Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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PRINTING DATA BASE PARAMETERS Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System System Data Base Printouts (Cont’dl F. Daily Start Time Table FJrogpimmhg Steps To print the Daily Start Time table: 1. Press the DAILY START flexible button (button #6). The following message will be shown on the display phone: Description adm>s PRINT DAILY START TIME PRESS HOLD adm> DAILY START TIME TABLE 2. Press the HOLD button. When all requested data has been sent to the printer confirmation tone will be heard. admm exiting admin... G. Weekly Schedule Table FJrogmxnm~ Steps To print the Weekly Schedule table: 1. Press the WEEKLY SCHED kdble button (lx&ton #7). The following message will be shown on the display phone: 2. Press the HOLD button. When all requested data has been sent to the printer confirmation tone will be heard. Description admA PRINT WEEKLY SCHEDULE PRESS HOLD acim> WEEKLY SCHEDULE TABLZ START TIME MTWTFSS 800 1 l-1 1 1 3 3 1700 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2300 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 #### 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 adnwn exiting admin... 765-22 Issue 1, January 1992

InJinite 4096 Hykid Key Telephone System PRINTING DATA BASE PARAMETERS System Data Base Printouts (Cont’d) H. Toll Xnformation Route ProgramminA Steps To print the Toll Information route: Descrtption 1. Press the TOLL INFO flexible button Ibut- ton #81. The following message will be shown on the display phone: adm>f LCR ROUTE 555-1212 ## a&n> LCR ROUTE FOR 555-1212 2. Press the HOLD button. When all requested data has been sent to the printer confirmation tone will be heard. Issue 1, January 1992 765-23

InfInite 409Q Hybrid Key Telephone System SECTION 800 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 800.1 PRINTED crRcuIT BOARD CPCB) TROUBLESHOOTlNGCHAFtTS Table 800-l Central Proceauihqj Board (CPB) FUNCnON CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS 3PB l.Central Processor Contains 8 process Switch 1 - Write 1 .Complete system 3&r Cc&: yellow BOald CPBI tfY OoQ- nrnnlng lldkAXS Memory fauure. U-01 system opera- (LEDs) which in&- OFF _ 2.Ermneous call tion. cate vallous colxll- tions of the system. Protects contents of processing. 2.Read only da-. Memory ROM) with LED 1 - Depend- 3.Inoperattve fea- ON _ factory set Inslnx- ability/Recovery tures in system tlons. Allows update of operation. Flickers on/off in the database from 4.Partla.l failures In 3.Random Access normal operation. St&on 100. Memory (RAM) system operation. LED 2 - Ringing Switch2-clearto protected by a Send 5.ConUnual system lithium battery. Will flash steady P52hl-h. 4.Hard Restart whenringscanb OFF- 6.Fa.k-e of SMDR switch for manual functioning. For terminal ?.Loss of unique system restart LED3-Timers equipped to send Wffl flicker when cm signal. customer data- 5.Provides RS-232C ON- base programming. port for SMDR and Ers are Operate Is normal terminal Terminal/Remote ’ Progxamming. LED 4 - Monitor operation. Switch 3 - Trace Mode. IED5-LCD ON- Allows trace output LED6-CailProc- OFF- essing No trace output ’ LED 7 - Adminlstra- Swltch4-SoftRe- start tion OFF- No soft restart- LED 8 - Idle. ON- Allows soft restart If the system stops Switch 5 - SMDR processing and LED OFF - 1 only 1s on. this in- Disabled. dkates a ROM ON- failure. Enabled. If the system halts andLEDSland2 are on, this indl- cates a RAM failure.

MAINTENANCE AND TROUHLESHOOTTNG ZrlfZnite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Table 8001 Central Processing Hoard (CPB) (Cont’dj ZPB (Cont’d) Zolor Code: Yellow FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS Switch 6 - Prlnkr VP+= OFF- Nomal type 29- Chacxkr. ON- Wide type: 8O-Char- actcr. Switch 7 - SMDR om- SMDR @es to CPB Poe ON- SMDR goes to APB port- Switch 8 - Initlaki- tlon Protect OFF- Database will not init.iaIlze. ON- Database will be Ini- tialkd. Table 800-2 DC/DC Converter Unit @C/DC) FUTKl-lON CONTROL . OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS 6 DC/DC Converter. Provides 5- 14V logic voltages kom Ps. Provtdes LED in- dications if voltages are present Provides BCMl con- nection. 1Xeceives 24V DC frnm PS. 2.BCM Volume. l.Total system failure - no LEDs or voice. 2.a of musk on- hold and BGM. Table 800-3 Battery Charging Board (Bc) Battery Charging Board (BC) (Located in the EPHZ). FUNCTION Charges external battery package. CONTROL Contains relays and circultq tn charge batteries and to OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS switch :G battery when AZ power falls. The ‘I’EU switch turns on and off the audible alarm when II-I the battery mode. 800-2 Issue 1. Jan- 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Xey Telephone System MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Table 800-4 Key Station Interface Board (KIE) FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS KIB Provides interface Busy state LED None 1.Unable to receive Color Code: Green for 8 key that monitors cir- intercom dial tone. telephones. cults for busy condl- 2.Poor transmk3sion tion. charactertstlcs. Service switch with Normd/Sendce 3.Key telephone set mode. InoperatIve. . 4.Key telephone un- able to invoke few tures 5.No LED indlca- tions. Table 800-5 Key Station Interface Board w/OEIVA (KIB/OHV) FUNCTION CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS KIB/OHV Provides interface Busy state LED None 1 #Poor transmission Color Code: Green for 8 key that monitors cir- characteristtcs. telephones and cults for busy condi- provides the off- tlon. 2.Key telephone set hmk voice feature Inoperative. Sewice swttch with for those 3. Loss of Off-Hook telephones. Normal/Service Voice Announce. mode. Table 800-6 Central Office Interface Bard (COB) FUNCTION CONTROL ORIONS FAULT OPTIONS COB Provides intmfaa Busy state LED None. l.Unable to receive Color Code: White for 8 CO/PBX lines. that monitors cir- CO dial tone. CURS for busy condl- 2.Unable to break Uon. CO dial tone. Service switch with NomaI/Sexvice 3.CO line(s) not mode. ringing. 2 Issue 1, January 1992 800-3

MAINTENA.NCEANDTl%O~tESHO~G InfZnite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Table 800-7 Single Line XnterfPce Board (SIB) FUNCTION CONTROL Provides interface Busy state LED for 8 SLTs. that monitors ctr- conurn the mam CURS for busy condl for CO and inter- Uon. corn paths. Senrice switch with Also provides for Normal/Servfce SLTs with M/W mode. lights. . I 1 i OPTIONS FAULT OYI-IONS None. Table 800-S SLT Ring Generator (RG) and M/W Power Supply l.SLT can’t nxei~ dial tone. 2.Poor transmission characteristics. I FUNCTION I CONTROL I OPTIONS Single Line FUng Generator and M/W Power Supply. t-W. (Located in EPH2) 4ppkaUon Board Zolor Code: Red ! Mounted In the EPH2. the RG provides 90 VAC 20 Hz l-a SUPPY b support SLTs. Also provides volt- age to light M/W lamps on SLTs equipped with M/W ups- I None. Table 800-9 Application Board (APL) FUNCTION Provides 2 DTMF recefvers and 2 D’IMF senders for SLTs and DISk Matrix and controi circuitry for DISA. unsupervised con- ference. 1 external page port and sup- ports SW module and additonal RS232C module WM) 1 RANptW/E&M type contacts for ex- ternal recorded an- nouncement devices. I FAULT OPTIONS l.SLTs won’t ring. 2.MjW light will not function properiy on all SLTs. CONTROL OPTIONS FAULT OmONS None. RSM Module. RS232C Module. l.DISA circuit does not work. 2.U of external page. 3.SLT cannot receive intercom ilal tone. 800-4 Issue 1. January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid gty Telephone S-tern MAJNTENANCEANDTXOUBLEsHoOmG Table 800-10 Slqle Line Receiver/Sender Unit (SLU) FUNCIlON CONIROL OPTIONS FAULT OFT-IONS SlngIc Line. Usaitocxpandthc Adds4D’IMF MMF Module DTMF recctvcrs and re&vcrs and 1 (SLU) tided b ApB SenCk~ ill Sj’Strm D’IMF sender. Board. to support SLTs. None. None. Table 800-l 1 RS-232C Module (RSM] 1 FUNCTION CONTROL OF-I-IONS FAULT OPTIONS RS232C ‘Module (XSM) Added to APB Board. Provides 2nd None. selection switches l.Loss of SMDR Rs232c port to sys- on RSM Module data. tern for deidcated determine the Baud SMDR port- Rate of data sent through 2nd Rs232c port Table MO-12 Power Failure Transfer Unit (PFT) FUNCTION COWIROL OPnONS FAULT OPnONS Power Failure Provides refay bans- None. Manual switch l.F’ower Failure Transfer Unit (Pm fer circuit3 for up to . used for acUvaUng Transfer does not 6COllneslnthe the PFT for ksting function. event of a power or Pw-. 2.Loud Bells do not processor failure. ring- Facilitates Loud BeIl linglng AND CO Control Contac Issue 1. January 1992 800-5

MAINTENANCEABDTXO~HO~G Iqfinfte 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System rable 880-13 Amplified Conference Board (COA) FUNCTION CON-LROL OPTIONS FAULT OPTIONS Ampufkd central Provkles intcrfaa Busy statt LED 8 jumper stzaps to l.Unable to receive Office (COA) for 8 CO lines with that monitors each set gain at 0 db or co dial tone. Color Code: White theabtitytoadd3 COllneforringiq +3dbforuseln 2.Unable to break dbofgainonapcr busy,andkikcon- amfercncccaila co dfal tone. circuit basis. clmona service switch well and lhnk to lhmk 3 CO line(s) not DIsA *- Nomul/Service &w. mode. 4.Crosstalk/Nolse- Off Premtse i&ten- sion (OPXJ Color Cede: Green I - Table BOO-14 Off-Premise Extension Board (OPXj FUNCTlON Provides four (4) 48 volt bop to lnter- face OPX circuits. Contains matrix for CO and ICM ports. - CONIROL I OPTIONS Busy state LED None. that monitors cir- cuits for busy condi- tion. Setin switch with Normal/Sewke mode. FAULT OFTIONS l.SLT can’t receive dial tone. 2.Poor transm.tsion characteristics. BOO-6 Issue 1, January 1992

Infvrite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTTNG Maintenance and Troubleshooting (Cont’d) 800.2 REMOTE i%lAmrENANcE k General Overview The Remote Maintenance feature allows authorized personnel to survey system and slot configuration f.nformation. This can be done through a modem or data terminal connected to the system CPB via the RS-232C port. The commands are entered from a keyboard and are limited to those listed. B. Ovendew of Maintenance Commands There are four (4) basic comman d.s available in C. Maintenance Password The Remote Mtitenance feature, like Remote Programming, is entered via a six-character alphanumeric string. The password prompt is given by entering a canlage return at the device connected to the CPB RS-232C port. After the prompt is printed out, the password should be entered followed by a carriage return. Proper entry of the password will result in the main- tenance prompt. The Remote Maintenance password is: (BRANDY) D. Exit Maintenance The Exit co mmand will terminate the current Remote Maintenance feature session. The Exit the Remote Maintenance feature. All com- rnands begin with a single character, followed by a space. another character and an optional digit or digits. All commands are terminated with a canlage return. Basic format of the co mmands are shown in Figure 800- 1: command format is: mx maint>? command list: d scnnl - dunp system or slot configuration data Cnn] specifies an optional slot number parameter no parameter indicates that the entire system will be dumped examples : maint>d s (dunps entire system configuration) maint>d s2 (dunps slot 2 configuration, etc.) ? - help menu X - exit maint maint> Figure 800-l Remote Maintenance Help Menu Issue 1, January 1992 800-7

MAINTENANCEANDTROUBLESHOOTING Iqfinfte 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Maintenance and Troublfshwtbg (Cont’d) E. System Configuration Figure 800-2 is a configuration of the In$nfk 4096 system with LCR and shows what ls printed out when: a. The installer enters DB at the mainti prompt. 4096 HONTT0REq.V.r. X.XY DATE: Ml/DD/VV TIRE: HMfn:sS EMER PASSWORD: na!r l>U I SLOT NPE w Wm. --_- ---_- -e-w- BRO TYPE -------em 2.0f COB COB UHPO~‘ULIXED KIB UHPOPULRTED UHPOPWRTED UHPOPULATED SIB SIB RPL UNPDPULRTED UNPDPULFlTED UNPOPULRTED UNPDPUFlTED UNPOPULATED UNPOPULflTED UNPDPULRTED UNPDPULRTED BRO CUTS SEW STFIT Figure 800-2 Iqflnfte 4096Configuration with/LCR where: Column I: lists the card slot. Column 2: lfsts card type of that card slot. Column 3: lists the firmware version of the Card. Column 4: lists card type and if that card is installed. cdlmn 5: lists card options: KKE3 optton 0 = standard KIB APL option 0 = standard APL: APL: option 1 = APL: + RSM APL: option 2 = APL: + SIU Module APL: option 3 = APL: + RSM + SIU column 6: lists card status: 00s status can indkate the entire card is out of service or a specifk station is not tnstalled or installed but not operational INS status can indkate a specific station is instahd and operating correctly. 800-8 Issue 1, January 1992