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Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual

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    							VOICEMAIL GROUPs(VM) Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Voice Mail Groups (C-ont’d) 
    k Voice Mail In-Band [email protected] 
    If Voice Mail In-Band signalbng is to be used: 
    1. Press FIASH and dial 1371. The folIowIng 
    message is shown on the display phone. 
    y = the table index (O-7) 
    x = entered digits (O-9. #. 
    l , Pauses1 
    2. Dial [O]-[7] for the y value (the table num- 
    ber entry of the voice mail entry you want 
    to prqpd. 
    3. Dial one of the following. if required: 
    0 = if a prefix is required 
    1 = if a sufhx is required 
    # = if entry is to be deleted 
    4. Enter up to 12 digits required fncluding ‘*’ 
    and ‘#‘. TITAN button = pause. 
    5. Press the HOLD button. Display will now 
    Flex button 12 can be used to display the 
    enmes in the voice maiI outpulsing table. 
    Each depression of the button wiIl advance the 
    user, one entry at a time, through the table. Descrilpuon 
    Entries into one 
    of the eight (8) Voice Mail 
    OutpulsLng Tables determine the In-Band sig- 
    naling requfred for ‘R&&vi@ messages (al- 
    lows for stations to pick up mail) and ‘Leaving” 
    messages (allows 
    stations to leave messages in ’ 
    voice mail). 
    Build a table (“0” for example) for any addl- 
    Uonal dgits other than the Station Extension 
    Number (Voice Mail Box Numberlneeded for a 
    calIer to leave a message ln a station’s mailbox. 
    Build another table (“1” for example) for any 
    additional digits needed for a mailbox holder to 
    retrieve a message (Tetrieve’). 
    NO72 EnMes are notrequired in the Outpm 
    Table, houxwer a inble must be referenced whm 
    setting up the Voice 
    Mail groups I??lASH 361 for 
    both Lame and Retrieve dakajWds, ifh0and 
    signaling is desired. 
    Related Rogrammtng: Voice Mail Group pro- 
    gtir, In-band digits sent on incoming CO 
    745-4 Issue 1, January 1992  
    							Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System VOICE MAIL GROUPS CVM) 
    4. Voice h%aU Disconnect Table: 
    Prog * g Steps 
    Dial 181 for Table 8 (the table number used 
    for the Voice Mail disconnect signal). 
    Dial [O] for prefk (required) 
    Enter up to 12 digits which will be used 
    for the disconnect signal, including ‘* and 
    ‘W. TRAN button = pause. 
    Press the HOLD button. Display will now 
    update. Description 
    To avoid Voice Mail ports from bemg tied up as 
    a result of callers abandoning the call or not 
    exiting the VM system properly, a disconnect 
    signal can be programmed into the 4096 sys- 
    tem to not@ the VM system that a ca.ll has been 
    abandoned. This is accomplished through ‘in- 
    band’ sigrUng. If a CO disconnect signal is 
    detected or an intercom caller hangs up, the 
    4096 will send a series of DTMF digits pro- 
    grammed in the Voice Mail disconnect table 
    (outpulsing table eight (8)) to the Voice Mall 
    port. lllfs can be any digit stream up to 12 
    digits including “** and *#“. This table will 
    serve all eight voice mail groups. When the VM 
    disconnect table is empty silence is provided to 
    the VM port for a short period followed by busy 
    tone. (default .settfng) 
    The 4096 
    system will provide Loop Supervtsion 
    monitoring while a CO call is connected to a 
    port designated as Voice Mail. 
    Default: By default programming there are no 
    entries in the d&connect table (table eight (8)). 
    NOZE Loop supervision must be enabled on the 
    CO lines [in CO line progrcanmfng~ In orderfor 
    VMdis amnectfeature to operak 
    Issue 1, January 1992 
    							VOICE MAIL GROUPS IVM) Winite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Voice ?dail Groupa (Cont’dl 
    Prom Steps 
    If Voice Mail ID digits are to be enabled or 
    disables for Incoming CO callers: 
    1. Press FLASH and dial (421. The following 
    message will be shown on the display: 
    Press Flex button 1 to enable or &able ID 
    l LED on = ID diglts are enabled 
    l LED off = ID dQit.s are dkabled 
    Press HOLD button. The display will now 
    update. Description 
    The Injlnfte 4096 allows the system to be pro- 
    grammed so that if a station programmed to 
    receive incoming CO line ringing is forwarded 
    to Voice Mail they may have direct incoming 
    callers routed directly Into their stations voice 
    mail box through the use of ‘In-Band’ signal- 
    lfng. Alternately. when disabled, callers will be 
    answered by the Voice 
    Mail or Auto Attendant 
    Ma.in greeting. 
    Inmming CO callers can be Station Call For- 
    warded into voice mail only when the rlnglng 
    CO line is programmed to ring at one station. 
    Additionally CO lines programmed to ring at an 
    attendant station will station call fonvard into 
    the Voice Mail system (if programmed to ring 
    only at one attendant station) and be presented 
    to the main greeting (not the attendant statfons 
    mail box) even when ID digits are enabled. 
    Default: By default. ID digits for incoming CO 
    calls is disabled. 
    Related Fkogrrq$ Voice Mail group pro- 
    gramming (Sec. 745.1); Voice Mail Outpulsing 
    table (Sec. 745.21 
    Issue 1, January 1992  
    							Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System EXCEPTION TABLES PROG-G 
    SECTION 750 
    Pr0grammin.g Steps 
    The 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System offers 
    a flexible means of applying toll restriction to 
    stations or individuals. Dialing privileges (or 
    toll restriction) is determined through assign- 
    ment of station and CO line Class Of Servfce 
    (COS). Several types of restriction can be de- 
    rived simply by programmin g cos assign- 
    ments and CO tie access to stations. This 
    may, in some cases, be all that is necessary. 
    However, when a more complex or specific type 
    of restriction is desired the system offers two 
    allow and two deny tables along with four 
    special tables. These tables can be pro- 
    grammed in a variety of ways to handle appli- 
    cations that are straight forward or 
    applications that require a more complex ar- 
    The allow and deny tables are assigned to 
    stations based on their station Class of Service 
    (COS) assignment. The Station (COSI interacts 
    with CO Line COS assignments to provide 
    several di!Terent types of dialtng prklleges (Re- 
    fer to CO/Station COS matrix below). 
    The Allow and Deny tables allow entries of 
    either general or specifk allow and deny codes 
    such as allowing all [l-800] type calls, and/or 
    denying all Ill+ or (01~ calls. The allow and deny tables allow a maximum of eight digits to 
    be entered as allow or deny digits. This allows 
    for entry of certain area codes or of&e codes 
    or a combination of area code plus office code 
    that can specifically be allowed or denied. For 
    example the code [l 555-12121 may be entered 
    in the deny table to deny local toll Information 
    calls. Each allow table contains twenty (20) 
    bins for entry of allow codes. ‘Ihe deny tables 
    allow for ten (10) entries of deny codes. in each 
    The following rules should be remembered 
    when setting up the Al.Iow/Deny tables Prefer 
    to Table 750- 1). 
    4. If both tables (allow and deny) have no 
    entries, no restriction IS applied. 
    If entries are made in the allow table and 
    only there. then only those numbers are 
    allowed. All other dialing is denied. 
    If entries are made in the deny table and 
    only there. then only those numbers are 
    denied. All other dialing is allowed. 
    If there are entries in both allow and deny 
    tables, the allow table is searched first and 
    if amatch is found, it Is allowed. Ifa match 
    is not found, the deny table is searched 
    and if a match is found there, the call is 
    denied. lf the number does not match an 
    entry in either table. it is allowed. 
    Table 750-l Class of Service (COST 
    1.‘:. ‘.::;.;:‘l:.. f ,,,  ..:.. 2. ,,‘:::;;:,:j::.. :‘,.’ :‘,,:.3,::,; .:.. 1. .:y 
    4 :.. 
    f :;I “i.:-: .5 ..:. ::::j 7 
    i ....:..i: .:I..:. Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Gg’fn, 
    s .i.;.. :::;y,:. 
    T : :; 
    Table A Table A 
    ; . Unrestricted ~s~~~, Unrestricted 
    j ..,. ,,3-:;.:?::: 
    Table B 
    Unrestricted Table B Canned 
    RestrIction Unresticted 
    c Q ..:::.I 
    0 4 .,’ Tables A&B Table A 
    Table B Canned 
    Restriction Unrestricted 
    s ..; 
    5 ‘.i. Canned Canned 
    Canned Canned 
    Restriction Restriction Restriction Restriction Unrestricted 
    .6 Intercom Intercom Intercom Intercom Intercom 
    only only only 
    only only 
    *Canned RestricUon= No ‘0’. 1. #, ‘*’ as a first dialed digit, and 7 digits mum plus 
    l-800. 19 11, 16 11 are allowed and 4 11, 976, and 555 numbers are denied. 
    Issue 1, January 1992 750-l  
    							EXCEPTION TAB= PROGRAMMING Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Table 750-2 Allow/Deny Toll Table 
    NO. NO. 
    NO NO 
    IRII P= 
    . . . . . . . . 
    ~:Xi~~~~l FOUND D 
    .,_ .,.,.,.,.,.,.j,.; _,. 
    ,. . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. ,.... . . 
    ../....... . .1.. 
    .>..:.: .,,.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    NO-l- .:.:, :...:.:.:.>>: :.:.,.:. ~.,.~.~.~._.,,,.,. ;.,.,.,~~~~~‘~.i.j:: FOUND * 
    .A.. . ../ .I. ., ./,. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,.,_ ,.; 
    I I I 
    .A.. . . . . . . . . . . ...: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _/.. . . . . . . 
    :y..‘::.F . . . . . . . . 
    . . . . . . . . . ..A.......... .,.... 
    ..:, ,: .,.,., . . . 
    ,.,.,.,., . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    ,..::. ,:,:, ,.,.,,.,.,.,., ,.,:,.,,: ” ALmw  ,:::::::.; .,::,:::::,:::..;. . . . . . :.:.‘:.‘.‘:~‘y.. 
    . . . . . ,:.:. :;:~:~:~:~:~:)i::...:.:.,:,.~ .;:+: . . . . . . 
    ::,::.:.j:::: :;:: :;.: .+.,,: ; ::.. .:.::..::~:::y::::::.‘:i.:,. 
    . . .: ::::..:: .:;..:. ..:.. 
    A special ‘Don’t Care” (‘D’) character may be 
    entered as a digit to either allow or deny any 
    digit dialed in that digit sequence. For example 
    a code [ 1 ‘D” 01 and [l ‘D” 11 may be entered 
    tn the deny table whtch would allow local long 
    distance calls (numbers dialed with a 1 fol- 
    lowed by a seven digit local number). but would 
    deny long distance calls (numbers dialed with 
    a 1 followed by an area code). 
    The 4096 system also offers four (4) special 
    tables that can be referenced from wlthln the 
    two aIlow tables. Three of the special tables 
    can be assigned to specific area codes that 
    require further toll restriction definition. The 
    fourth special table is reserved for use as a 
    home area code table (numbers withln the 
    same area code as the site where the system is 
    fnstaJled). l%is provides expanded ability to 
    apply toll restriction on numbers that are di- 
    aled within an area code. Each special table 
    will allow up to (800) entries (200-999). This 
    offers the ability to allow every office code on 
    an individual basis 
    A CO/PBXLines 
    When CO lines are marked as PEN lines (Refer 
    to CO line programming Sec. 720) the system 
    wi.lI first check the PE3X code table (Refer to sec. 
    710.17) for a valid match. If the first digits 
    dialed do not match the entries in the PEX code table the call is considered an attempt to call 
    another PBX extension and no toll restriction 
    is applied. If the first digits dialed are found in 
    the PEX code table then toll restriction will 
    start with the next dfaled digit. 
    B. Forced Account Codes 
    The system can optionally force the use of 
    amount codes on ail restricted calls. When 
    forced account codes are enabled (Refer to Sec. 
    710.19) an account code must be entered to 
    place a call that is otherwise restricted through 
    toil restriction. By entering an account code 
    the stations effective class of setice becomes 
    that equal to class of senlce 1 (unrestrictedl. 
    When account codes are forced on a system 
    wide basis selected users may be instructed on 
    how to enter account codes from any statfon 
    and be allowed to dial unrestricted from a 
    station that may othexwise be restricted. Use 
    of account codes in this manner, as a traveling 
    class-of-service, is however not controlled by 
    the system. Any station user with knowledge 
    of how to enter account codes to override a 
    stations tolI restriction will be allowed to do so. 
    C. SLT DTMY Receivers 
    When single line telephones are con.ne&d to 
    the 4096 system and toll restriction is enabled 
    the system DTMF receivers located on the APL 
    board will monitor the call for a programmed 
    period of time (Refer to Sec. 710.35, SLT Re- 
    ceiver Timer). 
    WhiIe the DTMF receiver is 
    monitoring the digits being dialed. by a single 
    line telephone, it is considered busy and not 
    available for monitoring another SLT attempt- 
    ing to dial When all DTMF receivers are busy, 
    an SLT attempting to go off-hook will not re- 
    ceive dial tone until a receiver is available. The 
    system has up to six (6) DTMF receivers (two 
    (2) standard on the APL and four (4) optional 
    on the SLU) for monitoring SLT dialing. If a 
    system has heavy SLT usage toll restriction 
    may inhibit dialtng by SLT stations. Two op- 
    tions are available to help alleviate t&s prob- 
    lem: 1) shorten the SLT receiver timer&e 
    sectton 710.35). This will f+ee up DTTvlF receiv- 
    ers faster, however, may not provide the de- 
    sired toll restriction for SLT stations: 2) 
    Enable LCR and force LCR on SLT stations. 
    When the LCR data base is set up the three 
    dlglt table allows for entry of the number of 
    digits to be expected. When a SLT dials the 
    appropriate number of d.igits LCR will release 
    the DTMF receiver and then be available for 
    another SLT call. 
    750-2 Issue 1, January 1992  
    							In.nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Exception Tables Programming (Cont’dl 
    D. LCR VS. Toll Restriction 
    LCR is not intended to be an alternative to toll 
    restriction nor is toll restriction intended to be 
    a a&mate to LCR 
    In fact they both work best 
    when programmed together. Toll restriction 
    provides the dk&ng privileges that stations are 
    allowed and LCR provides the muting of calls 
    onto the proper type of lines. LCR can enhance 
    toll restriction in that LCR provides a ‘Store 
    and Forward’ operation that allows the system 
    to zanalpe the digits being dialed before a trunk 
    is seized. This prevents users from by-passing 
    toll restriction by taking advantage of the time 
    it takes for a central offfce line to provide dial 
    tone. Because of this it is recommended that 
    LCR be considered when toll restrfction is de- 
    Issue 1, January 1992 
    Winite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Exception Tables Programming (cont’dl 
    A Entering Toll Table Programming 
    Prow- Steps 
    If the system is in the programming mode. 
    continue using program codes. If starting to 
    program here, enter the programming mode 
    first (See Paragraph 700.2) 
    NOIE It is recommended thai the Exception 
    Tables be fni.tWzdpriortoenterlngdataW 
    the tables. Do this byfollowing the Instim 
    inSec 700.4forInitialeing tiwExceptionTables 
    Flash 73). This pnxxdure may also be repeated 
    tables has become comqt Houewr, a&r tn- 
    Uializirg the except&m tables, for this p-e, 
    oll data must be w-entered into the tables. 
    1. Press FL4SH and dial [SO]. The following 
    message will be shown on the display 
    ,.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......  .,...... . . . . .::.,:. :: 
    .~:~i;~i;~~~;~z~:i” .~:I:i:I:l:::::‘:i:I:1:1:18::: . . . ‘: :.jj: :.:.: i::.~.~.‘.l.:.i.i::.i.l.:.~.~:~.~:~.~.:.~.:.:::.:.~.:.~.~.:::.:.:.:.:.:.: i.i:i-~::.::i:i:i:ii::;.i.i::.i::.i;. :..:. 
    ,:.:‘,::i::..:::.:I::.:~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~:: MC~O~IT~BLES~:~~~~:~~~..:‘:::~ ;,I. Ii.:: 
    2. To program allow / deny tables press the 
    appropriate button and enter information 
    as outlined in the following procedures. 
    3. To program special tables 1-3 it is neces- 
    sary to associate an area code to the table. 
    Do this by pressing the appropriate 
    -ARIx-X’ button and assign the area 
    NOTE: Special Table 4 is reserved for the home 
    area axle and dries not require a area code 
    4. To display entries in any of the tables press 
    the DISP button (button #91. Entries in 
    the allow / deny tables will display two at 
    a time. Entries in the specfal tables will 
    be displayed six (6) at a time in ascending 
    order. Description 
    All toll tables have been conveniently placed 
    under one program code to allow entry of aJl 
    toll restriction data. When entering toll infor- 
    mation the buttons on the phone will be 
    mapped as follows: 
    When the system searches the allow and deny 
    tables, the entries are looked at starting at Bin 
    01 and proceeding sequentially through the 
    table to the last bin. In additionThe allow table 
    is always searched before looking at the deny 
    table. Therefore the order of entry is impor- 
    tant. Entries that are specific (Le. [ 1 7161) 
    should be placed ahead of entries that are more 
    general (usually include ‘Don’t Care” digits i.e. 
    (1 ‘D” 11). 
    Once a match is found, in the allow table, that 
    references a special table the number dialed 
    will be checked for an allowed code in the 
    special table. If a match is not found in the 
    special table the system will conttnue to check 
    for a match in the next allow or deny table that 
    is to be checked. The system will not return to 
    the table that sent the call to the special table. 
    750-4 Issue 1, January 1992  
    							Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System EXCEPTXON TABLES PROG-G 
    P;xcepeion Tables Programmfnq (Cont’d) 
    B. Allow Table Pm@arnming 
    Pro,gxmming Steps 
    1. Press the ALL-A or ALLB iIexible button 
    (Button #l or #3). The following display 
    will be shown on the display telephone: 
    The first two bins locations are displayed. 
    2. Dial on the dial pad the two-digit bin num- 
    ber (0 l-20) the allow code is to be entered 
    NOZE It ts recmmmded that bin 17 be re- 
    for an en&y hat wiLl reference special 
    table ruunber 1; and bin 18 be resenxd for an 
    entry that wdl reference special table NUT&W 2: 
    and bin 19 be reserved for referencing special 
    table ruunber 3; and bin 20 be reserved for 
    refmenctng the Home area code table, sp&aL 
    r-umber 4. 
    3. Dial the. allow code where: 
    0 to 9, l , # = corresponding allow digits (numbers) 
    DND = Don’t Care digit (‘D”) 
    TRANS = search special table (‘S”) 
    4. Press HOLD button tier each entry. 
    5. When all entries for one table are com- 
    plete, press the flexible button for the next 
    The following rules should be applied when 
    making entries that will reference the special 
    1. For entries referencing the first three spe- 
    cial tables a spectic area code must be 
    identified (one for each table needed). 
    Then make note as to how the numbers 
    will be dialed when dialing numbers to this 
    area code (i.e. with a leading digit [ 11 or no 
    leading digit [l]). The entry into the allow 
    table would be entered as follows: 
    Leading digit 111 - BB 1 XXX DDD (S) or 
    Non Leadtng 111 - BB XXX DDD (S) 
    BB = Bin number (recommended 17- 19) 
    ,‘ccy = Area code (must match AREA-X entry) Description 
    Allow Table - Each Allow table contains twenty 
    (20) bin numbers. Each bin number may be 
    up to eight (8) digits in length including (Don’t 
    Care) dfgits and (Search Special Table) com- 
    mands. Entries into the allow table represent 
    exceptions to numbers or codes that are to be 
    allowed only if they would othenvise be re- 
    stricted by an entry in the deny table. For 
    example if I1 555 12121 is to be allowed but 
    [1+1 numbers are denied. by an entry ‘into the 
    deny table, then [l 555 12121 should be en- 
    tered into the allow table as an allowed num- 
    Allow table A is referenced and searched 
    first (before the deny table A) when Station 
    COS is 2 and CO line COS is either 1 or 2. 
    Allow table B is referenced and looked at 
    first (before the deny table B) when Station 
    COS is 3 and CO line COS is either 1 or 3. 
    When station COS is 4 and CO Une COS 
    is 1 both allow tables are looked at first 
    Wow table A first then allow table B) then 
    both deny tables (deny table A first then 
    deny table B). 
    Don’t Care digits specify that the system 
    should consider any digit dialed in that posi- 
    tion as a match. Don’t Care digits should not 
    be entered as the last digit in an entry, as this 
    would be an unnecessary or meaningless com- 
    Searcli Special Table commands must be en- 
    tered in a specific manner and should always 
    be placed as the last entries in the Allow table. 
    It is recommended that the last four bins (17- 
    20) in the allow table be reserved for refer- 
    encing the four (4) special tables with the 
    reference to the home area code (special table 
    4) ahuays being located in bin number 20. 
    Search Special table co mmands can only be 
    entered into the allow tables. 
    To erase a bin, enter the two-digit bin number 
    following by pressing the HOLD button. 
    DDD = ‘Don’t Care’ digit (three entries. DND button) 
    (S}= Search Special Table Command 
    MS button1 
    Issue 1, January 1992 750-s  
    							EXCEPTION TABLES PROG-G Infiite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System 
    Exception Tabks Programming 
    Allow Table Programmfng (Cat’4 
    Fe@ . g Steps 
    2. For an entry that is to reference the Home 
    Area Code table (special table 4) the entry 
    may also be entered to expect or not expect 
    aleadfngdigit[lj. Infactinsomecasesit 
    may be desirable to enter both of the fol- 
    lowing entries: 
    Leading digit (11 - BR 1 DDD IS] 
    Non Leading [I] - BB DDD (S] 
    BB = Bin number (recommended bin 20) 
    DDD = ‘Don’t Care” digit (three entries. 
    DND button) 
    IS)= Search Special Table Command 
    (l-RAM button) 
    NCIZE: If both Lading digit 111 and non-leading 
    digit [l] entries are made to reference the same 
    entq ahead of the non-leading d4f.t [I] entry in 
    the aLkJw table. Description 
    750-6 Issue 1, Jan- 1992  
    							Exception Tables Programming (cont’d) 
    1. Deny Table Programming 
    Pro@ ’ g Steps 
    Press the DEN-A or DEN-B flextble button 
    (Button #2 or #4). The following display 
    will be shown on the display phone: 
    The first two bin locations are displayed. 
    2. Dial on the dtal pad the two-digit bin num- 
    ber (0 l-10) the deny code is to be entered 
    3. Dial the deny code where: 
    0 to 9= corresponding deny digits (numbers) 
    l ,#= corresponding deny digit (numbers) 
    DND = Don’t Care digit 
    4. Press HOLD button after each entry. 
    5. When all entries for one table are com- 
    plete, press the flexible button for the next 
    table. Description 
    Deny Table - 
    Each Deny table contains ten 
    (10) bin numbers. Each bin number may be 
    up to eight (8) digits in length including (Don’t 
    Care1 dlglts. Entries in the deny table repre- 
    sent numbers or codes that are to be denied or 
    restricted. Common entries would be 11) for 
    resMcUng all 11+1 type of calls. Exceptions to 
    this restriction would be entered into the allow 
    Deny table A is referenced and searched 
    only after the allow table A is checked 
    when Station COS is 2 and CO line COS is 
    either 1 or 2. 
    Deny table B is referenced and searched 
    only after the allow table B is checked 
    when Station COS is 3 and CO line COS is 
    either 1 or 3. 
    When station COS is 4 and CO line COS 
    is 1 both allow tables are looked at first 
    W.low table A first then allow table B) then 
    both deny tables (deny table A first then 
    deny table B). 
    Don’t Care digits specify that the system 
    should consider any digit dialed in that posi- 
    tion as a match. Don’t Care digits can not be 
    entered as the last digit in an entry. 
    Search Special table commands can not be 
    entered into the Deny tables. 
    To erase a bin, enter the two-digit bin number 
    followed by pressing the HOLD button. 
    Issue 1. January 1992 
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