Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Before installing the Battery Charging Unit EC) tum off the AC power switch on the kont of the EPS. To ~nsta.ll the BC, remove the cover of the External Power Supply Housing W’S). Locate the BC card slot and remove the Battery Bypass Board. Battery Amp [ Configuration Hom=mg ! 16x32 24x48 40x96- 7AH 1.5HR 1H-R. 20 MIN. 14AH 2.5HR 2HR. 1HR. 4oAH 7H-R 5.5HR 3HR, The BC unit provides a Tone Emitter switch to enable (ONI or disable (OFFI tone signaling when System Battery Back Up is active (Refer to Figure 500-5). Install the Battery Charging (BC) unit with components facing right into the BC card slot of the EPS. CAUTION: IMPORTANI’ STEP Remove the shorting strap from the battery co~ection terminals on the right side of the EPS before connect- ing batteries. External batteries may now be connected us- ing stranded wire with crimp on ring tenninals. A 24V dc (normally two 12V dc batterles) pack- age with a 40 ampere hour rating is consldered maximum. It is recommended that malnte- name free gel-type batteries be used. The i- -I - following should be considered when connect- ing batteries: Batteries are to be placed in a Umited access room or cabinet with adequate ventilation of any battery gases that may be present. A battery rack or case should be used to secure the batteries and protect them. Use the shortest length of stranded wire possi- ble to connect the batteries. Use wire sizes recommended by the National E1ectrfca.l Code and/or local regulations. A 12 ampere, 32V mintmum fuse or a i 2 ampere DC instantaneous tripping circuit breaker should be installed in line with the battery negative lead to protect the batteries hm damage. Refer to the Apical Battery In- terconnection Layout, Figure 500-6. Depending on batteries used. the recharge time to completely recycle a fklly discharged battery will follow the examples below: 11 ‘or second power supply installed in EPH Figure 500-5 Tone Emitter on BC Card Switch ON- Tocre Enabled Switch OFF- Tone Disa!ded Issue 1, January 1992 500-7

INSTUTION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System h 12 wxl a.*nWXES (2) STFWN RELIEF -SINGLE WIRE 0AllERY RACK CABLE ASSY ANDSEPARATOR ExlERNAL POWER SUPPLY HCUSING (EPS) Figure 600-6 Typical Battery Interconnection Layout 500.9 PRINTED CIRCUTI’ BOARD IN- STALLATION The Printed Circuit Boards IPCB’s) used to configure the system contain static sensitive components that will require a few simple han- dling precautions to avoid damage. Keep all PCB’s in their protective anti-static bags until they are installed in the KSU. All PCB’s that are not in protective bags should be handled by the card edges only. Never lay an unprotected PCB card on a car- peted surface. j Always use a grounded wrist strap when handling PCB’s. This will mini- mize the possibility of static damage. A Installing the DC/DC Converter Unit (Dvw 1. Locate and unpack the DC/DC Converter urllt DCUI. 2. Using the ejector tabs, insert the unit into the BKSU card slot 0 or DC/DC card slot B. InsePCl% NOTE: With the exception of the CPB and DC/DC, PCBs am be safely unplugged with the power on but it is suggested that the Nor- mal/Service switch be placed in the kervice” mode while removing or inserting into the sys- tem 1. WheninserUngacardintot.heKSU,make sure the card edges are aligned with the KSU card guides. that the service switch is in the service (down) position, and that the component side of the card faces to the right- Note, the m-d ejector tabs are w&x coded to match the desfgnaifons on the KSU. 2. Make sure the PCB’s are secureiy seated in their respective card connectors. 3. Press fhmly on the card ejector tats once the PCB is mounted into the KSU. 4. The service switch should be returned to the normal (up) position. c. PcBProgramnlhlg The COB Figure 500-9). COA (Figure 500-10). KIB and KIB/OHV (Figure 500-l 1) SIB and OPX cards each have a service switch on the front of the card. The switch should be in the Normal (up) position for normal operation. The Central Processor Board has a DIP switch assembiy for programming various system functions. Make sure the switches are posi- Uoned according to the functions described in Figure 500-8. The APL board provides connec- tors for SLU and RSM. 500-8 Issue 1, January 1992

In.ite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System XlWMLL4TION Figure 500-7 DC/DC Converter Unit (DC/DC) Issue 1, January 1992 500-g

INSTALLATION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System YELLOW COLORED DIP SWITCHES SW2 l-WRITE MEMORY (EnablelON; Disable&FF) 2-CLEAR TO SEND (Enable-ON; DisablelOFF) 3-TRACE OUTPUT (Enable&N; DisablelOFF) 4-SOFT RESTART (Enable&N; Dkabl~OFF) 5SMDR (Enable-ON; Disable-OFF) 6-29 CHARACTER-OFF; 60 CHARACTER-ON 7-SMDR: CPB-OFF; APL-ON B-INITIALIZE (Enable=ON; Dkable=OFF) FQ’ure 500-S Central Processing Board (CPB) 500-10 Issue 1, January 1992

800.10 CO/pBx CONNECTIONS An FCC approved RJ21X connector should be supplfed by the Telco at the demarcation point. The RJ21X should be located within 25 ft. of the KSU. All CO/PBX line connections are made on the Pl and P2 cables. The Pl connec- tor is located fn the Basic KSU and the P2 connector In the Expansion KSU. A COB or COA card must be installed in the associated KSU card slot in order for the CO/PBX line interface connections to be established. Refer to Tables 500-l and 500-2. 600.11 AMPLIFIED CENTRAL OFFICE IN- TERFACE BOARD There are eight CO line circuits per card. Each card has a jumper strap (one for each of the eight CO circuits) which is set by the installer during installation for either 0 db (no gatn) or +3 db (gain). Refer to Figure 500-10. Gain/no gain affects multi-line conferences and trunk to trunk DISA or off-net forward) calls. All other installation requirements are the same as for the standard COB. When Amplltled CO connections are desired it is recommended that all CO boards in the system be replaced with COA boards. 500.12 STATION CONNECTIONS There is a 50-pin female amphenol-type con- nector on each station KIB, KIB/OHV. SIB and OPX card. These allow the system to be cabled to the main distribution frame (MDF). Twenty- five pair telephone cabling must be prepared with mating connectors to extend the KSU interface circuits to the MDF. The cables are routed through the cable clamps at the bottom of the KSU to the MDF. These cables are then terminated on industry standard 66Ml-50 type punchdown connector blocks. Refer to Tables 500-3. 500-4, and 500-5. It is recom- mended that 66Ml-50 split blocks with bridg- ing clips be used to simplify troubleshooting and to quickly isolate faults. The amphenol type connectors will be on the front edge of the printed circuits boards which are plugged into the green colored card slots. These connectors require male plug-ended ca- bles for proper attachment. The actual quan- tity of cable required depends on the size of the system. Each time a station card is added to the system. another connector is required. A maximum of six station boards can be instailed in the basic KSU. After the amphenol type cable connector has been attached, the cable should be anchored to the cable clamps at the bottom of the KSU Inji.nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INSTALLATION with tie wraps in order to prevent accidental discon.necUon. The Expansion KSU contains four station slots. Refer to Figure 500-3. 500.13 POWER FAILURE TRANSFERAND U3c CONNECTIONS The Power Failure Transfer Unit contains the Loud Bell Control contacts. The package should contain: - 1PFr - 1 two-connector terminal strip - 1 amphenol clip - 2 jack screws - 4 washer screws - 1 plastic terminal strip protector A. Power Failure Transfer (pm A maximum of two, optional Power Failure Tmnsfer Untts IpFl7 can be installed in the Basic KSU. In the event of a commercial power failure, up to six CO/ PEiX lines per PFT can automatically transfer to single line telephones for emergency communicaUons. These SLTs can be either rotary or DTMF but must be equipped with CO powered ringers. These SLT stations do not have to be used for Intercom, but can be if so desired. The PFI’ also provides the contact closure for Loud Bell Control/CO Line Control. The PFT has a 50-pin male amphenol connector that allows a 25-pair cable to be installed and ter- minated at the MDF. Refer to Figure 500-12 and Table 500-6 for PFT connections. B. Loud Bell Control (‘LX) The In&fte 4096 System provides relay contact closure to activate optional external signaling equipment during incomfng CO line ringing or to activate ancillary equipment. The stations for Loud Bell Control are selected as part of system programming. Either or both of the LBC circufts may be assigned to any one station, to separate stations or to a CO Line to provide contact closure while that CO Lfne is busy. The dry contacts will follow the rfnging condition of that station or will remain closed when assigned to a CO line. The LBC contacts are installed underneath the PFT in the Basic KSU. Refer to Figure 500-3. a. Using the two jack screws, mount the two-connector terminal strip to the BKSU. Issue 1, January 1992 5oGll

INST~TION hJ’inite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System NORMAL SERVICE WHITE COLORED TABS Figure 500-9 Central Office Interface Board (COB) 500-12 Issue 1. January 1992

Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INSTALLATION r Table 500-l Pl Connecting Block Table 600-2 P2 Connecting Block PAIE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 !3 !4 !5 PIfi 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 25 - COLOF WH/BL BL/WIt W-H/OF ORM WH/GI+ GN/Wli WH/Bh BN/-WI! WH/SL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN SN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BL/YL YL/OR OR/n YL/GN GN/YL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SLrn VI/BL BLM VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN CNM VI/BN BNM vI/SL DESIG CO 1T CO 1R co 2-r CO 2R co3T CO 3R CO 4T CO 4R CO 5T CO 5R co6T co 6R co7r COTR co8T co 8R co9T CO 9R co 1oT CO 10R CO 11T CO 11R co 12T CO 12R co 13T CO 13R CO 14T CO 14R CO 15T CO 15R co 16T co 16R co 17r co 17-R co l&-r co 18R co 19T CO 19R co 2m CO 20R CO 21T CO 21R co 22T CO 22R co23-r CO 23R CO 24T CO 24R SPARE SPARE --I- - DESCRF C 0 B 1 C 0 B 2 C 0 B 3 PAIR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15 ! PIh 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 I COLOR WH/BL BL/WH WI-I/OF OR/WH WH/GN GN/WH WH/BN BN/WH wH/SL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BL/YL YL/OR OR/n, YL/GN GN/YL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SLrn VI/BL BLM VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN GNM VI/BN BNM vr/SL sL/vI DESIG CO 25T CO 25R co 26T CO 26R co 27r co 27R co 28T CO 28R co 29-r CO 29R co 3a-r CO 30R CO 31T CO 31R co 32T C032R co 33T CO 33R CO 34T CO 34R CO 35T CO 35R co 36T CO 36R co 37T co 37R co 38T CO 38R co 39T CO 39R co 4oT CO 40R DESCRF C 0 - B 4 Issue 1. January 1992 500-13

:_( WHITE COLORED TABS ! C C A -@!5 3db co 1 Odb 3db 8 co2 Odb 3bd @s co3 NORMAL SERVICE Odb 3db f&J co4 iii co5 Odb 3db CO6 Odb 3db ~fgure 600-10 Amplified CO Interface Board (WA] 500-14 Issue 1. January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System IN!3TALL4TION GREEN COLORED NORMAL SERVICE 0 0 50-PIN STATION CONNECTOR Figure 50&11 Key Station Interface Board (ICIB) Issue 1, January 1992 500-15

Table 500-3 Station Connecting Block WI Table 500-4 Station Connecting Block O=B/OHv) PAIR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PIN 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 i-L 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 COLOR WH/BL BL/WH W-H/OR OR/unr WH/GN GN/WH WH/BN BNM wH/SL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BL/YL YL/OR OR/YL YL/GN GN/YL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SLrn VI/BL BLM VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN GNM VI/BN BNM Vl/SL sL/vI DESIG VT 100 V-R 100 DT 100 DR 100 - - VT 101 VR 101 lx- 101 DR 101 - - VT 102 VR 102 Ix 102 DR 102 - - VT 103 VR 103 Ix- 103 DR 103 - - VT 104 V-R 104 m 104 DR 104 - - v-r 105 VR 105 D-l- 105 DR 105 - - VT 106 VR 106 D-l? 106 DR 106 - - VT 107 VR 107 IYr 107 DR 107 - - SPARE SPARE DESCRP K I B PAIR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PfN COLOR 26 WH/BL 1 BL/WH 27 WH/OR 2 OR/WH 28 WH/GN 3 CNM 29 WH/BN 4 BN/WH 30 wH/SL 5 SL/wH 31 RD/BL 6 BL/RD 32 RD/OR 7 OR/RD 33 RD/GN 8 GN/RD 34 RD/BN 9 BN/RD 35 RD/SL 10 SL/RD 36 BK/BL 11 BL/BK 37 BK/OR 12 OR/BK 38 BK/GN 13 GN/BK 39 BK/BN 14 BN/BK 40 BK/SL 15 SL/BK 41 YL/BL 16 BL/YL 42 YL/OR 17 OR/YL 43 YL/GN 18 GN/YL 44 YL/BN 19 BN/YL 45 YL/SL 20 SLrn 46 VI/BL 21 BLM 47 VI/OR 22 ORM 48 VI/GN 23 GNM 49 VI/BN 24 BNM 50 vI/SL 25 sL/vI DESIG vr 100 VR 100 Ix 100 DR 100 ovr 100 OVR 100 VT 101 V-R 101 DT 101 DR 101 OVT 101 OVR 101 VT 102 VR 102 D-r 102 DR 102 ovr 102 OVR 102 v-r 103 VR 103 DT 103 DR 103 OVT 103 OVR 103 v-r 104 VR 104 DT 104 DR 104 ovr 104 OVR 104 VT 105 VR 105 Ix 105 DR 105 OVT 105 OVR 105 VT 106 VR 106 IX- 106 DR 106 OVT 106 OVR 106 VI- 107 VR 107 m- 107 DR 107 ovr 107 OVR 107 SPARE SPARE DESCRF’ K I B / 0 H V 500-16 Issue 1,January 1992