Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System When using a data terminal (I/O device) to program the system. the following chart presents the data terminal characters that are equivalent to the keyset buttons. a&t>? FiEiYOTE ADtlIN KEY DEFINITIONS Keyset Terminal Keyset Terminal HOLD ENTEWCR FLEX 1 FLQSH i FLEX 2 0 FLEX 3 : i FLEX 4 FLEX 5 3 3 FLEX 6 z z FLEX 7 FLEX 8 6 6 FLEX 9 7 7 FLEX 10 9” i FLEX 11 FLEX 12 10 10 FLEX 13 11 11 FLEX l‘+ * l SPEED # # TRANS enable + CALLBACK disable DND ON-HOOK adn> \- In place of keyset button toggling to enable/d&able a feature, the associated data terminal key can be toggled (pressed again) to enable/dkable a feature. Figure 700-l Data Terminal Program Codes Cross Reference 700-2 Issue 1. January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System CW3TOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING Figure 700-2 Iqjinite 4096 Default Button Mapping --I FLEX BUTTON FIELD --J Issue 1. January 1992 700-3

CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROG-G btjinite 4096 Hybrfd Key Telephone System Table 700-l Default Valuts FExruRE System Hold Recall Timer Exclusive Hold Recall Timer Transfer Recall Timer Preset Forward Timer Pause Timer Call Park Timer Conference Timer MSG Wait Reminder Tone Paging Timeout Timer CO Ring Detect Timer Hold Preference Executive Override Warning Tone External Night Ring - LBCl Attendant Overrlde Attendant Station Assignment Loud Bell Control PBX Dfaling Codes Executive/Secretaq Transfer UCD Groups SMDR (ON/OFF) Call Type Print Format Baud Rate Forced Account Codes Admin Password Dial Pulse Ratio Break/Make Dial Speed LCR Enable DISA Access Code Phone Box Timer Dedicated Attendant Intercom Path Background Music Setting Time and Date Hook Flash Time Hook Switch Bounce Timer Page Warning Tone qttendant Recall Timer PROGRAM CODE FLEX BUXTON DEFAULT VALUI Flash 01 060 sec. Flash 02 180 sec. Flash 03 045 sec. Flash04 10 sec. Flash 05 2 sec. Flash06 180 sec. Flash 07 10 min. Flash 08 000 min. Flash 09 15 sec. Flash 10 3 (100 msec.1 Flash 11 System Flash 12 Yes Flash 13 No Flash 14 No Flash 15 100 Flash 16 None Flash 17 None Flash 18 Buttons l-4 None Flash 19 Buttons l-8 None Flash 20 Button 1 Off Button 2 Long Dist. Button 3 80-Character Button 4 4800 Baud Button 5 No Flash 21 2366 Flash 22 Button 1 60/40 Button 2 10 PPS Flash23 Disabled Flash24 100 Flash 25 20 Flash 26 Yes Flash 27 Yes Flash 28 None Flash 29 10 (1 sec.) Flash 30 010 msec. Flash 31 Yes Flash 32 01 min. 7004 Issue 1, January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING Table 7CMSl Default Values (Co&d] FEATURE UCD Timers Ring Timer MSG Int. Over Flow Timer Wrap-Up Timer Announcement Table CalI Foxward No Answer Timer Voice Mail Groups Voice Mail Outpulsing Tables Voice Matl Disconnect Table Hunt Groups Weekly Night Mode Schedule Manual or Automatic Schedule Programming CO Line Programming lYIMF/Pulse CO/PBX UNA Loop Supervision DISA Flash Timer CO Line Group Line COS UCD Ringing Assignment CO Ringing Assignment Conference Enable/Disable Automatic Privacy SLT Receiver Timer Joke Mail In-Band Digits 3irectory Dialing Sation F3-ogmmmhig Paging Access DND Access System Speed Access Queuelng Access Preferred Line Answer Executive Override PROGRAM CODE FLEX BUITON i DEFAULT VALUI Flash33 Button 1 60 sec. Button 2 60 sec. Button 3 60 sec. Button 4 04 sec. Flash34 None Flash 35 15s Flash 36 Buttons l-8 None Flash 37 Tables O-7 None Table 8 None Flash 38 Buttons l-8 None Flash 39 Button 1 Mal-lUal Button 2 O-4 08:00- 17:OO 5-6 ####-#### Flash 40 Button 1 Button 2 co Button 3 Yes Button 4 No Button 5 No Button 6 10 Button 7 1 Button 8 1 Button 9 None Button9(1) RingatSta 100 Button 13 Disabled Button 14 Enabled Flash 41 020 Flash 42 Disabled Flash 43 None Flash 50 Page A Button 1 Yes Button 2 Yes Button 3 Yes Button 4 Yes Button 5 No Button 6 Disabled Issue 1. January 1992 700-5

CUSTOMER DATA EASE PROGRAMMING Inmite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System Table 700-l Default Values (Cont’a) FEATURE Call Forward Access Forced LCR LCR COS Conference Enable/Disable Statton Programming Station Type Station Class of Service Speakerphone Operation Group Pickup Assignment Paging Zone Assignment Preset Forward Assignment CO Line Group Access CO Line Button Assignment Automatic Privacy Exception Tables Allow Table A Deny Table A Allow Table B Deny Table B Special Table 1 Special Table 2 Special Table 3 Special Table 4 Least cost Routing 3-Digit Routing Table s-Digit Routing Table Exception Code Table Route List Table Insert/Delete Table Daily Start Time Table Weekly Schedule Table LCR Toll Information PROGRAM CODE FLEX BU-ITON DEFAULT VALUI Button 7 Yes Button 8 No Button 9 None Button 13 Disabled Flash 50 Page B Button 1 0 (Keyset) 1 (SLT w/o Msg WI Button 2 1 Button 3 0 Button 4 1 Button 5 1 Button 6 None Button 7 1 Button 8 Button 13 Enabled Flash 60 Button 1 None Button 2 None Button 3 None Button 4 None Button 5 Au Codes AIIowec Button 6 All Codes Allowec Button 7 All Codes AIlowec Button 8 All Codes AlIowec Flash 61 Button 1 Default Button 2 None Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 LCR Default (Figure 765-6) 700-6 Issue 1, January 1992

Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGVG Using the Remote Admin Key Definitions follow the same steps and procedures to program the 4096 when using a texminal (as outlined in the following sections) * 700.3 PROGlUM MODE ENTRY Cgey Sta- tion) pn>grammir~ is performed at station 100 using either the Enhanced or Executive Key Tele- phone. Programming is always done at this station regardless of the class of service or which station has been assigned the atten- dant(s). Before entering the program mode, the pro- grammer must first verify that the Key Tele- phone is properly connected to station 100. To enter the program mode: a Press ON/OFF button (LED lights and in- tercom dial tone is heard). b. On the dial pad, press the aster&k [*] twice. c. On the dial pad, enter the digits [21(3][6][6] (ADMN). Confirmation tone is heard and cUa.l tone is removed. d. The ON/OFF button LED is lit. The System fs ready to program. (Other telephones connected to the system continue to func- Uon normally.) NOTE: I- here if necessary. Refer to Set- tion 600 and 700.4) e. f. !3 h. i. Press the FLASH button. Dial the two-digit program code for the desired data fleld. Enter customer data. To permanently store the entered data press the HOLD button. A burst of one second confirmation tone should be heard. If an interrupted (error) tone is heard, re- enter the data starting with step E. Repeat from step e. until all data has been entered into memory. 700.4 INITIALIZATION The system has been pre-programmed with . certain features which are called default data (Refer to Table 700-l). These features are loaded into memory when the system is initial- ized. NOTE: The system should be initialized when installed or at any time the data base has been corrupted. (Refer to Section 700 for complete system initialization proce- dures) To return the entire system database to default values: Set switches 1 and 8 on the CPB to ON to initialize upon system power-up. After initiali- zation. switch 8 should be turned to the ‘OFF” position. (Refer to Section 700 for complete initialization i.nstrucUons) Use the procedures explained below to return only parts of the data base to default values: a b. C. d. e. Enter the progmmmtng mode. Press FLASH button. Dial 1701 to default system parameters. Press HOLD button. Repeat from step B for the other areas. In step C. use the following program codes: - 1701 for system parameters (including d group pwrammlng) - I711 for CO lines - [72] for station parameters - 1731 for exception tables - (741 for system speed numbers - [75] for Least Cost Routtng Tables NC?272 Program Codes 70-75 DOES NOT tnitfal- ize the database, but returns all programmable ciatatousdefaullzuiue. 700.5 CUSTOMER DATA WORKSHEETS Before any attempt at programming is made, it is strongly recommended that customer data worksheets be prepared (Refer to Appendix A). These worksheets should become part of the permanent record of customer programming. Refer to the following sections when preparing the worksheets. 700.6 DATA EASE FIELDS The data fields are used to set system timers. determine central offlce line features and Key Telephone features. When entering CO line data and station data, be sure to enter the exact number of digits specified. The data fields and features are further described in the following secuons. Issue 1, January 1992 700-7

Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System !WSl’EM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING SECTION 710 SYSTEM PARAMET ERS PROGWiMMING 710.1 SYSTEM HOLD RECAU#TIMER gg-ammirq! Steps lf this timer is to be changed: a FTes.s FLASH and dial [O 11. The following message Is shown on the display phone: b. Enter three digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display wl.ll now up- date. 710.2 EXCWSNE HOL9 RECALLTIMER R ’ g Steps lf this timer is to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [02]. The following message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter three digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display WIU now up- date. Description Determines the amount of ttme before a call placed on System Hold will reca..U the station placing the hold. If unanswered by that sti- tion. the call will recall the attendant Defaultz Default value is 060 seconds and is variable from 001 to 300 seconds. Anent.ryofOOOwiUdisablethet.imerandthere willbenorecail. Related Pmg g Hold Preference pro- . grammhg for selecting System Hold Prefer- ence: Attendant Pro gtrammQ for assigning the Attendant(s) to receive recalls. Description Determines amount of time before a call placed on Exclusive Hold recalls the station placing the Hold. If unanswered by that station, the call recalls the attendant. Default: The default value is 180 seconds and is variable from 001 to 300 seconds. An entry of 000 will disable the timer and there willbenorecall. Related Pro- . Hold Preference pro- gramming for selecting Exclusive Hold Prefer- ence: Attendant Pro grammhg for assigning the Attendant(s) to receive recalls. Issue 1, January 1992 710-l

SYSI-EM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMMG In&&e 4096 HybrSd Xey Telephone System System Parameters Programming (Cont’dl 710.3 TRANSFER RECAUTIMER Prognmming Steps If this timer is to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [03]. ‘Ihe following message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter three digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button Display will now up- date. 710.4 PRESET FORWARD TlMER Prognmming Steps If this tfmer is to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [041. The following message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter two d.i@ts on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display will now up- date. Description Determines amount of time a transferred call rings at the statton recew the transfer before it recalls the station making the transfer. If unanswered by that station, the call recalls the attendant- Defnult: Default value is 045 seconds and is variable ikom 001 to 300 seconds. A 000 entry disables the timer and there will be no recall. Attendant Program- the Attendant(s) to receive Descriptton Determines the amount of time an outside line will ring before being forwarded to a predeter- mined station ‘Ih& entry works with Preset Forward station assignments in Station Pro- gramming. More than one station can be for- warded to the same party. Th& timer also governs the Ume the DISA call will ring at a statton before being returned to intercom dial tone. if not answered. Default: Default time is set at 10 seconds and is variable from 01 to 99 seconds. A 00 entry dkables the timer and there will be no forward. Related Progmmmbq$ Preset Forward assign- ments in Station Progmmming (Flash 50) for instruction on assigning a stations preset for- ward destination. 710-2 Issue 1, January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System SYSTEM P AlUMETER6 PROGRAMMTNG System Parameters Programming (Cont’d.) 710.5 PAUSE TIhZER gramming Steps If this timer is to be changed: a Press FIASH and dial 1051. The following message is shown on the display phone: Description Determines the length of the pause when pro- grammed for use with speed dialing and LCR insert Tables. Default: Default is 2 seconds and is vartable from 1 to 9 seconds. There is no 0 entry. b. Enter one digit on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display will now up- date. 710.6 CALLPARX RECALLTIMER Pro.gramming Steps lf this timer is to be changed: a Press FLASH and dial [OS]. The followfng meSSage is shown on the display phone: b. Enter three digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Dlsplay will now up- date. Description Determines the amount of time before a call placed in the call park location will recall the station placing the call park. If unanswered by that station. the call will recall the attendant. Default: Default is 180 seconds and is variable from 001 to 600 seconds. A 000 entry disables the tfmer and there will be no recall. Related Prom . Attendant Program- ming for assi.gning the Attendant(s) to receive recall rlnglng. Issue 1, January 1992 710-3

SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING Infinite 4096 Hytrrid Key Telephone System System Parameters Programming 0nt’dl 710.7 CONFERENCE TIMER gmmming Steps If this timer is to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [07l. The following message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter two digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display will now up- date. 710.8 MESSACE WAIT REMINDER TONE Programmhw Steps If this feature is to be changed: a Press FLASH and dial (081. The followlng message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter three digits on the dial pad. c. Press HOLD button. Display will now up- date. Description Determines the amount of time an unsuper- vised conference can continue after the initia- tor of the conference has exited the conference. Default Default is 10 minutes and is variable from 01 to 99 minutes. A 00 entry disables the timer and means an automatic disconnect occurs. No?E: The cO@mence Ttmer also allows the system admintstrator to WntrQl the length of timeaDISAazUerIsabwedajkestablishing aTrunk-bTh.mkcalL Atthe eqimtion ofthe llbnjkrence l?nw, a tone will be presented to bothDISApw-ties,thenonentinutekzierthe system will automatically release both Punks. The cOr5fmence Timer does not c@ect or cont3-ol aDISA-tuStaiioncall. Related Programxningt Refer to Loop Supervi- sion, DISA and Conference AtMbutes in CO Line programming. Also refer to the Conference option in Station programming. )escrlptton The Message Wait Tone Timer determines the amount of time between repeated reminder tones to a key telephone with a message wait- ing. Key station users may be reminded of a mes- sage waiting on their telephone with an audible signal presented at a timed interval. Default: Default is 000 (disabled) and is vari- able from 000 to 104 minutes. 710-4 hue 1, January 1992