administration (Database) S N N S=Standard Feature; O=OpUonal: Requires additional hardware: N=No additional hardware required Issue 1, January 1992 300-5

FXATURE DESCRIPTION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Table 300-l Alphabetical Fea&rt Index (Cont’d) INTERNAL ExTERIwL FEATURE AVAIIABLE EQUIPMEKT EQUIPMEM. REQUIRED REQUIRED Remote System Monitor and Maintenance S N Optional Modem Save Number Red&xl (SNRI S N N Single Line Telephone (SLT) Compatabiltty 0 SLT/APL/RG 2500 l)pe SLT SLT Personal Park SLT Personal Park Transfer S N N SLT Conference with Personal Park S N N SLT ‘Flip-Flop’ Hold S N N Station Message Detailed Recording (SMDRI S RSM Prlrlter Speakerphone S N N Station Class of Service S N N Statlon Speed Dial S N N System Capacity: up to 24x48 Conflguratton S N up to 40x96 Conf&uration 0 ExpTKsu N System Hold S N N System Speed Dial S N N Toll Restriction Crable Driven) Transfer RecaIl S N N Uniform Call Distribution (UCD): (8 x 8) Alternate UCD Group Assignments S N N Overflow Station Assignment S N N Incoming CO Direct Ringing S N N Recorded Announcements (RANI 0 N RAN Device Two Recorded Announcements for Transferred co calls 0 N RAN Device Number of Calls in Queue Display S N N UCD Auto Wrap-up with %er S N N Available/Unavailable Mode Universal Night Answer (UNA) S N N Voice Mail Groups: VM (8 x 8) SIB/APL/RC; Voice Mail System In Band Signaling Integration 0 APL N Voice Mail Message Waiting Indication S N N Voice Matl CO Disconnect Sfgna.l Pass thru S APL N Voice Mail Tone Mode Calling Optlon S N N Volume Control S S N S=Standard Feature: O=OpUonal: Requires additional hardware: N=No additional hardware required 300-6 Issue 1, January 1992

A. B. C. D. Ch.llFOrWtUd-AIlCalls l3.l.s feature allows a station the ability to have alI their calls (internal or external) forwarded immediately to a designated station, a UCD group pilot number, Voice Mail group number, or Hunt group. (See Note) Call Forward - Busy This feature allows a station the ability to have their calls fonvarded to a designated station, a UCD group pilot number, Voice Mail group number, or Hunt group when their station is busy. (See Note) Call Forward - No Answer This feature allows a station the ability to have their calls forwarded to a designated station. a UCD group pilot number. Voice Mail group number or Hunt group number when there is no answer at the station. No answer calls forward when the system- wide “no answer timer” aspires. (See Note) Call Forwird - Busy/No Auswer Allows a stations the ability to fonvard a combination busy/no answer calls to a designated station, a UCD group pilot number, Voice Mail group number, or Hunt group. No answer calls forward when the system-wide “no answer timer” expires. Initial CO ringing, transferred CO ringing and intercom ringing calls can all be forwarded. Calls that ring to an idle station will be call foxwarded after expira- tion of the No Answer ring Umer.(See Note) 300.12 BUSY LAMP FIELD [BLF) When a button on a Key Telephone is assigned as a DSS it also serves as a Busy Lamp Field to &splay the status of that telephone. 300.13 CAUANNOUNCE - PRIVACY Each telephone user can set their intercom signaling switch to receive intercom call an- nouncements without having the calling party hear any conversations in progress. 300.14 CAILBACX A station can initiate a call back request to another busy station. As soon as that station becomes idle. the station that left the call back request is signaled. 300.16 CALL FORWARD: STATION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FEUUREDESCR~~ION E. Cdl Fommud - Off-Net stations will be allowed to fonvard inter- com and transferred CO line calls to an d-net location. This allows a station to reroute calls that would normally be lost. Calls can be forwarded to home or another off-net site. Initially ringing CO calls can- not be forwarded with this feature (see Incoming CO ltnes m-Net Forward. fea- ture). (See Note) NO7?3: Iniff~~L Ringing Incomirg: ads will for- ward to groups. Cie: UCD, Voice Mail Hunt2 fJthe stationf~ is the on& stationassigned to dngontheCOUne. 300.16 CAU FORWARD: PRESET This feature allows the system data base to be configured so that incoming CO Lines. which are programmed to ring at a particular station, can be forwarded elsewhere in the system pre- determined by programmin g. This feature is active if the station ringing is not answered in a speci.fIed Ume. This is parUcuiarly useful in ‘overflow” applications where a Voice Mail or Auto Attendant may be in use. A station may have one designated preset for- ward location defined in the data base. Reset Cdl Forward is chainable only to other predetermined preset foMrard stations specl- fled in the database up to a chain of 5 stations. Chainable Preset Call Forwarding will force the incoming CO Line to ring at each station pre- assigned in the database for the Preset Fonvard Ring Timer specified in the database before folwarding. Each station in the system may, inde- pendently, have incoming CO calls preset for- warded to the following destinations: A Fkeset CaU Forward - Stations Each Key Telephone user may have preset in the database IntUaJ Ringing Incoming to be directed to another station in the sys- tem, if the call goes unanswered for a predetenntned amount of time. B. Reset Call Forward - Hunt Groups CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a Hunt Group from any station A CO line will not preset forward to a busy Hunt group, however each Ume the preset for- ward timer expires (for a total of five at- tempts) the group will be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group is idle the call will then be presented to that member. Issue 1, January 1992 300-7

FEATURXD ESCRFTION @finite 4096 Hyhrfd Key Telephone System C. Preset Ca.U Fommrd - UCD Groupa CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a UCD Group from any station. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy UCD group, however each time the preset for- ward Umer expires (for a total of five at- tempts) the group will be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group is idle the call will then be presented to that member. D. Preset Call Fors~ard - VM Groupa CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into a Voice Mail Group f?om any statlon. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy Voice Ma.il group, however each Ume the preset forward timer expires (for a total of five attempts) the group will be checked for an idle Voice Mail port. If a VM port is idle the call will then be presented to Voice Mail. E. Preset Call Forward - Off-Net CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring Off-Net via speed dial from any station. After the expiration of the preset forward timer, the systemwlll select anidle CO line and dial the off-net location, then connect the two CO lines. 300.17 QiLT.dNG STATION TONE MODE OPTION This feature will provide an easy means for a Calling station to override a desired stations ‘H” (handsfree) or ‘P” (call announce) intercom switch setting. A dial code has been added that is dialed in front of the extension number to force the tone ringing. 300.18 CALLPAFuc An outside line can be placed into one of six parkl.ng locations and can be retrieved by any station that has a direct line appearance or an available loop button. Parked calls have their own recall timer and will recall the origtnating station and if still unanswered, the atten- dant(s). 300.19 CALL PICX-UP: A Group Pick-up Stations can be placed in one or more of four pick-up groups. Stations within a group can pick up tone rlnglng intercom calls, recalling outside line ringing. or transferred outside line calls for another station in that group. B. Directed Call Pick-up A station can pick up an intercom call, tmnsferred. incoming. or recalling outside line caJl to a specific unattended station. The call must be a tone ringing call. 300.20 CAlLTRANsFER An outside CO line can be transferred !?om one keyset to another. By using the ‘IRANS but- ton, screened (announced) or unscreened transfers can be made. ?he line being trans- ferred xlngs on the keyset and provides Exclu- sive Hold flashing indication to the receiving party’s keyset. Any number of attempts can be made to locate someone by calling Werent keysets without losing the call. If a he is transfixred to a busy station, it will receive muted ringtng. 30031 CAMP-ON A station may alert a busy party that an out- side line is on hold and waiting for them by using the CAMP-ON button. To camp on a call. press the TFWNS button to transfer the call to the desired busy station. then press the CAMP ON button. The busy party will receive a muted ring over the keyset speaker, and a visual flashing CAMP ON LED. By pressing the CAMP ON button, the person called places his exisUng outside call on hold and is con- nected to the person placing the Camp On. He can then pick up the call on the appropriate line. Calls cannot be camped on when a sta- tion is in DND or in Conference. 300.22 GWIP-ON RECALL When a station does not answer a Camp On that call will recall the person placing the CampOn.andif unanswered by them, will recall the attendant(s). 300.23 CANNED TOLL RESTRICTION The system provides an easy means of apply- ing the most common form of toll restrlction where l+ and 0+ along with 976,555. and 4 11 typeofcallsareresUictedwithalllocalcalls and l-800.911, 1-911. and l-611 typeofcalls are allowed. This canned toll restrictton is applied through the use of a single pre-built Class-of-Service and can be assigned to sta- Uons using range programming. 300.24 CEmREx coblPATIBILrrY The In&&e 4.096 system provides features that are Centrex compatible so that Centrex users can utilize the 4096 to enhance their Centrex capabilities. The 4096 actually simplifies and 30043 Issue 1. January 1992

provides easier access to many Centrm fea- tures by offering the following features: A Flex Button [email protected] Flexible button programming allows Cen- bzx users to program complex Centrex dtal codes onto a key set button for easy one touch access to Centrex features. B. Off-hook Preference Both Key stations and Single line tele- phones may be programmed to have their personal Centrex line accessed automat- lcallyjust by lifting the handset or pressing the ON/ OFF button. Internal features to the 4096 are still made available to key stations by accessing intercom before go- ing off-hook. C. Ptivate Line appearance The 4096 allows for private line assign- ment on an unlimited bases. Each statton may have sole access to a particular out- side line if desired and may also be as- signed to receive incoming ringing on that line. D. P’ro@ammablc Flash Timer CO line flash is a momentary opening on a CO line used for signa&@. When using the 4096 in a Centrex environment the CO line flash is to signal the intention to trans- fer a caller using Centrex transfer. The CO line flash timer is programmable on a per CO line bases to facilitate a mfxture of Centrex and CO lines within the same system. E. Pro- l , I, and Hook-Flashes into Speed Dial h4any Centrex codes utilize a hook-flash followed by In many cases the d#t I.1 and or [#I. The Irgpnite 4096 allows these codes to be prugrammed as a part of system or station speed dial sequences. . 300.25 CENTREx/PBXTRANSFER When Centrex or PBX lines are connected to the 4096 system, users may, by using the Flash button, transfer callers to other Centrex or PBX extensions. Additionally, the Flash command may be included wHhin a Speed Bin and pro- z;d onto a flex button for one button . Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System FZWURE DESCRIPTION 30028 CHAlNING SPEED BINS Speed dial bins may be chained together by simply pressing one speed bin. then another and another as required. This is helpful for accessing Long Distant car- rlers or banktng se~ces when Account Codes may be required. 30027 CO LINE ACCESS mow$ Programming, telephones are allowed or dented access to parttcular outside lines or line groups. 3002s couNEcLAsSOFSERvIc!E Each CO Line may be programmed with a Class-of-Service to provide dialing privileges. The 4096 system uses a array between CO Line Class-of-Service and Station Class-Of-Sexvice to offer a wide variety of dialing privilege possi- bilities. The CO Line Class-of-Service is also checked when a DISA caller selects an outside CO line to determine the dialing privilege for tllatcaIl. 300.29 CO LINE CONTROL (CONTACl’j There are two control contacts (optional) which may be individually programmed as either CO Line Control (to control ancillary equipment) or Loud Bell Control to control a customer pro- vided ringing device to external areas. When programmed as CO Line Control and assigned to a CO line. the corresponding contact will close whenever that CO line is accessed by a statton. (One PFT Is required to provide one contact.) 300.30 CO LINE GROUPS Outside lines can be placed in one of eight groups if the customer’s business requires such grouping. Stations are then individually assigned access to these lines and given the ability to dial on particular lines. 300.31 CO LINE LOOP SUPERVISION The 4096 system can be programmed to moni- tor CO lines while on-hold connected to RAN devices or Voice Mail systems or in Trunk-to- Trunk connections for disconnect signal pro- vided by the Telco. After a disconnect signal is detected, the 4096 system will release the CO lines and automat- lcally place them back in selvlce. 300.32 CO LINE QUEUE When all the outside lines in a group are busy, stations can be placed in queue awaiting a line in the same group to become available. If a station doesn’t answer the queue signal withtn Issue 1, January 1992 300-S

FIMTURE DESCRWl’ION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 15 seconds, that station is dropped from the ically terminate the call when both parties queue. hang up, when bp Supervision is pro- 300.33 CO LINE E’iWmG RINGING AS vided by the telco and enabled in the data SIGNMENT base. Each CO line may be programmed (in data base admin) so that incoming ringing on the specif3ed CO line(s) may be assigned initial ringing to one of the following destinations: A programmable conference timer will dis- connect the unsupenflsed conference if the initiator does not re-enter.(Requires APL board.) l one or more stations (Keys& or SL?) l To a UCD. Voice Mail or Hunt Group l m-Net (via Speed Mall The ring-in w-ill follow Day Ring assignments unless Night Service mode is active. in which case all incoming CO calls will follow Night Ring assignments. 300.38 WNFERENCE ENABLWDISABLE A ProqrPmmable Per Station: ‘R& feature will allow the system to be administered on a per station basis for the ability of a statton to initiate a conference. When ringing is assigned to a keyset, a direct line appearance or an idle Loop button must be available to receive the call. Station call forxuding of initial ringing CO caJl is possible and can be directed to other keysets with an available Loop button or direct appearance. Ifthein.ltfallyrQ$ngCOcallcannotringatthe destination assigned, it will ring at the tit Attendant station. NOTE: You cann.ot~Callmnuardmin- iliaLk~rirqingCOazUtoUCD,VoiceMa4orHunt gmupsiftheUne&assignedtoringatmorethan one station B. Progmmmahle Pa CO L&e: CO lines can be individually programmed to allow Conference capabilities. 300.37 DATA EASE PRINTOUr (DUMP) Through a system programming command, either portions of or a complete data base dump can be printed using the RS232C con- nector located on the 4096 CPB. 300.38 DAY/NIGET CLASS OF SERVICE (=w 300.34 CO RING DETECT The duration of the ringing signal from the CO or the PBX is matched with ringing detection circuitry in the KSU. The rln.g detect can range from 200 to 900 msec. programmed in 100 msec increments. This timer helps prevent false ringing. 300.35 CONFERENCE There are three Werent types of conferencing: Thts feature allows statlons that are a ceW COS during the day, to be assigned a different COS when the system is put in the night mode. The night COS goes into affect when the sys- tem is placed into the night mode, manually or automatically. This prevents the misuse of phones after hours. 300.39 DEFAULT BVrrON MAPPING The 4096 allows for 20 fltible buttons on each Enhanced or Executive key telephones to be flexibly assigned to CO/PE3X lines, DSS but- tons, Speed Dial or Feature buttons. However the system will power up with a default button mapping as shown in Figure 300- 1. 300.40 DIAL PULSE SENDING A B. C. Add On Conference Up to iIve internal parties can engage in a conference, or four internal parties with a limit of one external party. Multi-me confennee One internal statton can engage in a con- ference with two outside parties. Unsupen+& Conference The conference initiator can exit a confer- ence with two outside parties and leave them in an unsupervised conference. The initiator can re-enter the conference at any time. The 4096 system can automat- Each CO interface circuit for outside lines can be programmed to send dial pulse or DTMF signals. Dialing speed and break/make ratios are programmable. 300.41 DIMJNG PRIVIWCES The system provides a flexible means of pro- viding toll or dialing restrfction. Through the assignment of class of service (both station and outside line) many combinations of allow and deny numbers can be set. Both area and office codes can be screened for allow/deny pri-+ leges. 300-10 Issue 1, January 1992

I f Figure 300-l Iqjinite 4096 Default Mapping Issue 1. January 1992 300-11

FmuuRE DESCRXEVON @finite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 300.42 DIRECTORY DIALING 300.43 DIRECT’ B’AVARB SYSI’EM AC- c=sIDIsA) Allows as many as three simultaneous outside line calls to be programmed to provide direct access to the system and the use of features such as WATS lines. intercom dial tone or the ability to dial out on outgoing trunks without going through the attendant. The duration of aTrunktoTrunkDISAcal.lcanbesetbythe system administrator. The APL card is required to provide the DISA feature. A B. c. Rug-hle AcceIM A 3-d&$ security code can be assigned in the system database to restrict unwanted use of the DISA c.ircults. Each DISA lfne can be programmed independently for 24 hour DISA use or night DISA use only. CO Line Group Access Incoming DISA callers may access all line groups such as FX or WATS l.t.nes or other outgoing services from home or while away from the office. The Class of Service assigned to the outgoing line accessed will determine the dialing privilege for the call. station Aece.ss DISA callers may dial any station directly without going through the attendant. If a DISA caller attempts to call a station that is busy or does not answer the system will return ICM dial tone at the end of a programmable timer (Preset Forward Tfmer). ‘Thfs will allow the DISA caller to txy another station wlthout having to dial into the system again. 300.44 DIRECl’ STATION SELECTION The user with DSS buttons assigned at their Key Telephone can call an intercom statton by simply pressing the appropriate DSS button. The called station is automatically signaled. 300.45 DIRECTED CALL PICKUP A Cdl pfck-up - Station A station can pick up an fntercom call, transferred, incoming. or recalling outside kne call to a specific unattended station. The call must be a tone rtnging call. B. Call Pick-up - UCD Groupe StatIons outside of a UCD group can pick up an intercom call, transferred, incom- ing.orrecalhngoutsldeknecallrfngmgto a specific UCD station. The call must be atonerlngingcall. 300.46 DIRECTORY DIAIJNG Station users with Executive D&play tele- phones may vfew a ltst, of up to 200 names, from the system directory on the statfon’s LCD display. then automatically dial the station or speed dfal bin by pressing a single key. Names placed in the directory list may be associated to Intercom Numbers or System Speed dial bins. Users may VLCW the directory list begln- nfng with any letter of the alphabet then scroll through the list either forward or backwards. When the desired name is d&played on the LCD display pressing the Speed Call button will automat&&y place a call to that de&ma- Uon. Directory dialing may also be used to transfer a call from one statfon to another. 300.47 DISABLE OUTGOING CO LINE AC- CESS This feature allows the tit Attendant station to dial a code and disable a CO lfne from outgoing CO calls. This applies to all station(s) that have access to that hne. Incoming status is not affected. This feature fs a part of the ‘Maintenance” package. 300.48 DO NOT DISTURB @ND) Placing a keyset in DND wfll elimfnate incom- ing outside line ringfng. intercom calls. trans- fers and paging announcements. A rlngtng station may go into DND to silence ringing. The attendant can overrfde a station fn DND. The station in DND can use the telephone to make normal outgoing calls. A statton can be denied this feature through progmmmlng. A. One-Time Do Not Disturb Allows a station user to turn off muted ringing that occurs while off hook fhand- set or ON/Om on another call. Useful when having an mportant conversation and do not wish to be disturbed by ring- ing. The station. while off hook, (ON/OFF or handset) depresses the DND button whtch ellnnn.ates muted rlnglng. When the station gcxzs on-hook the DND button is extinguished and DND is canceled. This feature is not ava&ible to intercom Phone Bax users. 300-12 Issue 1. January 1992

300.49 DTMF SENDING Each CO interface circuit for outside lines can be individually programmed to send DTMF (tone) or dial pulse signals. 300.50 EMERGENCY TWWSFER Two Power Failure Transfer cards may be in- stalled so that in case of a power failure, up to 12 CO lines can be automatically connected to specifYied customer provided SLTs. 300.51 END TO END SXCHAILMC This feature indicates the capability of the system to accept DTMF tones f?om stations. send them through the public network and have them received at the distant end for com- puter access. or a variety of control functions or inward call completion at a distant switching system. 300.52 EXCLUSIVE HOLD When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold, no other station in the system can retrieve this call. Hold may be programmed to be acttvated on the fat or second depression of the Hold button. CO Lines while in a transfer hold are always placed in an Exclusive Hold condition. 300.53 EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE This feature allows certain stations to be des- ignated as executive stations with the ability to override and “Barge in” on other keysets en- gaged in conversation on a CO line. Stations engaged in intercom conversations can be overridden, however, the intercom call will be dropped when the ovenide occurs. In addition to the station programmable option a system programmable option will enable or disable a warning tone when the station marked as an executive is cut into the conver- sation. This is useful for UCD agent supervisor or training personnel who require a service obsenlng option. NOlEAdecreaeinvo~may~onthe co line a.@ the barge-in OccuJ-s. CAUTION: USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTERPRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. CONSULT COUNSEL WlTH RESPECT TO APPUCABLE LAW BEFORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. 300.54 ElUXIJT’XVE/§F,CRETARY TRANS FER There are four sets of ExecuUve/ Secretary pairings available. When the Executive station is busy or in DND, the Secretary station will receive intercom calls and transfers. The Sec- retary station can signal the ExecuUve in DND by using the Camp On feature. 300.55 EXTERNAL NIGHT RINGING The system can be programmed so that CO lines marked for UNA Wtu activate Loud Bell control contact Xl connected to an external ringing device when the system is placed into Night mtie. A PFT is required to provide one LBC contact. 300.56 FLASH Provides telephone users with the ability to terminate an outside call or trar&er a call behind a PBX or Centrex and restore dial tone without hanging up the handset. A FLASH button is located on each key telephone. 300.57 FLASH ON INTERCOM ‘IWs feature enables key station users to utiltze the Flash Key to terminate pages and intercom cab. While connected to a page zone or an- other internal station pressing the Flash key will terminate the call and return intercom dial tone. 300.58 FIASH WITH SPEED DIAL A flash can be programmed within a speed dfal number. When this is done, a pause will auto- mat&ally be inserted before the remalnlng speed dial digits are sent. 300.59 MXUBlS ATTENDANT Any three Key Telephones in the system can be assigned as attendant stations. These staff ons will receive recalls and can place the system into Night Senlce. The attendant stations must be either Enhanced or Executive sta- uons. 300.60 FLEXIBLE BUM’ON ASSIGNMEXVI’ Each Key Telephone has 20 (Enhanced and Executive) flexible buttons which can be indi- vldually programmed. One of the following seven operations can be selected for each but- ton: ALSO refer to Sec. 400.33. l Outside line. Automatically accesses as- signed line. (Assigned in database) l DSS/BLF. Automatically signal assigned staUon and provides BW for off-hook and DND. (User programmable) 0 Feature. Any feature with a dialing code (ie: Personalized Messages, Paging, Ac- count Code, Call Park. Music, LCR etc.) can be assigned to a flexible button. (User programmable) In.ite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System F’EATURE DESCRIPTION Issue 1, January 1992 300-13

FEATURE DES-ON @firtiLe 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 0 Group Access. (ie: UCD, Hunt, Voice Mail group pilot numbers) (User programma- ble) 0 Speed dial. Automatically dials a Speed number. (System. Station, Saved Number Red&l. Last Number R&al) (User pro- grammable) l Pooled group access. Some or all outside lines can be grouped; pressing this button accesses the highest numbered unused CO line in that group. (Assigned in data- base) l Loop. Used to answer a transferred call on a Une for which a user does not have a button assigned. (AssIgned in database) 300.61 FORCED ACCOUNT CODES The 4096 system allows the system to be ar- ranged so that station users must enter an account code before placing an outsfde call. Account codes can also be used as a Traveling Class-of-Setice to upgrade a restricted sta- tions class-of-service for unrestricted dialing. Account codes must be entered before the call when forced. 300.62 FORCED LZAST COST ROUTING The 4096 System may be programmed on a per station basis to force the use of LCR for outgo- ing accessing. TNS allows the system admin- istrator to maintain greater control over d.Mng patterns and the lines used for placing outgo- ing co calls. 300.63 GROUP CALL PICK-UP Stations can be placed in one or more of four pick-up groups. Stations within a group can pick up tone ringing intercom calls, recalling outside line ringing. or transferred outside line calls for another station in that group. 300.64 -SET COMPATD3IUl-Y The @?nf.te electronic key telephones are de- signed to allow the connection of an industry standard, electret mic compatible, modular headset. The user connects the modular head- set to the handset jack on the telephone leaving the handset in place. The ON/OFF button on the key telephone is then used to act&ate the headset 300.65 HEADSETMODE Each Electronic key telephone can be indivldu- ally programmed for headset operation. When programmed, an industry standard Headset with it’s adapter box may be connected to a key telephone for headset use. This allows hand- set or headset operation by switching the se- lector switch on the adapter box. Speakerphone operation and call announce on intercom are disabled while a station has en- ahled headset mode. Once programmed in station programming the user may then select between headset mode or normal handset/speakerphone mode by s&n- ply dialing a code or pressing a user program- mable flex button 300.66 aEARMGAIDCOMPATIBI2 All Ir@f& Electronic key telephones are hear- ing atd compatible in compliance with the FCC Part 15, section 68.316. TNS allows the tele- phone to be used in conjunction with users wearing hearing alds. 300.67 HOLD PREFERENCE ll-ds allows either Exclustve or System hold as the primary hold on the first depression of the HOLD button, depending on programming. 300.68 HOLD- When an outside caJl has been on Hold for a programmable length of time, recall ringing tone is sent to the station placing the call on Hold. Ifthls station does not answer the recall. a recall tone is sent to the attendant(s). 300.69 HOTLINE Electronic Key Telephones may be pro- grammed to mediately call or ring down a particular station or outside number upon go- ing off hook. ‘RI.& is performed by program- ming the stations Off-Hook preference to activate a DSS or Speed dial feature key. 300.70 HUNTGROUPS The system can be arranged for up to eight (8) Hunt groups. Each Hunt group can contain up to eight stations each. Each Hunt group is independently arranged to utilize either a pilot hunting technique or station hunttng tech- nique. A PilotHun- Incoming CO, transferred CO, and inter- com calls can be directed to a pilot exten- sion number of a Hunt group. The system will search sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in the data base programming for an idle station in the group and will ring that station. Calls dlrected directly to stations Iby calling the extension number) within the hunt group 300-14 Issue l,January1992