Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INSTAUATION CO RAN Conneaions cwtomec Rovided Talk Battery 24V DC COB ‘OWER FAILURE TRANSFER I BFg* -----B-e LBC Terminak GROUND START APPLICATIONS on Basic KSU SIB TIP RING SLT RAN Cormec3ons MDF -- -- LOOP START APPLICATIONS Figure 500-18 CO and SLT RAN Connections RAN DEVICE Issue 1, January 1992 500-27

INSTALLATION Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System be configured for ring trip operation (loop start). The 9GV ac voltage sent to the SLT port wilI be recognized by the RAN device which will then answer the call. Refer to Figure 500-18. 500.22 INSTALLING THE SINGlX LINE TELEPHONE D’IMFRS UNlT (SW The two DTMF receivers and two IYlMF sen- ders located on the APL board are sticient to support up to 16 Single IJne Telephones under moderate SLT usage. If more than 16 SLTs are instalIed, or SLT usage is heavy, then the SLU should be added to provide four additional DTMF receivers and one additional LYlMF sender. It fs also recommended that the SLU be installed when a Voice Mail or Auto Atten- dant system is connected to the 4096 system. a. b. C. d. Remove the Application Board (APL) from the BKSU. Locate the Kl and K2 connectors on the Application Board and the Kl and K2 con- nectors on the SLU. Refer to Figure 500- 15. Take the SLU and push the Kl pin con- nector gently onto the Kl pins on the APL board. Then push the K2 pin connector on the SLU gently onto the K2 pins on the APL board. The Receiver/Sender Unit is now installed and the APL board can be replaced in the BKSU. 500.23 INST-G THE RSM [Addi- a. b. C. d. e. f. iis h. - tional RS-232C port) Remove the Application Board (APL) from the BKSU. Set the RSM baud rate. Refer to Figure 500-15. Remove the screws from the APL board. Locate the Sl connector on the APL board andtheS1pinsontheRSMunit. Gently push the Sl pins on the RSM onto the Sl pin connector on the APL board. Secure with the screws removed in step c. Re-insert the APL board in the BKSU. Set switch seven on the CPB to the APL (ON) position. 500.24 Rs-232C CONNEC’I’IONS One RS-232C type connector is provided and fs located on the CPB board. There is an optional second RS-232C connector which can be inst.alled on the APL board. The RS-232C connector on the CPB can be used for either Station Message Detail Recording (SMDRl or for on-line (Remote) database programming through the RS232C port using a data termi- nal. If the second RS-232C connector is instal- led on the APL board. thfs connector can be used for SMDR only. The Rs-232C pinout IS shown in Figure 500-20. Either an 80 character or 29 character printing device may be connected to the RS-232C con- nector. Switch 6 on the CPB board must be programmed to provide either the desired 29 or 80 character display field and Switch 2 must be set in the on position to enable CIX signal. Refer to Section 800 for further details on the CPB switch settings. 600.25 BACKGROUND MUSIC AND MU- SIC-ON-HOLD Music-On-Hold and Background Music through Key Telephone speakers can be pro- vided via a customer provided tuner, tape deck, etc. Connection is made with an RCA jack connector on the DC/DC Converter (DCLJ): a volume adjustment is also provided on the DCU. Refer to Figure 500-7. The input imped- ance of the music source is 2K ohms maxl- mum. 500.26 RING G ENERATORANDMES- SAGE WARING POWER SUPPLY When the Ir@fte 4096 System is equfpped with single line telephones, a Single Line Ring Gen- erator and Message Wait Power Supply Unit RGl is needed to provide ringing and power for message wattlng SLTs. The RG is mounted inside the External Power Supply Housing (EPS) on the bottom shelf. Insert the RG with components facing right and secure with the screw. Refer to Figure 500-4. 500.27 INSTALLING THE EXPANSION KSU NOIE: The second Power Supply 0 must be addedtotheE&emal Power Supply Housing @PSI when the Expansion KSU is added The Expansion KSU can be installed at the same time as the Basic KSU. or later. In either case the system power must be turned off prior to the installation. 500-28 Issue 1, January 1992

In,ite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System INSTALLATION RSM Module Switch SetUngs Switch Settings 1 O=ON; X=OFF Equipment Needed: 1 Phillips Screwdriver Two screws with washers are used to mount the RSM Module to the Applications Board (APL). Figure 500-19 RSM Baud Rate Selection Issue 1, January 1992 500-29

INSTALLATION Irlfinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System KSU PRINTER WE) TERMINAL Pin # 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 / Transmit Data / Receive Data RTS (Request to Send) CTS (Clear to Send) DSR (Data Set Ready) GND DTR (Data Terminal Ready) RS-232C PINOUT Data Communication Requirements are: A) Serial Port Compatible 8) ASCII Code Compatible C) 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bit D) No Parity Figure5OG20RS-232CCmnections Pin # 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 500-30 Issue 1, January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System a. Refer to Paragraph 500.4 - KSU Installa- tion. The Expansion KSU mounts directly to the right of the Basic KSU. Refer to Figure 500- 1. Using the template pro- vided, identify the screw hole locations. Insert the two screws into the wooden backboard and tighten enough to hold the weight of the unit. b. Remove the connector cover on the right side of the Basic KSU. Refer to Figure 500-3. Remove the last three cards on the right side of the Basic KSU. c. Secure the two cabinets together by hook- ing the mounting brackets on the left side of the &pa.nsion KSU over the ones on the rfght side of the Basic KSU and at the same time position the Expansion KSU on the two screws inserted in Step a above. Tigh- ten the screws on the right side of the Expansion KSU. d. Connect the ground of the Basic KSU to the ground of the Expansion KSU with a No. 8 or larger gauge wire. e. Feed the three ribbon cables through the slot created by removing the side cover and plug them into the Basic KSU. Refer to Figure 500-Z 1. f. Take the power cable located in the &pan- sion KSU and feed it through the slot in the Basic KSU and plug it in. Then take the ribbon cable previously connected to the Basic KSU and connect it to the Ex- pansion KSU. Installaffon of the Expansion KSU is now com- plete. Replace PCB’s removed in Step b. above. Power may also be restored. Issue 1, Jan- 1992 600-3 1

Table 600-8 SMDR Printout The SMDR feature provides detailed records of ail outgoing and/or incoming. long distance only or all calls exceeding 30 seconds. ‘This feature is enabled or disabled in system programming. By default. SMDR is not enabled and is set to record long distance calls only. A printout format of 80 characters maximum or 29 character maximum may be selected in system programming. The standard format is 69 characters on a single Une. A 29 character format will generate 3 Unes per message. Lf the SMDR feature is enabled, the system starts collecting information about the calI as soon as it starts and terminates when the call ends. If the call was longer then 30 seconds, the follom information is printed: 29 character format selected 1 2 3 123456789012345678901234567890 116 08 0O:OZ:OO 14:13 05/11/90 H123456789012345678901234 123456789012 1 2 3 123456789012345678901234567890 AAA BB HH:MM HH:MM MM/DD/YY(CR) (LF) HCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCtCR) (LF) GGGGGGGGGGGGtCR) (LF) 80 character format selected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 STA CO TC)TAL START DATE DIALED ACCOUKT CODE 116 08 00:02:00 14:13 05/11/90 0123456789012345678901234 123456789012 AAA BB K-I:MM:SS HH:I:MM MM/DD/W HCCC,,, PprCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC GGGGGGGGGGGG (CR) (CR) (LF) AAA = Station originator or Trunk on DISA and Off-Net (CO Line) calls. (3OO=APL RAN port) BB = Outside line number HH:MM = Duration of call in Hours and Minutes HH:,Mh4 = Time of day (start time) in Hours and Minutes MM/DD/W = Date of Call H = Indicattis call type ‘I” = hlcolning ‘0’ = outgoing T = Transferred CC....CC = Number dialed GG....GG = Last Account code entered (optional) (CR) = Carriage return (LF) = Line Feed 600-32 Issue 1, January 1992

Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System IlWTALIATION I/ I II;----- BASIC KSU MUUN I INti -.__ -.- -- _ BRACKET% RIBBON CABLES FROM 8ASIC KSU CABLE 1 MOUNTING ’ BRACKETS 1 RIBBON CABLES TO EX;t;SlON I POWER CABLE EXPANSION KSU Figure 600-21 Installing the Expansion KSU Issue 1, January 1992 500-33

Inmite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System SYSTEM CHECKOUT SECTION 600 SYSTEM CHECKOUT 600.1 INTRODUCTION Prior to actual power up and initia&atton. the Key System should be checked over to avoid start up delays or improper loading. A step-by- step checklist is provided for this purpose. 600.2 PRELXLNARY PROCEDURE8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Verify that the DC output power cord fi-om the EPS housing is plugged into the DC connector on the BKSU. Make sure that the BKSU and EPS are properly grounded. The DC/DC Converter must be installed in the KSU and firmly seated in its card connector position. The ON/OFF switches of the EPS housing and the BKSU should be OFF. The breaker switch of the EPS should be ON. Verify that all PCB’s are firmly plugged into the correct color coded card slot posittons. This can be done by comp&ng the color of the PCB ejector tabs with the colored labels on the KSU shelves. The sex-vice switches on the PCB’s should be in the NORMAL (up) positton. Inspect the MDF for shorted wiring and improper polar@ that would affect the Key Telephone or DSS console. All switches on the CPB should be ON so that default data can be loaded into mem- ory when the system is powered up. Make certatn that the lithium battery is connected to the battery (+) terminal on the CPB board. 10Jqake sure that plug-ended MDF cables connected to the KSU are secure and are plugged into the correct position. 600.3 POWER UP SEQUENCE The power up sequence involves the proper application of AC power to the System, moni- torlng DC/DC Converter and CPB LED’s. A successful power up is assured if the installa- tion checklist has been followed. When Sys- tem power is turned on. default data is loaded into memory. 1. ‘l%e eight white DIP switches on the front of th

SYsmM CHECKOUT Infinite 4096 HJrbrid Key Telephone System wte 4096 Power Supply Tests DC/DC CONVEHTER* VOLTAGE VOLTAGE DESIGNATION READING TEST’ POINT LOCATION REMARKS +5 WC +5 WC fl% Front of DC/DC Converter Adjustable on front cover of DC/DC Converter Front of DC/DC Converter ‘The DC/DC Converter is pre-set at the time of manufacturing. but should be checked at system intttalizatlon with a digital volt meter having an accuracy of U%. VOLTAGE DESIGNATION 117VAC +24 WC POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE READING ‘I-EST POINT LOCATION REh4ARKs 117 VAC ?lO% Commercial Power Source If 24V is below 22V or above 29V, check AC +24 VDC tit% DC output terminals power for 117 aeloo/. No adiustments 600-2 Issue 1, January 1992

Infinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRAMMING SECTION700 CUSTOMERDATABASEPROG-G 700.1 IN’IXODUCTION The In$nf& 4096 Key Telephone System can be programmed to meet each customer’s inditid- ual needs. All programming is done at statton 100 using the Enhanced or Executive model Key Telephone as the programming instru- ment. The Executtve model is suggested since the display is designed to assist in program- mQ-Q?- When the program mode is entered, the Key Telephone being used no longer operates as a telephone but as a programming instrument with all of the buttons redefined. The keys of the dial pad are used to enter data fields (Pro- gram Codes) associated with system, station. and CO line features as well as enter specific date that requires a numeric entry. Flexible buttons are used to toggle on or off features or allow entry into specific data fields. LED’s and the LCD display provide visual indication of entered data and their value. Programming can also be performed by using an ASCII tenninai. or a computer capable of emulating an ASCII terminal. This form of programming can be done either locally (on- site) by connecting the terminal directly to the RS232C connector or the CPB or can be per- formed remotely (off-site) by connecting a mo- dem to the RS232C on the CPB. The method and steps to program the system via a terminal are identifiable to that use when programming from a key set. A button to keyboard mapping has been incorporated (see Figure 700-l) to help minimize familiarization and training time. At the time the system is installed it must be initialized to load default data into memory. If this pre-programmin g suits the customer, in- ittalizxtion is all that is needed. Refer to Table 700-l for a listing of all the default values. Any time data is to be changed, the program mode must be entered and then the individual data field (program code). A data field can be entered to determine current programming or to change a specific feature within that field. During programming, the other Key Tele- phones in the System operate normally. If a data field is entered but nothing is changed, or changed but not entered, the previous data will remain intact upon leaving that data field. Data Qelds can be entered at random. In many of the data fields, programming is performed by toggling LED’s on or off, or en- terlng digits on the keypad. If no changes are to be made to the line or station. exit the data field by either leaving the program mode lpressing the ON/OFF button to OFF’) or enter- ing another data field (pressing the FLASH button and entering that program code). When features are being programmed. tones are provided to help the programmer determine if a correct or incorrect entry has been made. A solid one second tone indicates the data was accepted. An interrupted tone means an error was made. When this occurs, re-enter the data field and re-enter the information. Until new data is entered and accepted, the system will continue to operate under default or previously entered values. The system database is updated on a real-time basis as new data is entered, by pressing the Hold button. The system continues to operate with the current data base and is updated with any newly entered or changed data without intenuption to telephone operation or call processing in progress. However, if for exam- ple a station’s attributes are changed while that station is off-hook on an active call. the newly entered data will not take effect until the station goes on-hook or becomes idle. NOZE: Some fkiures must h more than one *fiti P rogmmmedfor thatfeature to work. Wherethfststhecase,UwULbestakdinthe frlstructions. 700.2 PROGRAM MODE ENTRY (Data Termfnal) A data terminal connected to the RS-232C port on the CPB can be used for data base program- ming. When using a data terminal (I/O device) to program the System, press return (enter) on the terminal. enter the password [SMOKIE]. and press return again. Proceed with pro-- ming referring to Figure 700-l for terminal characters that represent the keyset buttons. By entering a [‘?I from the terminal, a HELP screen will appear, similar to that shown in Figure 700-l. Issue 1, January 1992 700-l